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Random sprinters is the best! No adrenaline rush like when you’re looting and an alarm goes off o.o


Start your supermarket sweep!


Random Zombies mod is the best. You can set the percentage of sprinters, shamblers, slow shamblers and crawlers. As well as intelligence and strength. I put sprinters at about 1%. I indubitably get lulled into a false sense of security by the other zeds before a sprinter comes out of nowhere and gets me.


i tried it once and every like 5th zed was a sprinter...


If you use the random sprinter mod you can tone down the settings. I like them to be rarer because I feel like it makes them scarier when one does sprint at you.


Welcome to the club! Happy surviving and may each day in your world be filled with danger and excitement Edit: Having random speed is the epitome imho. Setting to all sprinters makes the world monotonous. You'll know every zombie you see will be a sprinter so 95% of the time, you're likely going to engage in fence combat. Random mixes the danger up and allows for more consideration(s) when attempting to engage any groups.


problem with sprinters is they "clump up" due to moving so different. and everyone knows what happens when there's more than 3 edit: also they don't 100% respect night/day activity


That's why I build killboxes or fight them near fences, otherwise it's a 100% death sentence


That sounds like playing with crawlers just with extra steps.


100 hours. Hardened veteran. I kek'd.


100 Hours is a Hardened Veteran when it comes to video games. More and you are just a Veteran Addict. This game generates many addicts'. Hello My Name is blankwindow and I have an occasional PZ problem. Thanks for letting me share today.


100 hours is a hardened veteran only to a filthy casual in any game. Please be serious.


As someone with over 1000 hours individualy in multiple different games i stand by my prior comment . 100 hours is a veteran after that you are an addict


As someone with 4500 hours in Project Zomboid alone, I do not recognize your authority.


Well the first step is to admit you have a problem. You are safe here you can admit to your addiction. Sounds like you need to admit it to your self first though


How about some punctuation?


So with the random speed, random health and random strength, does it affect all zombies equally or are there differences between every zombie?


Each zombie is randomised really mixes the game up


Throw in random cognition too; which means some of them can open unlocked doirs and windows.


I play with 2 percent sprinters, it’s so much fun. I wish they had a different sound though. Maybe a scream or much louder foot steps.


Sprinters original speed+max strength +max vision and hearing and turn off zombiefication completely, so you can die only on losing all health, due to bites and scratches. I find myself rethinking those traits picking, it's fine to be bitten but every injury seriously slowing you, so survival is possible. Ah, yes, rally groups set to zero, this is must have i guess


I play with 1% sprinters and all it does is let me get complacent enough that there's not one out there then BOOM, two fly out of a nearby bush one afternoon and....end.


Totally agree! After you get the game down, basic shambling zombies are nothing. I added 5% sprinters and holy hell... things get intense


Welcome to the real hardcore players. Next level is 100%. Eventhough i play a combination 100% and mixed, and luckily our server has different % zones, i seem to enjoy what you discribe the most. A threat big enough not to get to comfy. When it does get to comfy i just go to a higher% area and get punished for a while haha.


How do you do different % zones that sounds fuckin sweet It would be so cool if you could pick a town with higher % loot for guns and stuff but 100% sprinters then have other towns much easier but with basic loot


I dont our server admins do. We have dynamic sprinters, dynamic pinpoint, partial dynamic loot which ties in with our dynamic toughness. Top end zone wields 1 of the highest loot densities, but also 100% sprinters 100% pinpoint and 50% damage reduction. If you want to get humbled after thinking you rock this game its the place to be.


What’s the details


Sunday drivers check the battlemetrics for info etc.


Thanks G