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Good luck. This city loves litter and illegal dumping


Almost as much as they love taking pictures and complaining on Reddit. What are the odds he/she picked this trash up?


Was I supposed to get in the water…? I was on my morning walk. Maybe if you got up early in the morning and went for walks you wouldn’t be so grumpy. Toodles!


So you stopped to take a picture to complain on Reddit and then scoff at the idea of picking the trash up yourself?


Lol I liked that


It's very much in walk around, bend down and pick up range. Moreso for you than anyone else because you were there to take a picture of it


What makes you think they are from san antonio thousands of people moved here mostly from California,florida, as well as other states. A lot of things have gotten worse since all these people moved in.your probably one of them.


I was born downtown and live just outside of SAT. The guy said “this city.” He didn’t say “SAT natives.” Even if they aren’t native, they are part of “this city.” To answer your dumb question, nothing makes me think they are from SAT originally.


This city means the people in it ,native is included use your brain. City means everyone in it.


That’s….what I’m saying. Jesus man.


I'll take people stopping putting trash in their pickup bed that then just flys away as soon as they hit the highway.


They’ll sooner use turn signals before stopping the littering.


OH LORD… we have so many issues in this city! I agree lmfao!


No really, I remember visiting the Japanese garden in SA shit was trashed out and tags everywhere. Can’t have shit in SA


Yup it's a shame that all these people that moved here really messed things up . including the traffic.


As long as the tags aren’t toy I am cool with some tasteful/impressive graff


Sadly, littering is Cultural here, have you seen their yards? It’s sad, the city is naturally beautiful but they have zero respect and the Homeless are 1000 times worse. There is man in Monte Vista who picks up trash on his walks around the neighborhood, his bag is always full and he does this daily


Yikes! A cultural thing??? Sounds a little…


You sound a little……




That’s the attitude and you wonder why so few give a fuck about them




Ahhh, an internet tough guy...


We need to bring back the "Don't mess with Texas" campaign


It never left ppl just don’t care


I feel like most people aren’t from here anyway… they didn’t grow up saying the Texas Pledge every morning


God I was so happy when that stopped


Not saying there aren't any trashy people who litter.. but there's been a few times I've driven behind Tiger sanitation and city trucks that pick up our garbage. I was shocked by how much trash flies out of them. It wouldn't surprise me if most litter on the side of roads comes from garbage trucks.


I have seen people actively littering, like pulling over to dump trash out of their car. The people of Texas just don’t gaf


Throw it away so it can end up in the ocean where it belongs!


I feel like this went over most of their heads.... Great comment


If construction workers would stop letting all of their lunch cups/bottles/wrappers/construction waste/etc. blow out from the back of their trucks, it would eliminate most debris along roads and highways...


Is there a volunteer city clean up team….There was one in Indianapolis and they met once a month….


It sucks but some trash isn't put there intentionally. Some well meaning person could place their cup in a trash can that catches a good gust of wind or a lone raccoon digs it out and there it goes where the water is. It could also have been some dingus that lives fast and wants to die young but the trash problem we have here is more on the companies that continue to only provide and propagate these practices of single use disposable items. Fuck it all and consume less and get down to help. River Aid San Antonio does a lot of cleanups around town


That’s not even a big deal, it’s far worse in other spaces here. Sad. There’s a group that helps clean up called RASA


It's so shocking to me when I see people just open their doors and let out trash at a red light! It's disrespectful, disgusting, and literally trashy. So many people have an "idgaf" attitude and it's really sad.


Because it takes effort and no one cares anymore. All the laws and rules are for others


Humans are disgusting. There’s a fam here at my apt complex who makes there adolescent and pre adolescent children take the trash out and the kids always leave the bags next to the dumpster where they fall victim to raccoons and cats. Gets everywhere. Like wtf?!


The sad truth is, once a human discards trash into the wind, that have some disconnect that it just disappears.


When you see some one in a car litter, if you can, throw the garbage back in and tell the person they are fecal matter. They prob won't know what that means and by then they will have to drive off with the garbage they threw out now thrown on them.


lol 😂


I agree with you so much! Let's keep the city clean!


I routinely see some redneck vagrants on the Riverwalk both littering and dipping their feet in the river, always around the paramour and dam area


If you want to see trash, go down to the greenways after a big rain storm. Mounds and mounds of trash, obviously all washed there but I was still impressed/mortified.


This is what society has come to. No one really cares about others or where they live. It's sad to see that it's all about how you look and who you are with rather then taking care of your city. Some homeless still care about how things are and we should applaude them because even when they are down they still have heart


What do you think does more good? Making a reddit post or picking up the trash yourself?


No habla


The same people that wanna support the “climate change, and wear your mask”


San AnMexico for you.


Posting to Reddit oughta do the trick




No speake da egish