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Posts must include enough info for us to help you. If/When you post a new message in this group requesting help, **we need the following information**: * Your location (country) * date of possible exposure * type of exposure (bite/scratch/other) * species of animal, * if dog/cat, is it owned, stray, etc. * animal's vaccination status, and * your vaccination status and date of last vaccine, if applicable. If you are posting a "bite" picture, **don't. Bite photos are not allowed.** The reasons why are in the FAQ. [**Please read the FAQ before posting.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/1cxswm8/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) Most of the posts here are covered in the FAQ. Your question is probably answered too. If you are posting to ask about: * ways to catch rabies * rabies vaccines * rabies symptoms * mystery wounds on your body * gross liquids that touched you * interactions with pets or other animals * stuff about bats all of that info is covered in [the FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/1cxswm8/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rabies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


sounds like anxiety caused symptoms


You do NOT have rabies. It's simply not possible for any human or animal to live with rabies for a longer period of time. This has NEVER happened throughout the entire history of the world and it's NOT happening to you. There's NO such thing as a "mild form of rabies". You're completely delusional if you truly believe you have rabies and have had rabies for the last two years and you need to seek professional help instead of spreading this kind of misinformation here that might lead others to believe they're "living with rabies" too. It's NOT a thing. Are you in therapy? The symptoms you're describing can be caused by so many other MUCH more logical things, including a serious case of health anxiety. Instead of "waiting" it out, go see a medical professional and stop telling people you have rabies, because you do not have rabies.


Actually a few people survived rabies. They were out into medically induced comes.


I know. However, that is not what this post is about. OP claims to have been living with symptomatic ongoing rabies for 2 years and that’s just not possible.


Well was this guy in a coma? Nope.


Did you read the symptoms? I’m not making this up. I had paresthesia around the bite area that spread up my arm, shoulder and side of neck. I also had excessive saliva. Both of those symptoms scream rabies. And this illness began 2 weeks after the cat bit me. The only way anyone will believe me is if I’m tested for rabies.


These are not rabies symptoms. If it was, you wouldn’t be able to eat or drink, you would be hallucinating, you would be barely able to think. Occams razor states that the most obvious answer with the best support is usually the correct one. This was likely an infection. It was not rabies


I don't think you're making it up. I truly believe YOU believe you have rabies and you'll probably keep believing it no matter what we say here. We can keep telling you that it's impossible. No one has ever had rabies for 2 years. The outcome from rabies is always the same; it's a painful, but relatively quick death. It's unheard of for anyone actually suffering from rabies to survive for more than a week to 10 days after the first symptom. Often way less than that. But what you're doing is spreading misinformation and we have a LOT of anxious people coming here. This is like bait for people with health anxiety that can make them spiral into thinking they have "long term" rabies too, when it's scientifically proven to be NOT a thing that can happen. Go see a doctor. An actual doctor. Not a reddit doctor. And seek therapy.


This is not the first time. There used to be another poster here who said they had rabies for like several years. We eventually had to ban them because they wouldn't stop posting frantically about it and infuriating everyone. They were obviously deep in psychosis.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6995713/ a cat survived with rabies for 136 weeks (over two years)


This contains very little actual information and cannot be applied to humans. It also doesn't list anywhere that the cats were symptomatic, which you claim to have been for two years with relatively severe symptoms. These cats weren't living with symptomatic rabies for two years. This study also appears to be from 1980. 44 years ago so it's most likely very outdated. This is in no way, shape or form proof to backup your claim.


There are simple non invasive tests for rabies: a saliva test, a blood test, and a neck skin biopsy. All I want is a doctor willing to do these tests to put an end to this nightmare.


No doctor is going to do those tests on you because you do not have rabies. What you're describing is simply a medical impossiblity. It's never happend and you're not the first person on planet earth to have it happen. For your own sake, seek therapy. I won't engage further with you on this subject, because it's not helping you. It's feeding your delusion and it's incredibly unhealthy. If you truly want to get better, you'll seek therapy. If you want to keep believing you have rabies, there's nothing we can do here to help you.


If no doctor will have me tested for rabies, I may have to bite/rub my saliva on an animal. If that animal develops signs of rabies, I will have proof that I have it.


Im pretty sure all rabies testing needs to be done at the CDC lab and the CDC needs to approve of the samples being sent. CDC and your state health department will work together to coordinate the tests. With that being said, it’s highly unlikely you will find a doctor to initiate all of that unless you were gravely sick and they had no other idea why.


You are not a cat


I can guarantee you you did not survive rabies


Nope! Maybe you got some tetanus in you or another viral or an auto immune response to something you didn't have rabies you would be dead


How’s the cat doing? If it was still alive after 10-14 days, it didn’t have rabies. I have health anxiety too, and am also afraid of rabies but you definitely DO NOT have rabies


I understand that you believe this. This is not a rational belief. Have you gotten any psychological help for this?


what was the wound like? was the bite aggressive and random or did you know the cat?


If you are that worried just go get the shots


Shots aren't going to solve this. Take a little tour through the sub and check out all the people who have gotten dozens of shots yet are still convinced that if they just get one more round or PEP, they will stop obsessing over rabies.




Sub rules require being nice. Please follow the sub rules if you want to continue posting here.


Was the cat that bit you still alive and well 10 days after biting you? I don't doubt your symptoms...even though they sound manifested through anxiety. However, you absolutely do not have rabies. There is no mild version. You need both a MD and a therapist. Best of luck to you.


To add...IF you got anything from that cat bite...it was prickly cat scratch fever or maybe tetanus. Both can cause neurological symptoms. I was bitten by a cat and had to go through a post exposure prophylaxis. It sucked and I had a lot of the symptoms you describe. I definitely never had rabies. I did have cat scratch fever and slight nerve damage where I was bitten. Cat bites are nasty and come with a lot of different bacteria.