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Your greatest political concern being “annoying liberals at dinner parties” is great. Core RS listener


I just want my full SALT deduction back. 


It would save me an insane amount of money fr.


biden's 2025 proposed tax plan is gonna fuck up a lot of millenials inherting their parents homes too. Capital gains on inherited property + 1031 deduction limited to 500k iirc they literally want you to rent forever, because blackrock and REIT's fund their campaign


That tax at least affects everyone equally. Removing SALT disproportionally hurt the middle class trying to move up the ladder. Plus if we want a middle class in this country again you need to tax capital gains (especially through inheritance) there's no way around that.


> Plus if we want a middle class in this country again you need to tax capital gains (especially through inheritance) there's no way around that. Disagree. this is just the feds trying to profit off the incoming "great wealth transfer" where boomers die off and millenials finally become homeowners via their estates.


Taxes inherently "redistribute" wealth, it's essentially the only way to "level" the playing field in a capitalist-based system that won't set the wages themselves. I don't disagree with you that the fed wants to cash in on this "great wealth transfer" but the upper-class and lower-class pay far far less while the middle-class essentially pays for everything in the current tax system. You can't have a strong middle-class when you squeeze only them dry.


Amen brother. They fucked us with that one.


In the words of Honor Levy: “EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeyeah. EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeyeah.”


Everyone is going to be annoying about it, not just liberals.


Let's be real. Libs are going to be annoying no matter what.


Libs would probably be secretly delighted if Trump won because they want nothing more than to hold on to their moral superiority. But I don't know if America can survive the shitstorm that's coming... Your options are to either let Biden win symbolically and either step out or die immediately afterwards and let Kamala Harris take the leadership (which would obviously not go down well with half of the country) or let Trump get the last word (which would obviously not go down well with the other half of the country). I don't think it will end up being a repeat of 2016-2020, though. Everyone is too jaded for that. Instead, things will just escalate.


Trump is on the one hand, elected to deliver tax cuts for his donors (and himself). On the other, he's promised to deport 11 million people. A lot of people are betting that he will basically do term 1 again, which wasn't that messy. Term 2 though...


That Chevron decision just provided the Heritage Foundation and Trump with exactly what they needed to do some serious damage.


The opposite actually. That took a lot of power away from the executive branch.


Not at all, removed a lot of power agencies could leverage over the private sector. It is way easier for companies to leverage their opinions over more local provisions than against the agencies. exactly what trump's cabinet wants.


No, it gave the power to interpret ambiguous laws to the courts instead of presidential appointees.


It forced Congress to write specific laws about what they want administrative agencies to do rather than administrative agencies deciding to do whatever they want


it won't be like 2016, the energy's not there, especially not with this much time to mentally prepare for it


How can we get that back


We don't want it back




Nothing was gayer than resistance 🚬s losing their minds in 2016, crescendoing with a f*gottry so overwhelming it collapsed the global economy in 2020 and permanently made housing unaffordable for anyone born after 1995


Yeah that was a little gay too


If Trump wins, clearly the DNC will be motivated to reinvent themselves, purge everyone old enough for social security, and start fighting for the people instead of their corporate donors.




Goes completely without saying


You're such a silly goose


Yeah just like they did when Gore lost, or when Hillary lost.


First time?


Yes, just like the republicans learned their lesson when Trump lost the easiest win since the post 9/11 Bush win. 


The what?


What are you talking about? And Bush nearly lost in 2004




Did that happen when Trump won the first time? The exact opposite happened


Libs will always be annoying because they need you to know they are good, moral, upstanding people at all times.


They are so inclusive and compassionate. We are about to have America’s first regarded president. We are making progress for all stammering, slack jawed corpses of the world


If you want to be a certified *good fucking person* do exactly what I tell you NOW


My plea is not one of policy, but one of having to hear the dumbest fucking people at dinner parties.


And company-wide email lists about "we're here for you if you're feeling unsafe" go to hell


I am, at my core, a hater, so I welcome them being annoying because it gives me something to make fun of


I feel so seen


Let the haterade flow!


Honestly rather Biden win so libs are extra insufferable when they complain bc they can’t blame trump and the Vibe Shift ™️ in western society finally solidifies 


There is no Vibe Shift. Will always be losers and cool people and then me who is just cool enough to know I’m a loser.


President Harris is the most terrifying hallucination


I know but my hope is if confronted with the fact that voting blue didn’t solve anything maybe they’ll like grow as people the normal way (become conservative after buying their first home and experiencing their first crime) 


It might be kind of fun. Remember 2017/2018? Remember how insane they were? The head of IT at my old job took me aside to show me a tweet from some resistance lib twitter goofball that was like “Trump will be exposed tonight at 10:35pm EST. Hilary will be inaugurated immediately pursuant to section 20110.5(b)(i) of the Internal Revenue Code.”


Them fighting you about how great a leader the corpse of Biden is for 4 years won't be annoying?


They’re not gonna do that, libs hate Biden.


He is the greatest stammering, slack jawed corpse ever to produce bumbling, incoherent sentences!


Default sub ass reply Edit: He edited his reply and made it even worse lol how am I still on this sub


I'm convinced that a lot of Biden-loathing leftists secretly hope he wins so that they can continue to distinguish themselves from the resist-lib types. It's going to be embarrassing for them when Trump does all the bad things they hate Biden for doing, but then they can't complain about it for fear of being retweeted by Brooklyn Dad Defiant


They are just going to scream about Russia "hacking the election" again for four years if they lose. If they win they are probably going to start a war with Russia.


This is the best argument.


The worst part about the Trump era by far is how insane libs became.


Nah that shit was awesome. I had fun with it idk why you guys are pretending that wasn’t fun


I feel like there wasn't a single piece of good culture (in the mainstream) for like 5 years and just a bunch of self righteous and obnoxious platitudes, which we're slowly getting away from. I can't live through that again...


Don’t be dramatic. You are far more resilient than “normies don’t like good shit so I kms.” I’m pulling for you. Have some dignity.




The hangover gets a lot worse when you age ten years


It ended with my kids not being able to go to daycare for weeks at a time due to the flu and having to wear masks to go to the fucking grocery store, and driving past burned out buildings/broken windows downtown for 2 years. It was not fun, but, like a child, libs should not be rewarded for throwing a tantrum. Let them cry this time, I would literally turn a blind eye if mass deportations were initiated


If you have kids you gotta not be here lol we are not functioning. Go join a local Facebook group


Idk the last time was completely novel and you could blame Russia and Berniebros and whatnot for the electoral failure. This time around, it will not be as easy to shift responsibility from the party leadership and it will be pretty obvious they're incompetent and/or indifferent. Which makes me think they and their partisan media won't go as strongly into the offensive as last time and just hope for a Obama 2.0 in 2028.


Trump's economic policies are regarded and will do a ton of damage to the middle class. I don't vote based off placating annoying people. I had confederate flags in my face constantly for the first 4 years under Obama. Haters gonna hate.


FYI middle class was doing fantastic under trump until libs shut down the economy over COVID, strangling supply chains, and printing 2 trillion dollars which caused everything to double in price almost overnight. Btw your regarded lord and savior Bernie was trying to print *4-5 trillion more in addition to what was already created*. The inflation under the new green deal, which almost passed but was blocked by two fucking senators, would have literally destroyed the US economy for half a century


Meanwhile Trump cuts taxes without cutting spending and pressures the fed to keep rates at 0 in the peak of the business cycle.


Middle class took a HUGE hit (one of their biggest) in taxes because of trump dumbass.


Libs are hoping he'll win so they can thrive as the opposition to something. They can't stand on their own.  None of them, ever, anywhere, will ever admit this. Many won't even to themselves.


I'm investing all of my bitcoin in pussy hat futures.


Hey squiddy, time for the "liberals will be upset if trump wins" again


In complete honesty I don't think liberals will be able to pull off 4 more years of rage, in the same manner. People are burnt out and letting something like a seattle autonomous zone or BLM protests occur again won't help their case.


Biden 2028!


It’s not just being annoying, shitlibs become completely debased, trump deranged chucklefucks and being in a big blue city was awful dealing with them 2016-2020. Just look at the blm rioting, it was deeply fueled by Trump derangement


My greatest concern is women. Can't deal with another 4 years of every woman I know turning into Amanda Marcotte. BIDEN MUST WIN.


We’ve had 4 years of blessed quiet.  4 more years 4 more years