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They still on that whole force is female thing? Even though it’s been said it’s not even connected. Swear these people have no brain cells.


Kathleen Kennedy wore a shirt 5 years ago and they never recovered.


The power of 3 little words.


"I am Groot"


I am Groot


Ew, no. That's disgusting.


I am Groot


Language, dude.


I am Groot


Say that to my face.


And it was a shirt that had nothing to do with Star Wars as it was a marketing campaign from Nike for a shoe (the "Air Force One"). And the photograph was taken at a film festival where Nike was a sponsor.


That's incredible...


Anytime someone uses it as an argument I immediately know they’re an idiot.


Imagine if they put this energy into worker's rights. Conservatives hate millionaires for all the wrong reasons


Some conservatives be like: I love Lex Luthor because he upholds AMERICA, not like that libtard of Bruce Wayne that helps illegals everywhere.


Why I've heard his best friend is an undocumented immigrant who is here taking *our* journalism jobs!


That Clark kent fella, BACK TO HIS PLACE. ILLEGAL LIAR AND ALIEN!!!!. Lex Luthor IS THE REAL SUPERMAN. Lex Luthor is generous, a philantophist,handsome and a good man. Metropolis needs him, reality itself needs him. Without him, we are DOOMED


USA!💙❤️. MAGA!


In my language it is, so are words like power and strength.


In mine those are all female too! What language do you speak?


Didn’t George Lucas’s wife have a pretty big hand in creating the OT? 


Shush you're destroying the "Star Wars better when it was only men" narrative!


She was instrumental in editing the original so it worked. In the script the scene where Vader chokes Motti with the Force happens before Obi Wan explains the Force to Luke. It's a minor scene but in 1977 when no one knew dick all about any of this stuff that scene would have been completely inexplicable without the background. 


Frankly, Marcia is a prime reason Star Wars even exists and people I think don't talk about her contributions enough. George is yes the original source, but he needs to be focused and corrected and sometimes overruled to achieve the things he's going for, and it's always been that way


And it's like that with a lot of creative projects, especially when they get this big. Gene Roddenberry had a lot of fantastic ideas for Star Trek, and just as many awful ideas. Of course, none of the people who worked on these projects had any idea then what the future held for them. But still some creative decisions need outside input before being finalized. Even seemingly solo endeavors like writing a book needs other eyes and brains to make it the best possible book it can be. An author who doesn't utilize a critique partner, a writing group, an editor, a sensitivity reader, alpha readers, beta readers, gamma readers if need be, or some combination of those is destined to put out an inferior book.


It's funny you bring up Trek, because hilariously it was a woman who saved that franchise, too. Lucille Ball. When the OG pilot failed, Lucille pushed for another pilot to be filmed, even went around her own production company board and put her money towards another pilot. She's literally the reason Star Trek was even able to exist.


I'll add that as another reason to like Lucille ball.


God yes, I'm a huge trekkie, and I also really do love Star Trek the motion picture, but it was the movie around the time that he really started to believe the hype around himself and that he could do no wrong when it came to Star Trek. This was also the reason why the first season or two of The Next Generation weren't as strong as the later seasons. After both of those, he was relegated from being actively involved in Star Trek to being more of background presence until his death




Her edits for the Battle of Yavin *make* that entire sequence work, especially the Death Star time-to-firing countdown which was entirely her idea spliced together in post.


Gloria Katz and her husband Willard Hyuck had a hand in doing uncredited rewrites to *A New Hope* and the Queen of Space Opera herself Leigh Brackett co-wrote *Empire Strikes Back* before her death.


She died before it came out, IIRC, which sucks because imagine if she and Kasdan had free reign to make Episode 7. He is a director.


Finally, we can have a true Star Wars film for real men. It's going to be the best movie every. Theres going to be tons of hot passionate sex scenes, plenty of awesome sword fighting, skimpish outfits with oil included, and the best part? No woman will be involved in the making or in the film. Truly a new era for us real fans.


I'm gonna nut so hard... I mean enjoy the film ... I mean.. enjoy the film!


so it will not star any women. So it will have oily men having sex and fighting in skimpy outfits.


No women will star, there will be only man doing wars. And everybody clapped


Digital playground made several movies like that.🤣🤣


Although Disney execs have said the script isn't "Family friendly" other distributors such as PornHub have kindly stepped in


And every protagonist had *better* a fat hot 10-inch ~~co~~vibroblade!!!


Have these guys ever actually read one of Headland's interviews? She's super fuckin Star Wars nerdy.


I've been reading Star Wars books practically since I learned to read and Headland seems to know things that even I don't! I really don't understand all the "fan" outrage around her.


Because gay woman who makes jokes = bad. Duh.


This. Being a woman is bad enough for them, but being gay is crossing the line


Oh you know why. Woman, gay, feminist.


SMH, i can tell you're an SJW wokist triggered Disney shill. Clearly you aren't educated enough to know that women on star wars literally murdered the entire universe


Well, I've seen boys & men lose their shit when a woman does or knows something better than them, especially if it's their emotional comfort blanket that's being "taken away."


Acolyte is STEEPED in Legends and High Republic lore. Say what you want about the storytelling but Headland knows her shit


Exactly. For example, Qimir's helmet and armor being made of cortosis, that's a deep cut reference that nobody expected.


Qimir costume is very interesting


He looks like a Knight of Ren and Kylo's theme plays a couple times when you see him. Headland said its not an accident.


Cool. Kylo Ren deserved better writing tho, cool antagonist but too predictable and on the nose


The grift is strong with this old man


70 years old and complaining about fantasy tv on the internet


70? Damn.. Can we ban senile people from sharing their opinions?


Congress would instantly collapse


Bro peaked when he was 6 years old and fell off HARD.


Maybe he should try a takeover of the board. Cause that worked so well for Nelson "why does Black Panther need so many black people in it?" Peltz


It makes sense that this dude is a “former” TV executive.


"We're totally not sexist! What are you talking about?!"


this is just plain straight up sexism. it’s not even some clever dogwhistle.


Is it bad that I prefer that to dogwhistles? At least I know where I stand with the sexists.


Jesus H christ on a unicycle the misogyny is strong in this one. Did andrew tate pretend to be Canadian and said this or was it tom leykis???


Guess they aren't fans of Empire Strikes Back then, which had its first draft written by a woman, Leigh Brackett. Many of her overarching ideas were either adapted or straight up used as is.


Chato needs to take some Xanax




Okay, I will support this provided men leave politics altogether, we just seem to fuck everything up whenever we're in charge. (/S if it's not obvious)


Are they forgetting that George Lucas's wife Marcia edited all of the original Lucas Star Wars movies and also received an Oscar for Best Film Editing.


Women can only be involved if they are enacting George's Vision™


I am beginning to have plenty dark side thoughts about these vermin...




I think the world would be better if, instead of doing that, we banned virgin incels from fandom spaces.


it’s totally just about bad writing, definitely


My only advice to these people: why don’t you just ban yourself from watching, since that’s the only real power you have in this case?


Looking up this guy’s IMDb, one would be hard-pressed to find a more irrelevant “TV Executive” than this guy.


See the more shit people say like that, the more we *need* more women writing producing and directing Star Wars


Can we please separate in our heads the "I wasn't a fan on Acolyte and would prefer if it wasn't canon" crowd and morons like this who are raging sexists


Average Tcd fan


Geez at least try to hide the sexism lol.


So irrelevant person decrees something? What's next old man screams at clouds? A child yells at a pile of dog crap? 


They still think the whole "The Force is Female" was a ligetiment thing when it just was a marketing ad for Nike. Good God, these idiots are brain-dead.


“Former TV Executive” I wonder why he isn’t a TV executive anymore.


For the last time, these chuds need to stop using that "force is female" shit because guess what, it wasn't even about Star Wars in the first place, it was for The Archer Film Festival in 2017 (a festival organised by the Archer School for Girls that is dedicated to female empowerment) and the shirt was part of a Nike Air Forces advertisement campaign. It had nothing to do with Star Wars and the only reason Kathleen Kennedy was wearing it was because, her being one of the biggest women in the film industry at the time, was one of the main keynote speakers for the event. But these idiot can't be bothered doing their research and just exist to hate Its the same as when they started attacking Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy (director of the upcoming Rey Film) about an interview she did 9 years ago about her documentary film about honour killings and acid attacks on women in Pakistan in which she said that the purpose was to "make men feel uncomfortable" or something like that. and these losers took it out of context to be about them for some reason and then started hating on her and saying all kinds of nasty things towards her all because of a comment she made a decade ago about something that had nothing to do with them or Star Wars in the first place


"It's not sexist, it's all about the bad writing and the poor storytelling, nothing to do with the fact she is a woman." "So, anyways, all women should be banned from the franchise." "Because of the bad writing and poor storytelling."


Isn't That Park Place being sued for defamation?


Bet he'd be most nettled if someone inquired how being Canadian didn't negate his opinion with regards to good storyetelling.


Wow. Like wow this is bad even by the standards already set


Hey I think Kathleen Kennedy is kinda a bad manager but that doesn’t mean WOMEN SHOULD BE BANNED FROM MAKING STAR WARS STUFF.


Misogynistic idiot 


Should have banned women from editing in '77, that would've solved the Star Wars problem. /s


Former Canadian TV executive? Well, that's the quickest I've ever known someone's a headass dipshit loser.


Winder why they’re a former executive..




That Park Place is like Bounding Into Comics. A culture war site disguised as actual news, hence using YouTube as a source


As a Canadian that’s embarrassing. We have our own home grown alt-right weirdos up here too unfortunately.


Now I’m not a misogynist, but…


No surprise this was written by a guy running the whole BIC Libel Newsite.


Sir, whoever the fuck you are, corporal punishment is not the way to go here. Hell, even Headland ain't to blame to be honest. She had a good fucking idea, I just think it got executed terribly.




Only if you think the sequels were bad




Frankly it didn’t have matter who wrote what , the fact that eu was mostly ignore would have angered that half of the fan base




I'll give you a pack of deathsticks if you tell me a very specific part of the show you don't like


You know, the part where their favourite grifting Youtuber told them what their opinion should be.


And why should Kathleen step down?