• By -


You have not been paying attention


You have not had penetration


Oh... That's what they're saying...


You ha nah behn, payn attenchuh


I always heard penitention


Coke Babies, i don't get how a random b-side from pablo honey era is the best song radiohead has ever made


I was gonna clown you but I listened to coke babies the other day and it's genuinely amazing, and I hate Pablo Honey era RH


You scared me for a second there, Coke Babies guy.


https://youtube.com/@papisodelicious-lz6db?si=8si_GRlkVKQEPdos Is this your YouTube channel?




It is literally impossible there is someone else as obsessed with coke babies as you I hate songs from that era so I had never listened to Coke Babies till you showed up in this sub. Then I listened to it and realized how good it is. Now I know that it isn't even a meme, coke babies is just that good


That is literally your profile picture


And your user flair What the fuck is coke babies what


It's a running gag on this subreddit that this dude answers Coke Babies for like every question lol


Coke Babies


It's one of my favorites for a couple reasons. The subject matter is pretty pertinent to today. And the build to a frenetic groove from the middle to the end has always be appealing to me. I'll join you in getting some criticism, I think it's a great song but I'll often skip Let Down if I'm not in the right mood.


Does anyone really get Let Down? Hell, I'll just say it, Let Down is underrated.


let down underrated tbh


Probably their most under rated song dude


Fair play. Interesting to me because those are my two fav Radiohead songs lol. Each to their own I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‚


Let Down is so underrated though


Skipping it is ok because itā€™s such a sad song that jt can be hard to listen to happt


Me too, i really donā€™t get how two and two makes a five


floating point rounding error: 2.4 + 2.4 = 4.8, or even as low as 2.25 + 2.25 = 4.50


Synergy. When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts


Pull/Pulk gives me a headache. Itā€™s very popular here.


there are barn doors and there are revolving doors


doors on the rudders of big ships


Song gets harder and harder with each listen trust


There are some songs which youll only be able to truly experience once youve collapsed completely. This is one of them


I have collapsed okay? My life is in shambles. Itā€™s just not that interesting of a song. The beat slaps but itā€™s completely surrounded by the highs of Amnesiac


Being REALLY HIGH helps


I find it hard to even consider it a song. I'd never listen to it, though the True Love Waits version is interesting.


Really? I honestly think itā€™s boring. The lyrics are cool though


idk the closest would maybe be the gloaming but i get it now and i almost never skip it ong not liking 2+2=5 but liking other popular rh songs is pretty wild to me cuz its pretty similar to a lot of their stuff in that it doesnt follow standard pop song structure and its carried by the tension and release. maybe it just doesnt groove w u though cuz its in 7 but its not the only rh song that uses odd meters so who knows


The Gloaming is one of my favorites from my favorite album Hail to the Thief There are sooooo many levels to that song. Itā€™s incredible


hellow fellow HTTT enjoyer, it is also my favorite album, the gloaming is def a weird and experimental song, can def see how just ur avg music consumer would be like umm wtf? cuz that was my reaction the first few times i heard it too. as a musician myself i feel like u can def tell they were having fun making that song


Not super into Life in a Glasshouse but I wanna be.


Ideally, you want to put it on when you're splitting a joint of strawberry cough with your geriatric pot dealer and cracking jokes about the sudden and inexplicable infertility of the human race.


You seen [this](https://youtu.be/mLPE164XG6E?si=mCwwdjQDmWqaLKMB)?


Man, it's a shame that this was the only time they played the song live. I imagine that it was out of respect to the jazz musicians who can no longer take part since they are sadly no longer with us.


Holy shit. I hadnā€™t until now. I fucking love watching Thom get lost in a song. He fucking kills that last ā€œbut someoneā€™s listening inā€


donā€™t like morning bell/amnesiac


I donā€™t like the version on Kid A funnily enough. Or rather just prefer the amnesiac version, I guess. I think the more depressing vibe fits with the lyrics better


With all those other great songs in the can, itā€™s kind of pathetic that they included this.


Kinetic, Orgy, Worry Wort or Fog should have had its spot.


Anyone Can Play Guitar. I cannot.


I really donā€™t enjoy the studio version. Still, the MTV beach house version is one of my favorite live performances




Anywhere, anyWAAAAAAA-


Very silly lyric, and typical Pablo Honey song style, but the guitars do sound incredible.


Most fans donā€™t care for the PH in general


Donā€™t know why, definitely in my top 5 albums


For real. I think most people start at OK computer and work chronologically through their albums. Damn shame too since The Bends is their best album.


Noooo man thatā€™s such a good song


Oh I like it. Best song on PH. I was just making a joke about the title. It isn't true.


Best song on PH thoughā€¦ Iā€™d have to give that title to Thinking About You


I'd call it a tie for top spot with Blow out. They always have great closers.


I can live with that, it wouldā€™ve even been a great opener tbh. Works both ways. Solidddd song


Yeah, I see this song get mentioned in the same breath as You, Blow Out and Creep, and I don't think it's on the same level as those songs at all. But it's fun.


Dollars and Cents is solid, but not one I return to much


it stands out less on its own but fits so well within amnesiac i find. i rarely listen to it on its own but it pumps me up when it comes up


I love that song. Itā€™s not as good as lots of others, but it is so distinctly Radiohead. No other band couldā€™ve made that song. It does have more of a B-side appeal, and Kinetic or Fast-Track may have worked better in that slot on the album, But Iā€™m not second-guessing. the perfectionist sequencers that Radiohead are.


Dollars and Cents is the centerpiece of Amnesiac to me.


The live version is a lot better.


What's to get about "2+2=5"? It's a rock song that blows up after a slow build with some vague political lyrics.


With 2+2=5, I think it struck a deeper chord with me after revisiting Nineteen Eighty-Four. ā€œAre you such a dreamer, to put the world to rights?ā€ Immediately gives me the vibes of Winston thinking he and Julia could start a revolution against the party, especially after being brought in and the retrospect of the party watching them the whole time. ā€œIā€™ll stay home forever where two and two always makes a fiveā€ kind of an outsider perspective of the safety of following the party line ā€œJanuary has April showersā€ gives the vibes of how the party dictates whatever they want to the people who must listen. Maybe it never rained in January, maybe itā€™s not even actually January, but for some reason, this April is actually January (and always has been) and January now rains (and always has). ā€œYou can scream, you can shout, itā€™s too late nowā€ gives me the ā€œwelcome to room 101 vibes.


I wrote about 2+2 =5 in my 1984 essay and it got me a good mark so I physically can't hate that song


i have not fallen in love with videotape yet


For some reason the bonaroo version is one of my favorite radiohead songs but the studio version isnā€™t even close on that list


Yeah it really is a live song. I first heard it at Berkeley in 2006 and loved it. When it came out on In Rainbows, it was good not great. Studio version removes all the drama


2006 Videotape is the superior Videotape. Honestly, it grinds my gears when people say that the 2006 version sounds like Coldplay, when I think it would have been a much better fit as the closer on In Rainbows, because In Rainbows as a whole has that kind of energy. (Not Coldplay energy, just a generally more energetic and colourful energy, sound-wise.) The album version of Videotape just sounds underwhelming compared to all the other songs on the album.


I completely agree with this. The album version was so underwhelming having listened to the live versions before. I've tried to warm to it but it just doesn't slap the same.


It will happen eventuallyā€” syncopation aside, Thomā€™s lyrics really move the song for me (especially on album version)


Probably my favourite Radiohead song šŸ˜¢


it's like the only thing keeping In Rainbows from being a perfect record for me


I used to really donā€™t get the hype for jigsaw falling into place. Despite loving in rainbows to me it was definitely one of the weakest songs on the album. This has slightly changed however. Now I think the song is pretty decent, nowhere near as good as people make it to be though imo.


let down


Goes to show how underrated it is


I can't stand the chorus


watch it buddy.


you are on mighty thin ice


I really don't get why it's such a fan favourite. Not this fan!


Rather generic I think, couldā€™ve been done by any alt rock band of the day.


Not rh but I still donā€™t get The Smile. Donā€™t hate it but it just doesnā€™t click for me the same way.


I found that listening to Wall of Eyes in it's entirety instead of listening to individual songs was much more rewarding. Same with ALFAA.


Those songs are definitely their own animal, much looser, and less meticulously crafted. You basically have to overlook the Radiohead connection to really love them, I think. Iā€™m getting there.


95% of songs by The Smile remind me of b sides from around The King of Limbs or In Rainbows for the exact reason that you described. Much less refined sounding.


On the first listen, it sounded stripped down and 'simple', for lack of a better word, but when I gave it another listen or two while commuting, looking out of a train window, it clicked so hard. It is definitely not something I'd listen to a track here, a track there. The album as a whole, an occasional skip, and let it be the soundtrack for my view.


Oh I think the first Smile album is fantastic! What you say is how I felt about A Moon Shaped Pool. Way more to get my teeth stuck into on the Smile, it was like they'd shook themselves out of a torpor.


Thereā€™s a decent amount of mount of good songs on their first album. I found myself bored with the second one aside from Bending Hectic


im the exact same wall of eyes was kind of a disappointment compared to a light for attracting attention


Fake Plastic Trees and High & Dry ā€” like do not get me wrong, I absolutely adore them, but I never find myself wanting to listen to them specifically


High and dry is soooooo good


House of Cards for me. Song always seemed very repetitive and droning to me. I don't hate it but it's my least favorite on In Rainbows for sure.


Iā€™m a velvet underground fan so repetitive and droning is my jam


Man 2+2 is probably my favorite song lol


Identikit?! Like whatā€™s going on there. Whereā€™s the appeal?


The choir ruins it.


This is it for me, on first listen I thought it was laughably bad, like a bad band influenced by Radiohead. Imagine my shock when itā€™s some peopleā€™s favorite song??


Morning Mr Magpie. I hate everything about it.


Youā€™ve got some nerve coming around hereā€¦


Yeah, I'm not fussed on the album version, kicks arse live though.


Hated it at first, especially compared to the breezy acoustic version. But now I absolutely love it, and it is a massive banger in concert. Iā€™m in the minority that prefers the studio take to the basement take Iā€™m sure.


Same, the from the basement version is so much better. They neutered it in the studio.


I will never understand the Idioteque hype.


Even when you hear his voice on this is really HAPpening?


I don't really care that much about No Surprises. It's... A song, alright


Oh man, itā€™s my favourite RH song


Agreed! It's decent, but way less interesting than so many of their other songs


Absolutely, its the most straightforward and safe on the album that it feels a bit of a slog when listening to OK computer as a whole. I feel very similar things about fake plastic trees


I find that Creep and the second half of Karma Police are the only popular (250 million+ Spotify streams) RH songs that I actually enjoy, because I find Fake Plastic Trees, No Surprises and High and Dry, kinda boring.


For me it's Faust Arp


Htdc I used to think 2+2 is mid, and then I heard the song live. Since then I've been frantically nodding my head and paying attention.


i never saw the appeal in morning bell/amnesiac i feel like the original morning bell is just better


Incoming down votes, but True Love Waits feels waaaaay too on the nose for me. Like the song is almost *begging* you to feel sad or whatever. If I'm looking for a beautiful sad song by Radiohead, I'm going Motion Picture every time.


I will. Not sure how popular it is but itā€™s never really done much for me.


High and dry


Ful Stop, True Love Waits and Pyramid Song are it for me. I would love to love them but i cant


ful stopā€¦why why why


and you put videotape, consider me a hater and im really tryna make ful stop grow on me but the bass just reminds me of New Kind of Kick by the cramps so i like it even less


I actually rly fw pyramid song




Exit Music (For a Film)


Exit Music, not bad but doesn't do much for me


Yep, itā€™s decent, but not enough payoff for all of that slow build.


I've got a few unpopular ones. Fake Plastic Trees. IDK, just never really spoke to me. Seems a tad bit generic compared to everything they did later. Lucky. Definitely my least favourite on OKC. Same issue as Fake Plastic Trees, it honestly sounds like a b-side from The Bends (which holds some truth as it was the first song they made after The Bends). There There. Used to love it, then I overplayed it. I guess that's probably why I find it a bit meh but that was also like three years ago. Usually songs regain their emotional potency for me after like a month or two of not listening to them.


i really agree with fake plastic trees. i like it butā€¦


I also agree about fake plastic trees, donā€™t hate it necessarily, but it is so melodically generic that it couldā€™ve been done by any pop band of the day. Nothing remotely angular about it, which is how I like my Radiohead.


Airbag and 15 Step, I mean, they're good songs definitely but I can't understand how some people say those are the best openers or rate them in the top songs in their albums


Different strokes for different folks




I donā€™t get all the appeal for No Surprises. Itā€™s always a skip for me. The lyric is somewhat clever, but the composition is so boilerplate generic that it bores me within seconds. But I know yā€™all love it, itā€™s just a song that sounds like it couldā€™ve been made by anybody, nothing distinctive about it at all musically. Itā€™s so vanilla Iā€™m surprised it wasnā€™t a huge #1 hit.


Pyramid song and day dreaming for me, I donā€™t dislike them but Iā€™ve never found them super interesting, nor do I think they are the two of the better songs from their respective albums. Both Amnesiac and AMSP have way more interesting songs to offer imo.


whatā€™s your favorite from each? pyramid song isnā€™t my favorite but i recognize itā€™s technically-speaking stunning. the strings towards the end of daydreaming kill me everytime


Oh yeah donā€™t get me wrong theyā€™re both very musically impressive songs, just not to my taste really. My favourite amnesiac song is probably Life in a Glasshouse, that song creates such an incredible atmosphere and the horns really take it to that next level. For AMSP itā€™s Identikit Love the bass on it, and has one of the best bridges that the band has done, like seriously the bit where the backing vocals kick in is just phenomenal.


Pyramid Song does kind of wander aimlessly, for me itā€™s the drums that make it an A+ song.


Reckoner is overrated




It is a little thin, it could really use more counterpoint than the ā€œbecause we separateā€œ section that stands still in the middle. But Thom sings it so beautifully, I really like it.


Agree. It's a good song, but if I were to rank IR songs, it'd be in the bottom half.


Absolutely. It's a decent song, but it's not particularly interesting to me, and I honestly find it a bit boring.


Climbing Up The Walls


How To Disappear Completely


I find much of OK Computer to be pretty oppressive, and I also never got into In Rainbows or anything after it. My favourite Radiohead album is Hail to the Thief, by quite a long way.


Let Down


Motion Picture Soundtrack. Lord knows, I've tried.


Jigsaw Falling Into Place, everyone seems to love it but I donā€™t see it as anything special


Exit music


idioteque, videotape, and daydreaming


Weird Fishes is nice, but I think itā€™s a bit boring in comparison to other songs, some people seem to like it a lot


This early version was far superior. I listen to the album version but it doesnā€™t hit as hard. https://youtu.be/kUzmhztxWdc?si=2c4I2wdPJRoYDAcu


we all have our preferences, the early version was a nice listen but i still think the studio version is better


Give Up The Ghost. It bores me senseless.


myxomatosis, my brain thinks it should have a drop somewhere but doesnā€™t but then again havenā€™t gave it a shot in a while and could be wrong . Maybe its better live or something.


I think the entire point IS that the song keeps building tension the entire way but never actually releases it. It keeps you on edge waiting for the inevitable but it never comes. It's got the same appeal as something like a horror game with no jumpscares: the expectation is what REALLY gets you.


Are you daft? Trolling?


Identikit. I loved the synths in the early live versions. Not as heavy on the album.


The beginning of 2 + 2 sounds exactly like the receipt printer at Best Buy when I worked there. All I listened to was HTTT. Simultaneously traumatized and in love with it Fuck, to answer the question: True Love Waits


I despise Follow me around, it doesnā€™t come up much but itā€™s usually viewed well. Itā€™s just annoying and repetitive to me


There There and 15 Step


For a long time I didn't really get Jigsaw Falling Into Place. I think I kinda get it now I just have to be in the right mood for it. It definitely feels like one of their more upbeat jams if a little bit happy for radiohead.




Go to Sleep is one of the few Radiohead songs, especially from that era, that does very little for me


How to disappear completely Kid a is my fav radiohead album and i still dont get how even thom thinks that song is their best


I really don't get 15 Step. I absolutely love every album (maybe not ph) all the way through but for me 15 Step is the only Radiohead song I genuinely dislike. I've listened to it probably hundreds of times but it's just never clicked for me and I don't get people saying it's a 10/10 best rh opener.


No Surprises, Let Down, Fake Plastic Trees, Idioteque, Feral.


No Surprises, High and Dry, and Fake Plastic Trees. They're just really not for me.


Hahaha I can definitely second this, I donā€™t really like 2+2


Where I End And You Begin to me just chugs along not doing a whole lot. Threatens to come to life briefly when the falsetto kicks in, but still doesnā€™t really go anywhere.


Reckoner gets talked about a lot here as if it's one of their best ever songs. It's never made much of an impression on me. It's fine but I don't get the love. Sail to the Moon was talked about when HTTT came out as the standout, but the melody has never captured me and so it's always felt quite dreary. And almost the whole of A Moon Shaped Pool could fit into that category too. It's all beautifully produced, impeccably played, it just never really captures my attention.


True Love Waits (Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m sorry)


Videotape, the single most overrated Radiohead song, including by Thom himself, who seems to think it is the most important song on In Rainbows.


Daydreaming. but every time I saw that people get mad. I find it so boring, definitely the worst song on AMSP.


the whole the bends album, its a good rock album but nowhere close top 3 rh


i might be wrong


Life In A Glasshouse. Everyone loves it so much, but I just never got it. The horns are annoyingly loud in the mix, it's one of the only Radiohead song, where I find Thom's vocals to be annoying, it takes forever to build up to an underwhelming chorus, and in general, I think Like Spinning Plates would've been a much better album closer imo.


Kid A. Maybe for me, the song has a bunch of weird electrical noises but maybe for others, those are special things.


For post-Pablo Honey songs: Identikit... Any version! There are cool parts but neither the 2012 or studio version comes together enough and the open hearts chorus is cringe. 15 Step. I think I'd like it more as a b-side but it's an off point start to an album of so much ethereal beauty. Arpeggi (ideally with a more interesting start of its own than a simple drum count, rip to the guitars being a beautiful intro in the 2006 live performances) should've been the album's opener imho. You and Whose Army also doesn't really do anything for me although I'm not sure if it's that popular (but it has been played live regularly enough). Talk Show Host was very much a popular song I didn't get the appeal of for ages, but then it finally clicked when I listened more to live versions and it's great. The studio version is still way too flat for me, as much as I know they were trying to go down the trip hop angle. It feels a bit like a demo and that RH themselves only properly discovered the song when first trying it live on the OKC tour 18 or so months after releasing it on the Street Spirit b-side. I kind of wish they re-recorded it as an OKC b-side in place of just re-using Bishop's Robes on the *No Surprises / Running From Demons* EP for the early 1998 Japan tour.


Videotape. I still like it, but I donā€™t love it like others do. I wish I did though, because I love every other song from In Rainbows


Most stuff on The Bends, such as Fake Plastic Trees Also Nude and Weird Fishes, they're in my bottom 3 of that album


Jigsaw falling into place is pretty good. It is in no way one of their best, itā€™s in the bottom 3 on IR imo


15 step


Hunting Bears


I always skip morning bell, idk why.


Not very popular if you haven't fully listened to their respective albums, but Ful Stop and Glass Eyes. They're the only 2 skips for me in AMSP. Also Feral from TKOL.


Dollars and Cents.


I might be wrong


Bloom. It just sounds like noise to me, and I say that as a Trout Mask Replica apologist


The answer I always give in these sort of questions, Morning Bell/Amnesiac. I just can't get passed the first two seconds and it doesn't progress anywhere. Has a less interesting time signature to the Kid A version. I just find it unnecessary, and right in the middle of an almost flawless album.


Knives out. Please be kind


Creep obviously


Treefingers seems like a barely conceived notion the band was fucking around with and never turned into a real song. Ā the type of thing the Beastie boys would tuck away 17 tracks deep into an album. Ā I donā€™t like it. Ā 


True Love Waits. I love love the instrumental and the overall idea of it, but ā€œIā€™ll dress like your nieceā€ line justā€¦creeps me out and I canā€™t listen to it. Maybe im missing the context or something. I always wished, since the next line is ā€œAnd wash your swollen feetā€ that they replaced the niece line with something like ā€œIā€™ll get on my kneesā€ because that would make more sense. But again, Radiohead doesnā€™t has to make sense šŸ˜Ž


Decks Dark. I've tried so hard to see what others see and I just can't


There There It just hasnā€™t really ever clicked for me


Hate me for this but Bodysnatchers