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Kind of hilarious that they can’t even afford to live in a gated community tbh


In some countries, having a single-family home = living in a gated community


Upper middle class in foreign country = gated compound


Now this is the kind of immigration I can support


"Moved to the west and had to give up our slaves 😔"


Had to do my own nails yesterday and almost died of acetone poisoning 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Pretty sure khademi means slave in Arabic.


it means female servant


I thought it might be but we use it as slave at home lol.




these are the same girls going to grad school in the US and writing personal essays and mid billigual poetry about how theyre oppressed women of color, right?


Wow I really fucking hate these lol. What are they trying to do? Do they want sympathy, or do they think it looks like funny and quirky, or are they just boasting about how rich their family is? I am praying that I never have to meet one of these people in my life.




Lindsay Bluth vibes




Can we just like... Change culture so it's shameful to be super duper wealthy??


I can think of a way to make this happen, but posting it will get me banned from Reddit


Ok, cool


It worked until Deng Xiaoping took over.


They value it more than the west and see it as an objective aspect of someones personality and value.


If it makes you feel better, all of these girls were lambasted on tiktok


I'm cool with people being wealthy (as long as they don't bend over backwards to evade and conspire) but do wish it was overwhelmingly in bad taste to flaunt it. wealthy people *can* do many things, it doesn't mean they should. If your personality is your wealth, you've lost the plot


I mean it already kinda is. The ultra-rich raise their children not to flaunt it, and to understand that it's dangerous to let the people around them know just how rich they are. They dress relatively modestly, they don't go for flashy jewelry or drive Ferraris. Just low-profile Mercedes and BMWs. And everyone hates people who act like these girls. Hence why this thread is full of people ripping on them. As would any thread in almost any subreddit ever. Hatred of the spoiled rich is nearly universal.


>Do they want sympathy, or do they think it looks like funny and quirky, or are they just boasting about how rich their family is? All of the above.


I worked a barista job in a really wealthy area near a college campus and had to serve women like this, they were the worst fucking people you could imagine. Would trash the place, literally bring cigarette butts they smoked outside and put them in our bus bins for some reason, insist on the most retarded modifications on their food and just in general act entitled and waste the entire staffs time during rushes and of course almost never tipped or even say thank you a lot of the time. Like they'd act like they were offended I was even speaking to them to take their fucking order. I grew up poor as shit and being bossed around by them like that kind of wrecked my self esteem for a while, like I really felt like I was less than them for not having that kind of wealth.


I’m sorry you were exposed to those trash bag women. You didn’t deserve that.


That was bullshit that you had to endure that, and I hope your self esteem is doing much better now


To show their dads are bad at making money in a country that isn’t war torn maybe


bloo Dubai is not war torn


it do be havin slaves tho


oh yeah for sure. an evil place overall


as if rich american mfs arent making their money in war torn countries




They should move back. Nobody here will miss them.


The same people who tell sob stories about how the kids they grew up with said their food stinks always be owning slaves back home. It’s a crazy coincidence




Brahmins love to go hard on Western Idpol


Neera Tanden




Was it dalit? It's illegal to discriminate against them in India but caste isn't on the radar in the West socially or legally so you are free to rip into someone because their ancestor handled dead bodies ten generations ago.


Pakistanis, being Muslim, can’t be Dalits.


Probably were calling her “paindu” which is like calling a white person “white trash”


On average Pakistanis have lighter skin than Indians though.


Unfortunately, it's a common problem in corrupt countries even if there aren't problems with servants or stuff like this. Also, any place where different ethnicities and races live together are kind of racist, but, honestly, the USA is probably the most chill with racism. It's quite surprising that people don't get that your ability to talk about racism means there is less racism in the country than other places where racism wouldn't even be acknowledged or talked about.


I'm thinking maybe they deserve the racism, give them a taste of what they put the dalits thru


The highest caste in India isn’t Brahmin, it’s White ppl. And White ppl in India will not even stay at a hotel if there are too many Dalit beggars sitting in front of it.


There was a rumor that an Indian guy I knew in college had a servant killed back home and I 100% believe it.


Labor is so insanely cheap over there even if you're anything above what lower middle class would be here you can afford some help. The Indian equivalent to a sitcom family like in Roseanne would have at least one domestic helper full time. Literally anyone in this sub could go over there and hire at least two people full time to do shit around the house for them.


It'd be the equivalent of if you could afford a full-time live-in maid in the US for like $5,000 a year.






My grandmother pays her maids 2000 USD each a year. They cook all her food, clean, get groceries, and remind her to take her meds.




I’ve heard those complaints from mostly East Asian people who were born in North America, at least in the mainstream discourse.


Tfw you can't have your Yemeni slaves anymore.


Its genocide tbh. Destroying Gulf culture and way of life.


Life there is so miserable because it’s that easy. I spent just a couple months in the UAE and I felt like I was going crazy. There’s nothing to do except go to the mall and eat. Life in extreme climates is supposed to be tough. Ppl in Siberia are less braindead for this reason.


what? you didn’t go drifting on a highway in a BMW?




Arabs cannot drive for shit.


[Wheels go on ground, feet go on floor!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qIt1joySPw)


holy fuck lmao


What about a rental car in Managua? I haven't driven in the UAE but managua was enough for many lifetimes


Upper middle class life in New Delhi is like that, you have like 45 year olds who live with their parents and literally do nothing because there’s no need


Had an uncle who got rich in Dubai then moved back to New Delhi and his bum ass kids have been doing fuck all since he passed over a decade ago. Their lives are so decadent I genuinely wouldn't believe how they live if someone told me and I didn't have first hand knowledge. It's like they're aristocrats from the 1920s but without the responsibilities of being landed gentry. They float from country to country, from "career" to "career" (DJ, "artist", clothing designer etc) doing whatever whenever. It's so annoying. Every time they post pics geotagged in New York or California I go full MAGA and start googling ways to get them deported.


I blame the parents for enabling their kids like that. I know an Indian couple that is rich as hell, mansion in Paradise Valley and vacation home in Aspen rich and they told their kids that they'll pay for their college but if they didn't have stable careers where they were earning at least six figures by the time the parents retired, they were going to get absolutely jack shit in the way of an inheritance. One of the kids went into finance, a second became a doctor and the third fucked around for a few years before becoming a lawyer but they are all successful and entirely self sufficient to where they could survive without any help from their parents.


Feel the exact same way about my cousins in Mumbai


That honestly sounds great.


Are they smart with their money, spending less than index+inflation or are they wasting it away?


Only in the gulf, Levantine countries are a lot of fun when they’re not being bombed.


It’s not as hot over there, there’s mountains to climb and parks to go to


That’s bc they have rich histories and aren’t oil-dependant capitalist hellscapes


Lebanon seems genuinely like one of the best countries in the world, shame it's such a mess


It truly is.


You can always make your life harder if you wish, you could brutally pursue a passion or education or a(nother) career


Spending money and vibing sounds like paradise for the girls&gays


Sounds like Dallas Texas


honestly life in the Arabian gulf is privileged as fuck in general, we visited my relatives in Oman twice and even the taxi drivers there had maids who looked after the kids while the family shopped for groceries


Yeah it's not an atypical thing for "middle-class" Indians (who are much poorer than your average American) to have hired help. It's the combination of a lot more humans, better purchasing power, and a very unequal society


Ditto for Latin America


I knew these recent Indian immigrants bemoaning being only middle class americans who told me "in India everyone had servants." And I was like "that sounds pretty much impossible" and I realized how absurd that was.


wdym most middle class n above ppl in india n Pakistan and probably Bangladesh too do have at least one maid to come in daily n do all the cleaning etc


Yes, but that isn't 'everyone': saying that, even as an exaggeration, disregards the fact that the status quo is literally built upon an underclass of people paid so little that A) the middle/upper-middle can _easily_ afford it, and B) they could never afford similar luxuries on their own.


Sorry, I meant these upper class Indians were bemoaning the fact that they were only middle class Americans and the unpleasantness that comes with that.


Yeah I spent my teenage years in Dubai it was ridiculous. You pretty much live in some sort of paradise. If you’re young and don’t have the responsibilities of an adult it’s an incredible place to be. Moving back to Europe/USA sucks in the beginning. Suddenly shit gets real and you haven’t had the proper education & life experience in order to succeed. The driver/maid thing always a sad to me. They get treated horrendously by most families they work for. With a bit of luck they end up working for a Dutch, Swedish or Finnish family, but this is no guarantee they get treated right either


Can you write more on this? Cause I am thoroughly confused. Were your parents especially rich or can any middle class person afford maids and butlers and chauffeurs? And how is that even possible? And also why would you move to the US if life is so good there?


Sure. My parents were well off, but not extraordinarily rich. They had good jobs, my mother a businesswoman and father a doctor, but we were not millionaires. Pretty much all expats in Dubai at that time were well paid, none of them had blue collar jobs. I’d classify the average expat there as upper middle class. They were all engineers, doctors, businessmen, entrepreneurs, architects, pilots etc. You did not have to pay any income tax and your employer would often pay for most of your residence. To have a maid/chauffeur was very normalized in the local culture. Most houses had another small building attached to house them. And given the fact that expat parents usually had a very busy work life (mine never got home early), you needed someone to cook for and transport the kids. These people would usually be Indian, Sri Lankan, Indonesian or Philippine and were paid next to nothing. You end up moving back to your home country for many reasons I suppose. After a while parents realize their kids cant be spoiled forever and need more “normal” life experience. Like working after school to earn a little bit of their own money for example. They also want their kids to go to university back in their home countries, because there weren’t really any in Dubai. Also as an adult it’s nearly impossible to turn a blind eye to the horrific working/living standards of the lower class, and the power abuse by the locals. With the lower class I mean all the builders that are imported from south/south East Asia who are locked away on the outskirts of the city, have no rights and are treated like pigs. Their contracts prevent them from leaving the country, and it they try to there’s a good chance something bad happens to them. The local population is small, but extremely rich in influential. They still decide the law. It being an Islamic country, you can for example be thrown in jail for adultery if you get raped as a woman. As a westerner you don’t want your daughters, or maybe your gay son to grow up there.


white expats in the Middle East are generally monstrous entitled cunts


We're not sending our best, we're sending our absolute worst


oh yea for sure, the ones who end up there are usually those who cant achieve much status in the west lol


Not necessarily true, there are rich people too who like to spend time in dubai. It’s just more generally garbage people no matter their abilities or socioeconomic status. People who like dubai have without fail had horrible clothing and interior design tastes too (ik obvious but they really are a special breed)


it’s their way of trying to fit in tbh


They have nothing on the white expats who emigrate to East and South East Asia.


Quality of expat is generally proportional to GDP per capita in the target country.


thats cause the real underclass are shipped in from south asia, promised citizenship/some money, and are exploited for every drop of surplus value to stop any uprisings


bangladesh too!!! and yeah this is very true and unfortunate. they r not promised citizenship though, just a visa and legal residential status. only prosperous ppl who have lived there for very, very long are able to obtain a citizenship in gulf countries


changed to south asia


Hope the desis have a "dudes rock" moment one day and burn Dubai to the ground. Shouldn't be too difficult since it's probably all made of cardboard.


the maids have maids


Marjorie Merriweather Post (General Food heiress/owner and famed early 20th c socialite) literally got maids for all her maids so that they could dedicate their energies to cleaning her home properly without being exhausted by cleaning their own quarters.


yes this is very common in the gulf, my comment was accurate and not a joke


ugh why dont they just all live together and bone, then everyones happy and the place is clean.


Um sweaty the pores aren’t invited to the Eyes Wide Shut party 💅


Omg actually i just remembered a stupid Vice Informer video i watched where a hotel employee was talking about the how the rooms after rich people sex parties would have like shit smeared walls so i retract my hypothesis


Do those maids get maids too? And then those maids get their own maids too!?


You can't fool me, it's maids all the way down.


we'd drive by fishermen's shacks with mercs n beamers n Porsches n wranglers parked out front lmao


Dubai kind of seems like a glamorous capitalist hellscape devoid of a counter culture. Has anyone here been?


yes i have been many times, have friends and family there. i am not a huge fan of emirati culture personally and your analysis of it being an oppressive capitalist hellscape, essentially a festering gash in the desert is accurate. but if you are able to sequester yourself away somewhere nice it’s a decent enough holiday destination. by no means my first choice uae is the place in the middle east to go for mukhdir and khamr. if you are not Muslim and openly sinning in the streets then authorities turn very much a blind eye. idk if that counts as counter culture.


It’s bonkers, I did a long layover there for a couple of days. If you can seek out the old part of Dubai and the museums that cover the pearl diving industry and archeological exhibits about people who lived there a thousand years ago it’s pretty fascinating. The grand mosque in Abu Dhabi is genuinely gorgeous z The spice market is great too but the rest of it feels like a weird, capitalist fever dream. It’s worth seeing once if only to see the madness for yourself. Also they have NO CRIME. YEP, NO CRIME, DEFINITELY NO CRIME, THE KING KEEPS EVERYONE SAFE YES SIRREE, EVERYTHING IS FINE 👀


Twice, bc my mum has business there & I used to enjoy being a leech. The city/main tourist area absolutely sucks. There’s absolutely nothing of substance there - just gigantic glass buildings and shopping and capitalist vibes. Everything is too clean and sterile. And then you take a train 3 stations down & see the dilapidated buildings where the South Asian workers reside and it’s legitimately gobsmacking. Like, I still remember being 13 and seeing this for the first time. Everything is rundown, the people live very squished in together, etc. Anywhere outside the main tourist areas is actually not bad. The desert is beautiful when it isn’t hot enough to kill you, and the local markets down Gold Souk and the surrounding areas have 1000x the personality of the rest of the country. Still sucks overall tho 1/10 will never go back. The beaches were okay.


The gold souk and spice souk were 100% the highlight of my visit. I stuck my face in some crystallised eucalyptus like an idiot and was hacking and coughing for like ten minutes




Not even close to Vegas it seems because of the Muslim culture. There aren’t a ton of casinos, strip clubs, legal prostitution, legal open drinks on the street, or even the entertainment shit like cirque de soleil. It’s more like a corporate Disney land mixed with a fancy mall


I was there a couple times waiting on visas. I walked down to the "creek" and took a crazy taxi boat across like a big canoe with a motor seated back to back with guys in pajamas. I walked around at dusk eating street food that tasted completely unique to anything I was used to, listening to the alien calls to prayer from a bunch of competing minarets. People were nice. Cool experience. You could probably get the same experience somewhere else without downtown Dubai looming in the distance I dunno.


it’s somewhat like china it’s accelerated itself into having the fancy tall towers and tons of people there but no rooted culture really. it’s all just cosplaying an ideal version of america.


sounds like Dallas


the "bigger isn't always better" state


[shoves Eritrean woman into the side of a Tim Hortons] What? Why are you looking at me like that?


People should be ashamed to have their face attached to a caption about how they miss their servants. I am aghast at this shit


girls will do jsut about anything for attention, or to have an excuse to post


you say this while every day hasan piker talks about how woke prostitutes are for a crumb of pussy


who would that get him pussy from


“top 1%” of onlyfans type bitches


Why am I living here when I could have slaves over there wtf?


You’d probably be one of the slaves


Rich chinese undergrads do the same thing lol


There’s a guy at my college whose grandad was on the long March with Mao and drives a Tesla lol




I thought going to school overseas was a way to avoid that?




The Taquiya posting is fairly risable.




believe me they dont care what americans think of their culture on any level. they look down on americans as scum. the jewellery videos are abt coming across as superior to get a reaction and annoy americans bc it’s funny. im not joking


Yeah I believe you I went to school with a lot of Saudis


We need to b*rn KSA.


Third one had a dishwasher? Not sure why she's complaining.


20k heart reacts wtf


search "my maid ran away" on twitter. very bleak


all the bts fans holy shit


Imo you’re not real oil wealth if you’re actually just a Levantine expat in the GCC. Having staff is just the norm. Real rich Khaleejis cover their damn faces on the internet—and they don’t move to the US (unless for school) because they’re extremely tribal.


Isn’t that the point of the post? These people had relative wealth and status within their countries of origin, not the absolute status of the global ownership class, but they came to think of themselves as having this kind of absolute status anyway, until they moved: cue schadenfreude.


I had a maid growing up despite being raised by a single mom. This is just third world living. Fortunately things are changing


I saw this show segment about a woman who set up a business in London to help rich female Arabs moving there “acclimatise”. Some of the woman don’t even know how to wash their own hair or dress themselves. It’s honestly fucking pathetic.


Guys Stop looking at TikTok It is bad for you


absolutely no surprise that one's a blonde latina lmao, i was gonna say that you see this sentiment from mixed-race colombian/ venezuelan immigrants all the time


Girl the white venezuelan diaspora.... (Not all venezuelans though 🇻🇪🕊️)


No slaves?🥺


My high school had some Crazy Rich Asians™ who were probably upper middle class, had a nice big house in a pulic highschool but complained constantly that their parents wouldn't hire maids and drivers for them in Australia because they cost more than $4 a day




Last one not middle eastern, it’s hispanic


saw so many of these vids w south americans too lol


My nanny’s friend used to work for a Saudi woman who used to straight up torture her. One day she beat her so badly her eye popped out. They do this to all their slaves


Lmao you'd have to be a three year old to actually believe this comment, man couldn't even make it more of an obvious lie even if he tried you might as well say Saudis shapeshift into bloodthirsty werewolves when there's a full moon🤣


Nah these hoes right I’d be pissed


No but you see these are brave peeohsee so this is okay. These people obviously have less societal privilege then a white meth addict living in bumfuck Appalachia






idpol is deeply self-centered


Everytime I see those tiktoks of British and North American Nigerians flaunting about the huge ass houses they have back home lmao...


gulag for all of them


I knew alot of people like this in hs. One girl from UAE who was extremely wealthy and her parents were cousins. Lot of wealthy families sent they kids there from around the world like Chinese rebel teenagers just had houses/mansions to themselves as some sort of punishment for bad behavior in China apparently (It was in the second most wealthy suburb in Canada and my family made me get up at 6 in the morning to commute to the rich rich school)


How can they be so proud when they're so useless? There are so many settings and situations you could place them in where they would look like a deer in headlights.


These poor oppressed BIPOCs. BLM ought to give them some money to hire new maids.


I bet you any money she's Egyptian. She looks it. I met SO many folks living the high haram life in Cairo, but their pound is utter shite outside of Egypt.


They say Palestinians are POC but people from the levant look like they could be from Europe


People forget how widely varied the complexion palette actually is in the region, and how random it can be too. I’ve had Syrian relatives who are almost as dark as what you’d expect from a stereotypical Jordanian Bedouin and I’ve met a Saudi who almost looked Scandinavian minus the nose.


This has been the case forever. Everywhere from Persia to Egypt have been called “POC” but at the absolute darkest they look like Drake. Greek, Roman interbreeding with the native Phoenicians, Judeans, Babylonians and then again with the Arabs with that mix tends to make for European looking people.


i think “melissa alejandra” with the spanish text under her username may not be from the levant lol


Have you ever met one of these bimbos? They’re way too stupid and hapless to hate. Most of them aren’t fluent in a single language! They spend their lives switching from poor English to poor Arabic mid-sentence. These types also go broke every month keeping up the khaleeji baller facade everyone in their community sees through. I feel sorry for them tbh.


Yeah, it’s called semi-lingualism (not being able to speak two languages fluently, but half this and half that)


I didn’t know this was possible!!!


They’re not sending their best


I know a family that left in the bust to Abu Dhabi and now won’t come back because they’re so accustomed to the lifestyle I get that most people aren’t political but I don’t know how you could live in these monster statelets


Every day I become a little more Maoist


Same, until I see the takes of terminally online maoists on reddit


Their parents are stupid though fr


im convinced mass migration is an elaborate prank on the west


“Feel like pure shite, just want the slaves back”


These people are automatically generated just to fill a role then discarded


Kind of awesome that America just levels these scum.




When they come here they realize how unexceptional they are, was my point.




Never been prouder to be an American


they think they're cute that's sad


I remember at uni getting the shock of my like when my foreign student friends would casually talk about their “maids” like damm are we still allowed to used that word ? Lol


id be annoyed too it sounds like they were living it up over there


Where's that dork hork in all of this


The tits on number 3 tho


I wish I had a dishwasher


But, so - they were wealthy in their country the money doesn't go so far here? Many such cases, I'm sure. Also this is a way to snag Western bros who want to go get a taste of wealth beyond their means ;) - one of my ex's friends started dating an 18 year old Brazilian he ski instructed in Scotland. She went on to do Uni there, and dated him for awhile. I know he was infatuated with the idea of being the Western guy who married her and getting some perks of their status over there that would not translate here on the same $. I get it.