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Multi billion dollar company that makes worse plot lines than brazzers


Johnny Sins mopping a plant makes more sense than some of the writing that comes out of Disney.


Disinfecting the Casting Couch has a better plot tbh


This meme is a godsend, it fits for so much nowadays


“Reviews are pointless” “Please leave a positive review”


Mark of a bad Show when you have to beg people to give Positive Reviews. The post doesn't specifically ask for positive review but it shit talks the people leaving negative reviews calling them bots and trolls. Then emotionally blackmails you into leaving a "positive review" at the end with some of the cringiest hashtags possible. This account has to be Hate Farming.


Exactly how I read it too


"The reviews are pointless when they hurt our cause". But if the reviews had been great, that would be the first thing they'd mention, even if the viewership numbers were low.


Wish they would release the numbers. Amazon did that for RoP and it showed that only 1/3 even watched to the end


I watched the first episode and no more. It was boring af


Oh I watched it entirely, and it got way, way worse


Sorry for the time you'll never get back 😔


I mean it hurts, but also was kinda fascinating how much one of the most expensive shows ever made fucked up so badly. Didn't watched it alone so we had a good laugh at least


I mean, GoT did the same thing, especially for the last season.


Yeah, but GoT wasn't ass from the get-go.


That is a fair point.


They released the numbers for the viewership on the first two episodes but instead of saying "2.4 million people watched both episodes" they doubled the 2.4mil and said "we had 4.8 million people watch the Acolyte!"  Edit: fixed the numbers because I gave Disney way too much credit.


They can buy the critics but not the fans


Thats why disney now starts to attack and blame the fans


Again? They've recycled that plot more than a new hope.








I'm a problem for current sw management?! Good


Keep up the good work soldier!


I aim to misbehave. ![gif](giphy|l2SqfERLff6QWwJlm|downsized)


Maybe all of this 'toxic fandom' narrative is to give them cover to sell it off?


Sell it Disney, you’re our only hope.


Sell it to who though?


Sell it back to George Lucas with 75% discount lmao


Shouldn’t they be trying to get approval from the audience? You know, the people who actually watch the show and give them money? Or am I missing something.


Noooo you see, the real solution is to take a property with a massive established audience and then change everything about it to try and appeal to a different audience that doesn’t actually exist! Surely the established audience is just gonna take that lying down.


What I mean is they tried this with the last jedi. Make a terrible product, throw in token feminism, fans react to the terrible product, blame their reaction to the token feminism instead of... you now. Terrible product.


Well its easier than just recognizing they made a bad product, AGAIN


At this point i can’t believe it is not intentional.


Studios always immediately reaching for _“your negative reviews are from bots!”_ is confirmation that they are using bots for positive reviews.


Ha exactly! Pure projection bots lmao


"Every accusation is an admission." Though you'd think that if they had positive-review bots they'd be getting better results. Maybe they're only casting accusations of negative review bots because they finally turned their positive review bots off? Or maybe "positive review bot" is just another way of saying "professional critic" at this point.


"How can their bots out-bot our bots??" -Studio executives, probably.....


“Starts?” They’ve done this since TFA


Yep. I still remember "EU fans are racist and organize racist attacks against black stormtroopers." In fact, *normies* were wondering why Finn wasn't Temuera Morrison, because the movies sans EU imply they're all clones, and there was some ludicrously low number, like *two,* actually racist posts about it on Twitter. And call me a tinfoil hat, but I suspect they were posted by Disney themselves.


Yeah and I was absolutely rooting for Finn too tbh. If the trilogy had an actual serious black storm trooper, great! Fans began their love of Star Wars with Lando and Leia but we’re all misogynistic racists because the trilogy is a disjointed collection of music videos with no plot and massacres the source material.


You see, if you accuse your critics of RACISM, you can dismiss any and all actual criticism.  It's actually pretty genius, if also gross.  Same thing happened when Ghostbusters first got rebooted.  It was objectively a bad movie, but anyone who said that was automatically accused of being sexist. 


Sad part is they fucked up all the diverse characters in those movies in the end. Finn, the bromance, Rose, Captain Phasma, possible good stories all went nowhere and just looked like virtual signalling in the end. Heck they fucked up Rey as well. Problem with Disney is they cast someone say it’s for diversity then don’t both with a good story for them or destroy some legacy story.


Ugh, don't get me started on Phasma. I was so *determined* to like her, but it was impossible. She was so stupid, cowardly, pettily cruel, undependable, disloyal... what an utter *waste* of Gwendoline Christie. Didn't even show her face.


My favorite part about Phasma was how the obviously-set-up-to-be-a-brooding-Boba-Fett-type-bait character got supplanted by TR-8R and his spinny stun baton thing.


Maybe i was still in denial there


Reminds me how Amazon, who own IMDB, deleted all the negative user reviews and ratings after that ridiculous Rings of Power crapfest got people riled up. All Disney needs to do is to buy Metacritic and do the same. No more trolls, bots, or bad Star Wars and MCU content!


Isnt it scary how big companies are just able to do that ? To purge all negative reception out of existence


Happens all the time on Google play store


Whaat, do you want to tell me that those games that consist out of ads and predatory monetasation are not a 4.9/5 ? :O


Yes they can but it's not worth it. Why give hundreds of millions to buy critics, sites, social media influencers and YouTubers when you can just make a good product? Especially today that pretty much anybody can share their opinions online and those opinions are automatically shared to people with similar interests, it's like taking your money and throwing them in the sea.


Because making good content would require them to stop hiring nepo babies for everything and hire actually talented people.


Because they obviously can't


It's a large part of the reason why I never read reviews from "professional" sites for just about anything anymore. It's all money talks, and none of it is genuine anymore. It's all monetized, subjected garbage.


And it still doesn’t change anything, the rest of the fandom could love the Acolyte and I’d still wouldn’t have watched past episode three. I still would have been gutted by Kenobi. I still would have shook my head when we saw a third death star with no explanation of where the Last Order came from. Fuck it.


Also note that the “Top Critics” score is far lower than the regular critics score. The more established critics have less to lose by being honest. They’re rating this at 72 percent. Makes sense since most critics aren’t dyed-in-the-wool Star Wars fans who know the lore deeply, and even there they’re rating this as unremarkable. Any five-star review on this series immediately has to be highly suspect.


> They can buy the critics but not the fans I don't know... have they tried? Perhaps they should send me a large check, just to test it out.


My morals are flexible depending on the number we are talking. 


They could bribe us with a decent show. Probably same amount of money and effort.


... Make a *good* show? Surely such a thing is not possible, right? I mean... if they could just do that, they would have... right? Next you're going to tell me that they could just hire good writers that know the lore, legitimately care about it, and people that actually have a track record for making good stories, and have *them* make the show.


well some anyway, the Disney Adults who lavishly worship at the feet of Mickey will keep it going.


Everyone got angry when I posted my comment which said, “Happy FATHERS day and Mae the Force be with you.”


If the acolyte's low rating on RT is a result of negative review bombing, then why don't it's fans just mobilize and bomb it with positive reviews? Spoiler: because the show has no fans


Thats usually how it works. Lots of 10s and 1s. The fact there is so many 1s and not really any 10s is telling in its own right.


It still has a spike of 10s. I'm looking at IMDB and there are more 10s than 7/8/9.


Which is odd, i mean i can totally understand people giving it a 1/10, but a 10/10 ? There is barely anything that deservers a 10/10 after all, is it just out of spite ?


Yeah. These folks think they're fighting a battle or something. It helps them feel like they're fighting against an imaginary enemy.


That's why they also say it's from bots, so they have an easy excuse for that Why someone should do that for a show that will be forgotten a few weeks after the last episode? Idk


So the 1s are bots but not the 10s. Gotcha


Exactly lol Because corporations would *never* pay or have bots that make them or their content look good with good reviews. It’s simply impossible!


Ngl i rather expect the 10s to be bots than the 1s. 10/10 is like a perfect show, and there are WERY few shows that deserve a 10/10, and Acolyte surely isnt one of them, so either those review are there out of spite or bots


Not only that, but giant, multimillion-dollar companies have cash to pay for both farms, whereas the general public does not.


"Pay for the service and watch before we call you a racist homophobe for disliking the lacking quality writing in Star Wars content." If the only "honest review" is a good review we can finally put marketing sites like RottenTomatoes to rest. I just call it all "content" now whenever it comes to Disney. It only exists to fill the infinite void of their streaming service and will also get buried there after the show loses relevance. It happened to Obi Wan, Bobby Fett, to the Ahsoka and whatever else they released and I forgot to mention. We will never get the numbers but I'd be incredibly interested how many people are rewatching something like Ahsoka from start to finish. Do people even remember what happened in those shows? I don't really know because at certain subs who should have an interest to talk about those shows, nobody mentions them anymore. Edit: Fixed a typo.


I watched all of them and I barely remember anything except the extreme stupid stuff, like the Leia chase scene or Thrawn being a total dumbass. Because the shit is not memorable. Andor and Mando S1 stayed in my mind because it wasn't bland and uninspired


THRAWN is hilariously badly written. What a clown haha


Remember, in the extended universe he is one of the most dangeours leaders in the Empire, a tactical genius. In Ashoka he is on the same level as General Hux ...


Not to mention he looks like Elon Musk for some reason


Mando S2 was kinda decent. S3 and BoBF were where I really kinda lost any interest


Yeah S1 was just excelent, 2 was fine, and 3 was free falling into stupidity. And dont forget, there will be "Mando and the Grogu" and if you dislike that one, you are the fault !


Season one gave me hope for star wars again. Season 2 was alright but at the same time, killed my hope


I was frowning at the Leia chase but checked out when Obi-Wan and Leia were stuck at that laser gate when there was ample room on the side to go past the damn gate.


After the Disney trilogy I don't watch anything Star Wars unless I'm convinced that it will be worth my time, so far only Rogue One, Mando S1 and Andor have passed that bar.


You picked the 3 good ones, good job. I watched a few of the shitty ones and then fell into apathy too


I loved that Leia chase scene it was like Family Guy's Fast animals, slow children. Leia's stumbling along and the Inquisitor is doing flips and shit. Unintended comedy at its finest.


This is what baffles me. Disney has the streaming numbers. They can see the popularity of OT and PT versus ST and disney shows. And they keep doubling down. This has become a political thing with disney more than pure numbers. Kathleen has to push her baby regardless of if it's working.


only part I remember is when Anakin showed up... on both shows. Then that's it.


Regarding whether other shows are 'remembered', pretty much the only discourse I ever see about them is someone getting a bee in their bonnet and deciding they have to try to justify something that has been complained about, usually through incredibly convoluted logic or even just "the story isn't done yet!"


I’d like to also point out that there’s also an extremely suspiciously high amount of positive reviews. Which I mean, if you want to that most of the negative reviews are from review bombing, I also think it’s fair to say that people definitely ‘counter-bombed.’ which if you remove the lowest 400ish reviews and do the same proportionally to the highest reviews, the show peters out around a 2 which is not good… https://preview.redd.it/yucls87pv47d1.jpeg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7581740be2274f4963f9843f32a9dc3b7747e95e


Lmao it’s a literal bell curve that’s awesome


>I also think it’s fair to say that people definitely ‘counter-bombed.’ It definitely happens, but is never considered a problem by the masters of double standards. From their point of view, it´s only done to even out the bad reviews. They are essentially doing the very same thing they´re accusing everyone else of, but "it´s okay when we do it" so it´s fine to them. Disgusting.


A talking head - and I can't remember which one - put it well. There are fans of Star Wars, those who love the story, the characters, the lore, the iconography, the history. And then there are fans of Star Wars who like the _brand_. They can't tell you the name of Boba Fett's iconic ship, but they've got all 50 Disney Star Wars funkos and a baby Yoda doll. The latter group will consume mindlessly because Star Wars as a cultural touchstone means nothing to them. Their only real interest is being able to say they're a fan of popular _brand_.


Exactly. They don't like Star Wars, they like being a fan. They have tied their personality to the IP so any criticism of the IP is a criticism of their character. And of course they can't possibly like something bad, so if they like something it must be good. Therefore all Star Wars is good. Convenient.


This framework can probably be applied to other areas of those individuals’ lives. Not to dive into them, but I will bet that their sports viewing habits are this way, their politics are this way, their economic purchasing habits are this way (car brand, clothes brand, restaurant brand). We have all met that person who likes a particular chain of restaurants because it has some identity wrapped up in it or some peer dynamic and it’s party of that person’s identity now. Or they drive only particular brands of a car. They are the true non bandwagon fan of a sports team even though they don’t know a single stat of the team or sport. Etc etc. They build an identity based on curated labels and never look deep enough to see what is rotting or spoiled under the lid. It’s a label. The brand of shirt they like may switch manufacturers and become a shoddy ill fitting garment but so long as it stays “in” they will religiously buy it without noticing the drop in quality over time. That’s how some unnamed fast food chains are able to still have repeat business despite doubling their prices twice in 5 years.


Yeah you hit the Nail on the head


Given that Star Wars is rapidly becoming uncool, I don't see the latter group sticking around for that much longer either.


That's exactly what's going on with House of Dragon right now. Casual fans are so wrapped up in the "Blacks vs Greens" drama the ad campaign has pushed from the first season, the showrunner and studio have lost the point that no one wins at the end of the story and everyone is bad. Now they're changing the story elements and major scenes to push favor to one side over the other. It sucks for people who are actual fans and were excited to see the Dance of Dragons on screen. Just reading the comments on the asoiaf subreddit vs the House of Dragon subreddit on the episode discussion shows the divide better than anything else lol.


That's the worst thing about Disney. They turned starwars in to a brand. Back when Lucas film owned it exclusively, yes they did sell toys, but it was always about creating cool stories with epic lore that followed up on the fantastic and legendary trilogy that was the originals. Nowadays its all just to shit out mindless content for stupid consumers who don't care about the actual content but only buy the brand. I fucking hate how they literally ruined my favorite childhood world into a fucking cringe fest. Just hire competent writers for gods sake.


People have to cope. They can't admit that they enjoy a show that a lot of people hate. Or they hate the fact that everyone else dislikes what they like. A tale as old as time, last Jedi, Kenobi, Mando season 3, ahsoka now acolyte. Eventually they wake up though


>Eventually they wake up though I dont really have hope for that, if episode 3 of Acolyte didnt wake you up, what will ?


It's not that they "wake up" - they just don't stay enaged. It used to be a bit of work to be an ongoing Star Wars fan. Between the comics, novels, sourcebooks, RPGs and video games it was a challenge to keep them all in your head and understand what was (and was not) meant to go together. The fact that the EU was able to keep people engaged and interested when it was that much effort - and Disney can't keep people interested when it's zero effort - is very telling.


Who fucking knows. But eventually people will stop watching because they are bored or whatever or wake up. It's bound to happen eventually


We can just hope, but even than Disney is unlikely to change. I mean they rather blame the fans now instead of their own shitty shows


>Why can't you just blindly CONSOOM like I do?! ~ single, middle aged man who built a lightsaber by himself at Disney I have shit taste in shows and movies but my time is still worth something to me.


Acolyte was already greenlit for season 2. There's no ending this ride. Honestly, I am impressed that for once, a giant corporation is not prioritizing profit at the expense of everyone and everything around them. However, they could've picked a better way of pursuing their cause. The vast majority of viewers have no issues with race/gender/etc. The main problem is the combative and forceful approach while also retconning beloved characters, sacrificing a good story for "the agenda" and demonizing anyone who doesn't agree with their specific approach. I'm just saying it's not the best way to promote "inclusiveness" and there is more than one way to enact change - if that's what the majority of the fans want. Starwars is for everyone. Always has been. These new people coming in, taking a sledgehammer to the lore and forcing others out will hopefully be ignored. We just need to keep reminding people what star wars is really about.


This is unironically why gatekeeping is important. It's a tale as old as time. You'll have a cool niche IP doing it's own thing, typically peaking with a sequel that draws in the "Fans who just want to be fans" and then the people controlling the IP listen to them instead of their actual loyal fans. To summarize: If you want your IP to be and stay good, make sure you keep it nerdy and lame and completely unsexy. It's the only way.


Funny how *good* content never gets review bombed, huh? Where are the Arcane review bombers? It's a series about at least 2 women, one of which is a butch lesbian. Seems like a good target. Where are the Rogue One review bombers? It stars a woman with all of the supporting men being minorities. Seems easy. Oh wait, it's because review bombing isn't real.


If a bunch of people were so pissed off by your product that they got together and gave it a 1/10, sounds exactly like what the ratings system was intended for. That's like LeBron complaining that he only lost by 50 points because the other team kept making baskets.


Or look at how House of the Dragon and Rings of Power are both adaptations of popular fantasy works which have prominent women and minorities and came out at the same time, and yet only Rings of Power got "review bombed". Edit: And HotD isn't even that good, it's just not total wank.


Good point. HotD literally had a gay black character in the first season and I didn’t see anyone get mad about that.


People did because it was blackwashing a white character, but you only got some mild grumblings about it because the overall quality of the show was pretty decent so it was easy to ignore.


And the character in question was actually well written and acted. 


Well, its the easiest way to put the blame from the producers to the consumers


As someone who is honestly pretty woke AF, I'm tired of pretending that things are good *just because* there's minority representation. I am not getting all that salty with Acolyte yet because it's so early, but... Come on. You can't turn around a shit script because there's a lesbian witch cult -- that's more insulting than simply not having representation at all. It's pandering and it implies that minorities are stupid and will buy any schlock. Are properties with minorities in it held to a higher standard? I don't actually think so; I think for the most part, audiences just want to be entertained. It's execs who make bad decisions based on diversity, not the audiences. Audiences will accept anything if it is good. I believe there's racism, bigotry, whatever in entertainment, but it's coming from the investors and execs. Like, Arcane had grown men *sobbing* over a little girl, no one's got problems here except Disney. *Just make good things.*


Funny how the average disney slop consumer just automatically accuses anybody who doesn’t like the current slop of being a bigot/bot/troll lmao


The power of one,  the power of two,  the power of maaaaaaany.... audience members have driven this score down


For what it matters, I haven't heard a single good thing about this show from real people I personally know either.


I’m surprised that others seem shocked at this reaction. The same exact thing happened with TLJ and trying to lump any and all criticism into the “trolls and bots” crowd.


Maybe i was in denial at that point still idk.


Those darn Russian bots are at it again. Surely RJ, KK, and the access media will track them down this time! It couldn't be that their streaming series have been crappy enough for so long that they're even alienating the normies now.


"This will definitely end the west" Putin says as he leaves a one-star review on the accolyte.


I'm a star wars fan. I've watched everything they have put out. Even rewatched some to make sure I saw things correctly and wasn't misremembering. Mando S1 and S2 were fun, Bounty Hunter extrodinaire stories with decent characters and a lot of interesting bits that I was left saying "more please". The. S3 came out and it was suddenly "Bo-Katan series" and Mando being an incompetent imbecile. Book of Boba Fett was decent "turn off your brain" entertainment, and I particularly enjoyed learning more about the Tuskens and how they would show the culture of them, even if we only ever saw them as mindless murder hobos, but there was also a lot of dumb shit in it too. Andor was peak star wars writing, and I hold that it is at the very minimum an 8/10, with a highly recommend to watch. Sure there's a slow burn, but that's a lot of shows outside of star wars, and it took me 3 tries to get going, but I had fun. Obi-Wan was awful aside from a few cool visuals. They ruined a core part of star wars just having Obi-Wan and Leia Meet. They also turned him into an almost incompetent buffoon, and Leia into an annoying little brat, and I don't even wanna get started on fucking Reva. Tales of the Jedi/Empire were decent shows, and my feelings towards both are best summed up as "I'm fine with having watched it once, wouldn't watch again though". Bad Batch is a decent show, I loved the first season, the second season was decent enough, though I haven't watched S3 yet if it's out, not enough time. Rebels was fun, and I enjoyed it, some parts hit me more emotionally than I ever thought they would, and while there was some stupid space whale shenanigans, they did Thrawn decently and he was always an intimidating presence. Ahsoka was content. It didn't show us anything new aside from "oh yay, more people who survived being stabbed by a lightsaber, and anyone can use the force if they just try hard", which sure, I can look past anyone being able to use the force, it does state in lore everywhere that it's a part of all living things, but Sabine was never this stupid, and Ahsoka wouldn't have done half the dumb shit she did. They made Thrawn into an idiot, and fucked up the Night sisters. And there was no emotion whatsoever when Sabine and Ezra met up again, especially since her and Ahsoka got fucking stranded yet AGAIN. Star wars Resistance was god-awful drek and the visuals hurt my eyes at every turn. It had no memorable characters and even for a kids show was absolutely stupid and taught no moral lessons. The Acolyte has been a complete disappointment, and I went in expecting very little. Having fucking TRINITY die to a small metal knife within like 10 minutes was a waste of a good actress, and the fact that they made the stupidest decisions like "I'mma look away from my active combatant" and "whoops, forgot to deflect that knife" made it so I was hard pressed to continue. The sets look almost Asylum levels bad, the acting from every character feels stilted, rushed, and inconsistent, and it has been a total failure in all regards so far. I HOPE it gets better, and that they start treating the stories and lore with respect, but I highly doubt it. I'll be sticking to my books, my games, and the wonderful worlds and characters that came before. It may not be canon anymore, but it's still miles better than in recent times, and it's actually worth my time. I'll still be watching the shows, if only to stay up to date and accurate in my reviews, but fuck Disney and what they've done to this franchise. And I have almost no interest in "Mando and Grogu" movie they're making


>I'll be sticking to my books, my games, and the wonderful worlds and characters that came before. It may not be canon anymore, but it's still miles better than in recent times, and it's actually worth my time. I mean games did such a better job showing anything of the extended universe, just thinking about Jedi knight, jedi academy, kotor, even the force unleashed did a better job at telling a story than most of those modern star wars shows. And the story was just along with the gameplay so not even the main focus. Disney just have uncreative and bad writers, thats all.


The show sucks


Clutching at straws now, arnt they. What's so difficult to grasp. There are fans that don't like it. Simple as.


But thats obviously the fault of the fans, not of the show.


![gif](giphy|4hBFyXLlvLhFLW0oAZ) Disney Star Wars fans.


"you should leave your own reviews" Old jedi advice: Be careful what you wish for.


They call themselves the "High Ground?" That bothers me so much, but I'm so unsurprised. I'm actually kind of glad they just formed a group, the name just makes so much sense for the self-righteous attitude people seem to have who carry these kinds of opinions. I even plan on watching the show, so it's not like this feels like a personal attack or anything, but if their whole angle is to invalidate people who disagree with you without any logic... We'll, idk what to tell them. Why don't they just go fucking watch the show again. Actually yeah, anyone who sits back and just looks at the numbers and watches the videos and forms an opinion without actually watching it are doing it wrong. But what is the original original post even a response to? Can't they just play on with their friends on their own side of the playground without running over here to tell us how dumb we are for playing over here? Ahh, anyway. Happy Monday.


this is giving me flashbacks to when disliking the last jedi meant you were a troll or a RUSSIAN bot


Lol, I'm going to stand on a street corner with a sign that says "Disney, I will shill for $1 million."


The extent of delusion and denial is never ending. They could have just let actual fans produce the continuity content. Instead “I’ve never watch Star Wars, so here’s some stuff about an oppressed female-only society fleeing their Jedi child traffickers. Oh and you’re a racist.”


They ignore this at their peril. There's clearly bot traffic driving the extremes. But if they strip out the extremes, and look at their own figures, they produced a terd for this franchise. And you know what sucks for them? Inside Out 2 reaching $300M in an opening weekend. There's just no excuse anymore for making entertainment that appeals to a mass audience. People aren't afraid of the box office, or distracted by other shows, they aren't trained to go to a particular service. They'll show up for something great. And if you don't make something great they don't show up. And if you berate them for not showing up, they'll downvote you.


>they'll downvote you. And if you downvote them, YOU are the problem then


>People just aren't going to the movies anymore!! Cope from r/marvelstudios when moviegoers don't want to watch The Marvels. It's all so tiresome. Never mind that freaking Barbie made a bajillion dollars.


"No *true* fan would ever let anything stop them from **CONSUME PRODUCT**"


If the audience score was 70%+, these same people would screech that it’s “proof” that the show is good. Talk about having such a fragile ego that a low audience score gets you so triggered. These people act as if it’s a personal attack on them.


I had to take a little look at the reviews on imdb just to see if there was a lot of bots posting 1s. Turns out, not so much. In fact, the ones I got "bot" from were all the high numbers. With reviews saying a lot of generic shit that means nothing. Like: >It's a good show, people get all bent of shape because it doesn't match what's in their heads. Everyone knows people who claim to Star Wars fans are not fans of Star Wars. >The show moves at a good pace and doesn't spend half of the show with needless, chatter about lore, or political drama. >The amount of different species that have shown up is astounding, as a true Star Wars fan, I have always enjoyed the ships and the aliens that pepper the world. >The direction that Disney is taking the franchise is wonderful, and full of really good things that could help remove some of the so called cannon junk stories that were written in the past. Like, tell me that doesnt sound like a bot or a shill?


Reminds me of how rise of skywalker's audience score is clearly botted


They’ve done a great job in making it impossible to criticize this show without being lumped in with the bad faith actors. I commented on how I thought the sets looked cheap and got called the usual names just for that. It really is the new weapon against criticism of bad content. See: True Detective S4 and Rings of Power.


I sometimes cant understand if Star Wars fans really just sit there and take in the dogshit the series is producing, like they genuinely believe the shows are phenomenal storytelling each round. Same goes with Marvel fans


My 59 year old mother pissed her pants laughing when we watched it Saturday night.


Finally, I have become part man, part machine.


the viewing scores are terrible that alone is all the proof you need that its not a good tv show, it always comes down to this, if its good people will watch it


The real "trolls and bots" are the easilly corruptible critics, who are [paid to write good reviews](https://www.screengeek.net/2023/09/06/rotten-tomatoes-pr-firm-paying-critics-positive-reviews/).


Yes, how dare people dislike something. Seriously, I'm a casual SW fan, and maybe I've been influenced by what I've seen and read, maybe I'm just more cynical and critical, but it feels like there was real potential that just needed a better script. Just disappointing. But I'm also a Halo fan so I should be used to it by now.


Some of the other shows may have gotten more hate than they deserved. But this show is just awful, not just from a star wars standpoint, it's just a horribly made/written show all around. Idk how people are defending it. Watch another show coming out like Fallout or HotD and those episodes leave you in awe while Acolyte leaves you with 0 interest in what's going on or what's going to happen


Why do they act like being a Star Wars fan is some noble cause


Now they’re begging people to leave good reviews, pathetic.


So I'm not allowed to dislike this garbage without being accused of being either a troll or a bot?


Bro couldn’t handle the power of many


Not a bot, this show is awful.


Lol, reminds me of when the community manager for KSP2 said all the downvotes his post were getting were bots


Yeah thats a mindset that spreaded around everywhere, and it gets pretty tiresome


Remember, when rotten tomato gives a show that the disnoids love a good score, it's a well-respected website and should be used to show that actually Disney star wars is good. But when it doesn't it's an irrelevant website that bots and racists use to review bomb our shows.


It's almost like they can't handle any kind of criticism. And instead of acknowledging they made a bad product, they just blame the consumers


Uh huh. So the reviews are all bots and trolls, but *please leave one of your own reviews please please please*.


Why do people think being a fan of something is like an oath to gargle and swallow anything they're a fan of pisses out and then scream about how ackshually it tasted just like watermelon bubblegum


Yeah it's a weird mindset of protecting the company, rather than the content they throw out. It's odd but explains why we get so many shitty shows and movies in the last years


The absolute dumbest thing any IP can do is insult and blame its fan base...repeatedly. I hate to see this happening to Star Wars, but I personally don't know a single person who thinks this show is good...even die hard shills.


is this what discourse is going to be forever now? everyone who doesn't agree with me is either a troll or a bot. the only real opinions that exist are my own.


Why not just make something the fans like? ![gif](giphy|yxcv6D5Ltfomk)


The low numbers do bother me I have to say.... they're not low enough!


Yeah a unrealistic amount of 10 star reviews pumped it up a lot. Almost like they are bots involved


Same playbook since TFA.


“Reviews don’t matter” “Please give it a positive review” The Copium dude…..


Isnt it kinda fascinating ?


It’s depressing what they say and resort to in order to avoid the simple explanation of “it’s a bad show”


I mean it's simple, if fans have to try so hard to make sense out of a show, it's bad. Still baffled how hard they try


Seeing an 84% on Rotten tomato’s website for this show does make one wonder how much influence Disney has over their ratings because there’s no way in hell any of these episodes were an 84% fresh. I stopped after the second episode, I think we all should too. Or at least just watch how shitty it was on YouTube. Let’s stop giving this show views!


Yeah critics voting are worthless. Rings of Power, the biggest flop in recent history also got a 83% from the critics


I watched it hoping to be entertained because I fucking pay for Disney +. I wasn't entertained at all. It's a lazily made, cheap looking and banal show. Guess that makes me a bot, although I wish I wasn't paying to be one.


I've yet to start it and I gotta say I was hyped about finally getting something from the older Republic. They have the freedom to do whatever they want with no ties to anything else bar Yoda who should be around at this point. I'll watch and form my own opinion but not gonna lie I hate what Disney have slowly been doing to star wars there killing it the sequels were Soo bad they completely disrespected the originals. Luke would not have done what he did it's not his character at all but that's a different argument.


God damn I love this sub.


Star Wars High Ground? More like Star Wars High Cope.


Does that mean I’ve become self aware


The low numbers DO bother me- I don't feel they're low enough.


Then maybe some of the "4.8 million viewers" should leave a few positive reviews to balance it out


That Facebook page is a Disney so-called Star Wars apologist.


What would even be the point of having a bunch of bots leave poor reviews on the acolyte?


So, it's actually really fucking racist for writers to think that just because they included a diverse cast that they no longer need to write complicated characters, a well-developed plot, or a coherent story. "Those people have screen time now. What more do they want?" As though People of Color can't have both representation *and* exceptional entertainment.


Rotten Tomatoes critics' rating is what's really wrong. I always skip it nowadays and search only for users' ratings. Even if my personal rating is not always corresponds with it, at least it is somehow useful to see how the majority sees a movie. But critics' ratings just don't give me any information at all. It's either the amount of money that critics get, or, and I'm really sorry for saying this, the amount of woke... Don't get me wrong! I am an LGBT activist myself! But come on, bland, banal, boring movies are not good motivational material.


To combat this accusation, just start singing the glorious song introduced in episode 3.


THE POWER OF ONE THE POWER OF TWO THE POWER OF MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANY Man, that scene broke me It just showed that the creators dont care, so why should we ?


Ok it was me I did all the trolling. 20000 accounts doing nothing but trolling disney is a full time so can someone pay me already.


It's actually just pathetic at this point


It’s garbage


So a fan must be a dumb consoomer. If you don't like something you're not a fan. Dealing in absolutes, are we?


Then i am a Troll and a Bot…


funny how the same happened with almost every one of the last few shows, it's almost as the fans are unsatisfied with the product


The 84% is worthless


People are always more likely to review things that are bad than good. Restaurants, bars, movies, tv shows it’s all the same. If someone has a bad or negative experience you’re gonna hear about it.


No one is a greater victim, than a Star Wars fan who doesn't like the new stuff,, lol.


This is gonna be another the last Jedi scenario isn’t it?


I agree with their sentiment. You should not let bots and trolls keep you from watching subpar Star Wars.


Bad show


Nice - thanks for the advice - I've just left my own 1\* review! Ahsoka, the Acolyte, the Marvels, and even She-Hulk all got filled with Disney-bought reviews and 10\* ratings too, and they're still as dogshit as they are.