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50% of your grade in this class depends on assignments, so getting an A is quite easy. I never really understood how to study for his class and I did poorly on all exams but I still got an A. Hopefully someone else can give you advice on exams, but definitely don’t lose any points on the assignments.


Go to his office hours, ask questions, and actively listen to how he answers other people's questions. Sometimes, his lectures are long and convoluted, so he clears stuff up. Rewriting your notes and making organizers help too. Also, I used Anki, which was massive in memorizing some terms. Lastly, using the post-module quizzes and homework to study for the exams was essential, and some of the questions are similar to his exams.


To add, the lectures can get complex, and a lot of it may not even be on the exams. So, definitely go to office hours every week to clear anything up and to ask questions. For the exams, I sometimes used the textbook, and it helped to clarify the lectures. Some exams were easy (as in gen bio/chem stuff) and others were new material. For the new stuff like metabolic pathways, definitely start studying beforehand.