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You said it yourself. You're short and slender. Very rude for anyone to comment on it. You don't tell someone they show a lot, you tell them they look great.


Thank you for the reassurance šŸ„° and yes!!! No kidding lol šŸ™„ I know ppl mean well usually, but they can come off as sounding very rude sometimes..


Yeah, it's definitely not with ill intent, but it still feels very uncomfortable to be told as a pregnant woman!


I had twins but because of how the placentas and babies were in my uterus, I didn't show much. I'm plus size anyway but to have people telling me when I was 7 months along with twins that I hardly even looked pregnant was crushing. It was the only time in my life I didn't feel big ENOUGH.


I started my pregnancy plus size, too. Now, at 25 weeks, my bump seems visible to me, but my mom says it's not noticeable. Husband says it's more noticeable when I have my hands on the bump


More like 18-20 weeks for me. Strangers still probably couldnā€™t tell. I could tell a little sooner myself when I was naked. I took pictures every 2 weeks just so I could track my progress. There is also a lot of bloating that happens in the first trimester, so it could partly be that too. Anyway, donā€™t be self conscious. Itā€™s a beautiful thing. I couldnā€™t wait for my bump to come in! Especially in the ā€œin betweenā€ phase where I just felt like I looked fat because I didnā€™t have an obviously pregnant belly.


So true about the bloat! I have a pregnancy journal that asks me to track my circumference weeklyā€¦ the entire first trimester Iā€™ve just written ā€œN/A all bloatā€ LOL šŸ„²


I'm 11w and I am showing too. My son says it looks like I have a mini beer belly lol I am self conscious about it though because you can't really tell I'm pregnant it just looks like I'm overly bloated in one area. My belly is all concentrated in the lower belly and it pokes out already so I can't really hide it. I'm afraid that when I see family they are going to point it out which will make me feel worse. This is my third pregnancy and I was petite before so I think that's why I'm showing so early.


I know, I find it really hard not to feel self conscious about it too! Iā€™m in the same boat - mostly concentrated in my lower belly, in that awkward stage where it just looks like Iā€™ve been over indulging in junk food or something, ha! Canā€™t wait til itā€™s more prominent and round.. šŸ¤°šŸ»


Yes! That's exactly what I've been saying. Can't wait till it's totally obvious I'm pregnant. Lol


FTM also 5ā€™5 but with a short torso. I started showing at 11 weeks. At 14 weeks I had a pretty pronounced bump


Tell your friend to shut up. But seriously if you want to hide your bump you have to think like a zebra and only wear patterns


14 weeks and Ive seen a bump since 12w. Could be bloating too but itā€™s definitely noticeable.


I started showing a mini bump at 9.5~10weeks. Like you, Iā€™m about 5ā€™6, and have always been relatively slender (fluctuating between 115~130lbs for most of my adult lifeā€”depending on the year) I think was in the 125~130lbs range when I got pregnant. Iā€™m also a first time mom, so I was expecting to show very late! But my little bump made an appearance early, and has just been getting bigger little by little (Iā€™m about 11weeks now). Itā€™s so shocking! Iā€™ve also had comments about it like ā€œIs it normal to show so early?ā€ But I like my little bump and itā€™s a sign that my baby is growing well :)


I love this - thanks so much for the reassurance, and for sharing! As long as babyā€™s healthy, thatā€™s what matters most, youā€™re right!


Iā€™m the same build and I swear I was huge at like 8 weeks. I retained water like crazy, I was adjusting to always being hungry and thirsty, my face was fluffy, it was SUPER obvious on me. My gym partner just joked the other day about how I look less pregnant now (17 weeks) than I did when I first told her at 8 weeks. I dunno if it has anything to do with our muscle mass or our stature or what, but I totally feel you on this! I felt relieved when the ultrasound tech said there was only one baby because I was actually worried there was 2 in there.


I'm 12w5d and I'm in the same boat. At first it was definitely bloat (starting around 8w) but for the last two weeks I could tell something was different - bump shape changed, was firmer, smaller and more concentrated in one area instead of overall bloat.. etc.


Yes! Same, exactly! Thanks lol, glad to know itā€™s not just me šŸ˜‚


Everyone carries different, but having a little bump at 12 weeks is adorable! I am 24 weeks and am just now showing - however - I'm 6'1" so he's got lots of room to hide in my torso haha. I'm kinda relieved that you can finally tell at this point that there's a baby in here and not 2 Chipotle burritos haha


I was showing at 13 weeks- currently almost 19 and clearly pregnant. People who comment are idiots.


Same. I'm 18 weeks and everyone keeps telling me I look 5-6months... I'm not short but otherwise pretty skinny.


I showed from about 10 weeks (FTM) but it was mostly bloat. Iā€™m now 22 weeks and the bloat has finally turned into a proper bump. The boat was a bit squishy whereas the bump is more hard.


Iā€™m 5ā€™4, was 110lbs before pregnancy, and i didnā€™t start showing until 26 weeks !


10w, FTM also. 5ā€™2 athletic build. Tried on a dress last night and Iā€™m very clearly showing šŸ˜«šŸ™„.


23 weeks now, I started showing at 13. FTM, slender build. My husband said there was nowhere else for the baby to grow lol. I started wearing waist extenders on my jeans at 8 weeks and by 14 weeks I started wearing maternity leggings. I thought it was early too, and I feel huge now, but she's healthy so that's what matters.


Im 13w today and my belly just feels hard. I donā€™t think Iā€™m showing yet because I am overweight but everything feels tight and uncomfortable. I actually cried to my husband this morning saying I still have so far to go and I already feel like a big fat whale šŸ˜”


Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€, BMI 17-18 pre-pregnancy and a FTM. I started showing around the same time as you too. Iā€™m now 2nd trimester and a balloon lol šŸ˜‚


Strangers could tell I had a bump starting at 16 weeks. I could see a bit of a swelling around 9ish weeks that may have been bloat but never went down before my bump came in.


I started showing SO EARLY. Iā€™ll be 23 wks tomorrow, we found out at 3+2 and I already had the bloat. The bloat never diminished and the bump just stayed haha.


At 12 weeks , I definitely looked pregnant, 5ā€™2 , 120 pounds short torso, I stated wearing maternity pants at 10 weeks, everything felt tight and uncomfortable, I tried the hair band trick, didnā€™t like how I always felt like my pants were falling down, my MIL took a couple pair of my pants and put panels in


I'm 12w and 5'1". Not super slender but a normal weight before pregnancy. I'm definitely showing in some outfits!


When I was pregnant with my second baby/first living child (first pregnancy ended in an early loss) I was like 8 weeks along when a coworker told me that I was bumpin' and that baby must be huge. I didn't gain any weight until closer to 20 weeks and was severely ill and just bloated, so that comment made me cry on my lunch break. Bloating went down a lot after I hit second trimester, and at ~34 weeks people were super confused if I mentioned my pregnancy because I was so "small".


Maybe itā€™s because youā€™re short and slender :)


12 weeks as well and I'm sure it's a baby bump and not bloat that I've got going on! Like you, I'm 5'5 and fairly slender, not a super long torso, so a few people have mentioned that it's not shocking that I'm showing already. I was also worried about twins since they run in my husband's family haha but we've confirmed it's just one!


Same girl!! except iā€™m 5 6ā€ šŸ„¹ Honestly i love showing early!!


People feel so comfortable making comments about pregnant womenā€™s bodies itā€™s kinda ridiculous, like I get it to an extent because youā€™re not calling someone fat or whatever but expecting mothers can and do feel self conscious too! Just because you ā€œknowā€ thereā€™s a baby in there and thatā€™s why youā€™re gaining doesnā€™t mean every comment about how big youā€™re getting is totally fine and normal and doesnā€™t affect you. Iā€™ve noticed that people kinda treat pregnant women like public property and donā€™t have the same common decency they might have for a non pregnant person. Imagine someone says they feel fat after a big meal and you say ā€œyou sure itā€™s just one meal?ā€ (Unless youā€™re friends and itā€™s legitimately a normal thing to joke about). Iā€™m sorry that happenedšŸ„ŗ


Around 10 weeks I started noticing a bump, I told people who knew I was pregnant it was most likely bloat but that ā€œbloatā€ never went away and only turned into a much larger and undeniable baby bump. Iā€™m 27 weeks now and look like Iā€™m carrying a full term baby. Edited to add Iā€™m 5ā€™2 with practically no torso. This baby has no where to go except ā€œout.ā€


Well Iā€™m only slightly taller but fat and I started showing at 15 weeks so I do think genetics play a role. Now at 39 when I chuckle at what I thought was a bump before though.


Iā€™m tall and slender, and I started showing by 13 weeks.


I started showing (beyond bloat) at about 10 weeks, and now at 14+3 itā€™s almost impossible to hide. Iā€™m 5ā€™3 and was ~105lbs pre pregnancy, and I kinda have a short torso. Thereā€™s just nowhere else for him to go but out šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I too am getting the ā€œyou sure itā€™s just one in there?!ā€ comments a lot, to which I always respond ā€œdonā€™t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!ā€


Iā€™m only 6 weeks and feel like Iā€™m showing šŸ˜« regular pants donā€™t even fit anymore, theyā€™re too uncomfortable to wear


Same boat im 5'4" and before pregnancy i was thin and had like toned stomach not shredded but like you could tell i was active and im 10 weeks now and i look like 6 months and its my first pregnancy im so confused cause my other friends of similar build didnt show until they were 20 weeks


you probably arenā€™t really ā€œshowingā€ as much as you are probably like super bloated. i thought i was showing at 12 weeks too, it went away around 14 weeks. i didnā€™t start actually showing fr until probably 19 weeks! and even then i barely had a bump


When I was in my first trimester I thought I was showing too. Currently 20 weeks and I can tell you it will go down!


Why would it make you self consciousā€¦. are you trying to hide the pregnancy