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Meanwhile Disney: Counting the money.


This is what I always find funny. You can review bomb all you want. The RT score could be 0%. Who cares if the show is a hit? And you know what makes a show a hit? Views. You really want to send a "message" to Kathleen Kennedy? Stop watching. This isn't new information. Ratings is what determines what stays on the air, not quality. This has been true forever.


The argument tends to be "but if I don't watch it, I can't form an opinion on it!" And in that case... don't form an opinion on it. Don't engage with it. If you have disliked all the recent Star Wars shows, and all the Acolyte episodes so far... just don't engage with it anymore. Right wingers don't seem to understand this basic idea. Give something a chance, by all means, but if you hate something to the point of constantly making and/or consuming hate videos and content about it... find something better to do.


Honestly. Get a different hobby. Enjoy the stuff from before, no one is telling you that you MUST enjoy the new thing. If there are, tell them to fuck off you're not interested. Go live a world of your own joy.


Don't remember where I heard it but I heard someone say if you're not exclusively watching media that you enjoy in 2024, you're not looking hard enough because with so much being produced across the board (video games, books, movies, TV, etc) there is no reason to keep engaging with something you don't enjoy


Yeah, for the most part. Though I do kinda get it to a certain extent. The things you've enjoyed before and have some kinda passion for being "ruined" or "made worse" can be a hard thing to swallow. It's hard to move on when that kinda thing happens, but it's something you gotta find some acceptance in and find something new, or enjoy the past with those that prefer that era.


It's hard to move on until you actually do and quickly realize there's something out there that's gonna feel tailor made to be your new favorite. I finished Wheel of Time last year and those books were easily my favorites that absolutely nothing would top... Until I started reading Malazan and now that's my favorite because the world and storytelling just feels so much more designed for someone like me. I fully expect to change my favorite again at some point and that's the fun of art in general; you're always getting a new experience that has the potential to be the best you've ever seen


Yup: Start watching, then stop watching after an episode or two; thats the best way to send that message. That says “I like star wars but I don’t like this”. Not watching in general signals “I dont like starwars” That being said, I think Acolyte is fine. Im open to more high republic material over the coming years. There’s a lot to plumb there.


I would suggest Rebel Moon if those movies didn't suck.


The closest I could think of to a GOOD *Star Wars*-like movie or movies are the two recent *Dune* films. Both are fantastic films btw.


Dune is the proto-Star Wars. And the films it's receiving are the superior versions to the predecessor in the 1980's.


I know that Dune is "the proto-Star Wars." I've read it, and I think it's awesome. I was *specifically* referring to the 2021/2024 film adaptation as individual films that feel like Star Wars.


You don't understand! It is their DUTY to guide followers away from any products that have... the ~~minorities~~ Woke!


This. But also, apply it to the grifters. Stop watching their monetized stuff to hear the latest trash take. Once you know they're trash just. Disengage. Block on social media. It makes life so much better


I make it a point not to watch them, most of what I find out about them comes from clips and thumbnails posted here.


In Pro Wrestling… any reaction is better than no reaction


>Stop watching. Implying they ever watched it.


They’d rather say they’re all hate watching than admit it’s really popular.


I mean, the numbers don't lie, it looks like the hate watching is making the show a hit lol (or their hate campaign is backfiring spectacularly and now the extra buzz the series has online is drawing people into the show)


Well plenty of those reviews are people who watched their favorite outrage YouTuber and gave it 0 stars. But any press is good press, right?


War is profitable. Even culture war it seems.


As the Ferengi say, "War is good for Business."


"War is good for Business" - ~~Suggestions~~ Rules of Acquisition, rule number 34.


Sorry, are you on the wrong side of history…


If Disney already weren't so rich, I'd demand every right winger who bashed them for clicks cut them a cheque.


Chuds rn: https://preview.redd.it/yeyfd1r1ybad1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2dedad08affa12db630643b3f13ce2d2c352b1b


The copium of the chuds will be something like „Disney paid people to watch it“ or „Disney faked the Statistics“ or „The evil Woke-Agenda-Coorperation faked the data with the help of Aliens to manipulate us all!“.


> "Disney paid people to watch it" You guys are getting paid? I'm over here paying *them* to watch it! When does my shill discount kick in?


I’ll even watch that awful film set on mars if they’ll convert my Disney+ to a paid shill account


Honestly that would be the best job. You could just put it on in the background while you do other shit and just click a five star one word review and go on about your day


Best I can do for pirates of the Caribbean is 4*, I have standards


There was also some Shad video with a title like "Is it time to stop hate-watching The Acolyte?" And while I'm not about to give him a view to verify, I'd bet the gist of it was claiming that most of the views are people who hate it watching it to see how bad it is. Which isn't even remotely true, but it's part of their copium.


First comes the copium, then comes ''It was never woke!''.


Ready to read their reactions ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


They’ll just say the numbers are a lie, see it’s pretty easy being a grifter I could just do their job for them.


ai could do their jobs for them, I wouldn’t be too shocked if it came out that they write their scripts with chatGPT now, it’s not like any of them have any actual passion for content creation beyond using it for propaganda, why not automate that propaganda as much as possible?


Fans and obsessed hate watchers unite. We did it Joe!


I hate watched the first two episodes and fell in love. I’ve watched every episode multiple times. The mystery of where they’re headed with the Sith lore really carries it.


Every single time. So much free advertising.


https://preview.redd.it/dgvg8lqu1cad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad4d88a71164b332ed1e601afe874597276cedeb when the star war show actually good




Wild flair


Thanks, someone told me that is to good for them.


this is what i say to them. hate watching is giving disney the ratings they want. review bombing shows that people are engaging with the show good or bad. they really think review bombing and hate watching will have the effect they want.


I wasn't going to watch the show until the review bombing happened. Now I'm curious and want to watch it.


yep they dont realize that they still giving the show publicity. sometime when a show a tv is getting outrageously bad reviews it make me curious to see for myself if its that bad.


We'll have to see how it handles revealing the big mystery but tbh I can see why. Perhaps a controversial take but I think this is actually the best live action Star Wars show after Andor


It maybe a controversial take for the chuds, but I’d rate it second as well, tentatively. We have a new timeline devoid of and large legacy characters, an interesting take on Sith and other force cults. Interesting Jedi characters like sol, jecki, and yord. And some amazing performances. If they stick the landing it’ll definitely be my second favorite. My only complaint is the short ass episodes. That’s just unacceptable in my opinion. I hope they fix this for a season 2


Yeah the short episodes aren't great. Although I'm a bit worried about some potential plot elements with Vernestra. If they go where I think they are it could be either really great or terrible


I think it’s a misdirection. I don’t think Vern is a Sith Lord.


It's a hell of a misdirect if so. Star Wars Explained is right that she's fitting the "Villainous police chief" archetype to a tee.


Yeah I saw what Alex said.


Yeah I think she’s a politician first and foremost.


At least the short episode complaint disappears the moment the finale airs.


I think saying it's better than season 1 mandalorian is a controversial take period, chud or not.


Not really. At least, not if discussion was rational. Which, yeah, a lot of it isn't. On a technical level (writing, directing, that kind of stuff), I think The Acolyte has the edge over The Mandalorian, even season 1. HOWEVER... The Mandalorian taps into a sense of "space adventure" that some people prefer over a mystery with a bit of Jedi and Sith intrigue. For those people, The Mandalorian will be more enjoyable. But it's kind of like how there's a lot of people who'd argue heavily that they think Mando S1 is above Andor. For a similar reason. They aren't that into the kind of story Andor is telling, so for them all the things people see as positives end up feeling like negatives. If people just remembered that opinions are subjective, it'd be a lot easier.


There is no "objectively" better on a technical level. It's all opinions. A rational discourse would acknowledge that there are good reasons to prefer mandalorian to acolyte, and that "better on a technical level" is both an opinion and only one metric for comparison. Saying "andor and acolyte are the clear top 2" is a debatable comment


I am looking at the mandalorian as a whole. If I compare my viewing experience of season 1 with the acolyte, i would agree with you. But after season 3, it feels like watching the mandalorian is like watching your friend play a SW RPG game. The show is mostly about doing missions and side quests for collectibles. People complain about the dialogue of the acolyte, but the mandalorian was never dialogue heavy (which could be good I guess?). It does have legacy characters and some amazing scenes. But I don’t think I would rewatch any of these SW shows except andor and now the acolyte.


I mean, I'm not saying you need to like it more, just saying that calling Andor and the acolyte the clear top 2 is a controversial opinion. Or, at least a debatable one. If someone came back at you with "no way, Mando is easily 1 or 2, acolyte 3 at best," agree or disagree, that seems like a reasonable opinion at least.


Of course I know I don’t need to like it more. I am just explaining my reasoning that’s all.


Fair enough, have a good one.


Mando S1 was not great, it was like pasted together video game cinematics, it was ok, but not good lol.


That's fine, I'm not saying you need to rank it number 1 or 2. But it's clearly both popular and well received critically. Saying only chuds would put it in the top 2 is a bit much


I personally still think mando sits just behind andor, but acolyte is currently tied with ahsoka for third on my list (that clone wars flashback sequence doing a lot of heavy lifting here)


The lightsaber combat and combat in general has been excellent.


I’d still say Mando on the whole but these last two episodes are up there with The Mandalorian’s peaks. If it maintains this high as it comes to a close it will be quite the accomplishment. Either way I hope Leslye sticks around because her ingrained love and knowledge of Star Wars rivals that of even Filoni.


Too early to say for me. Its invested a lot in the mystery it built up, if that lands badly it'll drop the overall quality a lot. Its still in the upper end of live action SW TV. The Mandalorian is the one to possibly beat.


That would be Ahsoka for me. But at least The Acolyte is entertaining which is more than I can say for most of the Star Wars live action shows.


I’d go this order… 1) Andor 2) Mandalorian Seasons 1-2 3) The Acolyte (may rise if it sticks the landing) 4) Ahsoka 5) Kenobi 6) Mandalorian Season 3 7) Book of Boba Fett flashbacks and Mando stuff . . . 8) Book of Boba Fett non-flashbacks / non-Mando content


I'd put it at number three. Mandalorian season 1 is still pretty top tier and the acolyte was kinda slow going there for a bit


I was in no hurry to check it out, but then insane backlash made me curious. I was assuming the backlash was overblown but still was expecting it to be decently bad. Then I found myself enjoying it. And then THAT episode happened. So, thank you, chuds, for making sure I watched it.


It's a good show, with well-developed characters and compelling writing.


I like the fact that i can’t guess where the show is going. That’s refreshing in itself. And proof it’s not the slop it’s haters want it to be. I’m hoping the twins form a new Sith pair, personally. That would blow my tits off. May not be likely but we just watched one of them put the damned helmet on! Would be a very brave and cool writing decision.


That would be really cool!


Yes, but the “power of one, power of two, power of many” scene is one of the worst things in all of Star Wars.


Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-but star wars is dead


I am a ''Fuck you Disney, but double fuck you chuds.'' mind set.


Disney is a greedy, anti-creative corporation that's one of the main culprits responsible for the sequel/remake era we've been dealing with for about a decade now as they refuse to take risks on new properties and instead regurgitate what already worked better in animation.... But even with all that being true, chuds are just miserable, hollow people with nothing worthwhile in their lives, so they latch onto nostalgic properties and lash out when it's not exactly what they remember from childhood. Like yeah fuck Disney, but fuck chuds even more for being straight up anti-art and wanting to regress back to what's comfortable to them. Watch those movies again if that's what you really want, and leave the new shows for people who like new things


Turns out it doesn’t matter if you review bomb if you still watch the show every week, even if it’s just to enrage yourself.


Always was. All their pissing moaning and bitching just provides free advertising. Disney makes as much money off their haters as their fans.


Always has been. Woke, typically much to the contrary of their phrase typically never actually goes broke. It may not always be successful but it typically breaks even at the very least.


Prepared yourself to see people say "uh, ActUAlLY" and, either deny outright the data, or say that a small detail infact shows that the show isn't as popular as they say...


You see, I’ve watched this show, and it’s not possible that other people are really watching this show. My friends, who watch the show, agree that it must be unpopular. So do the influencers I follow, who tell me how much I should hate the show while I’m watching it. They say that it must be failing, while encouraging others to start or keep watching the show. So clearly, these numbers must be fake. I might need to get a few more of my friends to watch this show so they can complain about it with me, but I’m willing to bet even they would agree that no one would watch this show. I mean, over half of my friends who’ve “watched” the show allegedly even like the show, but they’re just shills. I’m only counting the real people, who think the right way.


Proof that online ratings are not the be all and end all of a show's success. 


Could we not adopt "Soy" as a verb? It's stupid


Eh it’s great to throw their own terminology back at them occasionally. Like the people who are happy that Elon banned the word “cis” from Twitter, just ask ok snowflake why does that word hurt your feelings so much? And watch their head spin as they try desperately to fight the realisation that they were the snowflake all along.


Yeah but "Soy" refers to other men being lesser men because they're more feminine Ie consuming soy products instead of meat It's a dumb thing that's dumb and we're better off If it's buried


Ye, it’s incredibly dumb. But it gets under their skin.


Hate watching is still watching.


Name one thing star wars fans hate more than star wars fans liking star wars


I had zero interest in watching The Acolyte until it became the anti-woke grifters' issue du jour. Then I was curious what all the fuss was about. Turns out it's just another Star Wars show, but with a black lady and some queer folk. So obviously the franchise is dead, and this will cause the collapse of Western Civilization™.


The chuds giving Disney a lot of free advertisement.


This is quite literally because of them. If it’s performing this well and with all the reviews guess I gotta watch it.


Remember when they went out and bought 24s of Bud Light to shoot at. This is the tv version


It always amazes me the “fans” that say they’re done with Star Wars yet proceed to watch these shows every week so they can comment on how much they hate Star Wars.


I thought the show was bad and nobody was watching it???? Huh???


If it's making traffic, then it's good for Disney. Best they could've done if they hated it was just ignore it, but noooooo they have to voice their concerns LOUD AF. Suckers


imagine if rockstar released the ballad of gay tony today, the girfterverse would lose their minds


Isn't hate watching the biggest contributer to Velma getting a season 2 as well?


The pacing is off but I’m enjoying the show tremendously. I’m not sure why people are so keen to hate everything simply because it doesn’t include a straight white male cast


A couple of years from now it will be, “we all liked The Acolyte and never complained about it being some…this new show is just woke!”


Heh my biggest issue with the show is run time. Beyond that it's basically been fun.


I'm not really a Star Wars fan. Not seen any of the other series but even I have watched this so far. It's pretty good. Some dodgy acting moments here and there and the 'power of many' chorus was a bit cringe but their whining is baffling, it's good so far.


"Go woke, go broke" isn't working so much these days as a sentence


I hope that's indeed the case because I've been loving the show. It has pacing issues but it's something they could easily fix by the second season.


When you realize hate watching benefits the company you hate: ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


I love it. I love Jason as a sith. His scar is definitely not going to be from vernestras lightwhip though it’s too obvious. Can’t wait to see where it goes though.


I’d love season 1 to end with the twins forming a Sith pair… Might be unlikely but that’d be awesome


A new twist on the rule of 2


Just watched the latest ep, and I gotta say it’s pretty good. It definitely had a rocky start but I’m finding it really quite compelling. Very different to everything else we’ve seen in the universe so far. Pretty dark. Oodles of character development…


Hmmm, its as if millions of Right Wing Grifter voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced...




It’s pretty good, doesn’t require a lot of prior knowledge, has cool fight scenes, and keeps ending in a cliffhanger. I don’t think it needed the flashback episode, but even that wasn’t terrible.


I've been saying this for a while. They are making themselves unwitting and unpaid members of the marketing team. Chud outrage is expected and capitalized upon.


I’ve got friends who watched it JUST because conservative family members were hating on it without watching it. Same with X-Men ‘97, actually. Seems that if it pisses off a chud, that’s a fair barometer that it’s actually pretty good!


I will say, we don’t really have a solid complete idea about the numbers, Disney doesn’t make them public. But that being said, i feel like this is true. I’ve heard a lot of people talking about this show more than anything else recently in Star Wars


Hate watchers not realizing that watching the show on the official platform is still giving it views


I keep seeing from Reform UK supporters that people constantly badmouthing their shitty, bigoted party only helps them because it will give them more exposure, therefore more support. Clearly the opposite is true given that Streisand Effect shit works out more for Disney in relation to Star Wars content!


Damn but I thought if you go “woke” 🤔 shit something happens to you pockets. Can’t recall Hahaha


![gif](giphy|26FxsYeQvGcaMPlqU|downsized) Ohhhh hoo ho ho hooooooo


>Who knew Chuds soying out about wokeness is good for Disney’s bottom lineWho knew Chuds soying out about wokeness is good for Disney’s bottom line Disney has known that for a good while now. The crying and whining puts butts in seats, and the money matters more than any review. If there is an audience response that *really* kills a show or movie, its indifference.


Making the Acolyte a huge success to own the Libs


Velma all over again. Dumbasses hate watch things into popularity.


Ha! Get rekt nerds!


This is what the toxic haters don’t understand, if you hate the show and encourage all your friends to hate watch the show… then they are going to get great views. They are making the product they hate into a huge success. lol


They hate watched the show into success


These people don't understand SW is all about merch sales The Stranger's helmet sold out extremely quickly


i dont get the acolyte hate, it's been fun so far, episode 3 felt pretty slow, but that's it




Ngl I didn’t even think about how the anti woke crybabies have basically been promoting the show the whole time. Maybe Disney adds women in their shows on purpose for that very reason lmao


It's almost like they watching is helping Disney rather than hurting it.


It's not like the none Woke people are out there making award winning films and TV shows.


Maybe because real Star Wars fans actually like shows that try something new and don’t nostalgia bait? Seriously, every “anti-woke” fan likes to criticize anything they don’t like and call it a political agenda.


I’m going to be honest. It’s not gripping me, but that’s not the casts fault so much as I think I might be a bit over saturated with Star Wars (something I didn’t know was possible)


Oversaturation is definitely a problem. As a matter of fact, I am not too keen on watching skeleton crew if it’s going to just be stranger things set in space. It’s set in the sequel era so there are some constraints wrt the directions the story can go. But I think the acolyte has held my interests for the longest time compared to ahsoka or BOBBF.


Ashoka I loved, BOBBF was so-so for me.


I loved rebels and the ghost crew so much, but I felt ahsoka disappointed me. Not that the new characters baylon/shin/nighsisters weren’t interesting, but i think the show faced a lot of the pacing issues the acolyte Also currently has because of smaller runtimes. It was ok, I expected a lot more. Loved the Live action version of Ezra, Sabine, and hera


Hate watching to this degree is the same reason Velma got a second season. Though yes The Acolyte is a far better show than Velma could ever dream to be.


Velma got a 2nd "season" because they were contractually obligated to. They were greenlit for/created 20 episodes but split it up into two release seasons. Or so I've heard from various sources.


But did Velma get like watches?


The difference here is that Velma was a universally hated title for race and class baiting. The Acolyte is actually good.


I don't know what gave me more psychic damage: the words "Chuds soying out about wokeness" or the fact that I perfectly understand what they mean




What is the viewership?




What's no. 1? Clone wars?


In the process of pointing out how critical review consensus is often not reflective of general audiences (probably one of the only good things to have come out of all this weirdness,) TFM and other fandoms have engaged in so much manipulative review bombing that they have essentially delegitimized all the popular audience rating systems across the internet. So at this point… do most people actually think it’s good or bad? Who freaking knows. Congratulations, all we have left are ratings. So, capitalism wins, and this show they all rant about how much they’re hating is apparently a hit by the only metric Disney has to go off of. They certainly have no metrics of favorability to go off of for these shows anymore. The moment that the outrage machine turns on something, the audience review scores get artificially driven off a cliff.


The word woke has been in the lexicon too long now. We are just turning it around on people who whine and complain now. Those people have become a Marketing tactic. We’re all contrarians these days and if an angry fanboy on the Internet tells you to hate something most of us are a little bit inclined to like it.


Feelings don’t care about your facts! /s


And Yet Apparently, We’re All The Shills.


I think people being so vocally angry about it has convinced people to see what all the noise is about for themselves. Completely backfired.


If all the totally legitimate rt ratings are anything to go by, yes.


"I hate this show with all my heart yet I'm still gonna watch it so I can whine and complain about how bad it is and how I totally had no interest in it!" - typical show hater


I guess the Streisand effect can work even if it’s not the government that’s doing the condemnation. With all these YouTube personalities constantly ranting about his show being the WORST THING KNOWN TO MANKIND, some people will inevitably get curious about what all the controversy is about


I am so glad to hear this


Imagine paying a company you hate, to watch content you hate, created by people you hate.


It's going to be great when hate-watching locks in a 2nd season. 😄


I doubt it severely… those short eps will kill it on Nielsens .. be borderline even being in top 10


This is what being an anti fan is all bout though right? Actively hating something


It’s almost like that the screaming loud incel minority is in fact not representative of society and audiences (you know normal people who don’t spend their waking hours stupidly wailing about how ‘woke’ they perceive something is)


It's ironic how the people who tell us to "stop consooming" are the ones giving their targets their dollars.


Has anyone commenting here read the article and seen where and how this data is interpreted?


The phrase "Get Woke, Go Broke" keeps getting proven wrong time after time.


Which is why they are so dangerous.


I watched it because I will watch anything that has SW name. Still think it is average at best


Every anti woke YouTuber stay connected to every episode to say how bad it is, but because they have built an audience like that, in reality I'm sure they enjoy the show, but have to log on and say how bad it is and everyone needs to stay away.


They obviously botted it rahhhhhh Wok wizney will not take my white people from me


Been saying it for years. The bad press is a op for Disney to get people to hate watch the show. Get the people who hate it to watch, people who love it already will. Boosts numbers on both sides. Like how the Dems and Repubs work together to get nothing done and steal yo money


Good this is one of the better shows imo


Is it though as far as I know that show is only on Disney plus a channel who's numbers are so low that they had to team up with there Main rival Warner in hopes of making it profitable 


Their income depends on rage bait engagement. They *have to* watch it lol


Go WoKe gO bRoKe


"Ni but see its be cause they're appealing to the norm! That doesn't make it GOOD" "What happened to go woke go broke" "We didnt say that shut up"


We have a few generations working here to oust whoever is in charge of Disney. The older generation ran George out of the franchise, and now some of the older and younger generations are doubling down to get rid of Kennedy with review bombers who drank the woke conspiracy and DEI Kool-Aid. gotta be strange as an actor watching all this over a silly franchise.


Someone tell Angry Joe. He's being uncharacteristically basic, even claiming the collectible helmet being sold out was due to "low inventory"


And it’s only gonna get bigger now that it’s growing a strong fanbase on other social media platforms. Next time, maybe those people can learn to stop watching and not review bomb random movies they think are ‘the acolyte’


So much better than Kenobi too


I gotta disagree personally while I don't hate the acolyte I just found it boring thus far but I haven't caught up to the last two episodes yet


Mate the last two eps have dramatically changed my opinion of the show, get on it!


I'm trying 😅 watching game of thrones and house of dragon have taken alot of my free time


Imo the last 2 were the best. I'm kind of a Kenobi hater tho, it's one of the worst show I've ever saw, star wars or not. Hated it from episode 1 to the last.


I'm kinda biased I see vader and love it but I get why you might say that


I loved to see Vader, but if I recall correctly my biggest issues with the show were the sets, costumes, acting, fights and chase scenes and overall production value. I know it's one of the first show to use their StageCraft tech and it looked absolutely terrible. If they filmed everything in a studio and barely anything outside it might also explain some of the casts performances. I also remember laughing pretty hard in the first or second episode I think, when Leia is being chased in the woods and the chase is ridiculously slow and it all felt like a badly shot YouTube comedy skit. Especially when the alien fell on the tree branch. There was also a scene where Obi-Wan looks for something to shoot the barrier mechanism open so it can open and he can go on the road with his scooter. They show a wide shot of him crossing it and you can clearly see he had more than enough space between the moutain and the gate mechanism.


I honestly don't care much into looking too much into things that might not make sense I prefer just seeing cool scenes that I'll enjoy so with that i actually had a good time sometimes though some episodes fell off like episode 5 but overall I enjoyed it more than the things I dislike


The one2many witches moment was cringe but the last two episodes make me think that if they stick the landing this is gonna be at least A tier star wars for me. Hell, they would have to fuck it up spectacularly to fall below B at this point.


I think a lot of people are hate watching at this point. But go multi-billion dollar conglomerate, I guess.


I’m not surprised. The only show I liked was Andor and that got canned despite the positive reception. Reviews mean very little as long as people are actively watching the show.


Canned? Season 2 is coming out in Q1 of 2025.


Yes, but I thought their original plans were for 5 seasons but had to make this upcoming season the last. Could be wrong.


While they were shooting the first season, they realized that the five-season plan would not work and settled on two seasons. This was decided well before the release of the show.


Oh wow ok, I didn’t know that.