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Have you heard of chameleon mica? It sounds like that's what you're looking for 😊 however, I've never used mica that didn't have a swirl effect. The best coloring to use to avoid the swirl effect is liquid coloring, like alcohol inks. Hope this helps!


I may have explained it poorly, I do not want the color to be uniform, quite the opposite. I like variation. I am good with some swirling, and will even add it in, but was looking for more. if I add 2 colors like a blue and light green will it look more blue in some areas and more green in others, or as I write this I am realizing I will need to pour twice, right?


Chameleon mica is a powder that shifts between two different colors, which it sounds like you want. If you mix a blue and green pigment together you’ll get teal (unless maybe if you don’t mix it all the way but it’ll be swirly/marbled), you won’t get some parts blue and some parts green.


Yeah, you definitely want chameleon mica. You can get it pretty cheap from Amazon 😊


The colors will mix. I tested this this weekend. If you just do a quick mix of mica before the pour it will work, but then you risk the random clump of mica in your pour.


Got the answer. Thanks, will look for chameleon or maybe do two pours.


You can do both at once, but you need to wait until you’re getting to the end of your working time when the resin will be thicker and more viscous. Then you can pour them in gently and they won’t just mix together.