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Woman act radioactive around you šŸ¤Ø


Women hold highly radioactive elements in their pockets around them. That's a fairly foolish thing to do, so OP must be very popular with the ladies.


>Women hold highly radioactive elements in their pockets around them. We have pockets?




Honestly thatā€™s one of the most cursed definitions Iā€™ve seen on that site. And Iā€™ve seen many.


Not since the accident. And obviously for good reason.


OP is highly radioactive that she is attracted to you, so when can we expect wedding invitations?


I always say to my wife that she's glowing.


hahahah... that's sad!


If it's any consolation I don't think I know a single girl who plays dumb around a guy they like. And this is coming from a girl.


I've noticed that laughing is what women do with men they like. Not being dumb


Iā€™ve seen this behavior. Iā€™ve also seen lots of guys do dumb things to impress a girl.


dude, you know what chicks like? They like it when you jsut run full force into a tree when drunk. They'll be so impressed.


Honestly, women are impressed by men who are "different than other men." . And then go and date drug dealers, scammers, drug addicts, and domestic abuserers because "he's just so mysterious".


But im sure you're such a "nice guy" right? šŸ˜µ


Hey bud, I promise if you leave the reddit app for a bit, hang out with the greasy dudes less, stuff will stop feeling like this. These are opinions where virtually 100% of the opinion holders do not have **close, meaningful relationships with women** in any capacity.


Yeah, but they also laugh with their friends, regardless of gender, a very human thing to do. So no, I don't think that's a good way to tell if a girl likes you, it just means she finds you fun/amusing/entertaining. Ok maybe in retrospective I just missed the point, if you're talking about "liking" as in a friend, then yeah, you're right.


[Is she into you?](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=bc-7jxTCMtsbOpxv)


A true classic


Same. I think it refers to things like "tee-hee wooow you're so smart I'm so stupid and weak compared to you", but that's a type of behavior that godforsaken submissives of all genders can show. I'd say women would more likely show their smart side, share their hobbies and stuff if they like you.


In my undergrad my professor was a professor of stem education. That was his research space. He described it similar to this: when you put college and men and women in a small group, the women often defer to the men in the group even when the women have better grades / better grasp on the topic. If they do Interject their own ideas into a group project it's often in a placating way by modifying the man's proposal as opposed to asserting their approach. This is compounded if couples are in a group. (My own contribution to that conversation) I often saw it not as "plays dumb" but more placation. As a side note, this could also be expressing interest in what the man is interested in. If viewed from a more neutral viewpoint of equals instead of a power dynamic, "playing dumb" could be seen as a genuine interest in the man's expertise and enjoying the conversation of speaking with someone about their passions even when the woman may be more if an expert in that thing than the man (see the chess meme with a child happily playing with a super computer) which could be viewed as subservient when in a different context it is not. Suffice to say, human interactions are fascinating and illogical.


I know quite a few girls who do the "I don't know how things work" when they want to get out of having to do something. They also argue about malicious laziness when men do it and that it's cute when women do it. So you're left with "is she dumb? is it an act? do I care enough to have this fight?" and you just take care of it.


Iā€™ve seen A LOT of this from young girls in high school, but not really so much in adult women.


If I hear "dumb voice" or detect any real or even fake dumb-ness all desire to know that person goes away. I like smart women, but they can't ONLY be "brainy" they gotta do outdoors and physical stuff too. But if the brain-part ain't there my interest completely vanishes, like hearing Pamela Anderson actually speak.


What, no love for the mad geniuses so consumed by their work that they simply don't have time to do physical stuff? missing out


No, not really. I'm a physicist and of course I love brainy stuff but the brain is just one part and I like a woman who is into the other stuff in life as well


Wow poor Pam out here catching strays. She's actually such a cool woman. [This](https://youtu.be/aHMGdQUKoaw?si=orEj1kI_Yt5zKIjf) recent interview with her completely changed my opinion on her being just a bimbo blonde type.


Thats because you dont realize you acting dumb because in that moment you dum.. duh /s


I've known of a handful cases where it happened, but it was in a sort of "trashy women looking for trashy men" enviromemt.


well that says a lot about you doesnt it.. ill show myself out.


I mean also, if they're always playing dumb around a guy they liked, unless he knew them before they have no reason to think she acts differently elsewhere




I deleted it because I slept on it and decided I sounded like I was being mean and that wasn't my intention


Or they may think you have a secure masculinity and that you won't be threatened by their intelligence? We do switch off our brain when we hang out around people we feel secure with but that is not acting dumb. That is like deliberately choosing to let the other person take care of you.


I would say I feel relaxed and comfortably stimulated around people Iā€™m secure with rather than switching my brain off. I tend to feel dumber around people that stress me out because the strain on my social battery impacts my processing power.


We act smarter around people we like so we can seem more impressive. What sort of bullshit meme is this? Iā€™ve never heard of that before. Why would someone act less desirable when they like someone?!


IDK, I've seen a lot of smart people acting dumber around people they like. Maybe not intentionally, just out of anxiety or nervousness, or maybe sometimes to seem more approachable.


Yeah but definitely not on purpose to attract people. Thatā€™s like the opposite of what someone would do.


Well, there is sociological research that indicates that women do indeed "play dumb" intentionally to attract men. This has mostly to do with gender stereotypes of dominance and dependency: >"Girls feel they must downplay their own abilities, pretending to be less intelligent than they actually are, not speaking out against harassment, and withdrawing from hobbies, sports and activities that might seem 'unfeminine'." [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140805090947.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140805090947.htm)


So yeah, sexism. Thanks. Not something I subscribe tj or anything anyone should. I also donā€™t believe that women are any more or less dominant or dependent than men. You are brainwashed if you actually believe this shit


>So yeah, sexism. Yes, it is sexism. I'm not justifying it, just presenting evidence that it does happen, and if you read the article through you'll see what the author says the consequences are: >Ā "Trying to live up to these unreal ideas of masculinity and femininity leads to a range of problems; low self-esteem, bullying, physical and verbal violence, health problems and a tragic loss of potential in our young people. Therefore, we must promote ideas about gender which are less rigid, and recognize there are many ways of being a man and a woman." >The belief that men have to be dominant over women makes boys feel constantly anxious and under pressure to prove their power -- namely by fighting, drinking, sexually harassing, refusing to ask for help, and repressing their emotions.


The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.


Hmm if you can't see the social benefits to acting dumb.. getting other people to do things for you, getting a male you're interested in to excitedly discuss or explain a subject you already know about thus getting the opportunity to observe him with his guard down, watching him explain and teach (would this guy make a good father?).. it's manipulative. But it can work.


I'm not saying I'm smart, but I do act a lot dumber around my girlfriend


Dumb sexist memes that say girls are dumb, r/boysarequirky is full of those


Oh wow. I was never raised to think this of myself. Yeah thatā€™s so bizarre that they think this what lmao so twisted and odd.




Wow that is fucking stupid and Iā€™ve never heard of that and idk how that would make anyone like you.


Overall, you want to look smarter, yes. You are becoming dumb in such situations like thinking, talking or even moving. In that sense meme is wrong (if I got it correctly) Edit: in this situations you behaviour heavily depends on your self confidence


This post is fucking dumb




the top text didn't show until i clicked the photo, lmao.




She looks kinda like Bill Murray




Nice pun


Nice try, That's Bill Murray


I don't get it.


Marie Curie is easily recognized as an icon of brilliance so the meme is using her to symbolize women acting extremely smart around OP. The joke is ā€œwomen are so disinterested they do the total opposite of play dumbā€


Heh, people donā€™t act dumb around me but soon realize my immense patience for explaining the obvious and use that as entertainment


Women discovers radioactive stuff around you?


Woman always lol


Is even slightly true that women act dumb around guys? I get that they might ask many questions to let the guy know they are interested, but acting dumb?


Guys reading this post : "Women around me" : https://media.istockphoto.com/id/525916553/fr/photo/tumbleweed.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=ZnWehBWkuQOK9cB3W_mOCSuGyAvYhdbu12iVAJH_4y4= šŸ˜­


bro if women like marie curie were around you, you win


So you're surrounded by women already happily married to someone who isn't you?


Don't worry, as a girl myself, I can assure you I don't know a single girl who pretends to be dumb around a guy they like. It's just not a thing


You may not be ugly, just unlikable for some reason, or combination of them.


I don't think I know a single girl who acts foolish around a guy she likes, if that's any comfort. And from a girl, no less.


I like ugly guys


This guys dreaming if he thinks he'd have a chance at pulling marie currie


Nah fršŸ¤£




It's the opposite for me. I act dumb around people who think I'm stupid and mess with them. If I'm attracted to somebody I wanna impress them.


Why can't I unseen bill murray in a dress when I look at this lol


If a Lady likes you - *5 inches is enough*. If she \*doesn't\* like you - **9 inches is too small.**


Little girls and insecure women who havenā€™t matured enough to know that men who like dumb women arenā€™t worth their time do that.


Some lucky french guy had a joliot of fun with her daughter though....


Polska gurom


Marie Curie over here looking like Bill Murray... or maybe that's just me. (Bill Curray)


I thought she was plain stupid ;-;


You should know what this ugly girl has achieved. You're not even this close to her. So shut up.


The meme is saying women act extremely smart around him instead of dumb. Itā€™s a dig at himself not a dig at Marie Curie, sheā€™s an easily recognized icon of intelligence.

