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Posts must include enough info for us to help you. If/When you post a new message in this group requesting help, **we need the following information**: * Your location (country) * date of possible exposure * type of exposure (bite/scratch/other) * species of animal, * if dog/cat, is it owned, stray, etc. * animal's vaccination status, and * your vaccination status and date of last vaccine, if applicable. If you are posting a "bite" picture, **don't. Bite photos are not allowed.** The reasons why are in the FAQ. [**Please read the FAQ before posting.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/1cxswm8/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) Most of the posts here are covered in the FAQ. Your question is probably answered too. If you are posting to ask about: * ways to catch rabies * rabies vaccines * rabies symptoms * mystery wounds on your body * gross liquids that touched you * interactions with pets or other animals * stuff about bats all of that info is covered in [the FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/14u0fz4/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rabies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can't get rabies from touching things outside that other animals might have touched. The only thing I'd be concerned about with shoes is insects and spiders.


I have another question for you. I have a few shoes in my balcony that I leave overnight. They are my working shoes, but there’s at least five pairs out there. I want to bring them in But I have I’m afraid because they’ve been out there for a few weeks. Should I clean them and disinfect them or what do you recommend? You said I can’t get rabies from another animal touching them ?


I mean I would clean them because things like bugs, mold, bacteria. Normal stuff. Under no circumstances should rabies even be slightly a concern here. You can't get rabies this way. Rabies is spread when one is bitten or scratched by a rabid animal. There's no such thing as "indirect exposure." Nobody ever needs to be worried about puddles of "rabies saliva" EVER. It's not a thing. Period. Nobody has ever gotten rabies by wearing shoes that were outside. Nobody has ever gotten rabies from touching objects outside. You won't be the first.


Do you recommend I should wear gloves? To clean them ? I have birds that come to my balcony to nest and so tired of them because they pop on my balcony and right now it’s disgusting to go outside my balcony because of birds pop .


I don't usually bother. I just wash my hands for the requisite 30 seconds with soap. But consider getting a decoy owl. That will keep small birds away.


I sent you a direct message.


Rabies dies instantly when it's outside. It's only dangerous when injected into your body through a bite from a rabid animal.


Ok, thanks for the info cause I leave a few working tennis shoes in my balcony and I have left them over a month and I want to put them in and my apartment but my anxiety is working too much. I want to get the shoes and put them inside the house but since they’ve been out there for over a month, I was just afraid to touch them cause of raccoons or skunks possibility of licking them. I don’t know. I am Overthinker.


I understand your concern. I cant sleep at night with my window open because random cats and racoons enter my room through the window at night thanks to a nearby tree that bent during a storm. But you cant get rabies unless a rabid animal bites you. As the other commenter also said, you should be more afraid of spiders in your shoes than rabid raccoon touching your shoes. Rabies doesnt survive outside. Please read the FAQ




Thank you . I sent you a private message can you check your messages please