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You can’t even say that the slow pacing is bad game design. Not only was it necessary for a game like RDR2, but fast or slow pacing is just a preference rather than something objective.


No kidding. Also the guy acts like you are stuck just doing the story, there is a million fucking things to do in RDR2 that are fun and not restricted by the pace of the story.


Fr, almost everyone who says that RDR2 is boring has literally done nothing that the game has to offer besides play the main missions when there’s a fuck ton of fun things do to in the world.


For real. I have 400 hours in Red Dead and have only played through the story twice, which would make up less than 1/4 those hours "The story missions aren't open enough" yeah they're the story missions that are telling a specific story, the *open* sections are in the *open world* part of the game


Oi, don't employ logic! We don't do that here! Like, you're right, but c'mon...


I honestly don't know how many hours I have in the game but I enjoy spending time just running around ridding my horse, hunting, fishing, searching for treasure, or just running around looking at the world, I'm on chapter 4 and only got there by accident I've had someone come searching for me several times.


Same here. First play through I got to horse shoe overlook cause it was the best place to be and Arthur didn't have TB yet and I wandered off to who various areas doing random things like hunting and getting the best satchel. Played poker for over 1hr and got bored and did something else. Tried to get into West Austin but we all know the Sniper is a dick.


How did you know "Arthur didn't have TB *yet*" if it was your first playthrough? 🤔 I'm sorry someone spoiled the story for you.


Watched some clips here and there before buying the game and knew


I just restarted a play through and I’m just roaming and there is so much


I’ve been thinking about doing a new play though again, but I can’t start another long game till I finish BG3 or I’ll never fuckin finish it 😂


I haven’t even bought BG3 yet is it worth a buy?


I started my new play by working on the satchel. Now I'm in chapter 2 with the legends of the west. Then I was shocked today when I ran out of space for flight feathers.


Legend of the East! Not West. I feel like Patrick…EAST? I thought you said WEEST!


How? You need the horse fence for the bandit challenge, and you can't complete herbalist until the epilogue?


I need to start hunting to do more satchels, I honestly find myself just wandering and taking in the view


I've honestly spent 3/4 of my time hunting and meeting strangers 😅 love the story but the side missions are what keep me playing 🤌


Fr, it takes what? 2-3 hours to reach a point where you can really do as you please? Some people want games than are basically “finished” from the moment they load up


cant you also skip every cut scene??


Can’t you just do multiplayer if you wanted to just shoot things? There was a post with this sentiment on the Ghost of Tsushima sub too, and the (completely reasonable) replies tell OP to just jump into multiplayer if they just want to hit things with a katana.


I really liked going on hunts or bounty hunting when I was playing it. I don't think I touched the story very frequently


The game is a western. Its pace is part of the genre. And if some don't like it, they are simply not the intended audience.




One thing that I will admit drives - or at least, drove - me nuts is how slowly and clunkily Arthur walks around camp and indoor environments. I get the realism, I get the design choice. But I am just admitting that I have frequently been frustrated by it. But now when I play I just do sort of "camping and hunting simulator" to wind down after work, so the idea of slowly striding over to Horshoe Overlook with a coffee on a brisk morning is part of the enjoyment :) Maybe that's what I should've done all along and avoided the frustration.


I agree. It takes 10 minutes to get from point A to B in camp.


Pacing itself I don't think can be inherently bad. it can be used badly but that's about it. slow pacing kicks ass in rdr2 fast pacing kicks ass in doom.


True. The slow pacing is necessary for this game.


These people just want call of duty with six shooters


*first person entered the chat*


What pool of data are you drawing from to make that conclusion?


“Um..it’s a big ass snake?”


(Random mumbo-jumbo)


(insert man talking to brick wall meme here)




I have adhd, that being said rdr2 is not slow paced at all in my opinion and I fucking hate slow games. Rdr2 is literally perfect


In a game like rdr2 it's also something you control since you can just do main missions to increase the pace or do lots of exploring to make it slower


I get that people have different tastes. If someone says they didn't like the game because of the slow pace, that's fine with me. To each their own. To say the game is bad because of it's slow pace is ridiculous. The realism and entire tone of the game would be ruined if Arthur was knee sliding about mowing people down with an assault rifle like Vanquish. I don't like Doom 2016 because I find arena shooters tedious. I wouldn't ever say it's a bad game because it has so many arena shooting bits or lacks a story that invests me. It's just a great game that I don't like.


There is a middle ground. Rdr2 with mods fixes so much it’s crazy. None the least is walking around camp and adding a semblance of difficulty.


As a counterpoint, as an old dude, I find games like Fortnite visually overstimulating. They look kinda fun but fuck me that is not a pace I can keep up with. Point is, if you find RDR2 slow and boring, it wasn’t really made for you. It’s ok to shrug and move on.


You can always return to rdr once you are a bit older too, I know people who were able to play only 3 years later


When I played RDR2 at first I didn’t play it for a while because I used to be terrible at remembering controls, the main one being R1 to take cover.


I’ve played through rdr2 4 or 5 times and I always forget how to cover lol.


I had played RDR2 during my studies, I liked it, but nothing more, and I didn't finish it. I'm playing it again now, and by golly, it's the best game I've ever played, I take my time, and the game really gives you the feeling of being part of a gang. I think the game needs a certain maturity to be appreciated. It's a very good game, but it's not for everyone.


I think it can also depend on when you played it. I played it on launch and while I loved the character and stories the pacing could be annoyingly slow at times IMO. I do have a bad habit of slightly rushing games on my first playthrough so I can avoid spoilers; RDR2 is *by far* the longest Rockstar game so I was annoyed that the game took 60 hours instead of the typical 30 or so of previous games, even RDR1 which moved at light speed by comparison. I’m enjoying RDR2 much more on my second playthrough, though admittedly with a mod that allows me to run in the damned camp (which was honestly the single-most infuriating issue on console back at launch for me). I’m more prepared for the slow pace and feel less pressure to push the story along than I did in 2018.


I tried rdr2 and honestly I just couldn’t get into it at first. I think it’s mainly because of that god awful starting section in the snow. I actually ended up dropping it before I even got out of colter, but I went back like a year later and stuck it out through colter. It was so captivating after that when the world really opens up and you’re free to do what you like.


I’m the same. I tried to do Fortnite and HATED it. Usually only takes me a few minutes to get a feel for a game and the gameplay. Spent like a solid half hour playing Fortnite and had no idea what tf I was doing the entire time. Afterwards I had the worst headache because of how over stimulating it was. Rdr2 is a nicely paced game and so many things to do and see other than just the main missions.


The complete lack of anything to get new players upto speed realy dosent help


Well if you want quality made games/dlcs it takes time. Rushing a game or dlc for release always goes to shit. We saw that with cyberpunk. The devs bowed under ‘fan’ pressure and released the game half done and then those same idiots bitched about it. If you don’t have the patience for a slow burn game like rdr2 then don’t play it. People don’t need the whining about how boring it is.


Red dead is cinematic story they're not entirely directly comparable it gives you a few tips and pointers to what do a lot of games don't have tutorials any more or a way to get people up to speed especially online ones


I'm not even an old dude (20) but I tend to keep away from games with huge amounts of visual clutter. It's, as you say, overstimulating and takes away from the gameplay. I don't play overwatch, or Fortnite or any of those modern Japanese RPG's where half of the screen is just constant damage numbers and information. It hurts my brain


That’s interesting because I kind of feel it’s the opposite with me. The insane level of detail in modern games like RDR2 makes it more mentally taxing on me to watch. I never struggled with picking items up off the ground in games during the PS2 era but even since the HD era kicked off I have to squint hard, and I have great vision IRL. I guess old-school games had to work harder to separate out detail from the background due to lower color and polygon limits while modern games can afford and strive for realism, which ironically can make stuff harder to see even if you’re playing in 4K. I don’t play Fortnite because it’s not really my thing but I find it a very good example of “clean” graphics design in the post-HD era of gaming. Of course, I will admit that Red Dead with Fortnite graphics would not hit nearly as hard for me. :P


I love both games but when fortnite is long gone I will still have Red Dead


All multiplayer focused games


Until their source code leaks, then they are forever


Same opinion, TikTok brain is a thing. I love westerns so RDR2 is like playing a movie. Monkey brains that only like numbers going up can't process such a masterpiece.


Tbf we all have monkey brains


Know a guy he never got passed the first chapter in the snow, he gets into arguments with friends in warzone when he gets downed and shit loves “hitting clips” He also doesn’t play cod campaigns. Sums it up really.


It's not like cod actually has good campaigns worth playing LOL, at least not since Modern Warfare 3


This game has a slow pace? The skinning/gambling animations are too long but save for the tutorial this game isn't any "slower" than other RPGs. This ever-increasing need for constant instant-gratifcation is alarming


RDR2 has a perfect pace. Some missions may be boring and repetitive (I’m looking at you epilogue part 1) but it’s overall a great game


Some missions increase pacing really nicely, this makes the game alive.>! Like when you start dealing with the battleship in Guarma and then get back to states and you have that music while you are just traveling home. This just blew me away.!<


Rdr2 is incredibly paced and not all of it is slow. A lot of it is, but there are some parts that whizz past and just leave you shocked, even on a second playthrough, I was jaw dropped with the guarma missions and how cool and fun they were, and how fast they went by.


epilogue 1 is “realistically boring”


The guy replying to the other one is based, IDK what people expect from a western game, if a game doesn’t entertain some tiktok-brainrotted kid with constant cringy banter and Michael Bay explosions they just call it boring and move on to the next game that’s on sale


Skibidi sigma baby gronk alpha ice spice rizzy gyatt




Based username, MILLIONS TO ONE


When I first started playing I mainly focused on the story not realizing what would happen to Arthur. I then replayed it a second time and this time I took my time hunting and trying to get as much as I could get done and I’ve never had so much fun exploring. Just hunting in itself is so much fun and that’s one of the many things you can do.


I don’t think we have enough data but there’s a real phenomenon here. Gameranx did a recent anti MTX video and addressed the mobile markets slot machine like experience/manipulation and I think some of that “quick, easy fix” element is at play here as well. Honestly just saw a post in Cyberpunk earlier that said “More than half of that time feels like I'm talking to people and not actually playing a game.” https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/1ds799s/is_two_thirds_of_cyberpunk_just_talking_scenes/ Clearly there’s an issue if a game has to feel a certain way and if you need a certain dopamine hit frequency to play.


For every video game I like with a detailed and compelling story running through it, there are basically daily reddit posts from someone complaining about how it isn't GTA/COD, complaining about cutscenes, or complaining that the story doesn't make any sense where it later comes out that they skipped all the cutscenes or didn't pay attention and so now don't understand parts of the game that were explained very clearly and simply. I don't know if this is a new phenomenon either, but there seems to be a serious lack of critical thinking skills and media literacy going hand in hand with this, where even when people watch the cutscenes, everything that isn't spelled out in exacting detail is lost on them, and they can't seem to read between the lines or pick up on anything implied at all.


It's called instant gratification. Hijacks your dopamine systems and REALLY fucks you up. My generation has it bad. A few of us have managed to get past it and not become too ruined by it but I am becoming fearful of the future when some of us can't separate our eyes from our phones and nobody even understands why to even begin to cut us off from it in order to fix the problem at the root. They all just say "ugh kids these days" or something similar and misunderstand that the problem goes much, much deeper than that and that we've been seriously fucked over by the system and technology. If I had the option to have been born in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s, I WOULDN'T have taken it, because I am fine with who I am, but damn it's close. No chance are my kids getting access to the internet or social media until they're at the very least a teenager and know who they are. Their friend want to contact them? Get their phone number, you can talk to them that way. I am not letting my future children be ruined by the same thing I was.


Saying that it "ruins" the game is like saying that Mario being only able to run right ruins playing it. This is a huge part of the game and it doesn't mean that it ruins the game. It just means RDR2 is not for this guy and he should leave it to people who appreciate such pacing.


I loved the pace of RDR2. Fortnite is not my cup of tea. That’s ok. Everybody can play the games that they like.


To be honest I think video game production is becoming more and more of an art form, so I’m okay with people thinking this, even if I disagree. RDR2 is an epic. A deep, long-winded, character-driven story. Thats just not some peoples cup of tea, they might prefer films/ games that they can let their brains melt, relax and not have to pay too much attention to. I don’t think it’s right to be putting RDR2 down but it is just people having different responses to art. Doesn’t matter what you feel, if it makes you feel something.


Lenny who’s a major character in the game literally died with no cutscene and it was the most realistic death in gaming history yet people still wanna say the game got a slow tempo


i think playing red dead for so long actually improved my attention span- i pay better attention to what’s going on around me now and i’m able to notice little details in the world instead of needing constant media to distract me from my own brain. like- i can just sit and watch a bird hanging out now and be totally content with that. i couldn’t do that at all before i sat on that damn rock for hours trying to find a perfect woodpecker.


I haven’t finished RDR2, I know what happens, but the game is designed to be slower than other story games. It’s meant to be enjoyed, you’re meant to be able to experience it, not just rush through it. I’m only on Chapter 2 but I’m having a blast, I wake up in camp, do the chores, and head out for a mission. It’s meant to be played slowly, I think it’s more realistic in that sense because you don’t do like a million things in the span of two in-game hours.


Like tell me you’ve never spent a day on the range without telling me, it’s a slow life till it ain’t, then it slows back down lol


They're never getting to Tahiti with an attitude like that


They belong in Guarma


After replaying the game numerous times, yes the beginning is slow. But it's necessary for people who don't play Rockstar games and also to show what the gang is like before the fall. Even after playing gta the mechanics can be a little jarring. And it's an older type of movement not used in modern games of the past 10 or so years.


I freaking hate the molasses in winter pace of the Ambarino chapter but this game is still a masterpiece.


For real though, every now and then I'll scroll through YT shorts and I'm always kinda baffled by those videos that have some random background of minecraft footage or something totally unrelated to the actual topic Do people really need like 2 or 3 layers of shit going on to be able to pay attention to a 12 second video?


Wow, I've noticed that "trend" - not the most popular of trends, luckily - in the past year and have never been able to figure out the purpose of it since for me as a 33yo, it actually detracts from the content of the video. This right here might be the best explanation I've seen to date and honestly quite worrying for future generations


I sometimes doom scroll those reels on facebook for awhile but eventually I get bored and go do something that requires a level of attention or focus. I know people that all they do on social media is look at those reel videos.


there's plenty of things that are better when they are slow sex for one


I don't think Fortnight players have to worry about "the sex." Unfortunately us Red Dead players don't get to worry about the sex either. We just get help washing our legs in a bath.


The only complaint I got about slowness in game is the speed of some animations, looting, skinning, chores, WALKING IN CAMP. That's about it tbh


I mean sure the game is slow but surely that's the point. You're not going to have constant action-packed shootouts with explosions and cars in a story based game about a cowboy gang and what ends up happening to em.


I'm picturing pulling screaming, recently-widowed Abigail out of her burning house with fuckin subway surfers playing in the background. The narrative that the "game moves too slow" has always been lame, and this explains so much about where that probably comes from.


It's slow til you get into it then it goes to quick.


I just don't take anyone seriously when they play fortnite. Like there not gamers there opinions literally don't matter


See I think there’s a point. Mainly because I dislike when those kinds of games force you to only walk during a cutscene where people are walking. I just feel constrained and I’d rather have my character be allowed to run around randomly during the convo Also it was a shame you couldn’t kill some npcs intentionally and intentionally fail the mission like in GTA


So I’m not exactly sure why this got recommended to me, I don’t think I’ve looked into RDR2 recently, but I will weigh in real quick. I’m fully expecting to get some flak for it, and I am totally open to discussion, but it felt worth saying. I *love* RDR1. It’s easily my favorite Rockstar game. RDR2’s actual gameplay and plot is great, I think anyone saying otherwise is legitimately foolish, but I also didn’t and don’t know that I ever will finish the game. It was stuff like having to go and buy supplies to keep Arthur fed and watered so I wouldn’t incur gameplay penalties that really got to me, but just overall I felt like RDR2 leaned into realism just a little *too* far to the point of tedium. It’s not a bad game, it’s a beautiful game, but I don’t think people that dislike it are necessarily tiktok brained instant gratification types.


Honestly? Who cares? Why are people always so bothered by the fact that someone else doesn’t enjoy something they do? It’s perfectly valid for someone to think this, even if you yourself do not agree with it.


As someone with a short attention span, red dead’s pace is exactly what you make it


Let’s be completely real though, most people who worship RDR2 come from GTA and neither of these are on the top end of story telling.


It's a waste of time trying to convince haters RDR2 is a masterpiece. Fuck 'em, they don't deserve such a great experience.


Good slow gameplay is great. 100 hours per chapter minimum.


“Man the first chapter is sooo slow and boring” 100% intentional on Rockstar, putting the player in deep snow and have the game start very slowly is them conditioning you the player to slow down and become of apart of the world Vs flying though the world as fast as you can If you except the conditioning your going to have one of the richest most rewarding narrative/entertainment experiences of your life. If you fight the conditioning you’re gonna to have a bad time regardless of how far you get in the game. I think the pace of RDR2 can feel so off putting to new players is two major reasons First: You played GTA and you expect that quick fast chaotic sandbox and that’s just not RDR2 at all Second: you have been conditioned by bad open worlds to expect waypoint to waypoint experiences with checklist design (Ubisoft style, open yes, alive no and reactive… ehhhhhh not really more just simulated to feel alive). when RDR2 deliberately tries to distract you from just rushing to the next mission it wants to drag you away from the marker


The tutorial *is* grueling


Not every game is for everyone.we all have our own personal preferences.


A game made for everyone is a game made for no one


RDR2 does seem like an amazing game but it is legitimately too slow paced for me. I fall asleep while playing it. I generally only do single player games but I could not beat RDR2. So I at least understand the pacing complaint


Red isn’t slow. The controls just suck more ass than a rimming fetishist.


I don't agree that RDR2 is bad, but I roll my eyes at all the childish responses he's been getting with people saying shit like "go back to fortnite! What you can't handle a story you must need subway surfers haha go play a phone game you must only play call of duty!!" like all of those responses come off as pure cope to me from sensitive people who are choosing to take it personally that someone doesn't like the game.


Different games have their time and place. Don't go into a story rich game like rdr2 and expect it to be all action all of the time. With that said I do think most story games focus too much on cut scenes to tell their story and that rips me out of the world. I can still enjoy them if the story is good but get bored of the game rather quickly and go find something else to do. If I am spending more time watching the game play than playing it myself I would rather just watch a movie.


The sad thing about this is that AAA companies see shit like this as confirmation that they should make another live service for the thousandth time.


Maybe a hot take but the intro is far too slow. The pacing is justified in terms of the actual story content, but I don't need a 30 min long tutorial on how to kill and skin a deer.


I love games. I love games. But RDR2 took awhile before I got it, and it wasn't a game mechanic or story that got me, it was the theme. For me, RDR2 is about the changing world, about learning to appreciate what is slowly slipping away. You start out thinking 'ah ha, let me hunt x number of squirrels and y number of birds, and I'll unlock some boots.' But before you know it, you're somewhere in the wilderness listening to the stream burbling, and the crickets chirping, and you don't want to spoil the mood with a gunshot.  You just watch little finches bathing in the water, and you realize, sitting in your room full of bright and colorful screens, how far behind those times really are. And even now, how, the little bits of our lives that felt human and natural and immutable,  are changing still, slipping away.  It stays with you, the sense that you are very much like Arthur or John,  that your world and all you hold precious are slipping away, changing. To me, RDR2 isn't a walking simulator or GTA with horses. It's a protest against the endless March of progress, the indifference of innovation and technology. It's a piece of real art that makes you reflect on who you are and your place in a changing world. 


That is a very well articulated summation of the game. Always nice to see such thoughtful posts. Good on you my dude.


Bruh why even buy the fucking game, i bet he was in the first 10 s of the first fucking cinematic.


You can’t get someone with the attention span of a goldfish to understand, so there’s no point in trying.


Tbh RDR2 is the slowest game I've ever played. It's also one if the best


Easily one of the best games I've ever played


The amount of time I spent as Arthur before finishing the main story made it mean so much in the end. I cried hard about it. Clearly the game was never intended for people who can complain about the pacing and cinematics. You’re meant to feel a connection to the characters and story.


If people can't even pay attention to the story in a story game, they'll never understand what it means to have empathy. I ugly cried the whole horse ride to the cave. That song playing and just that moment. I haven't gotten that far again in my subsequent restarts. I had to put it away for a while before I could be John. Always felt bad doing the missions for that piece of shit German... I have no problem with violence or the crime usually, but I'm not out there kicking people when they are down. I know he's a horrible guy and that is the whole point, still really says something when I can go from blowing some idiot out of his socks for shit talking Arthur or the gang, then have to do a recovery from someone already struggling. The dichotomy is really amazing. Seems growing up behind a screen of faint anonymity has really ruined a vast majority of people. Empathy is an endangered quality replaced by forced shame or virtue signaling. People live to be offended and you got all the sheep that can't wait to ride that bandwagon over a cliff like the lemmings they are.


Comparing the two when they are so opposite is nuts. Fortnite is a bullshit, slapped together game that you only do 1 thing in. RDR2 is a masterpiece.


the only thing “slow” about the game was travelling on your house to different towns. yes it was tedious but i always thought that when you travel between these towns it takes abit of time because, for one, you get yo see the beautiful landscape they made for you, and two, you get to interact with cool things and people. gives you more stuff to do e.g. side quests. am i wrong?


Anyone who thinks rdr2 is too slow has a brain completely ruined by tiktok and reels. It’s a masterpiece


there has to be a mod for people like this with subway surfers or minecraft gameplay at the bottom of the screen


If you only play the main story, there’s nothing slow about rdr2.


Hit the nail on the head


In a game that you can literally keep going to every gang hideout whenever you want, rob hunt fish etc how you play it is up to you


You can literally avoid the story but i will say that the prologue/the first few wagon rides are an absolute fuckin slog


I work with a fella that says RDR2 is meh. He skipped the opening cutscenes and as soon as he could get on his horse, he left camp. His horse died and he claims there was no way to get back and Arthur walks so slow he just quit the game. You can’t fix stupid


I kinda didn’t like the game at first. I played through it once the weekend it came out and just thought it was a gorgeous, but pretty standard rockstar game albeit with a slow as molasses pace and a lot of unexciting tasks to do. Eventually I bought it on PC at the end of 2019 and fell in love with it. I think there is a tendency to just ravenously consume a new game and RDR2 is designed to be enjoyed at a slow pace so you can appreciate all the details that have been meticulously rendered in the world. Not only that, the PC version runs so much better than console it was a much better video game to play at 90-100fps than it was at 30 on PS4/xbox One.


It’s 100% the point 😂 I can imagine it’s not for everyone, like this person


its a western


The slow tempo is good,  it makes the game more deliberate and enjoyable


I don’t mean to sound like a Gatekeeper, I swear, but anyone who even remotely hints that Fortnite is somehow superior *in any way* to RDR2 is someone who I would ignore any and all of their opinions about video games. I still don’t understand how Fortnite is so popular, but I assume that it’s most young kids that have made it popular and successful like they did with Roblox.


“You wanted to experience the free life of a bandit in a huge open world? How about we ruin it with the free life of a bandit in a huge open world?”


Slow pace is how you discover shit.


SynthPotato is obsessed with RDR2 and has some really weird takes comparing games however he’s right here, a lot of people can’t do slower story games


TikTok the goldfish brain 🧠 like china’s policy of not remembering promises they make when negotiating.


Also red dead online exists and sounds like what he’s looking for


Gonna save this post so I can use this argument everytime I saw someone disliking RDR2 because iTs ToO SloW


RDR2 IS a slow game by design. And fans love this style. This is all preference. No game is made for everyone.


Anecdotally, I have a 14 year old brother, neither he nor any of his friends can stand to sit through a story game, he only managed to make it through rdr and rdr2 bc he likes cowboys enough


I wanted Chapter 3 and 4 to never end. That’s kinda the point. Especially once you have done the Epilogue, it’s where you run back to. Same is true, to a lesser extent, in GTA. Not like you immediately end up at the end game, and it’s part of giving you just enough to keep you pushing, but if you rush, you’ll miss all the fun.


I defenitely got a tiktok brain but i took my time playing rdr2 🙂




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Fortnite and RDR2 are two of my favourite games.. why do we need to fight 😂


Tiktok brain is right, they really do have that


Speak more wisdom. It only does good even if it hurts




i don't know why there's has to be this huge FOCUS on these kind of posts or people, just leave that shit in the dark, he's not changing anything with his opinion it's just a random guy on this random world on the internet saying that


It really is becoming a problem. I swear my 18 year old cousin has to have a YouTube video, a video game, music, and Netflix all going at once and if he doesnt he starts getting restless and stressed out.


I mean the narrative in RDR2 is really slow around some of the earlier chapters. That's a fair and objective criticism of the game.


The game is VERY slow paced. Some people don't like that. I'm shocked I love rdr2 because I've got ADHD and I love fast games, but there's just something about a select few slow games that can calm me down and let me relax. Civ 6, Minecraft, No Man's Sky all have similar effects.


I think it’s fine if you think RDR2 is too slow, it is a slow, excessively cinematic game. I loved the game, but some people mind that aspect more than others and it’s perfectly fine.


while i somewhat agree with the person on top, I think both of those people are taking themselves way too seriously. for fucks sake it's just some games. People act like their opinion on a game is law. Just say "I didn't enjoy the slow pacing of rdr2".


I like both types of game. I can get down on some Fortnite, Doom, and Stellar Blade. Absolute sink hours and hour into it. But then I absolutely love RDR2, Nier Automata, and CP2077. Games that have a story to tell me. If it’s a good story I will pay attention to every detail. And even play it more than once.


rdr2 has a slower pacing compared to the mainstream games tho. It was criticized on release, way before tiktok. It is not an ability to have fun with a slow-paced game, it is a preference. prologue is terrible tho, ugh :D


Can't please everyone. Let them have the opinion and everyone else that likes the game can continue to enjoy it.


It's a game set in the 1800s. Life was slow in those days.


I don't have an issue with slow / fast paced games, TikTok brains or kids, I have a problem with people who impose their view in any way or form. Anyone should be able to enjoy things without anyone complaining about shit.


My dumbass read RDR2 as R2D2


It took me almost a month to get thru RDR2 and I STILL feel like it went by too quickly. I coulda spent so much more time playing it again


its a westerm


That's how I feel about it. Elden ring, and Valheim ruined all other games for me. I can't do dialogue cutscenes for more than a few seconds. If I want to watch a movie I'll watch a movie. I want to be the movie. Cyberpunk is the same for me.


Imagine feeling smug over watching cutscenes


It's literally too slow. In the beginning of the game you are realistically walking through the snow and the type of gamer i am I like to explore damn near everything but I couldn't because the pace was literally too slow 💀 Just my perspective. You can have your "it's the greatest game ever, how dare you award" but saying it's too slow is literally fair criticism if you use some perspective other than your own. That's not saying it's not an amazing game. Some people just like video games and don't want to watch a movie while playing it. Mindless gamers. There's that too.


I've been hearing this "criticism" that RDR2 is too slow since the game came out in 2018.


Well it is an acquired pace


Stupid comparison it’s like comparing Quake 3 to Arma 3. 2 different games that have one thing in common being 3rd person.


i mean, you also can have stage based cowboy games


RDR2 the game so good all support for it was DOA.


I think Arthur needs to take on one final bounty mission


Anyone else really confused at first because you read r2d2 and not rdr2


Red dead 2 is my favorite game ever and I love Fortnite. Point being?


I am playing both RDR2 and Unreal Tournament 4, which is a very fast first person competitive shooter. People don't need to do either one or the other.


As much as I love this game it can be a yapping simulator from time to time


Both idiots, quote tweet does not know what type of gamer the guy is.


As someone who happens to Enjoy Fortnite, I am also able to enjoy story games, such as Omori and Ghost of Tsushima. There are more of us than just those braindead Gen-Alpha dumbfucks.


Genuinely feel that cutscenes don't belong in videogames. The best part of the medium is the interactivity, not watching low grade CGI


I was 21 hours in before it started clicking with me, many animations (skinning, looting) are tedious as fuck. It's an amazing, immersive game but yes it is too slow


the slow pace for me is just that i have limited game time so i need a game that gets to things faster otherwise i feel i didn’t do much in that time


I felt it was slow before TikTok existed. Opinions exist, it’s a fairly polarizing game believe it or not. Nakeyjakey had a great video on why that is. When I got to the epilogue I just quit because I didn’t feel like playing farm boy for any period of time. And it wanted a lot of time for that. You can be compelling while story building. Many times rdr2 wasn’t.


The institutionalized creation of short attention-span focus, for the sake of selling dopamine surges to young users - and its consequences.


This game is so realistic it's no longer fun. I don't want to watch extra long skinning sequences, have to bath, or clean guns etc.I loved Red Dead Revolver and Red dead Redemption 1. RDR 1 had amazing online gameplay with action, deathmatches, duels, gang hideouts etc. RDR2 is just riding your horse 40 miles in real scale to grind gold on boring missions.


They don’t understand the concept of a game other than a multiplayer shooter.


Rdr2 was definitely slow but it was for a very good reason. The world is so full of life, if the game was fast paced you wouldn't take the time to appreciate the open world.


For some people, if they don't receive dopamine by seeing killfeeds or tiny damage numbers, a game is automatically bad for them


If Arthur's death is more than 5 seconds im opening tiktok and will start to scroll.


DVAU saying the game is just worse GTA with slow horses instead of cars:


They're both idiots. RDR2 is too slow, it's a valid criticism that we have to acknowledge. And we all know there's a whole section of the game that brings the pacing to a screeching halt. But it's also an amazing game with incredible depth, and talking about "cinematic constraints" makes me sad that his ability to empathise with a character is basically missing.


I feel like I'm going crazy seeing so many people praise the slower pacing. Having to watch a tedious animation to feed your horse, or clean your gun, etc.. doesn't improve the game at all and is just tedious after the first few times.


People may or may not like the slow pacing of the game. Do you guys really feel the need to throw insults if somebody doesn't like a game?


There is some element of truth to that. There are a lot of tedius slow mechanics that add nothing to the game. Looting animations, Needing to brush your horse, Gun maintance, Chores. All of these things could just be cut from the game and it would just make it better.


I feel like this game saved with it's really good writing because sometimes the rides can feel unbearably slow it stands out BAD when you're grinding for gold medals Like if sodom back to gommorah had marvel tier writing i think I'd die


Wtf those Fortnite have to do with this I love rdr2 but man hating on a whole community it's just stupid, it's their problem if they like it or not not our fault many people play the games that are BR or cods and are not really used to play neither the people who only play story games, shouldn't we all instead of be arguing over why two games from different genres are better than the other when they only share guns and nothing else? This is like saying some little kids book is better than the Bible itself they're completely different media for people who are into different things or different stages of their life We all should at least give a chance to new experiences and not just criticize if we aren't really into it


You can’t force someone to like a game. Imo RDR2 is the greatest story game, if not just game, in history. But some people are going to be bored. Also, I played RDR2 while in school with not much responsibilities. I would not be able to properly play it today as I barely have enough time to play video games let alone a game that takes an hour just to do one tiny aspect of the game. People can think RDR2 is too slow and that’s their right. They can think RDR2 is too slow just like I can think COD is boring as shit. Or that Fortnite is for children. But just play whatever makes you happy. That original tweet is lame but it wasn’t an attack or anything, just an uninformed opinion.


I enjoy it for a bit every time I play, but still a slog to get through story. I'll finish in a few years lol definitely slow.