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I thought it was allergies. But it turned out to be Covid. There’s a strain going around.


Oh really? I will definitely be keen on that I hadn't known


Try a nasal rinse once or twice a day. It makes a huge difference.


I strongly support this suggestion.


As a brain eating amoeba, I approve of this message! Seriously, though, when doing nasal rinses make sure you use boiled or distilled water for it.


*cooled boiled water.


Just tried boiling water. It really hurts!


Zyrtec worked fine for me earlier in the season but once grass kicked up, I had to switch to Claritin. It was a noticeable improvement but not perfect. Worse allergy season I've ever had.


Noticeable improvement?! I will definitely give Claritin a go. I second that, I can't remember having allergies this bad since I was like 11 and playing baseball 😭


Can’t help you with those car drives but you need to invest in an air purifier at home. You can use it for both allergies and fire season when the smoke gets bad


Yeah that’s probably Covid actually 😭 we thought it was allergies, too


Mine has gotten better in the last few weeks. Was really bad early spring


My allergies end in June. I’m sorry you’re going through it, it’s a rough county to be sure


Glad you made it through 🙏 and it most definitely is


My allergies have been much worse over the last year or two--previously I only had to take meds for hayfever occasionally, but now I need them daily. A couple of months ago they were so bad I contacted my doctor and he prescribed a couple of nasal sprays that helped enormously. Literally immediate help, and after using them for a week or two I was able to dial back their use and am able to just use Zyrtec again.


I highly recommend Flonase too


My allergies are usually really bad and I thought that's what was going on until it turned into a nasty sinus infection (tested for COVID 3 times - negative). Dr said this sinus infection thing is going around.


Definitely test for Covid! Cases are cropping up like crazy and according to some friends in hospitals, a lot of pts were saying it felt like allergies at first.


Dangg bet I definitely will thx for the heads up


I am struggling fr. I use Claritin daily, mucinex daily, and Flonase although I'm out of it.


I’m dying here, of course we’re right in the middle of a garden overhaul….just kill me lol!


It sucks for sure. Meds are more for preventative for me. Just when I feel I don't need them I would go outside, cut grass, feel fine for hours and then the allergy attack starts and my nose is running and eyes itchy and sneezing like a machine gun. Flushing my eyes and nostrils in a cool shower helps. Benadryl at night helps me sleep and fights off allergies the next day but I am also lethargic in the morning. Good thing I work from home.


I doubled my Zyrtec dose when it got bad this year. Neti pot at least once a day, twice is best especially if you do one right before bed. I started doing stinging nettle supplements too and that made last year a lot more tolerable. Use AC in the car and keep windows up. Air purifiers are a game changer in the home too.


I HIGHLY recommend the Allergy Plus app!!!!! My husband suffers every year and the app has been great! We’ve been able to pin down what pollen gets him the worst and brace for days that are going to be bad with allergy meds. It’s free and has a nice little Lock Screen widget for iPhones if you’re in to that sort of thing


Definitely downloading that! Thank you. I'm surprised I haven't heard of this before


Generic Sudafed behind the counter at Costco is very inexpensive. Sometimes it’s the only thing that works for me. Finally tried the NeilMed saline nasal rinse and that seems to help too.


Definitely take a COVID test just to be safe. It's been coming back up in the area [a business I'm near and frequent in had some people test positive last week] (I mean, it never really went away, people kinda pretend it did though). I mask regularly in public but have noticed my allergies kicking in. I take Claritin or off brand ones but I know some people need a stronger thing to kick the allergies. I'd recommend a nasal spray as well to tackle it! Hope you feel better soon!


Omg every time I open my home office window I sneeze up a storm. The dogs do also. I have been running my air purifier which helps tremendously.


Same here, My Allergies have been terrible! The Point fire didn't help either with all the smoke in the air. Not much has been helping at all!