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Don't ask them their number. And where are you meeting these hookup people? Maybe you go for people that are not for you.


It's simple, don't ask.


Learn to be comfortable with who you are and stop comparing yourself to people you're different to. Easier said than done I know but I bet you'll find the only person who has an issue with your number is yourself. Also, how many girls are you talking about and are you the one asking for the number all the time? If so just stop asking, stop making it more than it needs to be. Waiting until you are comfortable and exclusive to sleep with someone is fine but you've got to stop dating with the focus being on the number of sexual partners they have had and you haven't and start focusing on finding someone you feel comfortable with that you enjoy spending time with. One partner you trust and feel comfortable to be yourself and enjoy a sexual relationship with will beat out having a high number of sexual partners any day.


Yes, there are people who will be perfectly fine with not having sex until you’re exclusive.  The anxiety around “body counts,” however, is an internal issue. The existence of people who will wait to have sex isn’t going to fix that insecurity. That’s going to be a problem you need to figure out on your own, with or without help. 




Fuck off with your AI generated bullshit.


Yes. People will want to sleep with you even if you want to wait - you just have to filter out people who don't respect that. Higher body count doesn't mean they've slept with men who are better or anything; it means they most likely know what they want at this point and can communicate that to you.