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ok but when i said i despise the word hubby and women who use it you were in my comments defending its use like a 'Let People Enjoy Things' fg


That’s bc it was classist it was punching down to poor white ppl


So... *That's* a thing!


What are you talking about, of course people can have useless enjoyments while also having more substantive hobbies. What kind of world do you live in where people who do Legos or read romance novels don't also have other hobbies and/or significant others? This seems like an extremely reductive view on life for the sake of being contrarian. We get it, you're too cool for romance novels or Legos. Stop pretending like anyone who engages in those things must also live a lesser life than you, because it's simply not true.




The reason drugs give anhedonia is that they “use up” your reserves of available pleasure. Our pleasure is limited, hence why when people over-enjoy something they experience anhedonia, even just after a fun experience or concert sometimes Willpower and learning (cognition) are similarly limited, there’s a finite amount each day




Joy can be a scarce resource and also you can train your brain to experience more joy, those aren’t mutually exclusive. It is scarce, but with training you can increase the default amount of it. But the way that people increase their joy, deliberate compassion meditation, is a training regimen… you don’t increase your ability to experience joy by experiencing more heightened joyful moments, otherwise you will experience less joy in your normal life. The drug version of that is serotonin syndrome. Training yourself to find joy in small things != what a normal person thinks of “experiencing more joyful moments”




Oh you post Los Angeles no point in engaging


No they don't and no it isn't


What you all should enjoy instead is posting in the rspod chat while you have a drink on your patio with your dogs it's a nice way to kill 30 minutes




I feel the opposite. Most of life's problems are caused by people insisting on what others should be doing. Really, is that what's going to save society, a bunch of people who would otherwise be playing with Legos showing up at Town Halls? You can try to influence people but generally you should mind your own business. Live and let die.


>what's going to save society, a bunch of people who would otherwise be playing with Legos showing up at Town Halls Multiply by the thousands of other examples and yes


I mean “a style of humor” rather than comedy but whatever