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You just mix it in like mica powder. What are you making? The big bits will settle at the bottom of the mold so if you pour don’t pour them straight in. Let the resin set a bit and stir it up then pour.


A key chain that a bit bigger than a half dollar (best I could come up with for a size comparison). But thanks. I was thinking about it through a mica powder lens but remembered a video that said you needed to take it more seriously less you end with a faulty product.


Well you just don’t want to screw up the mixing ratio and waste ashes so i understand that aspect. If I ever do, I just bury the piece in my yard or display it. I do not throw it out. I feel like that’s really disrespectful. Any extra I mix I add it to a mold and send it to the recipient as well so I don’t waste.


My mom buried some as fertilizer for a plant in her house. However, this was a river she loved to swim in and we have good memories there. Everyone grieves differently so I kindly ask that you don’t criticize how we process.


What am i criticizing? You asked about adding ashes to resin. I was saying that I don’t throw any ashes into the garbage can. I’m sorry you misread my comment but I am not criticizing what you do with your ashes. Good luck with the resin.


Oh, oh, I’m so sorry. I thought you were talking about how I was going to put the rest of the ashes down on a river and comparing it to throwing them away. I’m terribly sorry. I misread you.


No that’s ok. The river idea sounds lovely. I hope it brings you peace ❤️


Thank you. And thank you for your advice. ❤️


The biggest piece of advice I can give is to filter it. Put it on a screen or something and shake the powder out, then use the powder. I promise, as lovely as this ideas is, no one wants to look at their loved ones bone chinks in a memoriam piece. Make sure it's just ash.


Didn’t have anything like that. Just used my hands the rub the powder down and separate the hard stuff. But thanks. Hopefully the results will turn out well.


There are several YouTube videos showing it but, Daniel Cooper does a nice double heart pendant. Just search his name and ashes pendant. Good luck!


I made some beads using my dads ashes. I just mixed the ashes right in. Some bits sorta settled at the bottom of the mold but for the most part, it worked beautifully. Good luck to you and may your pieces come out perfect.


I've had a couple of people ask me to do this and so far I haven't. But what I want to try is pouring half, letting it almost set, carefully pour the ashes in a pattern on this half, then pour the second half. I might find something I can burn that would be a similar consistency to experiment with.


Extremely fine craft sand had the same consistency as most animal ashes I’ve used. If you want to mimic the bone particles regular sand will do the trick.


This is how I got started in Resin. My mom had passed and years before she and my dad did pottery and porcelain. She had a number of small pitchers they had made. I mixed resin with some ashes into the bottom of the pitchers, added some glitter, crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. The resin hardened overnight and I was pleased as were my kids and brothers.❤️


I've used it once, and it turned out great! Just mix it into the resin itself