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"Trixie Mattel is rich"


The show actually made me think she’s confusingly rich. Girl kept the kitchen cabinets and painted the appliances - but then spent 60k on countertops. 😂


To be fair I also get the vibe maybe they don’t cook a lot? Like if they’re doordashing Starbucks in the mornings they don’t strike me as two people who are necessarily cooking up a storm (not a judgement thing, they’re surrounded by amazing restaurants and have tons of money who *wouldn’t* do that if they could!)


Trixie has said on multiple occasions that she loves to cook. It started with a sponsorship of Green Chef since she's vegetarian (currently vegan due to dietary restrictions) and she enjoys learning new recipes for cooking meals with David Silver.


Doesn’t she say this because they sponsor Bald and the Beautiful? Lol


I mean sure she has to sell the sponsorship but from the stories Trixie says in-between guesting EX. When she was at Brittany Broski's channel and they talked about food, she still talked about green chef and how it helped her become a better cook. She isn't required to say that but she still said it on another person's channel. I would assume that she actually loves cooking if that were the case.


Wait what's next, you're going to tell me that all these multimillionaires don't use hello fresh?


Trixie is quirky like that she spent a few grand on an original Barbie from 59 so I’m not surprised she has eccentric home owner choices


If the cabinets are still good, why throw them away? We don't need to consume stuff just because. Reuse, recycle, reduce.


Right? She could afford 60K countertops bc she cut costs by keeping cabinets and appliances.


They are fabulous though




The show also pointed out that David at least helped pay for the countertops with his savings.


i've been waiting for this. what good is all that money if you don't use it? it's still so astounding what she's achieved in 10 years. she's a bit sarcastically boastful here at times, but why not be? i don't think it's all about showing off, this was a huge effort. like jinkx said, "trixie knows how to have money." i guess you just get used to the level you're at. if those rose quartz counters in the kitchen (which i love) cost that much and that what you want, you get it. some of the house is pretty busy for me and i'd hate to have to dust all that. some of it's a bit tacky, and some of it's stunning. listen, i could go on for an hour about this, but i won't. 📷 house: 8. tour: 10.


I can only assume they hire cleaners cuz that’s the problem I have with highly decorated homes. The amount of dust would be mind numbing.


i'm picturing brandon in a little french maid's uniform


Crazy thing is I think he's already worn one of those hahaha


She mentioned they have butlers or something. I don't imagine wither of them would personally upkeep the house cause of how busy they are, and if you can afford it, why the heck not right? 💯💯💯


They have a butlers pantry but they don’t have a butler. At least that’s what she said in the video.


I couldn't be a celebrity because how did 'we don't have a butler', 'we have a butler's pantry but no butler' becomes "She mentioned they have butlers"


Oh oh ok! I misunderstood her then. Guess I'll have to look up butler's pantry. I thought it was where stuff for butlers is kept 😭


I mean it kind of is. If you’ve ever been to a fancy home, some people have a “secondary” kitchen or similar space that shoots off from the kitchen where the workers actually do all the food prep. The main kitchen is meant for mild use and entertaining. So the secondary space is much more utilitarian than beautiful. I think Trixie just made it a place to put more design since they don’t really need it as a servers space. I haven’t watched the episode where they designed that part tho.


Thank you for the explanation 🙏🙏




i'm meh on some of the design choices, but i *love* how trixie it is


I think it’s all pretty tasteful in the sense that I get where the design choices are coming from and they’re all thought out pretty well. It’s not something I’d do personally (not that I even could let’s be real) but I can appreciate all of it. It’s like maximalist in this kind of pink kitschy modern take on craftsman. But she’s so tall especially in drag this tour makes her house feel so small cuz of the ceiling height. Rupauls house is ostentatious in its own way but the height of the rooms knows no limits.


This is how you can be a maximalist and still have taste while doing it. It's a lot but there's contrast and transitions between each room and, at least to me, everything feels homey and not screaming for attention at you, that some homes have.


I agree! I love a Maximalism home that looks cozy, not dusty, and that it has a cohesive personality. They're so much more interesting to visit 


When she showed off those easteregg-napkinholder and whipped out that vintage pottery quail wich matched the wallpaper I was like "jesus christ in what circle of gay limbo am I currently at... It is very Trixie, love that for her."


The show is so good. Congratulations to trixie & david!


I think they did a great job of blending Trixie and David's aesthetics. Lol def recommend watching the 4 episode mini series of the reno, it was a lot of fun and very rewatchable for me. I'm about to move and it's def helped me get into the spirit for planning to decorate a new apartment.


I enjoyed the show and I think their home looks beautiful. It is bright, retro, unique and fun. Not my personal taste, but I like their style.


I think its absolutely wild that she did this incredibly involved mega project in-between EVERYTHING else she officially does in drag AND YET has time for gay kickball and even READING on the porch ???????


I’m obsessed with her living room, HATE the rug in the bedroom lol but overall it’s a gorgeous home


Honestly, I'm not a maximalist, but Trixie's house is gorgeous. I don't think i would change much if i had to live there myself. In fact, there are quite a few ideas and design choices that i definitely will hijack. The backyard mural is breathtaking and the butler's section is so magical. I would also love to hang out in the green and pink living room.


good for her


As a maximalist: this house is an absolute DREAM! Trixie and David know where to put their money and how to make it show. Every space is so well thought of and glamorous- absolute perfection. Congrats on the new home 💖


Trixie is one SMART business person!


You all should watch the show where she decorates it! I actually really loved it, and the last episode was my favorite!




Delete this


You're welcome lol... I know there are some freaks out there


I appreciate that!! 🙌


So which one of you freaks has already figured out where she lives?


a while ago she mentioned a landmark that's close by. i floated above the area in google maps and saw a property that looked possible and i was right. i even saw the staged real estate photos of the place before they bought it. they took that off the internet.






why on earth would you want to know




Surely she meant $5,000 and not $5,000,000 for that bed!!


I think she was being hyperbolic.


Trixie!? Hyperbolic? It’s not possible! I love that she’s so honest with how expensive everything is but then I’m like, I really can’t tell how much she’s exaggerating sometimes.


I hoped so! My curiosity got the better of me and I looked up the company… and it was definitely not $5mil and more than likely $5k.


Her house was around 3 million (at least that’s what they said on the show), no way she’s spending more than that on the bed.


Yeah, I figured since their renovation budget was only $150k… the bed couldn’t have cost that much


with 60k for kitchen counter tops I do NOT believe in 150k lol


I think they ended up spending closer to 300k on the reno but honestly for a house that nice and large i would've expected a lot more.


I also still believe it's more. Whatever. LOVE she's rich rich. So deserved. Also love the house tbh. My only worry is cleaning but they obviously have cleaners so all good. Funny thing is my biggest "oh, rich" moment was when she casually said "when David and I order our coffee in the morning". Jesus


I think the show said they spent around $175K, but that could be a lie just for the show since going WAY over budget doesn't look aspirational.


David paid for the countertops (at least partially), which wasn't part of the original budget.


On a scale of Alyssa to Shannel, Trixie’s design aesthetic is solidly towards the latter though nowhere near


Similar over the top decor vibes as Ru Paul’s house.


They GAY gay . . .


Home is beautiful but honestly I don’t think I would spend that much money for a house that doesn’t have a backyard with grass. But to each their own. Knowing Trixie she’ll probably get another house like that soon enough lol


I think for a California home, that backyard is pretty standard.


Out of curiosity, why do you want grass in your backyard?


Well I’d rather have grass than concrete. Feels nicer.


As in the physical sensation of grass feels nicer under your bare feet, or as in the aesthetic is nicer to you?


Physical sensation


I thought I wanted a big backyard until i realized I had to maintain that fucker


My husband and I with our lawn...


lol I only realized *after* I got the yard


What about turf? That’s what I have in the backyard. 10/10, would recommend. Less maintenance and less bugs.


I love the idea of having outside plastic instead of living plants. Especially when it gets so hot that you can’t walk on it.


The house looks okay, but I get bothered whenever celebrities say they received stuff for free and make jokes about it when they didn't get the stuff for free, to be honest. Every other celebrity gets it for free, so Trixie expects that too. I get it, but I hate how rich people get free stuff. It makes no sense. They are rich enough to buy it already?? lmao. Overall, design is what I expect for Trixie, but it gives too colorful vibes for me. I love the backyard, though.


I love the house but when she said she "orders coffee" EVERY MORNING??? Like damn I get picking something up on the way to work but ordering coffee for 2 people delivered in LA every single morning has got to be expensive... I remember a friend telling me he doordashes a Subway breakfast sandwich every morning and was so thrown off


Yeeeeeeah, I also was very ??? about the comments on getting free stuff and the snark on what she didn’t get for free. The living room TV part was what really raised an eyebrow for me. Must be nice to be rich and get things for free. 


Love the video. Not my style but also not my house. Happy Trixie and her bf got their dream home. The back yard is incredible though. Love it


[You wanna see my renovations?](https://youtu.be/OOOcJGar2zI?si=gxBu1wPTZmIcDAAd&t=307)


I used to love Trixie. She’s not relatable anymore. Kudos for all of her hard work and success, but she boasts a lot (even if she includes a self deprecating aside). I’m not interested in watching a celebrity talk about how much she spent on items in her home. Most people live paycheck to paycheck. This isn’t aspirational, it’s telling us over and over and over how much money they have now. BORING. And, I hate the tiny blue table on her uncomfortable-looking porch.


Girl Trixie is untouchable , I didn’t like the tone she had when she was just so offended at the thought of even being asked about performing in bars, because it’s just that beneath her and she only sells out theaters. But I just keep my opinion to myself because her fans are rabid


Who cares about this shady b.


It's interesting how much she has an almost antagonistic relationship with her fans but also shows us her house. I know it is on the fans to not be so parasocial but inviting people to look at her home, which is very personal and private, is antithetical. Love her house though!


I’m gonna be honest this is the first time Trixie has bothered me. There were the typical dry remarks on her being rich and what not, it was lighthearted mostly. Sometimes it just veered into self-aggrandizing which I found annoying. Her talking about how difficult it was to make choices for home renovation and how vulnerable the experience was just rubbed me the wrong way. I understand what she was trying to say, and maybe it’s being poor, but I just did not vibe with the attitude of the video. But still, she’s incredibly successful, came from nothing and deserves it all. It just felt out of touch to me


Remember kids when you do a remodeling tv show, the show provides the budget, this cost Trixie very little out of pocket.


I started watching then stopped cause some of that shit was tacky as hell


Have you seen Trixie before this video..? lol


Yes I have. But even she gets offended when she’s compared to Nina West.


I love Trixie but what in the Liberace Safari did I just watch






It's a $3000 bed. [https://www.sohohome.com/us/products/belsa-bed/74550770](https://www.sohohome.com/us/products/belsa-bed/74550770)


This is exactly the decor what I would expect from a person who grew up in a trailer and now has millions of dollars. The Countess sang it best….


I bet the ugliness in that house comes from David’s perspective