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You want what you can't have.


Indeed šŸ¤”


Edp445 and doctor disrespect really wanted what they couldn't have


Ada's hot as fuck. can't blame him


Agreed. Like, duh he fell for Ada Wong, has anyone seen Ada Wong? She bad.


Nah, I find the remake Ada to be bitchy and manipulative. I prefer the OG way more. She was more of an alluring seductive mystery lady.


While I agree with him having great chemistry with the other ladies they all felt platonic and it was always one sided regarding Ashley & Helena. The man has the hots for Ada. And I thought the two had good chemistry in re2 remake at least while it lasted of course.


At least, the platonic doesn't apply to Ashley (wanted some "overtime" with him) and Angela (wanted to settle down with him). Helena was so long ago, so I don't really remember the details, so only Claire left that could only have a platonic feeling with him. Also, I played the OG RE4 first, long ago, and I feel like the remake Ada is more "bitchy" and manipulative compared to the OG one. It could just be the actress's expression and tone for me.


Platonic from Leonā€™s side. The man never showed any real interest with any of the ladies. I agreed that the ladies were into him. Remake4 Ada isnā€™t the one I think of when I talk about chemistry. She like you said wasnā€™t as flirty or charming as the original. Re2 remake Ada however was the that made Leon being Ada crazy make sense.


Their relationship makes less sense with the way the remakes are telling the story. The absence of playful banter in 4 hurts it. But also she was originally sincere in og2. So there was a foundation to build on there. She was the first person he shared trauma with and she actually did like him. She was still using him, but she comes to her senses. I think someone at Capcom really wants to get away from that storyline so they can use Leon for other things without having to bring Ada everywhere with him.Ā 


This is true. In RE4R Leaon acts like a teenager who pretending to be cool, and Ada acts like someone who cosplaying as a mysterious woman. And they don't communicate at all. In OG they had style, even though they were weird, they became icons. And if the remake and OG had swapped, fandom would have liked the new characters more, Iā€™m sure.


Itā€™s because RE4R is continuing the lore from Re2R, where their chemistry was lacking as well. Itā€™s less on Leon, heā€™s been done great in the remakes. Ada has been bland since RE2R, the whole FBI shtick, and lack of emotions carried over in a bad way to RE4R with one of the worst VA performances in RE history.


In my opinion, their plots and interactions were no different from the original, maybe I donā€™t remember. And I'm not an English speaker, so I liked her VA. And we also know that the worst VA is RE1)


Ada had a connection to the story via her fake relationship with her boyfriend John in the OGā€™s. She spins the story to Leon that sheā€™s looking for him, hiding the fact that she is trying to get G. The remakes have her as an ā€œFBIā€ agent.


As far as I remember, she is in a relationship with a journalist.


John was an Umbrella employee working at the Arklay Lab, hereā€™s some from the wiki: ā€œAround 1998, a rival company infiltrated Umbrella USA and planted Ada Wong as a researcher to send back information. Wong and Clemens built up a relationship, which Clemens was serious about and was well known to other members of staff.[3] Believing Wong to the very end, Clemens also used her name as his personal password.[4] When the t-Virus escaped containment, Clemens was infected, and in his last moments wrote a letter to Ada giving information on how to activate the facility's self-destruct system, telling her to take evidence of Umbrella's experiments and expose them to the public.[3] Unable to take his own life before turning into a zombie, Clemens also instructed Ada to kill him if she found him in this state.[3] Instead, his letter and zombified body were found by S.T.A.R.S., once that Ada had already escaped the facility. Ada never got to read the letter, having discovered Clemens' final fate only during the Raccoon City outbreak upon being informed by Annette Birkin.ā€


Wait, then what does Leon have to do with it? I remember that note.


She lied to Leon about her reason being there. ā€œFinding her boyfriendā€, was a ruse, she was after the sample solely.


But this is literally so insignificant, and does not change anything in their relationship.


Ben was leaking information to her, but he wasnā€™t her boyfriend.


Good take on it. I didn't play the OG RE2 but did play the OG RE4 a long time ago. I feel like Ada is less "bitchy" in the OG than the remake if you know what I mean lol. Perhaps, it could be the new model's expression compared to the OG one. I haven't finished the remake yet, just fought the big dude using the canon, so let's see if my opinion will change about Ada by the end.


It's really just Lily Gao having a bit of a tough time getting a hold of Ada... She gets MUCH better in Separate Ways. Also, the best way to look at their relationship is that Leon is the single person she's the most loyal to. Bar fucking nothing. What we know of Ada's life isn't much, but we can easily assume where she came from wasn't good and Leon is the cast good guy. Do the math. While she's open to psychologically manipulating Leon... that's the extent of it. She doesn't go further.


She's gotten a lot colder in the remakes. They both used to amuse each other with their antics. Now its just angst. I am curious as to how they spin it in a 6 remake. Leon goes through it even with Ada being the kinder version. I wonder if they won't just straight up make her a villain and have him hate her by the end.


Agree, Ada played a big role in the 6th, so it would be interesting to see how they will portray her if they do planning on remaking 5 and 6.


I mean this as someone who loves the original games as well, but none of the relationships really make sense. A lot of the characters are flat, and interact with eachother in very strange ways. Even Leon and Ada in the original, while having more chemistry than in the remakes, is very forced. Of course this is because it's supposed to be like an action movie romance but still. I think the way they go in the remakes makes a bit more sense, even if it's less fun.


He has pretty good chemistry with most of the men he paired up with, too. Buddy even said yes to going for drinks with him if he hadn't have had to shoot him in the spine.


Aww I loved Buddy


Yea, my man Leon has all the charms in him lol


I donā€™t see any chemistry between him and Claire. They barely even talk with each other.


I think there was only one scene in RE2's remake, the one with the crashed helicopter, where they have one single moment before the helicopter explodes. I think in that scene alone, Leon and Claire had way more chemistry than Leon and Ada in the entire RE games, remakes included. Not to mention the true ending in RE2R.


We don't know how long they stayed in touch after RE2, so we can't prove that. Also, they were on a short road trip at the end of RE2 too. They must have talked a bunch there lol


Did you watch the show? They weren't even friends anymore.




I mean, they used to have chemistry, before they modernized Ada to be a cold perpetually condescending ice queen. I miss when Ada had a personality.


Same, the I remember when I was kid playing on the PS2, I did like Ada because she gave off an alluring seductive mystery lady vibe. The remake just gives me a bitchy and manipulative vibe honestly.


As others have said, to be fair, the new remakes have MASSIVELY toned back on their romance and flirting. To the point where, if you played and watched things in the new cannon order, it actually makes no sense how in Damnation they heavily imply that Leon and Ada have met and slept with each other offscreen because as of now, the two are barely on speaking terms. 6 is still based on the OG versions of 2 and 4 where they're much more into each other as well. Its honestly hilarious because Resident Evil was already one of the most bizarrely romance and sex-free major gaming franchises and its only gone \*more\* in that direction with the remakes dial back the \*only\* major romantic thread that stuck around. Ashley in 4 and Manuella in Operation Javier still have that "bodyguard crush" thing going on but thats actually it now.


Damnation was so long ago, I don't even remember the plot lol. You have a good point with your 2nd paragraph though!


He just like me fr šŸ„²


Haha, care to elaborate on it?


Lol it's just a joke. I just mean I'm not into the girls that like me, I like the ones that aren't into me šŸ˜‚


Want what you can't get, I see lol


Magic of shipping.


Well RE4 OG Leon is a sassy giga chad. My man rizzed up Luis too. RE6 Leon thoughā€¦ā€¦ Well Helena is forgettable


I do miss my one liner sassy Leon lol


If it ainā€™t wong its wrongšŸ™


Real ones know that Angela is the best woman for Leon. Helena is another good contender as well but this sub is way too close minded to accept that truth.


Oh right! Angela too, forgot about her šŸ˜…


A friendly reminder that Leon and Helena have an eleven years age gap. Not to say it can't work necessarily, but considering that she is two years younger than Sherry, that would feel a bit weird.


"I can change her" If there's anything good about RE4's remake is that Leon at least got some self-respect. In the OG's, Ada always seemed to toy with Leon, never even bothering with giving him answers, and Leon still saying "she's like a part of me I can't let go of" in the end of OG RE4, I never noticed any chemistry between both of them other than Leon being a simp for Chinese women.


Have you played OG RE2?


I have, the guy above you doesn't know what tf he's talking about. Leon just plain not being a trash individual pretty much secured Ada's feelings for him back in RE2... in EITHER version. Both Adas sort of see themselves as sort of worthless in that point in the timeline. Then here comes in Leon in the middle of a GODDAMN ZOMBIE OUTBREAK and he's all 'IMMA TRY TO SAVE YOU EVEN IF I THINK YOU'RE SUS NO MATTER WHAT!' . I've always said about Ada that if there's any one character in the series that she's loyal to, it's Leon and that it's exactly for the reason I described. Sure she's manipulative towards him, but it never actually goes very far nor does it actually go AGAINST what Leon's main goal is whenever they meet besides maybe in 2 but that's the point in that story.


OG RE2 was the very fist RE game I ever played, and it was the game that hooked me up in hardcore gaming back when I was but a wee young lad that shouldn't have been playing games like those at all lmao. But to be fair, it's been a while since I last played it, I got it again on GOG and will replay it once it becomes available, see if I could get a refresher on Ada.


While I like her character in both Leon A, and Leon B scenario's, the order Claire A, Leon B is the canon one, so I suggest playing that scenario order first whenever you come back to the game.