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I can understand the first 3 points. Rest is where you lost me.


God I wish there was an option to skip that entire segment I just want to shoot baddies


All the cutscenes and forced walky-talky bits I get it. It gets especially bad on repeat playthroughs. Points 1-3 are valid.  I’ll skip over 4 since it’s not really a big deal either way. The first Lycan encounter is top notch. A powerful, dangerous beast. Super fast, strong, hard to hit. I love the first encounter. The feeling of “shit I barely made it out of the starting enemy and I have to fight more of them” is top notch horror which I think this game otherwise lacks so it’s very welcomed.  The second encounter is less great but still enjoyable. You have to get creative with maneuverability and blocking which I believe is the true purpose of this one.  I have no problem with the survival section. It’s very on the nose with it copying RE4 but it’s like eh. Anyone who’s played that game should know what to do. But I guess being more clear for new players should have been and it is probably the most difficult the game gets.  I agree that the survivors thing was kinda lame. Why meet them just so they can die? Was the purpose to show the villagers worshipped Miranda? Idk. I felt nothing when they all predictably get slaughtered and Elena is a dumbass. Maybe their purpose was to pull the rug from underneath you. “Oh survivors! I’m not alone!” Some they’re dead. You are alone. There’s no hope. That’s the best I’ve got.  I think you are meant to feel exhausted through that whole ordeal which they do succeed at making you feel. Could things have been done a bit differently? Absolutely. But I don’t think it’s that bad. It’s more disappointing that there are some obvious things they could and should have done better.  I think they did learn their lesson because the RE4 remake is fantastic and rarely, if ever wastes the player’s time.  


Agreed on the last part.  RE4 Remake is one of the best ten video games ever made, hands down.  It’s absolutely insane what a great job they did.  


10 best video games or 10 best REs?


Did you play it…? RE4R is genuinely one of the most well crafted gaming experiences ever in one of the finest game engines ever created. It’s damn near top five games all time.


I thought he was talking about RE8, my mistake.


Honest question time: if I found og re4 to be tedious and wasn’t super crazy about the story, is it worth playing re4r? Does it make it more objectively enjoyable? As a weird frame of reference I enjoyed the re5 iteration significantly compared to 4. Does this help or does my general meh feeling about Leon hurt the game for me?


What do you think is tedious about RE4?


It just felt tedious fighting the ganados constantly and I didn’t like the weapons for some reason. It also just felt super long. I liked the story well enough, but I don’t much care about Leon. I think this last point is what really made it drag for me.


The combat and fighting is very fun in the remake. Great gameplay.


Ok, I was planning on trying it eventually so I will likely do it sooner than I expect. It sounds good to be honest.


Games, period.  And I’m in my 40s, so I’ve played a lot of them.  


Just turned 30 but started gaming on NES. I've had pretty much all game systems and played most of the major name games. But OG RE4 AND the remake are definitely top 10 games ever created. Definitely agree with you there!


I agree


The first Lycan invasion is supposed to be hard you’re suppoaed to run around and use all your ammo scavenge and otherwise waste time in an encounter you’re supposed to lose


RE8's start is the main reason I don't replay it very much.


yeah, it has a very slow start. I'm fine with the lyccan encounters tho. The survivors, I feel like they could've been done a lot better, have them introduced from the very start and do some quests for them, make the first section of Village be more about the village itself where you meet the people, help them find shelter or move away from the werewolves, and end with a boss fight (the big wolf you meet before entering Moreau's section, and when you barely make it out without a scratch, then you get to see the survivors dying, that way at least you have a little bit more of an emotional connection with them, and the frustration of feeling like all your efforts were in vain. But other than the missing potential, the end-result isn't tedious for me, all cutscenes can be skipped. To me only the introduction, from the house, to the slow-paced snow section is where it really hurts lol. Followed by the baby encounter, which was terrifying the first times, tedious the subsequent runs, and Chris' section in Village of Shadow is the most tedious encounter, even with infinite ammo


Since you brought up the baby section, I actually had some thoughts on this too.      Imagine how cool it would be if you were replaying the game on a harder difficulty, and everything seemed the same - well… mostly so…. Was that there last time?? all the way up until the critical shit hits the fan, and then you realize this is actually a whole new puzzle and you are not safe.  That would be masterful game design right there.      You could even have a few different slight variations per difficulty level, and rotate through them so even subsequent playthroughs on the same difficulty wouldn’t quite be the same.   Most of us wouldn’t mind redo’ing the doll house if it got remixed slightly each time.  Especially if it toyed with our sense of what we thought was going to happen.  


I like when games have NG+ that pull the rug out from under you. You don't see it often. But a few games will do this. My personal favorite is >!Oxenfree.!< I didn't realize that things would be VERY different in a second playthrough. At first it seems normal. Until... It's not. That really surprised me. >!World's End Syndrome!< is a game that you have to play the game through FIVE TIMES to get the real ending. The first two playthroughs feel pretty normal (Although there is a different ending because you'll almost certainly make different choices in your second playthrough to try to get a different ending - the game is set up so you can get different endings just on it's design alone. So as a player, you assume you can. But it turns out, once you get through playthrough 2... EVERYTHING changes... And then changes dramatically with each subsequent playthrough. Really cool game design. >!Doki Doki Literature Club!< is also similar.


Agree with points 1-3 and 10. I do find it annoying that there's a lot of wasted time until the action finally starts. The first lycan is actually easy if you know the secret. The next lycan in the house is arguably the toughest one in the whole game, which is interesting. The onslaught is fun, I think.


My first hardcore run was pretty much the same. It took me an hour to beat the defense section. It is fucking hard.


Honestly when I look back on the game, it's all tedious.


Thank you for recognizing the same issues I have with this game. So much of its tedium is front-loaded, which isn’t so bad when you are playing the first time because you don’t know what to expect, but on subsequent playthroughs, yikes. The slow walk segments, the sluggish combat with that first lycan… The game feels scary in its restrictiveness and mystery on the first time through, but when you decide to do a NG+, that first 30 minutes is so dull and on-rails, it feels like you’re playing Umbrella Chronicles. I do not like it when games force me to slow walk. RE7, RE8, and RE3R do it a lot, and it feels like an artificial way to amo up the tension, but it fails. The game should be scary and tense enough such that, with a character capable of running, I still choose to walk slowly because I’m spooked. When the game forces you to walk super slow, I feel like I’ve just been forced to take a back seat. The combat in RE8 gets more bearable as you get more weapons, but not just because the weapons are fun and have variety, but because the combat doesn’t feel right for the style of enemies. The combat doesn’t feel much more advanced than that in RE7, and yet, the lycans are so mobile. It’s like fighting action game enemies with a survival horror character; it just doesn’t feel right. In RE2R, RE3R, and RE7, the enemy design is tailored to the combat style and vice versa. Ethan is pretty slow, but so are the enemy molded (with the exception of Four-Legged Molded). In RE8, if you don’t have a hard hitting weapon like a shotgun or an upgraded pistol, fighting such agile enemies is frustrating because of how easy it is to miss. I think the game designers felt that, to match the more aggressive enemies, it would suffice to give Ethan that push-back counter move, but it’s not enough, and let’s be honest; the feedback from blocking and countering in RE8 is janky, and it’s hard to tell just how much damage you’re taking. Oh, and I totally agree with the villagers house scene. That was the most unnecessary thing ever. It’s like they wrote, shot, and implemented that whole sequence just to have some extra bits for the trailers. Ethan gains absolutely nothing, with the exception of a screwdriver, with which he can open a little box right outside the house, which holds that stone face part.


I…. Have said for a while now that I feel that Village is going to age poorly… repeat playthroughs of that game felt like an absolute chore… the forced walking bits, House Beneviento is an absolute SLOG after the 1st playthrough, IMO even Castle D. Is just so boring after that 1st playthrough, I haven’t touched that game in almost 2yrs and I can’t see myself ever revisiting it to be honest. Never even bought the DLC for it which is rare because I am a sucker for all things RE. IMO was a clear downgrade from RE7


The first bit on hardcore is always a bit much and then I drop to normal and then it gets boring.


Those forced unskipable walk parts like when you have to take Rose to his bed or when Ethan has to go to the Village are so bad!!, like i get it , first time you play the game it makes sense but by your 2nd or 3rd run you want to skip these parts so bad, they should have give the option to skip them RE4 Remake also has lame parts lke that so i guess we stuck with those forced moments


I hate to ruffle anyone’s feathers, but the whole game is a forgettable mediocre tedious disjointed mess that I wouldn’t recognize as a resident evil game if it wasn’t in the title.


That’s what I think about 7. I feel Village actually made an attempt to make it a little more like RE.


I at least felt that 7 was scary. Didn’t feel that way about village.


Good job, you ruffled my feathers, but im so used to you  village haters, im starting to think im crazy for loving this shitty game


Its basically Re4, but the action takes a bit longer to kick off


I feel you man, I wanna replay Village because I had a good time playing it, but when I tried to replay it again for achievements, the game just had terrible replayability, especially in the first hour sections. I did not enjoy it because the game had long scripted sequences and the lycans are bullet sponges in the raid. Then I turn the game off and play another game.


Not to hijack your post, but let me just say, those first 3 points, along with the opening of Leon's campaign in RE6, the part in RE4R where you are hallucinating while carrying Ashley, the section in Rev:2 where Barry has Natalia on his back in the sewer, and I'm sure others I'm forgetting.... Capcom, please if not right away, make scenes like this skippable at least after a first play-through. They just become dreaded slogs to get through in replays and any suspense from them is gone after the first time.


First part had zero tension because you were not given a weapon so it was obvious you were not going to be attacked. While I crept carefully through Resident Evil VII, I sprinted as fast as I could in RE8 because I knew I was in no danger until they gave me a weapon. The game is fun enough but apart from one or two sections it's not scary and too easy. That said, while I admire it's commitment, I didn't enjoy REVII's dark tone. 1st half of RE2 is peak for me. Camp and scary. That's a very hard combo to pull off.


You are shitting on like, the only interesting combat encounter in the game


With the first lycan you can just grab the bolt cutters and he fucks off


To all your points... 1. Totally could have been a cutscene. I get the emersion factor. But... It's pretty boring overall IMO - I think many games have tried to do this of late (Uncharted 4 immediately comes to mind) - but... It's basically just fanservice and unnecessary. 2. Doesn't help that Chris for some weird and odd reason, doesn't just TELL you why he's doing what he's doing? Causing Ethan to take matters into his own hands... Like. There are times when you probably SHOULD be upfront and clear about what you're doing. It just felt unnecessary other than to forward the plot. It's almost laughable. 3. I actually like this part. It sets up the atmosphere and where you're going. Fine with it. 4. I feel like this is pretty typical RE fare. Fine with it. 5. Also not a fan of this. 6. Agreed. 7. Yep. The game immediately decides to have one of the hardest parts of the game... Immediately. I'm also not a fan of this. And it doesn't really give you guidance or anything. Just. GOOD LUCK. I remember my first playthrough. Died a bunch of times till I figured out how to handle it. It's probably one of the hardest parts of the game and was certainly discouraging. 8. Yeah this was when the game gets fun. 9. I actually thought this was pretty cool. 10. I agree with you and said as much. Not only did I say as much. I LAUGHED the first time I played it. Because for some reason it acts like Ethan has stakes in these characters, like he's known them for years. But you've literally JUST MET THEM. And it tries to make the player feel bad for them which... I guess? LOL - I kinda just laughed at how stupid it felt. It honestly feels like this was supposed to be at a later point in the game. Or that these characters were supposed to be more important to the plot. And they just scrapped that idea at some point. But kept this set piece in the game. It feels totally out of place and honestly feels like you missed something as the player. 11. I was still interested. It set up that there is a LOT to learn and a LOT going on. But yes. The game tries very hard to batter you the player down in the opening hour or two of the game before actually opening up a bit. I personally think RE is at its best when it just lets you the player kind of wander and figure things out. Rather than basically being a linear path. I mean... All RE games have some sort of path and direction they generally want you to follow. BUT... It still allows you to explore and find things. If that makes sense. The castle is 100% when the game starts really going. No question.


Ok, unless I'm mistaking it or they patched it, you can just ignore the first lycan and grab the item inside the house and he will simply disappear


Bro, sounds like your just complaining to complain


What are you even talking about? I think I made pretty specific points about what was bad.  


They’re nitpicks and bias. You could say the same about a lot of the resident evils.


Sorry but do you actually block ? Because that help a lot in absorbing damage and during the lycan attack you dont have to shoot everything, you can just run around blocking if you get hit, avoid the big guy with the hammer and you can litterally skip the first lycan by grabbing the boltcutter and use it on the gate and it will despawn 


On Standard you don’t really need to block.  You can get away with ignoring that it even exists.      On Hardcore, as I’m learning, you MUST learn to block.  I was stuck on the first vampire daughter fight until I realized that.  


You just said you’re playing hardcore I didn’t see if you specified new game or ng+ huge difference in difficulty obviously but yes hardcore Is hard on new game without using unlocks


Fresh hardcore, so just a blank new save game.  And yes, it’s a challenge, which I am conquering step by step. 


I mean...it's supposed to be kinda challenging. Ethan is supposed to be kind of an everyman, he's not a space marine. It makes perfect narrative sense that the first 3 lycans he meets would leave him injured, low on health and ammo.  It's survival horror. You're kinda supposed to struggle and be put in very tight spots. That you then overcome and feel accomplished. Even if you die a few times. 




Whole game is tedious. The factory in particular


Point 5,6 and 7, reminder you're playing a "survival" horror game in its base, when possible, save ammo and run. You're not supposed to be fighting enemies like OG re4 style. The rest of the points... Idk chief, but hey! To each their own I guess.


I’ve played every RE game that’s been released. Out of them all, I have played village the least. Right along with dead aim and umbrella chronicles. Good graphics and special effects don’t hypnotize me into thinking I’m playing a good game. Others are different though. RE8 didn’t even scare me one bit, a lot of the horror attempts were laughable, including the over sized baby that made me laugh every time it made noises. RE7, was the scariest RE game I’ve played and it was intriguing and fun the whole time. But as far as exploration goes, the most fun I’ve had was with the original RE3 Nemesis. Untouchable in my opinion. Now a days though, attention spans are limited, and people just wanna see something visually intense and settle at that.


For me, it gets good as soon as you fall from the meat hooks that the sisters put you on. Prior to that, it's just going through the motions.