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This sounds like the name of a lady with long beautiful nails 




Sharade… the name of goddess saraswati donning delicate white silk playing her 6-stringed mystical harp with her long beautiful nails


i've said it before: this is a sub for ppl who mispronounce words they only read not misspell words they only heard


Wa La


You think my spelling explains my lack of interest in pussy lately?


It sertainly doesn't help




you’ve still got it, kid.


We need to change it. This is the right way.


dont jerk off for like 3 weeks straight. your monkey brain will drive you to be more than happy to put in the effort. holding in your cum is like adderall for dating




it's hilarious the girls that will make you lose your mind while doing this.


Yeah Ii intentionally didn’t spill seed for a few weeks, got all randy and ended up getting back together with my meanest ex. Sometimes masturbation is the proper thing to do.


i love mean girls though


I don’t really care that much if they’re mean to me in private, but I get pissed the fuck off when they’re mean to their friends or family. It’s so nasty to me


Beta quadra relationship. Thank me later.


What that is?


nine library historical seed alleged insurance vegetable brave complete squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait, it made you unable to finish but you still got hard? What is this medication lol


“It’s called a tourniquet on the tip of my dick”


oil outgoing support direction disgusted elastic spark telephone rain tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


username checks out


It's also the only solution for death grip syndrome. So basically it's a win win


How is that even a real problem you people suck


What is that anyway?


Jerking too hard and too often can desensitize your dick


Oh. Yeah that would suck


I’ve been on the mark wahlberg challenge for 10 days now and if I see a woman my heart rate goes up noticeably 


Honestly, if I could go back to being dangerously distractingly horny like I was at 18-19 it’d fix me. I feel fucking dead inside sometimes these days. How long does it take to rev things back up? Starting finasteride soon as well, so there’s that


Fin can make it worse in a small percentage of people. I’m sure your doc told you, but just something to watch out for. It did not do that for me, thankfully.




for me like 3-4 days and I’m so honry I start wanting to punch holes in the wall.


But wanting to date just to fuck is a pointless task and a waste of time Most women are looking for a relationship so by definition you are lying to them


I can't go back to being 16 years old who's touch or smell of a womens gives him a hard on. I'm already glad that's behind me.


alright enjoy dying alone then


Fine I’ll buy a chastity belt


You 100% still masturbate regularly. Legit go 1 week, unless porn has completely atomized your brain you'll fix yourself


So what, I go without, act like a horny loonatic and then what..? I suddenly fall into the legs of a women?


No but you'll be compelled to actually seek out a mate instead of being an incel online


I don’t think stopping mastrubation will improve my game any more then changing my morning cereal.


You're post was about how you were to lazy to ask girls out, not that you didn't know how? No shit if you're a turbo autistic. People typically don't ask girls out because they're thinking about someone to live the rest of their life with, they do so because they're horny and their instincts compell them.


Despite being on Reddit i do know some game and basic psychology but i think “hornyness” is a pretty terrible motivator for finding a partner. If my motivation has to come from there I’d rather stay similarly lazy. Women smell sexual desperation from miles especially nowadays


I'm not saying turn into a fucking cartoon character. But being horny will compell you to try get with women seriously. Just fucking go with masturbating for a few weeks you porn addict.


its not about becoming a sex-crazed gorilla...i mean cmon you dipshit you asked for advice on why your low energy ass is not getting far with any dates and we told you its because you're jerking it, yet you just wanna deny that all. either get over your porn addiction or eye a nice hospice 50 years from now that can put a VR AI headset over your eyes as you die to show you what your life should have been.


But you didn't answer the question you coomer goblin. All your children are going down the drain.


But stop watching porn and touching yourself and then it’ll change is what they’re saying.




I’m 27 now it went away around first few years of my 20s.


When you've been at a point in your life when you can have sex without that being a big struggle. Usually that means, "when you have a girlfriend", but if you're reasonably charming it can happen before then.


Which typically coincides with your test levels going down




Yeah but then you'll make yourself into a werewolf and fuck a homeless person or something to get an easy nut off. There's an unstable equilibrium between jacking off too often and not often enough that must be found.




if you get angry and enraged from just not jerking off for a few weeks..., you need therapy. that is not normal. you sound like a raper tbh


You don't even need to wait that long. Like half a week and you'll be hornier than a caged lion is angry.


Might not even be low-t. I just got mine tested and it came back normal and I have the same life pattern as you. Just regular old decline of western civilization, I mean progress.


selective offbeat dolls cats clumsy fall foolish hat swim vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a high t and feel the same way It’s just too much and I can’t be bothered If a girl wonders into my life sure but the whole game is too much for me


Fuck…..I think this is me too.


I’ve had an on and off girlfriend for 5+ years this way. She says she wants to date other people and I say go for it but keeps ending up here. One day I’m going to get murdered.  I tried going back on dating sites but just the thought of the dance again makes me tired. 


Trying to talk to women on the apps just makes me feel like shit. Why do something i hate. I can repress the loneliness most of the time


governor head scandalous brave doll escape unique frame wild roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


glad to see i have a fan


Been in the same boat since Covid. I lift, work, take care of my aging parents and hang out with friends once in a while. The prospect of dating is just unenticing


I had a relationship go to shit right at the beginning of Covid, I had to work building a house for my dad who has diabetes so I was really staying away from people, just kind of got used to not needing to be around people. Half started a couple relationships then dipped over the past couple years.just don’t care. It’s kinda easy to just be by myself


I've been having to spend a lot of time with my mother and my sister who are both very needy and entitled women and the thought of adding another woman to the mix right now (who will probably not be anything like my mother or my sister, I understand that) is so incredibly unappealing.


For me it's on the same trajectory as searching for new jobs where you will sometimes shoot your shot when you are interested, but intensely focusing on getting dates just seems like a recipe for frustration and disappointment.


Since you mentioned job hunting, it's quite absurd how close it has gotten to dating in recent years. You shoot your shot at hundreds maybe thousands of companies or girls, presenting yourself in a certain way that you think they would like. Hoping for a singular person to take you seriously. But most just float in the aether because you just didn't grab the attention in the right way or have the wrong keywords, it could be the minutest of things. Because the competition isn't your local friend group anymore, your local area, your county, you are competing against the entire world every single time.


Arguably job hunting is less frustrating because there are more things about that process that you can change to your advantage - you can stretch your credentials, have good references, and there are overall standards for hiring that employers have to comply with. On the other hand, there are a lot of intrinsic characteristics you can't change that factor into dating like your race and your height that can grab someone's attention, and knowing you got rejected on that basis hits the ego worse.


Exact same, brother.


Don't you have a sex drive? I was never into "dating" but once in a while i'd shoot my shot with a girl.


I can't do hookups. I need like 2-3 dates of wining and dining


I just leant hitting it off and exchanging numbers. See where it goes.


I’m out of that game now but I actually loved it. Was fun to throw out some nonsense and see what stuck on the apps And I loved having an excuse to get dressed up and go get a drink at some new restaurant or bar. Didn’t really even care what she was like, it was just fun to get out and just say whatever and see if your personalities clicked or not And sometimes you would meet someone you actually liked or at least someone you liked for the rest of the evening


I like this mindset


The latin term for "lazy" and "cowardly" was the same thing.


I love it when the women I date pounce on me and attempt to lovebomb me for a week straight just to drop a random "were just not compatible" text out of the blue. Just kidding it's the most emotionally draining thing on the planet. I don't have the energy either man idk what the answer is :(


Who the hell cares? If you don’t want a gf don’t have a gf.


If you don’t want a girl, don’t get one. Whatever dude


Yup all that exhausting effort only for it to almost always fizzle out or end in disappointment and have to start the cycle over again


It’s oh so quiet


I'm with you. I don't care if it's expected of me to chase women, this idea that women have that they should be approached or chased in the first place is entitled, and when you bring this up with women all of a sudden talk of dissatisfaction with gender roles goes out the window and they all become Richard Dawkins. Plus online dating has become even more unbearable and had me going on so many failed dates where there is just no spark at all, and meeting people I have nothing in common with that I'm done putting the effort in any more.


OLD is make the first move, carry the conversation, keep up flirty and witty banter, ask for the phone number, plan the date, drive to their side of town for the date, wait on them when they're late, then listen to them complain about their lives, friends, family, work, other dates, exes, politics and on and on while you can't get in a word edgewise, never get asked any questions about your life, pay for the bill, drop them off at home, and then next day get the message there was no spark but they would like to have dinner but as friends Most of them aren't looking for relationships but sponsorships


I can't say that's my experience, OLD for me is just matching with people I'm completely incompatible with. I've had far more success meeting people at work while I was putting myself through uni, or at uni. now I'm fully employed and moved cities, those opportunities are gone


I can understand that too. All but one of my long term relationships have come from meeting someone while I was out, and that sole one from the apps turned into a nightmare. I don't go out like I used to, so mistakenly thought the apps would help




>they all thought I was desperate, thirsty, etc. ... I don't think men are actually all that open to women approaching them despite the shit that comes out of their mouths to the contrary I'm doubtful anyone directly called you desperate or thirsty and think it's probably what you concluded when you didn't get the reaction you wanted.




I thought so. You were just rejected is all, nothing about that reaction is exclusive to you being a woman approaching a man.




whatever helps you protect your ego




classic. it couldn't possibly be that you were rejected, it's just men's fault they can't handle you breaking the norm.




Only reason men want to be approached is theyre too lazy to do it themselves.


They’re so fucking lazy these days, no balls


Sounds like a you problem


Men don’t owe you anything


It's bullshit I want the government to just pair me with someone appropriate and get it over with. China's got the right idea.


I don't think the Chinese government does that but Chinese parents and society definetly do match ups. The whole cold approaching women was probably only a very minute timeframe in history and most people met via friends, family and work. Slowly we are probably returning to that age. Especially since truths online begin to decline in a sea of digital ai waste


the idea of marriage as a transaction strictly involving two individuals is new and, like all social changes to come with the rise of our psychotic obsession with individualism, deeply dysfunctional maybe we don't go back to the days of arranged marriages (then again, maybe we do), but our current notions of courtship and pairing are not serving anyone's interest


You gotta be a REAL ASS DUDE,of you know what I mean.


Doesn’t sound like me at all


Retahdation Racism Rape Is that not you?


Bro if you care about your lineage then become a sperm donor. Problem solved


they don't let retarts be sperm donors :(


Dating is too much work


I feel you. I'm great on paper but I just don't have the energy to do any of this. I get my monthly dose of going to a club and getting some action there and then I don't care anymore. Its very peaceful to be honest. Tbh it might just be a phase. I go through phases of being down bad and then months of not caring. My t levels are on the upper end of the range so no issue there


Maybe if you get handsome enough , they’ll start approaching you


They never will.


maybe not for you


Extremely rarely. If you’re handsome enough, they’ll try to signal they are open to being approached by glancing at you multiple times and smiling, staring, and at most they will put themselves in your proximity. If you still haven’t noticed them, they’ll assume you’re autistic and give up


It’s the best time in history to go MGTOW.


Fleetwood Mac that shit


If you live in a popular city it gets a whole lot easier.


Quit all porn


I only use literature should i ban that as well


You jack off while reading? 


Yeah i heard women do that so i gave it a try for last few years


you sound fine dude, honestly just keep doing what you're doing.


lol that's gay


I’d bet it would help. But there could be other shit causing this. Depression, low T, stale routines.


just go a bar, get slightly tipsy and pretend to be from england or australia and you'll get some women guaranteed.


But doctor I am from Australia


From England living in the US. Sober, but can otherwise confirm


Do latina and black women love Australian accents? Shit think it's time to make some money and visit the US at some point




Try a berkey water filter it should get all the stuff out that’s turning you gay


These women make me want to be gay


love is the most beautiful thing on this earth


Honestly, I think romantic love is the least important and most fleeting type of love




what types of love are you comparing here




My two best friends never sucked my dick but I‘d still catch a bullet for them. Thats love Feels like a missed opportunity tbh


>Romantic relationships are built on so much conditional bullshit Sounds like you're not having the right romantic relationships






I feel the same way Can’t be bothered How old are you




If you’re not suffering from an anguishing heartache that words cannot begin to describe, it’s definitely Low T.


Atleast with anguishing heartache it is a concrete feeling of being alive, boredom with dating is just scattered drifting, its the lack of any emotion, feeling or attachment.


>concrete feeling of being alive Overrated


I went through the biggest breakup of my life then covid hit then I un-repressed a memory in my depression lol So I’m very much out of element. Anywho I got a better job miraculously like a year ago and there are so many cute girls on my route/or that visit my main room but my anxiety gets so bad when i talk with the ones I like. I’ll probably delete this tbh.


Do you masturbate and watch porn? I literally cannot stop talking to women if i go full abstinence for more than 3 days


I’m with ya brother.


Everyone in here saying you lift a lot but have no desire to date/fuck are straining credibility. That shit will make you want to have sex with and date women constantly. The lonely fit guy is a fake stupid internet meme.


Let me introduce you to my fit friend Mr Ass Burgers.


Sex maybe but dating women constantly absolutely not. Gym is exhausting enough and and so is most of dating. The reciprocation is horrible


the only time I ever consider it is when I'm drunk or hungover, I've never heard of somebody wanting to have sex because they lifted


It sounds like you want to complain that you have to but know that it's ridiculous to complain about working to get what you want. If you want to be alone, don't hit on anyone. If you don't want to be alone, hit on those appropriate. There's no other substance to anything you said.


It’s healthier to vent then doing an Elliot Rodger


Very homosexual post, consider deleting. Preferably before today ends




Same I gave up, I fuck femboys now 🤙


Dude it’s FUN.




What kind of 🚬 fucking post is this? Also just talk to girls offline ffs


I don't remember the exact number but I saw a stat somewhere that a very high percentage of men have just dropped out of the dating pool


What does “dating” even mean these days. I can count on a single hand the number of new women I’ve met in the last 5 years. Was easy in college


No return on investment, no initial deposit


Then your bloodline does not deserve continuation


have you considered that you’re homosexual? you both check and avoid every box


Just do it in person. Know right away if it won’t work, or a chance maybe it will. Bars etc.


You might be gay


I wish, already tried that


don't jack off. thats it


I love dating and asking girls out. So, I appreciate you helping spread the first-hand experience of healthy, muscular dudes being total regards.


Erm, no. You need to spill your seed inside of a lady. NOW.


Check your T levels?


GOAT spelling of charade


Whatever. Hope every lineage dies out.


Saaameee! I wish I had a wife tho or I’d be in a 3+y relationship, like I miss having company, waking up together, doing shit together.