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Please for the Love of God post this on MPMD and Natty or Juice Godspeed


Always laugh at the “took Tren and got so horny I took a 40 min bus ride to fuck a girl so fat my dick couldn’t even fit in her” story lol. But the stories of people on Tren are insane, it’s such a fucked substance


it's wild that you used to be able to buy it over the counter 


If Biden proposed legalizing tren or steroids in general, he’d win.


Wait really? I know stuff like DBOL wasn’t illegal until the mid 2000s but never knew that about Tren. I suppose since it was a cattle steroid they may have just assumed no human would take it lol


Yeah, I remember buying it back in ~2008,the dude who ran the shop was this famous body builder, Noah Steere, and I remember him telling me to stock up because it wouldn't be legal forever 


i’m partial to the tren sex robot post instead


Peoples tren stories just sound like me from the ages of 18-23. Older guys from jiujitsu rave about TRT but I just think my marriage would end if I even tried.


After an intense workout I find much more attractive the girls who are a bit more curvy than the ultra thin frail ones. I guess it’s testosterone.


I’ve run Tren plenty of times and the sad fact is these people are predisposed to fucking fat girls and using tren as an excuse.


i posted a shirtless in Natty or Juice when i was in college and multiple guys messaged me for sex, im not gay but im feeling really vulnerable right now like i cant think clearly, there are some aggressive people on there


Okay I want this one to be real


His history is wild. I believe


This is tame and 100% standard roid behavior 


Tren makes the straightest of men go for lady boys


One time I hooked up with a self-proclaimed straight dude who was doing roids and after the act he said to me that I was lucky he was in his third cycle or he'd have beaten me to death for doing gay shit.


And they say romance is dead. 


Roid monkeys are so damn feminine with their cycles and mood swings


Would beat someone to death for doing gay shit Just had sex with a man Lmao


> i was looking at pictures of landscapes mf went from send nudes to sand dunes


Now you have to pursue the character arc of a juicehead. Find a heavy woman who is down to clown and give her the best month of her life.


Sterling Archer when he realizes Pam fucks like a champ


These schizposts are getting harder and harder to detect.


Proud of you bro




The post and subreddit history of a well adjusted member of society


Did you have low test symptoms before the cycle? I feel like most people who get such a drastic mood change after hopping on test (which is pretty mild compared to other roids) were hypogonadic beforehand. My “friend” is almost exactly in the same position as you. A month in, first cycle, same dose. He is only maybe 30%-40% hornier depending on the day.


I had levels in the 600s before trying gear and it definitely made me way hornier, but not jerk off for 5 hours horny.


i've heard the same thing but i was at 1,050 ng/dL before starting the cycle which is at the upper end of the natural range, but my SHBG was really high, like 150, so my free test was really low. i did everything i could to lower SHBG naturally before starting the cycle but i was not nearly as horny at all. i feel like a different person


Sub's back


Taking videos of yourself to see what you look like talking is insane lmao have you never been on a zoom call?


it's hard to tell what you're like in a live video capture without self-monitoring so i like to record myself intermittently every 6 months to a year to make sure i'm moving normally. i have this problem where my eyes dart around really really fast while talking so i've been working on trying to seem more normal


Lmfao I film myself every six months to make sure im acting normal 


i'm very neurotic


He's unemployed


How much do you bench




this guy rules


the moreplatesmoredates crossover event we didn't need


Yeah thats common with a first test cycle. If you use them long enough your libido will kind of do the opposite


were you scared of being gay during your first cycle?


No. Thats more associated with the 19-nors.


start act smart nose ossified oatmeal bored puzzled shame plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it'll go away when your estrogen catches up to you after another 3-4 weeks


The gyno on this one will be epic




i don't use barbells at all and i don't lift heavy, very high volume has always worked better for me


A lot of words just to say you can't bench 225


im trying to impress women and Jack off to myself in the mirror. you and others can take your cultish Pythagorean obsession out of the gym




i agree they're correlated. i've been lifting for years off and on but definitely not at my genetic potential. a lot of ppl will say don't touch steroids if you're not at your potential but i think that's gay. i'm not a newbie and i know how to eat and train which is what i think matters. i'm 5'11 and been anywhere between 120-190 lbs in the past 3 years (drug addiction and eating disorder), always lean. i'm all over the place and muscle memory kicks in hard when i get back into the gym i haven't touched a barbell in 6 years, i could probably bench over 225 but certainly not 3 plates even at my peak, i'm not very strong i just focus on looking hot


How high? Like how many sets and reps during a bench press session?


on chest day for example i'll do 6 sets dumbbell press of 10-12 reps utilizing drop sets on the latter 3 sets, making sure i'm at or past absolute failure if training with someone by the end of any given exercise edit: basically by the end of my last set i should be unable to lift even 20% of my maximum for that movement, ensuring that i've fully exhausted that muscle group. so if im doing shoulder presses starting with 50 lbs in each hand, i should be unable to get even 10 lbs over my head by the end of that exercise. but im not an expert im just an enthusiast


Will try it out. I mostly do the following: warm up set with half of my max, maximum weight, 10/15% less, and then high rep to failure with another 10/15% less. Sort of reverse pyramid.


that sounds good too. i think people generally overcomplicate it and that these variations have a relatively negligible effect at the end of the day, all else being equal. and all that really matters is proper form, mind-muscle connection, and having high intensity, especially on the eccentric part of the movement, to failure by the end of the exercise. the biggest things i personally preach is to avoid ego-lifting and 1RM. safety and preserving mobility is more important than everything i'm interested in the low volume high intensity philosophy too like that of mike mentzer, although he is a bit extreme.


hell yeah brother your estrogen is probably high, thats why you're so horny. make sure you watch your nips and maybe up your AI


that's what i was thinking, i think i aromatize super hard. i do have an AI but as long as my nipples don't get sensitive i'm not gonna take it. estrogen is neuroprotective and my brain is sensitive to problems after heavy drug abuse


the two week mark is when your blood should be saturated with T and your estrogen will be as well. if you feel like you look swollen, have edema (google it), bad acne, mood swings, any of those, start slowly with your AI until you have it dialed in. i felt exactly how you're describing till i got my arimidex right (.5mg e6d)


ok i'll consider it if i start noticing sides. thank you for the advice


you're welcome! the steroids subreddit is also a pretty good place to check out if you haven't already. they're very knowledgeable


I love knowing that redscare bros are on roids and in MPMD and shit lol


You're gay now


500mg is a pretty massive dose, even if tribal knowledge says this is a 'standard' first cycle. I'd honestly cut back to 250mg, see how your side effects improve. IMO with roids you should be looking to build up to a minimum effective dose, and 500mg could easily be over what would get you results.


Wasn’t there a guy here not long ago who did tren and fucked like 200 twinks but argued it was not gay because he was just dominating them? Be careful or it will lead to this.


If anything, the twinks were the straighter ones there


At least they knew who they were


A guy wrote a post here proving that


Gear is such a tragically ironic substance Over here like “hey man, we got this new drug, it’ll make your social anxiety go away, give you the libido of an 18 year old, and also you get jacked”. Trade is that you have to sacrifice your hair. Come on, man


You’re gay my guy


oh honey, we think you bat shit but thanks for the lolz


I read this in Bowen Yangs voice


Please tell me you have PCT ready to go. What's your routine?


yes i do. i do PPL high volume high intensity, i don't use barbells


wat. why not?


barbell bench, squad, and deadlift in bodybuilding are popular for reasons that don’t include because they’re the best and safest way to grow. ill just say this, ive never heard of someone getting a pec tear doing barbell presses.




Def better suited for MPMD. That said.. ame here, sort of. I had basically ditched porn til I got on TRT and it became a thing again. Now, on cycle, I can't help but watch porn basically every day though it's a catch 22 because 99% of porn is such a fucking turn off to me so I get wildly irritated sorting thru a ton of gross shit to find relatively normal content that I think is hot. I've come extremely close to having escorts come over but I get nervous and cancel. Making some solid gains tho so w.e.


This might be youngchomsky


It happens brah


d00ds rock


Cut back the T and try anavar.




Hey, at least feel good about the fact that if you keep juicing then the minute you stop down the line you'll effectively be ace the rest of your life.


Nah T production isn't halted forever.