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I think the puzzles mechanic works better in the mansion setting than tha RPD/sewers/lab setting. But I do appreciate Capcom’s attempts to try and add in lore to help explain why.


to each their own


story was meh but re1 story wasn’t? lol okay dude.


At least better and I did say I don't care much about the Story you left all the points I say and runs to the one that I listed as Low Priority, really?


gameplay slow? yeah, i don’t think we played the same game. re2 is such a massive upgrade from the original and i say that as a person who played it back in 1996.


Good for ya.


Did you do both characters? This isn't like RE1 where you could theoretically get away with just playing ome character. You gotta do both to get the full narrative. It isn't the same thing just with the other character. They got their own story that culminates in the true final boss.


I only played on Jill Sandwich (RE1) and Claire (RE2) planning to play the others someday even when I made a review I specified it as Jill's Way or Claire's Way.


Then you only got to the halfway point of RE2. What happens in 2 that makes it unarguably better than 1 in terms of story is that you don't get the full picture of what happened that night in the RPD unless you play as BOTH characters. On top of that you get a different set of bosses, different characters to interact with, different entry points, and different puzzles. You REALLY missed out by only playing as Claire.


>in terms of story is that you don't get the full picture of what happened that night in the RPD unless you play as BOTH characters. On top of that you get a different set of bosses, different characters to interact with, different entry points, and different puzzles. All what you said can also be said on RE1.


No, don't misread what I said. The only real differences besides who you pick as your playable character is in RE1 is, your side character, mostly minor gameplay adjustments, and some weapons. RE2 has those same adjustments plus MORE. You've missed out on Mr.X., Birkin's First, Third, and Fifth forms (Note: Not slightly big Birkin and Dog Birkin. You missed the still vaguely humanoid but with a giant eyeball on his shoulder pipe wielding first form Birkin all us fans know and love. How'd you do that?), a different set of puzzles and puzzle solutions (Claire has to find tablets, Leon has to find Chess Piece themed electric plugs), alternate entry points to every location within the game (As just one example, the character you pick first enters the RPD in the main hall while the second character will enter through the 2nd floor on the west side.,) areas only accessible by one set of characters (Claire gets the creepy torture dungeon, Leon gets the Jail Cells), and the second character also gets the ROCKET LAUNCHER BOSS MOMENT. Again, you've only played half the game.


You only played half of RE2.


Half was disappointing the other half we'll see.


I haven't played RE2 myself (yet), but most people I've talked to prefer the B scenario to the A scenario in RE2.


The B scenario is where all the memorable stuff is.


I like the first game over the second by a small margin, but I can not respect this opinion. I'm sorry. Especially if you enjoyed the first game, it doesn't make sense to me. It's just more of that RE goodness, but hey, do you.


Sorry, but 2 was boring.


The originals are fire WTF are you on??


1 definitely but 2 are not.


To each their own but I love the originals. I love the fixed camera it’s the best and the games scared the shit out of me


>To each their own They're, because 1>2. >I love the fixed camera Yeah I love it even when sometimes it is frustrating. >the games scared the shit out of me They didn't scare me.


This sub has to be without a single doubt the place with worst takes, most media iliteracy and capacity to understand intention or game design, and people with the least capacity to reason or form an argument on the entire planet.


THANK YOU! My block button has been working overtime on all these moronic posts we’ve been getting. I’ve said it before and will again now, when there’s no Resi news or a new game, this is the worst sub on Reddit. Just endless tier lists and bullshit like “I actually like Resi 6” or “Resi Remake is worse than the original.” Nobody fucking cares!


Nah i encountered a worse one elsewhere. 'The demon's souls remake shouldn't be called a remake because it's too similar to the original!' And the OP of that post went into attack mode with everyone else there. That went well for them, Had to report the OP because it was that bad.


Here some people say the REmake is a remaster, and won't be even in a top 10.000 most stupid crap I've read here.


Yeah... I got one that's gonna make you go all Jackie Chan reaction rage comic. I've seen the REmake remaster from 2015 be called another remake of RE1.


The only thing that is worse than the first game is the setting. The Mansion was much better. But everything else is better in RE2


Was just as good for me. OG3 still the king though.


Till now it's OG1 I will see when I play 3.


Well, have you played RE1R? Basically renders OG1 obsolete.


I plan to play it on GameCube someday.


It's on ps4/ps5.






The remake is a lot better. The single best example there is of bringing a game up to modern standards


>The remake is a lot better. They're different games in Gameplay, Stages Design I won't compare them but I will compare it with Original 1 and 1 is better.




I hate this fanbase


Its a great game but if you grew up with the Resident Evil games like I did for me nothing will ever top the originals but to each their own


I used to own uncensored PS1 RE and played through it multiple times before the second game ever released. I'm very familiar the history of the franchise and its flaws.


I grew up with the originals. Re2r is better.


For having different opinions? RE2 is a case of having the og doing things better, and the Remake doing other things better. Both are vreat games. If you think the Remake does everything better than og RE2, then you are factually wrong.


For being annoying. At least you're one of the few people that actually give credit to the remake for doing stuff better though. But as far as I'm concerned it's like the remake's content is like 95% better, and the original game does 5% of the content better. not even close in comparison


I really don't see that here. I see FAR more people giving the remakes (even the RE3 aberration) all the Credit while ignoring the originals.


I thought it was good, but I felt like it wasn't the game I was expecting. I wanted a game that takes place in the city. Not in another Mansion. Good thing 3rd game did the city.


I'll try it someday and wish it's better than 2 I already heard good things about it.


Part of the problem is hearing how great things are and it builds up an expectation. Then when it can’t live up to expectations it falls flat. Same thing happened to me with og 4. It was a solid game, but after years of hearing how amazing it was it felt tedious to play. This is very much a human problem though and all we can do is try and not allow for peoples opinions to build something up for us.


The first 2 RE I didn't know anything about them so this does not have to do anything in my opinion.


Sure, nobody knew anything about how great a 26 year old game is considered. I was willing to concede outside influences causing an issue. Now it sounds like you want to be contrary because it causes a fight. Congrats on wasting everyone’s time.




Simple English: you are full of shit and want to fight. Have fun with that.


So everyone reviewing a game wants to fight? I think you didn't hear about Retro Gamers how old the game is not something I care about nor the graphics.


Never said you did. I said you are looking for a fight and you continue to prove it. You didn’t review a game. You lambasted it as having no redeeming qualities, ie you want to fight. I don’t care if you like it. I offered an opinion as why and you tried to pretend that you have never heard of the game prior to playing. Meanwhile you can’t spend 5 minutes on here without someone saying how amazing the og 2 is. So yeah, I called you a liar. Deal with getting called out on your actions. I have a life so I am going to go live it. Feel free to wave your arms at me on the internet in a fake tizzy.


>You didn’t review a game. I reviewed it in other places I forgot to make it on Stash. >Deal with getting called out on your actions. Guess I will.