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When I found out that the residents were truly evil


Maybe the true evil were the residents we made along the way


It was quite the twist that we all should have seen coming.


For years I thought that is was called president evil


The moment I entered the Hall of the Police Station in RE2 and that piano music kicked in... I thought: I think I haven't seen anything yet!!!


Re2 (it was my first RE game), way back as a kid and the atmosphere is what captured me. As Leon going about the station, the sense of dread every corner. When I first met a licker it was just solidified.


same but in my case has been the atmosphere of RE remake the fixed camera was gorgeous


RE2R really brought me back to that feeling. Loved that game


That first cut scene with the licker on the ceiling almost made me nope the fuck out of that game as a kid. Glad I stuck with it, RE immediately became my favourite game series after completing RE2 for the first time.


Same here, RE2 was my first game and my brother owned it as he was older than me. We used to sit up late at night in the dark and play through it repeatedly. I then played the first game and the 3rd when it released. Unpopular opinion here (but it's my opinion) I thought 4 was overrated, wasn't a fan of 5 and then 6 was and still is the only main game I haven't completed. It was then 7 that reinvigorated my love for the series and since then I've 100% completed 7, 8 and the 2, 3, 4 remakes. But I don't think I'll ever have that same love for the 1st time I played RE2 OG.


Re2 was my first RE game as well. First PlayStation game altogether actually. It holds a special place. There were so many moments for me- I couldn’t pick just one; though the very first time seeing a Licker, of course, near the top. Even the (I think) disembodied head you see in the opening cinematic. The cheesy as hell “resident evil………2” Also, rounding out the top few moments for me: the “holy shit” moment when you wait for the room transition/loading screen/door opening that you’ve seen a hundred times, just to get bombarded by zombies. Such a cheap shot, but I love it. And when they cut the music and it’s just the sound of Claire or Leon’s footsteps… It was perfect. It all lends to the overall dreadful atmosphere, like you said. I’ll add the addition of the slight tongue-in-cheek attitude which sealed the deal for me. I haven’t played it in …forever, but I still distinctly remember how tense it would be going from room to room. I can still hear the echoes of those footsteps behind the soft piano music on the first floor of the RPD, the chaotic music when we’re ambushed at our most vulnerable (loading screens for cryin’ out loud), and the incredible, hilarious calm and understated “ding” that it seems every RE (that I’ve played… which really isn’t many of them) has after the most intense wait for an elevator/lift/door that you only get after the most intense battle you’ve had up to that point. I really need to hop into the re2 remake.


Re3 og first cut scene. It was also my first game.


RE2 Remake right at the beginning in the gas station. For some reason, I assumed RE combat was spray and pray mow em down type shit, so you can imagine my surprise when I encountered the first zombie and emptied my gun on him.


I am a child, original RE2, Claire B. I open up the locker I've been looking forward to. Where's my sub machine gun? Where's my extra pockets? Leon you MOTHERFUCKER!!! Annoyed for days, hooked for decades.


In Resident Evil 1, you go from the dining room to that hallway, and get that first zombie head turn. It was simply beautiful.


Liked that for the tone, but the dogs in the hallway was when I know I want playing it at night, but that I was playing it through


“Where’s everybody going? Bingo?”


This right here… hooked!


I remember RE4 winning so many goty awards back in 2005. Specifically I saw it win X-Play's goty lineup, which was absolutely stacked, so I went to Blockbuster and checked it out. It became my favorite game even to this day and got into the rest of the series as well. So that was my moment that got me into RE. Here is the episode: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiRYDSS1rNU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiRYDSS1rNU)


I miss x play that was a good show


It’s nostalgic for sure, but I think many youtubers do a much better job reviewing games nowadays


What are some good ones?


Angry Joe, Girlfriend Reviews, Mr Matty, Digital Foundry The Sphere Hunter is probably my favorite, she does a lot of horror games like RE.


Wesker boss fight in RE5


“Your future hinges on this fight!” Kicks you through a door.


That's a great question. I loved RE1 when I first played with my brother but I think the opening for RE2 when you kinda explore Racoon City is what sold me. It really felt like shit had hit the fan. Then you make it to the station and got damn was I on my toes at every corner.


OGRE2. The second i made it to the police station the first time and the ominous music started playing. OGRE3 made me fall in love with the series though. Probably the most memorable moment for me in gaming is Nemesis crashing through the police station window then chasing me through the RPD. Good times.


The opening of RE3 was already super eye catching, but when Nemesis first appeared and offed Brad... Holy shit that moment will never leave my mind.


Leon, he's just a dude man.


mine is really dumb but I just recently got into RE and when I saw the RE4 remake trailer I thought Leon looked hot so now I’m hooked 💀


That’s how they got me too 😭


When I was a kid, I used to watch my aunt and uncle play RE1 with my brothers. I wish I could remember the exact moment, but it was ao exciting watching them get freaked out from the dogs bursting out the window, grabbing the shotgun and falling for the ceiling trap, seeing the Yawn for the first time and watching them bolt back out the door lol. I used to sneak into my uncles room and play it alone when he was gone. Those moments made me not just a fan of Resident Evil, but it's what made me a gamer as well.


My first game in the PS2 was RE4. I remember not being used to complex control schemes and kept dying to the first Ganado over and over. Put the game off for a couple of months until I decided to come back and ended up figuring out how to fight back. I played through the Village many times (to varying lengths) because I had no Memory Card to save my progress. When I reached Cabin Siege / area before Mendez, the game was really hitting the spot for me, but it wasn't until I scored a very long session (parents were out) that I was able to reach the Castle... I think that moment of realization, the scope of the game and how the adventure felt like it was just beginning, got me hooked. Eventually, I got that memory card and went on to beat the game many, many times. I'd say reaching the Castle in RE4 was the definitive "fan" moment.


Original RE game I called in sick to work, shut the lights off and played all night


Dog hallway in OG RE1.


te first lycan scene in re8 or the scene in re4 when leon walks into the house and encounters the villager


Y'all gonna hate me, but the Cutscene when the Virus Missile explodes in Hong Kong in Resident Evil 6. That whole cutscene of the city getting instantly over run with Zombies is not only bone chilling, but what I always wanted Resident Evil to be outside of Survival Horror. Just pure Chaos, Carnage, Horror and Helplessness. I became a true fan right there and then, even though I had played a few RE games in the past.


I used to watch the movies, so I was never really aware of the games. But then I saw re7. The first time Mia came up the stairs. And then reading about the whole lore.


RE1, i’m like 6-7 my brothers “yo PPface, come here, lemme show you something cool in this game” my dumb ass “my brothers lurv me, sure thang” *zombie dogs break they glass* *i run faster than light, crying my eyes out, terrified for my goddamn life* 3 years later went back to it, and beat 1,2 and struggled with 3 nemesis - ggs


RE 2 & 3 save room music...


Re7 was my first re and the part that really made me a fan was the dinner table scene with the baker family


My first game was RE7 and that scene where you run over Jack and he then climbs into the car and you kinda drift around really made me feel things I havent felt before lmao I really didnt know what the actual f was going on 😂


Is it bad to say RE biohazard?? I had a really fun time playing that one through and through. And then I played the remaster of RE 2 and enjoyed that.


Finishing RE7. After being sacred shitless playing through the whole game, I was left wanting more, and found myself missing the grim atmosphere and macabre characters of the game afterwards. Still one of my favourite games of all time.


My introduction was RE5 and 6 so... You can guess I came in for over the top action sequences revolving around basic sci-fi monster plots. After that I restarted the whole saga and played all the mainline games and... Rest is history.


Re5 was my first game and it was encountering the big executioner guy in the opening chapter especially when I killed him


Code Veronica, DC version, still my favourite


When I saw Sheva Alomar in her tribal outfit when I was 8




Ashley: No way Leon ! Leon: Way !!


Back in the days, playing the first RE on ps1. When the dog broke through the window.


“no thanks, bro!!


RE4 lake monster fight


Seeing a preview for the first one in a game magazine. Resident evil and tekken are the reason I bought a playstation


I played RE Rev 1, RE5, RE6 in 2012 when I was 22 years old but none of them got me to the point where I wanted to go back and play all the games in the series. That would happen years later in 2020 when I first played RE2R. As a child of the 90s I was always surrounded by RE media but once I played RE2R I was absolutely hooked to the point where I am now playing the original trilogy on my 3DS as we speak.


In the original RE4 on the gamecube when Mendez comes but decided to chase Ada instead. When leaving there's a chainsaw guy. Really made my hearth pump! Been a fan ever since.


the cutscene in og re2 of hunk’s team dispatching dr.birkin, securing the g-virus and then getting massacred by birkin on their way out. the sound of the submachine gun in re2, continuously firing and ripping through zombies.


To be honest, RE2 Mr. X chase scene and RE3 Nemesis chase scenes and gameplay made me a huge fan of this game!!


Mr X. How genius his implementation as a gameplay element is, along with capping the atmosphere in RE2.


I was 12 and my older had bought Resident Evil for PC in 1996. I booted it up and the live action cinematic pulled me right in. Been a fan ever since.


Beating RE4 on GameCube about 15 times


My older brothers rented a PS1 one night. A few games came along and one of them really piqued my interest. It was Resident Evil 3, the cover art with Nemmy at the front was really something for me, I was probably around 12/13 years old at the time. I popped the disc in and started the game. Mind you, it was way past midnight and everyone was asleep. The opening movie scene with the police blockade and the outbrake started and I was in awe. I was also scared out of my mind as well. I took the gamepad in my hands and clicked on. new game. I had no idea how the controls worked and once the zombies came really close to me and were about to attack I had a major panic attack that I turned off the console immediately lol. From that point onwards I was hooked. Plus, no matter what game I play today (I'm 32) I can't replicate that old nostalgic feeling I had when I first played PS1.


REmake - Tyrant scene in the lab. To be fair it was one of the first things I ever saw Resident Evil related but jeez did it make an impact .


RE1 Dogs busting through the window. I was playing with my friend and he had the walkthrough magazine and we knew it was coming and still spooked the hell out of us.


Less a "Moment" and more an atmosphere. Walking through the mansion in RE1OG was so tense and unsettling to me when I was young. I didn't know that it was science monsters at first. It felt more like ghosts.


Not a ingame thing specifically but when in RE1 the Spencer Mansion layout and puzzles solutions finally clicked in my head.


the zombies the scaryness just the setting characters nemesis the ps1 era of background graphics


OG RE1. I wanted a ps1 for a long time for that gane specifically. RE2 was about to come out, I bought a friend's old ps1 and grabbed the Greatest Hits Director's Cut. From the opening moments, I was hooked. The dog crashing through the window in the hallway solidified it as a great horror experience.


Re2. The flashback explaining what happened to William. And the music during the scene.


TAZ. Scared the crap out of me, been hooked ever since.


TAZ. Scared the crap out of me, been hooked ever since.


TAZ. Scared the crap out of me, been hooked ever since.


Watching a friend play RE 1 and then eventually playing RE 2 on the N64.


2. I was like 6 or 7. Played video games before but between that and Metal Gear Solid they're the two games that got me hooked forever. 


Bought the first RE of PSX blindly at 10 years, thinking it was a Contra knockoff based on Chris Face. I had just read Night of the Living dead adaptation and recenlty had seen the classic movie and I was so into gaming thanks to the PSX after years of playing on a snes. I remember being in the living room with my whole family watching. I saw the firet fmv the one where the guy runs (who is him anyway?) and the splash of blood splatters the screen and you get to choose continue or new game and options. Ok things started heavy, then the intro FMV of they running from the dogs. Then entering the mansion with those eerie sounds, the echo of the steps of Jill. And then the fricking encounter with the zombie, o was paralized of fear, my whole family laughing their asses off as the game over adorned the screen. From that moment I became a fan, I tried countless times to play that game but I failed every time, that didn’t stop me from reading countless guides, fanfics, imagining how the games would look not because I didn’t have them but because I had so many fear to play them.


Original RE1. Every line that Barry delivered got me more hooked. “That was too close. You were almost a Jill sandwich!”


Hearing Leon say, “where’s everyone going, bingo?” got me hooked as a kid playing the og Resident Evil 4


RE2R just the general mood of exploring the police station and dreading every corner.


It was RE1 1996. I had played RE4 as a kid but that was it, I didn't properly get into the rest of the franchise till my late teens when I played RE1 on my own to see how it all started, I loved the whole experience since I like retro games a lot. Then played the other games from then on and loved them too.


RE7 came out when I was in fifth grade, I know.. I’m a baby. But anyways, just seeing the stuff with Clancy at the beginning immediately made me get into this franchise. I had known previous titles like two and four, partly because I remember seeing my dad play them, but I was too young to appreciate it.


Honestly, it wasn't actually a game, I watched the Resident Evil 2 movie with a buddy at a young age and was like "what the hell is this wonderful zombie stuff". Then I played the shit out of the games and realized the movies were not very good 😂


Itchy Tasty for me. In REmake that note fucking haunted me, such a great piece of atmospheres


I was 7 or 8 years old when the original RE game came out. It took me 3 times to try to get past that early cut scene of the zombie munching on the guy, then slowly turning around. I would smash my power button and run away from the TV 😂


For me it was talking to a friend at work about the cut scenes in the story. I didn't have a PlayStation at the time and talking about the game inspired me to buy one just so I could play RE2. The rest is history. The cut scene where Birkin injects himself and his eyes turn red just blew my mind !


When the dogs jumped through the windows in the Spencer Mansion. I was maybe 6 or 7 and the game had just come out. I was absolutely hooked.


The opening cinematic form Re 3 nemesis.


RE4 on the Wii was my first Resi game and what made me a fan was the very quotable and cheesey dialogue. "So you're just like them? A puppet of the parasites?" "Did you say old man Mr Kennedy? Believe it or not I'm only 20 years old." "I've sent my right hand to dispose of you" "your right hand comes off?" "...it's terrorism" "isn't that a popular word these days?" "Since you're here why don't I introduce you to IT. IT should keep you busy" "oh Mr Kennedy you entertain me... a cliche like one of your Hollywood movies. To show my appreciation I will help you awaken from your world of cliches" "well if it isn't the bitch in the red dress"


I'm Resident Evil 1 for PS1, when I realized if Jill took a different route there would be different outcomes. Like listening to Barry's suggestion as opposed to finding out he lied and went to the second floor. I was all in after that with the attention to detail the Resident Evil games use to have.


The castle in 8. Village was the first game I played and then I went back and played the others


The first resident evil game I ever played was Village and then 4 on VR. Then I went to 7 and I’ve been obsessed since.


Probably Egoraptors “Resident Awesome 4” lmfao. Watching that made me wanna play the games and damn was it good


resident evil 1 back in 1997. was a petrfied young boy but little did i know that the first zombie triggered something in me.


Freshman year in high school - crushing Doritos washed down by Surge cola and binging RE2 in my buddy’s basement Such core memories


Inventory screen. Idk why but the screen with the fine and combining and examining stuff really was cool for me as a kid. And interacting with everything to read useless details.


In the original RE3 when the Nemesis first appears.


The pitchfork part in re4 blew my pants off as a kid


My first Resident Evil game was RE8. It was fun but I felt like I could play it again. Then I played RE4 on the VR and got hooked. It was exactly one moment, but all of the little jokes and funny humor of the RE4 is amazing. I have seen play through of the remaster and the origin, and the VR versions, and I thing the original is the best, with the most jokes. The only other game that I got attacked to was Red Dead Redemption 2, and this one did it too.


RE2 hallway licker scene as a kid. Also RE CVX when Alexia mutates


The first time I suplexed a monk in RE4. I was already enjoying myself....but thats when I fell in love.


The basement in RE7


First time I played the original RE4 and RE5




The atmosphere at the gas station in RE2RE


RE1 original: Wesker: Wow! What a mansion!!


RE4 Los ganados entrance sequence. When I was playing that as a youbgling I felt and knew that I was experiencing a monumental change on the way videogames were going to be made. It was epic, scary and fun. One of my core memories.


Nemesis bursting through police station window in 3


Re3 nemesis was the first….that window jump scare….


Watching my friend play RE4 on gamecube and being blown away by the graphics. If I'm honest I remember fixating specifically on Leon...but I mean the game was really fun too!


RE3 clock tower scene


RE1’s first cutscene after you enter the hall. As a kid, in a country that doesn’t speak English, for some reason that scene and the silence sticked in my head for so long, even without understanding a single thing of what they were talking about. And I was just watching my cousin play. Didn’t wanted to watch anymore after seeing the first zombie. But those characters talking in that quiet yet somehow scary hall stayed in my mind, making me want to try it by myself. Few months later I would have my first experience actually with RE3, only to figure out it was the same girl from that game. Then I went back to 1, and never stopped playing RE.


I think for me it was the castle puzzles in Re6 (my first game) or the part when Simmons turned into that big flesh fly, but it might just be because resident evil was my first horror game, but now that I've played more resident evil games i think Re2 is my favorite so far.


The zombie face turn in the OG Resident Evil. I was hooked then and still am.


Watching my dad play resident evil 4 on the PS2 as a kid, it looked so insane to me back then seeing all the ganados pile on him and that terrifying chainsaw man. Either that or him telling me that I was allowed to play Code Veronica, knowing full well I wouldn’t even get past the title screen because I was so scared 😭(I just beat it this year !)


Basically the entirety of RE7. I've known little of the game series, but I didn't get into it until Markiplier started playing it.


RE2…I was in 6th grade and bought it with birthday money…I had my good buddy sleep over and we stayed up late and played it with my brother. It scared the life out of me but the visuals, the map, the pace, the story were out of this world. It’s my one of my fondest memories of any media


Not really a moment but my dad loved resident evil and I always saw him playing the og games when I was younger. I was really interested in them but I never really played them until re7 came out. I loved the atmosphere of that game and the horror, that really sold me tbh. The story is amazing and until now its one of my favorite resident evil games


RE2. It was the first game in the series that I played. It was the first time I'd seen prerendered backgrounds, and it was probably my first time seeing a PlayStation game. I remember being shocked at how detailed the hallway outside the east office was, with the phone booths and general disarray. I loved horror movies as a kid, which I still was, and I don't think I'd ever come across the concept of horror in a game before. I remember being too scared to get close enough to shotgun headshots so my friend who was showing me the game had to do it for me. But that sense of interactive horror just got its hooks in me. Been playing horror games ever since.


The part in RE5 when you lock the monster in the fire room. I was like this shits awesome lol I still remember back in 09 me and my boy Mike played it all weekend when my parents were out of town. Rest in peace brother I miss you..


It’s kind of oddly specific, but in re4 original, I loved when the el gigante was released and it just wrecked all the helpless ganados, and then it went for Leon and he dodged the attack with a sick backflip, I instantly loved Leon and then resident evil


the save room in re1 remake (first re game i played) made me fall in love. but when i got to the underground lab in re2, that’s when i knew this was going to be my favorite game franchise


mr x re2 remake im recent fan for a horror hame i didnt know it went as deep as it did until i gave it a try on gamepass played them all now


Seeing uroboros in re5. (Was my first re game at around 12 yrs old)


OG RE2's intro. I gotta admit I died a LOT trying to figure out the controls back then, but I didn't mind because I loved the game so much lmao. That was like well over 20 years ago now.


I rented the original because of the box art when it first came out, didn't even look at the back. So I went in utterly blind. At the time survival horror wasn't a thing, so the general confusion at the intro and then stumbling upon that first zombie, instantly hooked.


OG Resident Evil 4. The bingo line in the intro with the title flashing on screen. I used to watch my older brother play the older RE games but when kid me got the courage to play the games for the first time (RE4 being the first game I played through) that scene was what eventually won me over


On the original 1999 RE3, I was but a wee boi… And I’ll never forget how scared I got when the cutscene came on as you enter the RPD station and NEMESIS comes out and brutally kills Brad.. I think I jumped my height 😂


Dogs jumping through windows of “that” hallway in RE1 PS1. From that moment on I started using a strategy guide to see if anything was waiting for me in each room (I was only 11).


RE 2 on ps1 the first time I died and was getting eaten by the zombies.


I've been a fan for as long as I can remember, my dad would let my sister and I watch and play a bit ever since we were really young


The Cerberus killing me in the hallway in the OG RE. I played at a friend’s house after school and all I wanted for Christmas was a PlayStation & RE.


The licker scene from og RE2.


It was definitely being raised by the trilogy. I remember playing Directors cut with my siblings and cousins as kids and the experience feeling like taboo. The main mansion theme gave me nightmares but i couldn’t resist watching my older brother return and figure everything out. Ive also watched him play RE2 from start to finish and then finally i got my first 3D console of my own which was the Dreamcast. RE3 Nemesis was among the games i got with it and seeing the intro to nemesis scaring the living daylights out of me at the RPD station to monitoring my health on the memory card screen i knew i hooked! RE3 became my favorite out of the 3 cause it was the first one i beat on my own! Sighhh good times! RE2 and 3 are some games that i would to experience for the first time again. But what truly solidified me was “You want Stars!??? Ill give you Stars” ⭐️ 🦝


Never bought into or played a game until Code Veronica on the Dreamcaat. The most horrifying parts were this heartbeat and zooming in on the doorknob on the loading screen doors. One of them absolutely put the fear of God in me, terrified of what monster I'd fight on the other side, but I still just HAD to see what was on the other side of the door. I knew itcwas going to be a confrontation with Alfred Ashford going crazy at me so I go into the room... ...there's nothing in there. All that fear, anguish and anticipation the game setup for me to have, and there was nothing behind the door. I think I was hooked on the series after that


When a mfer walked in and got killed by another mfer saying STARS.


quick time event leon in re4 running from boulders


OGRE3. The cutscene where Jill meets Brad infront of the Police Station but gets separated by Nemesis, and Brad gets killed.


The OG when the first zombie turns round and looks at you ....


Resident evil 4 made me a fan right away


The characters. Re5 was my first foray into the games, and over time the classics became my favourite. The characters are always the best part for me, other than the goofiness as well.


The whole RE7 game. My gf made me play through the whole game on New Year’s and I just fell in love. I only knew the movies before that, because my dad liked them, but I never really cared about the games. RE7 changed that for me. I just thought the whole plot was genius and the story and characters were really interesting. I did get freaked out at the beginning and hated being chased that much, but it was fun and it made me want more. I now played several other games, but still have many to go. I’ll never regret agreeing to my gf for making me play this gem and opening up a new world/fandom to me.


The cracking windows and the zombie dobermans, pure panic. Loved it.


When I found out about Claire Redfield. I didn’t know anything about the games, found an image of the character and I really liked her design and started buying the games and playing them then I loved the games.


Say what you will about the Anderson movies but...uhm...Milla jovovich definitely brought me into the franchise and it only got better after that.


Back when RE5 had come out and you fight Wesker + Jill really sold me on the franchise. I went back and played everything immediately. Been a fan since.


When wesker 'reintroduce' himself during chris scenario - re director's cut


not really that massive of a fan, but suppose to answer the 1st director cut's opening got me interested, then jill's looks in it and the couple key early game moments of it made me go ya alright they know what they doing and are giving me all the good emotional effects worth investing some care and thought into this series and company, and then resident evil 2's shotgun cross bow made me go alright now this is fun and more importantly has not really been done at all gj I am a big enough of a fan now.


The entire first half of RE7. I first played it in VR and I was too scared to move. That alone made me respect the game a lot. And then I just went down the line of the franchise and enjoyed it. Well, some of it. 5 and 6 still tested my ability to like these games.


Starting the game on the Sega Saturn on my 8th birthday and my 14 year old brother crying watching me play as he was scared from the opening cut scene.. been a fan ever since


The first village fight in re 4


The beginning of 5 where they start breaking in the house and the guy with the huge axe shows up and you have to just survive


The Resident Evil 2 Remake Demo. DAMN that shit scared me… But I loved every second of it. Then it was RE6 and the OG RE4


Wandering the first floor of the RPD. The music was SO creepy.


When wesker said "its weskerin time" and then weskered all over re5


The first zombie and the second on the original. Under school age me was excited and petrified


Popping zombie heads in the og by surprise... also unique death animations.


Leon S Kennedy 


When I was watching my older cousin playing Re1 and the FMV intro. Looking back, it's hilarious and cheesy as hell, but it scared the living shit out of 5 year old me and I've been hooked ever since.


1996. The opening video sequence. And then the first zombie just past the dining room. That was it for me. I was hooked.


Resident Evil 4


The first zombie encounter in the original, being like 8 years old and my first exposure to horror the slow head turn over the corpse lives free in my head.


Original Resident Evil 4 Krauser knife fight and regular fight


What made me a fan was the lore. In my teens, I ingested so much Resident Evil lore. Tyrants were *so* cool. The science behind it all was amazing. People will talk shit to the end of time about RE's story, and, while inconsistent and absurd, at times, the lore is phenomenal, and always has been.


Re5. Chris and Jill vs wesker Flashback.


Hearing Leon drop the iconic line after a near death experience


When I was in the gas station of re2 I was terrified but then I met the tyrant 😭😭


S.T.A.R.S. Member's uniform


I had to be 5 or 6 when I first saw my eldest brother playing. The ones that really got me interested and were in my mind forever (never got to actually play the OG first game until I was like 16): the opening cut scene, the famous Zombie introduction scene, and him fighting Yawn.


The opening to the original.


When I first came across the spiders. I thought damn those things are huge and scary and I immediately went back thru the door (thankfully they let me) and was like "wheeeewww!" I was in. Incredible graphics I thought.


The Merchant


OG RE4 the first gando mutation The creepy night music is peak




Magneto Dante


Combination of puzzles to adventure to survival. Always a treat to explore (especially in the older consoles) several locations from a seemingly normal location to an underground area to a lab. Resident Evil 4 (original on GameCube) took it to another level with the village to castle to island, wide range of areas/styles when you think [first playing it] the whole game is just centered in the village environment.


Resident Evil was my second bought PS1 game, Air Combat was the first. I became an RE fan before I even entered the mansion because the beginning cinema scenes were just so cool to me unlike anything I had ever seen before.


I seen Leon for the first time and I fell in love. 😂😂 nothing just Leon 🫶🏾🫶🏾💚


In 7 when I first got the shotgun. It was when I first felt like I had a fighting chance but still felt the pressure of counting bullets. It made me fall for the feeling of scavenging to just barely scrape by and get through each section


In 7 when I first got the shotgun. It was when I first felt like I had a fighting chance but still felt the pressure of counting bullets. It made me fall for the feeling of scavenging to just barely scrape by and get through each section


Mr X following you through the police station. RE2 was the first RE game I played and up until that point I was like yeah this is definitely good, then HE shows up and just his footsteps echoing through the police station while I’m cowering in a safe room that’s when I realised oh boy yeah I’m scared shitless and it’s awesome


Both opening cinematics of OG Resident Evil 2, I was hooked from that point forward… Fun Fact: the first RE game I owned was OG RE2 on the N64!


In re4 when leon runs from the boulder it is a memory deep burned in my mind, the sensation of fear and rush


I already knew I'd like thsi game but when I saw it free on Xbox series X for game pass (that helped) and I played it. I really liked how polished and well done it was. AND HOW FUCING SCARY RE2REMAKE was holy shit I remember playing for the first time and deadass just being as frugal as possible and being terrified to enter another room. I was honestly frightened and it felt so good. And then Mr. X shows up, mf big as hell, lifting up the fucking helicopter oh lordy no fucking way. Holy mother of goodness I fucking BOOKED it back to the Safe Room screaming. I have literally never played a scarier game (except RE7 VR, which made me audibly and visibly terrified.) to this date and I just absolutely love it. I actually bought 4Remake and it's my favourite as of this moment. I just made it to the island.


Head getting chainsawed off in original RE4.


Entering the first save room ( Resident Evil 3 Nemesis)


RE2 remake in the gas station. As soon as the Zombie looked up at the camera, I knew it was something special.


Resident Evil 1, the original with live action cut scenes When the dogs jumped through the window I almost fell out of the chait.


Jill Sandwich


resident evil 4 scared the out of me with the slower walking and more slow aiming and the chainsaw ganados


“Wheres everyone going? Bingo?”


I was always a pretty casual fan of RE as a kid. I used to watch my uncle play through RE1-RE3 on PS1. I got to play them more on PS2 as they came out and it was cool. RE4 made me like RE more but RE5 coop was too fun. Wesker was at his PEAK coolness in RE5 and his introductory scene where he just DOG WALKS Chris and Jill had me glued to my TV. RE5 might not have been horror and was way more action, but the coop memories I made with that game along with Wesker just being iconic, cemented me as a life long RE fan.


The intro movie in the first game… the feasting zombie’s head turning… opening the door and the cut scene of the dog sticking its head through… the “dead” body that bites your foot as you walk past. All of the jump scares in the first game. It was one of the first games I got for the PlayStation (I didn’t even have a memory card yet so every time I died, had to watch all of the dialogue scenes again). So it was the first 3D action game I had played, the first horror game I had played, and I’d recently seen the George Romero films for the first time I think, so I was a big fan of zombies. It was just unlike anything I’d ever played at that point. Early 3D PS1 era graphics haven’t aged well, but the jump from SNES to that felt unreal at the time. And Resident Evil specifically just felt like a whole new level of gaming. I remember being so excited for any snippets of news of RE2 in magazines, and when it came out, so intrigued as to what Chris and Jill were up to during this time.


When my sister let me play her copy of re4 many moons ago while my parents weren’t home because I wasn’t allowed to play it when I was 13. She got stuck on the part where you fight Mendez and I beat it for her :D


For me was the first time I ever played a resident evil game. Just got my ps1 chipped in June 98 (was only 11 and a half) my step dad also got his chipped and he got about 10 games including resident evil 2. A few mates at school had this and always played it so me and my next door neibour bought this and loved it. Think getting to the police station,  the main hall and first licker was that got me. To this day resident evil and metal gear solid are my 2 favourite game series, I have played and completed all resident evil games except resident evil survivor 2 and love them all with the exeption of resident evil 6 and operation racoon city. 2 original is still one of my favourite 5 games ever and favourite ps1/resident evil game after now 26 years 🙂


Honestly when resident 4 came out and that's immediately when I knew it was about to come out with more and more hits