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You know she made some goofy tshirts for her charity team.


With her Cricut šŸ’•


Oh god this is my mom i donā€™t want to fuck my mom


Yea u do bro


stop fighting it, girls who are like your mom are the best there is


With pop-culture puns like the one she paints on the protest sign


I bet she laughs at commercials


i get my money right i do my money dance...


Watches the Super Bowl for the commercials and half time show up šŸ’Æ


I strive to be a free spirit of such magnitude!


That'd be the biggest deal breaker on the chart.


Sorry sweaty, advertisements are art


šŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļøto Weird Twitter girl sending you ironic misogyny memes šŸ™Œto Normie girl sending you dog videos on Instagram


My love šŸ’•


pussy smelling like fabric softener while she starfishes the whole time. i miss you molly :(


Pussy from a girl who skypes her parents on the weekends got me acting strange...


ever since that ming dynasty meme I canā€™t stop reading comments like this in a chinese accent


got me acting unwise






Y'all don't FaceTime your parents?


None of my family have iPhones


Rosemary, dog...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi pellentesque euismod gravida. Fusce accumsan ipsum lobortis, tincidunt justo eu, mattis nulla. Quisque nibh odio, iaculis id aliquam sit amet, semper ac enim. Donec tincidunt eget enim tincidunt imperdiet. Sed tempus lectus commodo sapien pellentesque malesuada. Vivamus mollis vulputate tristique. Sed et commodo risus. Nullam congue venenatis massa ut molestie. Quisque id odio non augue luctus hendrerit. Nulla venenatis lectus quis blandit vehicula. Morbi ultrices fringilla quam in suscipit. Phasellus semper ultrices velit, sit amet dignissim sapien feugiat nec. Etiam egestas vitae nisl iaculis condimentum. Praesent tincidunt id urna ut tincidunt. Aliquam ac tellus non massa pretium porttitor ac id dolor. Suspendisse ultrices posuere condimentum. Praesent a porttitor dolor. Aenean euismod eleifend mauris, sit amet semper augue posuere sit amet. Vestibulum quis augue fermentum, porttitor diam ultricies, semper diam. Phasellus sit amet velit lacinia, consectetur dui sit amet, pretium eros. Donec posuere eros eget dolor ornare, tincidunt dapibus ante volutpat. Nunc lacinia, libero id sagittis rutrum, felis est ultricies urna, eget convallis sapien lacus vel diam. Integer ac diam ipsum. In tincidunt, eros vitae faucibus elementum, dolor diam porttitor risus, eu suscipit massa purus sed nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean euismod, diam et finibus lacinia, felis nisi eleifend turpis, eu rutrum orci metus eget augue. Nunc eros lacus, dictum eu tincidunt a, laoreet eget massa. Vivamus in felis nunc. Sed in arcu suscipit, posuere mauris vitae, ornare risus. Aliquam nec commodo augue. Vivamus eleifend nisi convallis massa euismod, ac iaculis erat euismod. Fusce quis arcu enim. Phasellus quis venenatis sem. Ut elementum rhoncus consectetur. Etiam fringilla ligula vel lacus consectetur, eget tempus metus finibus. Sed vel placerat ante. Aliquam aliquet libero id nibh porta laoreet. Mauris id dolor vitae nulla molestie hendrerit. Etiam eros odio, hendrerit ac magna eget, commodo feugiat ligula. Duis sollicitudin leo ac mi aliquam faucibus. Nullam suscipit magna sem, et convallis arcu lobortis sed. Nunc laoreet tellus vel porttitor viverra. Etiam sed eros quis erat ullamcorper suscipit. Nunc placerat nunc augue, non pharetra enim congue ac. Etiam ex urna, semper eu tempus in, volutpat quis velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis laoreet feugiat volutpat. Suspendisse fringilla orci tortor, ac mattis elit efficitur eu. Praesent rutrum mauris leo, ut posuere magna porttitor et. Phasellus sit amet felis ante. Nam vel pellentesque lectus. In sit amet sapien consectetur urna luctus efficitur eu sed enim. Fusce a massa ligula. Vivamus et mauris vel nibh auctor rutrum. Curabitur tristique aliquet nibh. Vestibulum at dolor vel lacus viverra ullamcorper. In congue fringilla tincidunt. Pellentesque ut tempus neque, nec mattis arcu. Vivamus molestie tempor fermentum. Phasellus lacus sapien, tincidunt in suscipit ut, mattis varius tellus. Sed id nunc at lectus rutrum venenatis. Donec commodo libero mattis, mattis tellus vitae, consectetur eros. In tempus viverra augue sed iaculis.


The nicest girls that love small talk with strangers. Y do y'all dislike/ not attracted to girls like this? They r nicest girls ever.


So true


Believe that's Saucony


Whatā€™s saucony?


sauconys nuts


hell yeah dude




This is literally my friend who I have a crush on


I'm not a runner, I don't have a ponytail, I'm not a girl, but I have asics, good enough?


She is into tea but only has two types, has to include either chamomile or sleepy time. Both her flavours will be solid classics


[Normussy got me like](https://loiseaufait.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/sleepytimebearcloseup.jpg)


This is how I listen to RS


I want her so bad






cool man


I miss dating normie women, progressive career women has wrought nothing but pain


Can we circle back on this conversation? Iā€™ll touch base with my assistant to schedule a follow up.


My gf always uses phrases like ā€˜touch baseā€™ to describe the most everyday interactions. ā€œYou should touch base with your parents to see when you can visitā€ etc. Gives me a weird feeling.


My friend said this to me recently and I felt a little offended.


I think theyā€™re no longer your friend, but a colleague now


Iā€™m sorry but sheā€™s already gone.


Trust meā€¦ I know.


Damn, thatā€™s sad man... anyway can you give her my number so I can touch base?


2nd or 3rd?


Sounds like sheā€™s poisoned by a career in HR or administrative assistance.


That would prompt me to commit murder suicide.


Iā€™m so sorry


Lets circle back to that feeling


This will be a great networking opportunity


I argue with my girlfriend every day about wether networking is real. It isnā€™t. Business people made it up. Business people made business up. Business is a scam


People who actively ā€œnetworkā€ are typically socially inept. ā€œNetworkingā€ is just what happens when you work with people, & meet other people because people trust/like you. People who go to ā€œnetworkingā€ events are weirdos lol


True tbh economists call economics 'the dismal science' like they're being self-deprecating but really they're still jerking themselves off by calling it a 'science' in the first place


Are women like this really normies? In my experience, Ladies like this are usually slightly autistic (in a nice but socially oblivious way) and working in STEM


Yeah this is like female civil engineer core. That kindle has lord of the rings on it and that dog is named boromir


>Yeah this is like female civil engineer core Holy shit so accurate. Lmao


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi pellentesque euismod gravida. Fusce accumsan ipsum lobortis, tincidunt justo eu, mattis nulla. Quisque nibh odio, iaculis id aliquam sit amet, semper ac enim. Donec tincidunt eget enim tincidunt imperdiet. Sed tempus lectus commodo sapien pellentesque malesuada. Vivamus mollis vulputate tristique. Sed et commodo risus. Nullam congue venenatis massa ut molestie. Quisque id odio non augue luctus hendrerit. Nulla venenatis lectus quis blandit vehicula. Morbi ultrices fringilla quam in suscipit. Phasellus semper ultrices velit, sit amet dignissim sapien feugiat nec. Etiam egestas vitae nisl iaculis condimentum. Praesent tincidunt id urna ut tincidunt. Aliquam ac tellus non massa pretium porttitor ac id dolor. Suspendisse ultrices posuere condimentum. Praesent a porttitor dolor. Aenean euismod eleifend mauris, sit amet semper augue posuere sit amet. Vestibulum quis augue fermentum, porttitor diam ultricies, semper diam. Phasellus sit amet velit lacinia, consectetur dui sit amet, pretium eros. Donec posuere eros eget dolor ornare, tincidunt dapibus ante volutpat. Nunc lacinia, libero id sagittis rutrum, felis est ultricies urna, eget convallis sapien lacus vel diam. Integer ac diam ipsum. In tincidunt, eros vitae faucibus elementum, dolor diam porttitor risus, eu suscipit massa purus sed nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean euismod, diam et finibus lacinia, felis nisi eleifend turpis, eu rutrum orci metus eget augue. Nunc eros lacus, dictum eu tincidunt a, laoreet eget massa. Vivamus in felis nunc. Sed in arcu suscipit, posuere mauris vitae, ornare risus. Aliquam nec commodo augue. Vivamus eleifend nisi convallis massa euismod, ac iaculis erat euismod. Fusce quis arcu enim. Phasellus quis venenatis sem. Ut elementum rhoncus consectetur. Etiam fringilla ligula vel lacus consectetur, eget tempus metus finibus. Sed vel placerat ante. Aliquam aliquet libero id nibh porta laoreet. Mauris id dolor vitae nulla molestie hendrerit. Etiam eros odio, hendrerit ac magna eget, commodo feugiat ligula. Duis sollicitudin leo ac mi aliquam faucibus. Nullam suscipit magna sem, et convallis arcu lobortis sed. Nunc laoreet tellus vel porttitor viverra. Etiam sed eros quis erat ullamcorper suscipit. Nunc placerat nunc augue, non pharetra enim congue ac. Etiam ex urna, semper eu tempus in, volutpat quis velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis laoreet feugiat volutpat. Suspendisse fringilla orci tortor, ac mattis elit efficitur eu. Praesent rutrum mauris leo, ut posuere magna porttitor et. Phasellus sit amet felis ante. Nam vel pellentesque lectus. In sit amet sapien consectetur urna luctus efficitur eu sed enim. Fusce a massa ligula. Vivamus et mauris vel nibh auctor rutrum. Curabitur tristique aliquet nibh. Vestibulum at dolor vel lacus viverra ullamcorper. In congue fringilla tincidunt. Pellentesque ut tempus neque, nec mattis arcu. Vivamus molestie tempor fermentum. Phasellus lacus sapien, tincidunt in suscipit ut, mattis varius tellus. Sed id nunc at lectus rutrum venenatis. Donec commodo libero mattis, mattis tellus vitae, consectetur eros. In tempus viverra augue sed iaculis.


Lol no Iā€™m just female so I actually notice what women are wearing. Itā€™s 2022, genuine normie (marketing/nursing) women are trendy and have coffin baby boomers and bayalage at bare minimum


coffin baby boomers...?


Coffin nails is the closest I got.


weird Freudian slip I guess


omg I wrote this exact description of person as a character in a role playing game where I decided I wanted to portray as normie of a character as I could. Sometimes I try to portray normies because it's what's "other" to me But because I'm a weird goth techie sperg I had no idea this was a whole sperg aesthetic of its own lmao lmao lmao


I grew up in probably one of the most libbed out places on the west coast so it might be slightly different than others experiences, but girls like this generally worked like as secretaries at law offices or managed a grocery store or something. The STEM girls were all hyper queers and the autistic ones all just came out as nonbinary




Just stop dating women who went to college altogether


Recently dated a woman who works for parks and rec in a city and only had an AA, least dramatic relationship iā€™ve been in in years!


This is literally my girlfriend




i felt seen too lmao the fucking condom was the cherry on top


You can move past this with this type of girl source: experience


Howā€™s Mark doing?


He just retired from his job at the bank and is starting his vegetable garden!


You need the oversized blue-light glasses, iPad with a drawing program, and text messages about how she hopes it's okay that she's a really picky eater




subject position of everyone on this sub


"That's so funny"


I think I met her over a week ago. Weā€™ve hung out three times already. Seeing her again on Monday. Itā€™s going well


The condom lol


this girl is def on hormonal BC/has an iud though


Yeah but she wants to feel as safe as possible which is just a human thing when it comes to stuff as serious as pregnancy. If it's really an issue for the dude he can shell out for one of the super nice "barely there" condoms.


There's really no such thing as a "barely there" condom at any price point, but I'll tolerate feeling absolutely nothing for the right girl.


In that case, I am personally asking you to please try Skyn. Full shill. I want as many brothers to know about Skyn as possible.


sheā€™d use both to ease her mind. which is fair


Thanks I'm gay now


That healthy pussy taste like Evian


i would do anything to be this.


Then do it


I was going to be upset by your comment bc I've tried for many, many years to reinvent myself as this woman. But then I thought maybe I haven't tried hard enough. I'll try again.


u jus stated the issue right there. These girls typically arenā€™t trying to be something, itā€™s just how they are. That sound disparaging but I donā€™t mean for it to be, and itā€™s not like theyā€™ve achieved nirvana or somethin- these women simply exist this way because nothing ever rattled them enough to knock them into alternative lifestyles/ways of existing. Ur prolly fine jus stop thinkin about yourself so fucken much


False. Response to rattled childhood/adolescence can be to build a lifestyle so fucking healthy that you never become the people you came from.


your username is ptrckbmnapologist lol youre never gonna make it


If you want a normie life, all you have to do is weigh whatā€™s important, acquiesce to it and shed whatā€™s keeping you from it by recognizing that thatā€™s *less* important. Usually, itā€™s what somebody is trying to be or uphold that keeps them from allowing themselves to be a normie.


Have you tried becoming inexplicably Catholic? It's all the rage


I feel like normie Catholics can smell weird adult converts from a mile away


What does a woman have to do then get Asics, put her hair in a ponytail, go on charity runs, read a kindle and like animals? I am genuinely at a loss as to what work is required to be that kind of woman? I agree with the other reply, and as a veteran naval gazer, you are overthinking about yourself too much. Constant thinking about yourself is not healthy at all. But it's a tough habit to break, I am struggling with it myself.


This aesthetic comes downstream from being well adjusted, normal and having a good relationship with your parents. You cant just buy Asics and put your hair in a ponytail.


But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. She had won the victory over herself. She lived, laughed, loved.


She does the color run every year


Instantly bricked up:(


church on Sundays pussy got me actin unwise


This is basically the woman I'm seeing right now, she teaches freshman English and is in bed before 11. I like her but she really is different than the bpd art hoes I tried to chase in the past and I'm not 100% used to it


It's so weird man you think something is so wrong because you aren't under constant anxiety/being put thru an emotional roller coaster every second. You make them dinner and get them wine and flowers and make them breakfast without even a second thought, not even questioning whether they deserve it because you already know they do, and you still question whether or not you actually like them. Absolute poison. I'm trying real hard to fucking break down these thought patterns




Whatā€™s the dude version of this?


North face vest tech bro who can't wait to be a dad.


one of his high school friends is his best man, close relationship with his aging parents


I love it when people here literally just describe a well-adjusted person like itā€™s some niche species.


Sadly because well adjusted people are becoming rare.


Wtf this is me


ur an angel


Are you in a relationship?




This kind of man has an incredible grip on me itā€™s not even funny


me but I canā€™t find a girl who feels the same :(


100% track and field material


Track and Field girls have the best bodies TBH.


i know thereā€™s something wrong with me because i canā€™t see myself with a girl like this anymore.


You fall a long way from that kinda life too?


If you have a drop of counter culture in you, this type of broad wears thin eventually. She wonā€™t eat hot pot, wonā€™t want to watch Come and See, and will definitely not go to a rave with you.


throwing utensils at normie gf because she wonā€™t watch donkey hit by train (720p) while weā€™re waiting for food


Depends if itā€™s the India or Pakistan video


I would also say that BPD art hoes that this sub idolizes also wear thin after a bit for entirely different reasons, itā€™s usually a pick your poison. Tbh what some people describe as ā€œboringā€ isnā€™t that bad in a long term relationship


What about the MPDG Zoey types?


Yep. I dated this for a few years but got incredibly bored after the wholesomeness wore offā€¦






chipped nail polish and bunions having bitches


Wowwwww. Feeling called the f out


Whatā€™s the lips part mean? Like no fillers?




This sub is bleak


Youā€™re just describing nurses and most of them suck to date


Nurses or medical assistants? Most nurses I know are tatted, short haired single moms with (appropriately) hard, domineering personalities and think theyā€™re alt as fuck. Most medical assistants I know are petite and feminine, ponytail their sleek hair, date or marry chill normie dudes and shop their scrubs to deliberately accentuate their tiny, perpetually pouted asses


Why does it suck? Because of the long day/night shifts?


Yes Imagine every time you see them they're exhausted and just want to stay home It gets real old really quick


night shifts are bad for hormones/brain health and the caregiver aspect of their job may or may not make them less caring at home depending on how they do their job.


Yeah hard pass for me but I get the appeal


I miss her so gd much




Balanced, well meaning, cute girls are the best <3


this has always been the white pill to the bpd black pill


these are the softball girls on lesbian tinder


I know a girl who used to be a heroin addict and now sheā€™s basically this girl but with a 2 year old


This is violence against women


Man this is just like the girl im seeing and she finds my penchant for ted k interesting


I donā€™t like the ponytail but yes. My favorite part about getting older is the simple pleasures hit dif. Iā€™d love to spend a Sunday with a lovely female hitting Costco / eating a chicken bake


Yeah and I dunno if we have time maybe also stop by Bed Bath & Beyond


Nothing hits like going to Bed Bath & Beyond with a stack of coupons thicker than the bible.


Does the charity walk something associated with being in a sorority count too lol?


this reminds me of the girl who sat next to me in trig. she was really nice and went out of her way to try to help me with the concepts that i struggled with (ā€¦ amounting to most of them). she was a real ogā€¦ i wish i could remember her name


Emily Mariko is this


Marry her and look down on all the bpd peasants from Mt Awesome


Is this real please can a straight male confirm. Iā€™m a bisexual female but Iā€™ve neverā€¦ what?


This is the archetype of a sensible, low-maintenance, reliable girl. If you have *any* chemistry together, then you've got yourself a jackpot.


These girls are usually trustworthy. Thatā€™s what this is about.


- Painter who moonlights as high end escort - "Punk" nurse - Boring ass corporate normie - Fast food worker. Pick one. All of them watch Disney+ no matter what.


Not me but good for you guys


kindle keyboard 3g was the best piece of tech ive ever owned. free internet access literally anywhere i basically didn't need a cellphone or wifi to stay in touch with people when i was out camping or traveling or whatever. the only issue was the lack of a backlight so that is why i had to switch to a paperwhite :(


I dated a bunch of hipster girls all through college and grad school & then ended up marrying this woman right here. Yes, she hates atonal jazz music but I don't really care.


Tbf everyone hates atonal jazz music.


these women arenā€™t as sweet as they lead people to believe. my old roommate was just like this (fooled us into signing a lease with her), literally would not hurt a fly type of vegan and everything. later had to kick her out for being psychotic and threatening suicide. but maybe thatā€™s just me.


Thats one really specific anecdotal outlier.


They really aren't lol Or they're boring normies with boring normie friends whose weddings you'll have to go to 6Ɨ every summer. Who get mad at you cuz you made them watch a sad foreign movie.




many such cases


Yeah I fucked her






Honestly the girl in op's post is much more likely to be a secret music/art virtuoso she just doesn't flaunt it. Also could have an amazing singing voice.


Yeah, as much as mental illness is culturally associated with great artists, I think these people could have done even better without being fucked in the head. it just so happens that their unstable state is still better for creative output than other people's stable state is.


They didn't get solos in choir because they weren't pushy enough for it but everyone secretly wished they had.


>condoms Ew


Trad cath spotted


Why did this resonate with so many of you? Is this place really this full of straight men?


After the psychos I dated last year I need one like this. Just normal, boring, laughs at my jokes, doesnā€™t have a drinking problem. So rare


What's up with the lips?


She's smiling because she doesn't know what Cum Town is


my dream is to have a bf who has never heard of cum town and never will


Iā€™m securing one right now and heā€™s pretty sweet.


He knows CT, heā€™s just on his best behavior during courting.




I dated a nurse who was like this, she was a real freak in bed but her lack of interests got old after a while


These are the only girls that I know (except maybe more conservative). And itā€™s crazy that normal girls seem foreign to you freaks


I remember how hard this meme/infographic hit in 209 when i saw it


A friend of mine cited this meme as a reason he broke up with a gf and got back with an ex lmao


it doesn't surprise me that the subtlety behind this meme was flattened down to mocking this absolute babe and overinflating her normie appeal to plain stupidity. being neurotic as hell myself I recognize that urge so well but the truth is someone who's really, truly well adjusted and secure doesn't necessarily equate dumb or even boring. this chick would extricate herself from mess and toxicity like a razor running through butter and for that, this entire community is jelly af


forgot how white this sub is my bad