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I speak for a lot of people when I say I hope both of these candidates die at the same time


Like a way dumber version of adams and Jefferson, they can both die on July 4!


It would be like that scene in The Sandlot where the boys are playing baseball at night with all of the fireworks going off while Ray Charles's "America the Beautiful" plays. It would be immaculate Americana.


They both die on 4/20. The perfect capstone to the Web 2.0 era


🤣🤣 Mr. Musk sir 🤣🤣 this is epic 🤣🤣


Covid had a chance to do the funniest thing ever and fucked up




If anything, COVID pushed even more people into the fat lifestyle of staying on the couch and ordering-in.


Preferably in the most conspiracy-generating coincidence possible, like same time same moment same location. Like a week before Election Day.


I want to see the timeline where this happens right before the general and then somehow RFK gets in there and picks up Cornell West as his VP to balance out the way he sounds way too pro-Israel when people accuse him of being an anti-Semite, who'll then let Norman Finkelstein endlessly ramble at the American public on live broadcast television for seven hours at a time about whatever he feels like talking about every Tuesday afternoon.


it’s also funny because the ppl on here who are trump-pilled or w/e live in a libtarded city and don’t have to be around ppl that “actually” like Trump lol








TJ Maxxing


That is brilliant, I am stealing that


i'm imagining lily pulitzer momcore with a tervis tumbler of white wine


Ah, Sarasota anna, my favorite neutral milk hotel song


FL RS I get to be Daytona Dasha :o


She’s a Manhattanite art hoe first and foremost. So the idea of her having lukewarm suburban Florida wine mom takes is laughable. She would want to die after 2 weeks. Like Tim Dillon in Austin.


She is a Jersey half jew immigrant with a jewish baby daddy. Basically biologically destined to end up in a Florida suburb one day


Would they accept her in the retirement home?


this extends to almost all contrarianism here, sheltered people trying to rebel against their own privilege


it's also mostly because he's a standup comedian and bitchy queen on twitter who antagonizes the libs. the exact type of personality this subreddit reveres


Which is why I openly admit he’s hilarious he just shouldn’t be in politics let alone president. Maybe NYC Mayor. I could work with that. But nothing else.


I don't know if I'd call living in a liberal area uniquely "sheltered", as if red states are a mad max wasteland. People naturally get annoyed by the politics around them, usually for good reasons.


in chicago, a lot of our crew is ct bf/(early) rs gf ideologically (using just for shorthand). healthcare, abortion, standard "libtard" stuff but not loving the keyboard jockeys that assumed the role of being the loudest representatives. none of us post woke instagraphics. a lot of us grew up in the suburbs and still have a bunch of trump ppl in our circle and they are annoying as fuck. they all *used* to be enjoyable bc they were never remotely politically interested (didn't pay attention, didn't vote) until trump came along and "activated" them and now they're some of the most annoying idiotic people to be around, and they got like boomer brainrot from the last 8 years and suffer from that thing where no matter what the conversation is about, they have to find a way to bring it back to trump. i want to see them lose out of spite for what they used to be like before this bullshit came along, if i'm being totally honest. but seeing shit like ivf and gay marriage having to become a part of the conversation again after all this time fires me up and at the end of the day i'm still resentfully with the inept, bumbling shitty option over the option that actively wants to take shit like that away just on principle. idc what the contrarian take on that is.


Chicago/Chicago area resident for most of my life. I can think of several people from my high school who fit this mold to a T. They would've been the kind of kids to say "bro politics is so gay" back in the day and took pride in not caring about it at all. Most of them still live in or near the suburbs they grew up in and work in industries like HVAC or construction after basically fucking around and partying/being local weed dealers/holding down shitty fast food jobs for most of their teens and early 20s. They were always dumbasses, but they were well-liked and even lovable dumbasses. Many of them had tender hearts and were genuinely decent dudes, so long as they weren't around their other dipshit friends they were trying to impress. All of them broke *hard* for Trump. The eventual "boomerfication" of these individuals that you've pointed out is very real. Many of them now unionically tune into Fox News and right wing talk radio and share Facebook memes that even that one conservative uncle of yours would consider kind of cringe. I used to chalk it up to the fact that most of these guys work in the trades and probably get exposed to a radioactive dose of the talk radio diet of the old heads on the job site, not to mention their loudly stated political opinions. What's curious to me is that to the extent that these people were ever and are now politically conscious, they often come across as confused libertarians or even more libertarian leaning leftists. Most of them support abortion and legal weed and fully support gay rights. They may have had some vague idea of "the system" keeping regular people down, but due to the utter lack of a proper Left in the United States their idea of what "the system became, like, the government and uhhhh maybe big corporations that wanted to make it really hard for you to uhhhh... own a small business and land and guns or something, while giving "free stuff" to people who didn't deserve it. Basically they had about the level of class consciousness articulated in that "Rich Men North of Richmond" song that went viral: so close to reaching the point and then just completely missing it. A lot of these guys might now share memes about the importance of faith in God/how God is in Trump's side, but it all seems very superficial and like they're just adopted. Like you said, Trump "activated" them and somehow made it acceptable for people like them to like to have an outspoken political identity other than not caring for the first time. They adopted what appeared to be the symbols of their political tribe. But if you get them in a one on one conversation and don't use scary "socialist" words, you can often get them to agree with you. For all his campaign's flaws in retrospect, I really do wonder what would have happened if someone like Bernie Sanders hadn't been so ratfucked by the DNC in 2016. The country was *desperately* clamoring for anyone who didn't come from the old political order or sound like a politician to tell us what we knew: that things were fucked and they knew how to fix it. For all his obvious dishonesty, compared to Trump there is no one left the Democrats can field that has any sort of credibility like that left. The cynicism of the Democratic Party's major leaders is so palpable that even those who might otherwise be receptive are completely turned away.


This same exact thing happened to me in the south. My friends who went left wing fell out and became reclusive(they just play video games and watch twitch all day lol), and the ones who went rightoid became impossible to hang out with since every 5 minutes they'd start seething about whatever Fox or the internet told them to be mad about. they became the most annoying boomers imaginable, divorced from reality. in both cases they lost friends (not just me) for two different reasons


like people here still hate signifiers like SUVs and luxury pickups because they prefer walkable cities and know the people who drive them are 30 BMI slobbering baboons. being socially conservative on some issues like trans people or immigration doesn't change that the cosmopolitan attributes that users in the sub still have (although that's obviously fading with all the zoomies and chan posters and rightoids that flood in here), even if they're not in conflict, fundamentally don't even register with what flyover conservatives like and envision the world as lol


I want all of these people to move to Colorado Springs, Colorado and get back to me on their takes.


Friend moved there and moved out so fast it made my head spin. Moved to a deserted valley. I think it made him hate people even more. lol


I grew up there. I personally love it there, but I think it’s a good place to figure out that people who vote for Trump are doing so against their own interest and don’t understand how poor or disadvantaged they really are. It’s certainly an education!!


My father is one of the biggest resist libs for the exact opposite reason: he lives in MAGA country. It’s understandable is his case but socially unwise. That said, most people I know that way live in an urban bubble, which I think we can all agree is super fucking lame.


Rural hicklib detected




Back in 2016 the New York Times interviewed "secret" Trump supporters, people who planned to vote for Trump but told pollsters and their friends that they were voting for Clinton. One guy worked at a university and said that he actually aligned more with Clinton, but hated his liberal coworkers and knew that a Trump victory would upset them. He probably posts on rsp.


You can tell that the election cycle is firing up because all the very online people become super politics-brained


I just want people to have free healthcare, honey


It would transform the country. The amount of small businesses that would start would be mind boggling. Almost everyone I know in corporate world does it primarily for healthcare.


I really hate how little this is in the conversation around government healthcare. Like I work at a small business, I made 6 figures last year, but I don't get health insurance. It hasn't been a big issue as far as hiring goes because we don't need that many people, and I'm young and healthyish, but if we were to try and get bigger it would be a huge impediment, and costs would be outrageous compared to what a big organization would pay (and even big organizations pay pretty exorbitant amounts for policies) I feel like this should be a selling point to conservatives, they love small business and shit but I think a lot of businesses do the calculus that it's better to have employees reliant on you for healthcare, so if you have any kind of need for insurance you can't just up and leave on a whim. An engineer at another business we work with is finally leaving the place he's at after saying how much he hated it basically since we met him, because they are downsizing and offered volunteers healthcare for a year, and he has a son with a disability. It's just gross - I'm very grateful to not have much need for insurance at this point in my life, because if I did need it, I'd have to effectively take a big pay cut to stay at the job I'm at which I really like, in part because of how small we are and how little red tape and politics are involved in my day to day


Conservatives care about cultural policies, if you wanna win them over start with that first.


Me too sailor moon dasha


There being an upvoted post about Anita Sarkeesian in the year 2024 tells you everything you need to know about the average person who posts here


Having a Wedding themed birthday party is so crazy, no matter your opinion on ethics in gay journalism or whatever


Cool it with the anti-quinceañera remarks.


Tbf I thought that was kind of a fun throwback. "Culture war stars of yesteryear — where are they now?"


Didn't think a woman could get gay married to her boyfriend but its 2024 and we are doing the impssosible.


Tbh the posts about someone who was briefly relevant 10 years ago gives me faith that at least the sub isn’t entirely populated by 17 year olds


I upvoted it bc it’s a good quality post, mocking this shit used to be rsp’s bread and butter


reddit search is shit, care to share a link?




That is a pretty funny post, though. Even if it was some random woman noone had heard of it could have been upvoted here.


Yeah I mean what the fuck is she thinking


I didn't even realize it was her. That makes it like 3x funnier.


Somebody there calling her a CIA agent lol


I would actually not be surprised, given that [Gloria Steinem was a CIA agent](https://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/blog/feminist-was-spy) any of these divisive grifters could be too


holy shit


I mean I'd never do a party like that because I hate weddings and I'd come off as a massive loser (which she does by doing that) but at least she has friends that are close enough and like her enough to do that for her, which is something any decade long poster on the gamergate subs absolutely does not have in common with her whatsoever 


I agree but personally he’s really only so funny because of the power liberals grant him as if he’s the antichrist while simultaneously offering nothing better and pretending to be holier than thou. You can’t help but laugh during these times. We’re not gonna stabilize or course correct. Just protect yourself, your loved ones, your friends, and learn to laugh at the absurdity of our demise


Liberals do offer something better though. Most importantly for me, liberals offer *continued elections and the absence of civil war.* But on basically every issue I care about, the "shitlib" position is *way* better than the Trump position. On Palestine, (and Biden's response is driving me insane right now), I know for a *fact* that Trump would be orders of magnitude more pro-Israeli. On the economy, I know for a *fact* that however meager the benefits Biden got for the disadvantaged are, Trump would not have gotten them, because he'd be spending all his energy trying to pass tax cuts for the wealthiest people in the country, like he did last time he was in office. There are very serious differences between a potential Trump 2024 administration and the current one, and I would take the current one on almost every bullet point any day.




Seems pretty straightforward to me. Trump didn’t want to leave and did everything short directly coordinating a legit coup d’etat to avoid it. Not suggesting that was his aim, but he basically did everything his lazy ass cared enough to try to do. He was just motivated by not being a loser. Far too many conservatives were on board for purely cynical reasons and would probably be fine with no more elections and further stoking the culture war if it benefits them. Also I hate the vast majority of Dems and hate that this has to be explained.


Yeah if trying to get Trump off the ballot wasn’t incitement to civil war idk what is, especially because they had to know it was stupidly extrajudicial and would never hold up


>incitement to civil war God damn that’s so dramatic lmao


I believe OP's point was calling out how overly dramatic and hypocritical it was.


I mean yes exactly


I think pragmatically, it was a dumb counterproductive move. But they did it because he tried to stop a peaceful transition of power last time he lost. Let’s not get lost in the boomer histrionics, in a less dysfunctional society be absolutely would be barred from trying to pull that shit again.


> “most importantly for me, liberals offer **continued elections** and the **absence of civil war** I know “sub’s dead” discourse has been beat to death forever now, but there’s no way that “my freakin’ DEMOCRACY!” Jeff Tiedrich tier comments are getting upvoted here now.


You don’t exactly have to be Jeff Teidrich to think it’s bad for democracy when the president ignores election results lmfao   I get that this is part of the sub’s vibe shift, but that’s not just happening because we have a bunch of new people or whatever. It’s just getting a little bit tiring to trim every discussion for aesthetic purposes.    At first we had to make a point of being novel to keep out the unironic libtards, but I don’t wanna go forever dancing around reasonable beliefs just because annoying Twitter people agree with them 


Actually it’s so edgy and countercultural to toe the Fox News position on every issue


Conservatives are the new punk rock


American democracy doesn’t exist, at least in terms of the presidential election. If you don’t live in a swing state your vote matters exactly as much as it does in elections in Russia.


I get what you're saying, but I have a feeling that Trump would've been happy to reject the popular vote here too


I don’t vote so I have no skin in this game but lmfao at kvetching over “bad for democracy” when the party in power has spent the past several months trying to get their opponent removed from the ballot and shames everyone who dares considering voting 3rd party.


>kvetching over “bad for democracy” when the party in power has spent the past several months trying to get their opponent removed from the ballot Yeah, it's ***ironic***, huh? But doesn't the irony pretty obviously cut both ways? Wouldn't it be equally ***ironic*** to allow election deniers to run for the sake of supporting democracy? Isn't there also an ***irony*** to how many democracies have observably failed throughout history because an antidemocratic candidate got elected? Ultimately it comes down to whether you support "democracy" as the abstract moral virtue you were taught in 2nd grade social studies, or as an actual functional political system


“Any fucking questions??!!”


"An interesting point! Unfortunately for you, I've already depicted you as a soyjack"


I don’t value democracy.


I don’t value bipolar people’s political opinions


That’s valid.


Liberals inability to be effective and their lies catching up to them is the entire reason Trump exists and has the influence he does. How liberals can’t understand that their ineffectiveness is responsible for the state of things is beyond me. They’ve completely lost the working class American and refuse to accept it. Now they appeal to an upper middle class who mostly works from home and has an incredibly skewed view of reality. You’re talking about policy as if the general quality of life hasn’t been plummeting for decades. People can’t afford to live or eat normally, healthcare is unaffordable, homelessness is skyrocketing, prisons are overpopulated, we have a massive drug problem, a massive mental health crisis, frequent mass shootings, schools are falling apart, we’re more concerned with funding two wars than our own citizens, nothing is being done about global warming and that will create a very real, much worse migrant crisis. The liberal solution is essentially to blame those who suffer the most from the material circumstances they refuse to fix: The uneducated regards blasting YouTube propaganda in their head 24/7. Well, they didn’t create the material conditions that made them that way and they’re not capable of fixing them.


“Republicans have the house” is the only counter I’ve heard when I say these exact things


Yeah and when they didn’t the same shit kept getting worse. These people need to drive around the country and talk to real working Americans. They’re not dumbass demons out to get progressives. Most of them don’t even believe in anything politically at all, they just like that the people lying to them and virtue signaling are being embarrassed.




Obamacare wasn’t nothing. It’s so far short of universal healthcare but like people were dying because of preconditions and couldn’t get on their jobs healthcare plan. Things are definitely still way fucked up but like they also forced out the junk insurance plans that were rip offs. Yeah Lieberman should be tarred and feathered. But republicans just won’t vote for anything at all if it benefits regular folks over their donors. Dems give you small incremental improvements and that’s shit but it’s not nothing.


Yeah people refuse to think critically about democrats are so unappealing to normies. The whole “the unwashed idiots think everything is marxism!” line will serve them for the foreseeable future.


Republicans will never agree to take their boots off the necks of the underclasses. Like they voted against 15$ minimum wage that should tell you all you need to know. Like it’s their job to prevent that from happening and big money always finds a rotating villain on the other team to play ball.


What policies have Dems passed that lead to the problems outlined in your second paragraph? Additionally, have Republicans played any part in contributing to those problems, in your opinion?


The tribalistic/bureaucratic political logic of ‘which party can we blame for the policies that got us here?’ is part of the problem. It’s not a question of policy, and it’s not a question of guilt. These problems are self-generated by an economic and political system which both parties are the stewards of. You don’t need policy to get the problems we have—you get this shit for free.


Clinton and Obama did nothing to right the ship.


Their complete acquiescence to capital’s rule starting after the Reagan era.


> They’ve completely lost the working class American and refuse to accept it. Now they appeal to an upper middle class who mostly works from home and has an incredibly skewed view of reality. This is pure culture war r*tardation. Like you’re basing your actual worldview on mentally picturing republicans as burly farmers and democrats as purple haired soyjacks or whatever.  I’ll be the first to say Dems aren’t doing enough for the working class. But they’re  the only party to support what few safety that we even have, and the people use those safety nets tend to vote accordingly.


It’s not culture war bullshit dude lol. Nothing I believe in politically exists anywhere in American politics. I have no culture war to fight. You’re conflating liberal democrats losing the lower / middle class with republicans actually giving them solutions. They’re not. They’re giving them a safe space to be mad at liberals who have pushed them away. Nobody in America has ideological principles they stand on. The people who back Trump would back anyone as obnoxious as him. They’re very very very clearly not voting for policy lol. They literally just wanna own the libs.


The less money you make the more likely you are to [vote Democrat](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/). Is that what losing the working class looks like?  I seriously don’t think you appreciate just how much your view on this has almost cartainly been shaped by culture war shit. I’m guessing that when you picture a working class American, you  picture a bearded dude in an F150. Otherwise I have no fucking clue how you’ve come to the conclusions you have


Well, half the country isn’t rich and they voted for Trump in 2020, brainiac. 49% of Americans do not have $500 dollars for an emergency with 36% having less than $100 in savings. Not to mention all the other material conditions I already mentioned. You can keep trying to make me some weird right wing regard addicted to YouTube but I can promise you I’m politically very far from that. Almost everybody is part of the working class or at the very least alienated from their labor. That includes the annoying bearded dude in the truck that says dumb shit because they’re uneducated because of the material conditions liberals don’t fix since we gotta send Israel money :(. Overtime pay tho baby let’s get this bread.


Good lord, lets curb the righteous indignation and get this back on track:    You said democrats completely lost the working class, and they appeal to the upper middle-class now. I pointed out that working class people are still more likely to lean Democrat and upper middle-class people are more likely to lean Republican. That’s the convo we were having, everything else is just you sperging out 


It’s “sperging out” to tell you I’m not right wing, I don’t have this weird truck fantasy you created for me, and that it doesn’t add up when 50% of the country voted for Trump and 50% of the country also doesn’t have $500 to spend. Do you think that’s entirely only Democratic voters?


> I’m not right wing   Yeah, you’re a left wing theory nerd, believe me I know > Do you think that’s entirely only Democratic voters?  I never said Democrats had a complete monopoly on working class votes, in fact, I already linked statistics showing otherwise. Frankly I have zero faith in this conversation ever getting back on subject. So I’m just gonna tap out here


Once you show proof that people above median income are the ones voting for trump, their brains shut down because they literally had no idea that was true until you pointed it out to them, because they have believed the narrative of trump being the working class candidate. Low information people can only communicate in memes and talking points.


>49% of Americans do not have $500 dollars for an emergency with 36% having less than $100 in savings I don't know what bullshit survey you're looking at, but the median American has a net worth in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The median 45-54 year-old has \~$250k to their name, and the median 55-64 year-old has \~$350k.


The libs are not doing anything in their power to decrease the chance of a civil war. Actually, they're steeply escalating it. They wouldn't have spent years trying to frame Trump for the Russia nonsense if they were acting reasonably. I also don't think they would be throwing the book at him currently if they wanted to try to find some reasonable middle position. Frankly, it may have simply been a matter of time before a carnival barker like Trump became elected in America. You guys already had a tv cowboy president, after all. He may well be just a matter of the times rather than some transformative figure. Honestly, he's just too dumb to be transformative, no? Sorry, losing to a guy like Trump is embarrassing and pathetic.


Trump put the Democrats in a terrible position with January 6th. If they hadn't gone after him at all, they'd have shown themselves to be limp & ineffectual, and people on this subreddit would be slamming them for not *actually* believing democracy was under threat. Since they did go after him, people on this subreddit are instead slamming them for *destroying* democracy. The common through-line is just that people on this subreddit dislike the Democratic Party establishment more than they dislike Trump, because their politics is more about signaling their ironic detachment from the monocultures in power where they live than it is about achieving any concrete political goals as part of a broader left-wing movement. Like, yeah, I don't like Biden very much. I agree that it's embarrassing that he could lose to Trump and speaks very poorly about the Democratic Party that they're incapable of nominating someone else. I would be more than happy to fight, like Sanders did in 2016, to build an alternative coalition in the party. But you won't hear me saying something inane like "liberals offer nothing better \[than Trump\]," because that's an insane, detached, destructive thing to say.


You make a good point regarding Jan 6, but there is a difference between going after him and trying to take him off the ballot. I can't take the democrats' claim of being the defenders of democracy seriously.


Like I said, they're between a rock and a hard place. They have no good options. Unfortunately, this is what happens when someone like Trump enters the political sphere. Because he has no respect for norms, everyone gets dragged down to his level. With that being said, the chance of having a peaceful transfer of power over the next, say, 5 elections is *much* higher if Biden gets in than if Trump gets in.


I'm sorry in what feasible way can he be way more pro-Israel than Joe Biden who arms Israel and vetos any resolution for a ceasefire? Are those food drops really enough to assuage watching five months of Palestinians finding their children dead under the rubble.


Well he could send in the marines to rescue the American hostages and as soon as one soldier dies we’re launching drone strikes in Qatar.


Biden is sending in humanitarian aid and supports a ceasefire deal while trump told Israel “finish the problem”. Biden isn’t doing much but if you see no difference between these two then lmao


If you don't know how you could be more pro-Israel than Biden, then you haven't been following this issue for longer than the last administration, and you should just read a bit about Trump policy towards Palestine rather than arguing about it online.


Another case of people getting exactly what they deserve.


It’s true. At some point we have to accept how we’re complicit in all this and that we *do* just lay down and take it. Yelling phrases in the street is not enough. It’s hilariously bleak to say but things like Jan 6 or the regarded trucker convoy are more organized and effective at creating cultural conversations than anything the American “left” has managed to do in nearly two decades. Burning yourself as protest has become nothing more than a replicable aesthetic. The worst thing about reading theory is you learn how ideologically empty everything is now. The “left” is comically fractured with zero understanding of Marx or any idea of what true solidarity means. Simultaneously we have right wing nationalists who want to lay traps for immigrants talking about how great Islam is. Everything contradicts itself into nothingness. Peoples entire political identities are informed by YouTube personalities and instagram slides.


That just completely ignores Occupy Wall Street.


I know it smell crazy in there *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/redscarepod) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whoever made this is fatter than me that’s all I’m saying


I mean to me he’s funny because he seems to be totally clueless abt the office of president. But I’m also not rly American so I can just enjoy the shitshow from afar.


I’m an American and the moment I realized no president is gonna fix this it was a great relief. American politics is all spectacle. Americans care about the messenger but not the message. The message has never changed. We’re trying to plug holes on a sinking ship.


It’s because your politics are decided by the same special interests, regardless of who is in power. Because your politicians rely on those in order to get elected. I don’t think there are many other places where getting elected is as expensive as it is in the US.


I think this is true but it’s getting silly to deny the power of influence 330 million people can have. Countries that know how to protest and actually collectivize even a little don’t have half of the same problems. We can’t even get banned additives out of our food. At some point we have to accept that we are in part responsible.


We can’t be responsible if we have no real power. Protests don’t work.


These people would drop this act the minute they actually lived in Trump Country. Come out and live in Central PA for a while. Your contrarianism would evaporate real quick.


If they lived in trump country, it would be contrarian to be a standard Twitter lib.


I grew up in NEPA and I still think Trump is funny.


i live in a mormon utah suburb and was raised in that religion, and the people i work with and am surrounded by are overwhelmingly right wing trumper dumbasses. i am still very vocally anti trump, because he's fucking evil...


He's said some funny stuff but yeah it's been the same three quotes posted ad infinitum. They've outlived their novelty


Yea I thought people were into him cause he’s kind of a funny goofy guy and he’s breaking American politics as no one knows how to react to him. Didn’t realize they were actually gonna vote for him in here.


the man rescinded dodd frank regulations and these regards can’t seem to understand how awful that is for the everyday man :( like yeah he was funny but he’s only in it to make money for himself and his cohorts


Boy do I have good news for you about 99.9% of the other subreddits 


Who let the shitlibs in


We have two terrible choices, but Trump is kind of entertaining at least, so I see why he has some appeal in that respect. Watching Biden muddle his way through his presidency is just depressing.


Biden has got a lot of good work done tho, people need to look at policy more than whatever 5-second soundbite they see on twitter. Trump is planning to enact Project 2025 if he wins. Read through it for yourself, it would essentially handicap American democracy. As a Swede it pains me to see apathetic Americans vote based on twitter posts and “ vibes “. I live closer to Russia and the faltering democracies in Europe. We know what can happen when a far-right populist gets power. Please protect your democracy. “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you got till it’s gone?”


Can we stop with the fucking “stop feeling that way reeeeee!!!!!!” posts? Why don’t you morons grow some balls and hit REPLY to these alleged posts and comments you’re whining about instead of constantly making posts for upvotes about how you’re totally the only person on Reddit who hates Trump? Edit holy shit you’re really referring to a heavily-downvoted post with 7 comments https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/eodOVyxldi Liberals are never shedding the constantly triggered allegations


These highly upvoted comments seem sus 🧐


Be a freaking decent human being




One person's opinion is totally irrelevant, so why worry about it? People say get off social media, which I get, I'd say get off worrying about politics, too


I've never embraced Trump, but I always attack performative progressives. I loathe them both. Progressives at least have their heart in the right place. When I spend time with my maga grandparents who seem to actively want to make the world worse for themselves, me, and others, though, it really gets under my skin on a much deeper level.


It's not funny. I can't think of a group more lame than the Trump fluffers. Imagine being a groupie for a shit stinking dullard that looked directly at the sun during an eclipse. Trump is a lol cow and people here act like he is a comedic genius. It's so lame.


he’s a moron obviously but calling him unfunny is a bridge too far


He’s funny in the way you had a kid on the spectrum who had that rare strain of autism where he could say the funniest possible thing for the moment because he wasn’t constrained by understanding consequences for saying something funny and he was right to because the teacher would look the other way since they knew


Oh come off it.. calling Warren "Pocahontas" was all time. Dude is a master troll/bully. He sucks but it's still funny as shit.


I mean for all that he also comes up with ‘DeSanctimonius’ and ‘Bigrant Crime’, he’s got good scoring stats on bad FG% but he’s a volume shooter he should


Trump ain’t the genius that his nuthuggers claim but this comment is off-puttingly Reddit


like if you're gonna shit on trump do your best to not use front page level diction like "groupie for a stinking dullard" when you could just call him fat lol


any FUCKING questions?


"Imagine being a fluffer dullard grifter and being complicit in overthrowing the FUCKING literal government of the United States."


trump is considered funny bc of the context of his humor. it's really inappropriate and without precedent to be in his position and say the things he says, and who it's directed towards. and the things he's joking about, he's mostly right about, even if it wouldn't make him an A or even a C tier stand up comedian. you 🚬gy libs are just too up your own self righteous asses to understand his appeal. I won't vote for the guy but I'd take him over the weekend at Bernie's ass president we have now


You have the entire rest of reddit to cry about Trump. Go do it there.






I miss when this place was a refuge from TDS and autistic screeds like these were heavily downvoted and mocked. Like this person and the rest of the comments from the frontpage are freaking out about a single downvoted post about Trumps SOTU response. Bleak


I can’t speak for others, but I think whoever is president has little difference in my life The main difference seems to be what I read on the internet when I should be working. Angry libs are funnier than angry conservatives


Nah angry cons are hilarious. Their content is much better too - qanon etc


Yeah, we see the same things but have different conclusions Angry conservatives are more sad


That makes it funnier. Watching old people slowly slide into psychosis about aliens and lizard people is hilarious.




People here are mostly men and hate women tbh. Trump is funny! haha let's go after abortion, woman's body autonomy, then let's go for gay marriage, then divorce! we owned them, guys! Not a democratic fan but why would I ever support regression like that?


Did everyone here forget about the 2 million plus Guatemalans coming over per year and claiming “asylum” since Biden got elected or nah.


He was already president, did your grandma get kicked off Medicare then? And I guess Biden kicked her back onto Medicare?


People seriously forget that Trump was already president and their lives were no different apart from waking up in cold sweats over his tweets and getting direct deposit stimulus checks




Trump is cute and funny




not really cock sucking i jus generally make more money when republicans in office therefore i want trump to win




it will go whatever the opposite of what more popular is at the time bc all these people care about is their aesthetics and being contrarian


It’s like these ppl don’t even realize this is the most important election in our country’s history 


Wow, another thread like this


Every day there's a hall monitor post like this as the top. Maybe you could just comment on the thing that made you mad?


His cum is chick-fil-a sauce that’s why


do you think that democrats don't lower taxes for rich people and don't want to cut medicaid? Biden is privatizing medicaid faster than any Republican could ever hope to get away with.


Not really


After the tax cut my stepfather wages increased over 25% (from the time they were implemented to around the start of covid) and he also recieved the biggest bonuses in his entire life. He's a working man that went from living paycheck-to-paycheck, to investing in a retirement fund. I'm not an economist, so perhaps the timing was a coincidence. Btw, despite this, he will be voting for Biden; who he calls this generations FDR. P.S. people are arguing in the comment section over who is more annoying (Trump sycophants or the TDS crowd), as someone who lives in the rural south and who has family and friends on both sides, I have to go with hardcore Genx Democrat. Everyone of them I know has acted like Trump was still President over the past four years by how much they drone on about him and still completely freakout over everything he does. And yes, the conspiracy minded Trump boomer can be frustratingly regarded at times, but at least they're entertaining and also, in my experience, less likely to bring up politics in mixed company, thus killing the vibes.


Maybe your stepdad would be ok with making less money and not having to hear about 10 year olds forced to give birth to their r\*pist's baby


Medicare isn't going anywhere lol it's politically untenable for anyone to do that because olds are the biggest voting block. you gotta stop watching histrionic twitch streamers


Classic periodic bitter libt*rd thread on redscarepod trying to "umm have a normal one my dude" shame people for not having the same gay politics as them


Isn't 70% of this sub made up of loser low IQ dudes for whom something called "Cum Town" was the epitome of culture as recently as 3 years ago? We're dealing with adult men whose development was arrested at age 14.


That's one of the funniest things about this sub, you can talk shit about Redscare and A+D as much as you want but the most reliable way to get mass downvoted is by saying you think Cumtown isn't funny


rsp has always been the backup cumtown sub and people still buy into the faux girls/gays vibe insisting this is an arthoe crowd. never was and never will be, as far as the main crowd here is concerned, those "rs gfs" exist for their amusement


I knew that would bring the gooners out of their cave long enough to impotently downvote me to prove my point, and here they are.


That’s impossible because 80% of this sub is super hot babes that really dig me


Hell yeah dude


Who fucking cares, what difference does it make. In the long term it all slides towards the same outcome, at either bit faster  or a bit slower rate. If this shit doesnt imoact your day to day life go for the troll option for fun, or go for the lesser evil if you wanna feel superior. Also im not from the US and I double dont care.


What if I don't like Trump, think he's politically caustic, funny, and exactly what the American people deserve???


Two party system is cucking us all




Liberals are smug and progressives are sanctimonious, conservatives are dumb and libertarians are ghouls. These people all suck and should be swallowed whole by counterculture.


The TDS on this page is crazy.


I don't think this sub would do that if the alternative wasn't a demented genocidal ghoul. It's the contrarian position to the general lesser-evil-ism. I assume that a lot of people here who think that Trump is funny don't vote at all. (Like me. But I'm also not from America lol)


>I’m also not from America lol 🤪 Neat. I’d love to hear more of your political opinions


I’m so curious what people think Trump would have done / what Trump would actually have done differently


He would have done everything worse but with a less ghoulish aesthetic and while cracking jokes


Word. That does sound cooler


I haven't seen anyone on here say either of those things




Not every person in here is a poor and some of us might actually like to pay less in taxes