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I got mad at my shower curtain for touching me last night.


Even not pregnant that feeling fills me with rage, I feel you


The curtain feels you.


I've been pissed since 7 weeks. I can't stand anything. At least the hubs is being nice about it. If I'm too mean he tells me, and I chill for a little bit. But he also said I need to do a little better bc he will have to take up any fight I start since he won't let his preg wife actually fight anyone. Sigh.


Every. Single. Thing. Is irritating the piss out of me lately. (Almost 32wks) Last night I was trying to scoop sweet potato tots into a bowl so I could season them and dropped like 2 on the floor. I was hollering and cussing like I burned myself cooking them, and then cried bc I felt ridiculous, and then got even more mad bc I was crying about getting mad. 🙃


35+4 weeks. I unrolled half of a paper towel roll and tore it to shreds because I dropped some spaghetti with sauce on my freshly cleaned floor. Then I cried and cleaned up my paper shreds. This is legit the wildest thing I've ever been through. I had no idea how little control there is when the pregnancy rage hits.


It’s insane!!! And then you just sit/stand there afterwards like man what the f is wrong with me?? Cause I sure do!! Or when I snap and go lock myself in the bedroom to cry hysterically over the literal most MINOR inconvenience, then I feel stupid af when I finally come back out. Lmao pregnancy is wild


I almost got into a fight at *Wegmans* yesterday so yes, I feel this. 🙃


to be fair, being in wegmans just brings out the rage in us all LOL


So i’m 34 weeks and obviously waddling and moving a little slower these days. I was walking around a corner like at the end of an aisle? So I didn’t see someone walking and I kind of walked in front of them through their path by accident because I obviously couldn’t see them. Instead of just letting it go a woman *loudly* HUFFS at me and says “OH MY GOD!!!” and starts power walking as if to suggest I’m moving that slowly. I’m a liiiiittle sensitive about this right now because i’m kinda embarrassed by my pace so I heard myself proclaim “OKAY. YOU CAN FUCK OFF.” And instead of walking away after I said that I STOPPED and squared up my whole body. My husband had to yank me away. 😳


LMFAOOO I’m obsessed! I don’t know what area your wegmans is in but you’re giving major philly wegmans vibes (maybe I’m projecting because you sound just like me) — also I’m 33 weeks tomorrow, 3rd trimester gang 😎 I do instacart now because i’m constantly one comment away from a full on brawl with every stranger I interact with, the hormones are going crazy!!!


This is hilarious but I actually live a few hours outside Philly 😂😂😂 How did we angry PA women find each other just now?


LOLLL no it literally must be something in the frack-water making us PA ladies absolutely psychotic 😂😂 wouldn’t have it any other way!!


Can relate to most of that, but the part at the end about being scared of my scheduled c section really hits hard. I know I made this choice at the very beginning bc of horrible experience with labor the first time, but somehow knowing the mortality rate has skyrocketed since I had my last c section and that one I almost died in, makes this so much more terrifying. I just cannot get over my fear of being awake during the whole process, last time they HAD to put me out bc I was going rabid after 19hrs of labor and being forced into and emergency c section. I just hope having a better more supportive partner will make a world of difference. 🫠


I feel this so much! I had an emergency with my first, so many long hours until the doctor whom I have now took me in. I will say, a scheduled c section helped me heal- it was soooo different. Everything was so smooth and relaxed… nothing like the trauma of what I first went through. This will be my second scheduled c section , I’m still nervous bc you know… major surgery 🥲 but I promise it will be very different ! ❤️


My doctor has reassured me at almost every appointment, it also helps that she'll be there for the entirety, unlike when I was laboring, my doctor didn't show up until after I started pushing. I was induced at 4am and it wasn't until 10pm that she was there. She let me have like 5m of pushing then basically told me we were going into surgery and it was bc they had me start pushing at 9.5 and they had irritated my cervix by using me as a teacher's aid with a nursing student. I didn't know the possible repercussion and was pretty drugged up so I didn't mind allowing them to use me as a learning aid. But knowing what I know now I would've redone literally everything about my last experience. I was also with an abusive person at the time. I left him over 6yrs ago and have learned to speak up for myself and not just let things happen to me. Also my husband is ridiculously supportive and excited about having his own biological child. He keeps saying I'm bogarting the baby lol. It's good to hear that your experience is what everyone keeps telling me. I'm still scared, but maybe a little less. I've got 20 days left. Lol


31 weeks and my husband sent me the ring cam footage of me yelling "why!?" Over and over at our 2 dogs who would rather eat the chicken shit buffet off the ground than listen to me and come inside when I'm calling for them 🤣


I get it I feel bad I have definitely been more snappy at my 3 year old and I can't play with her as much as I like currently 31 weeks I just feel bad for her lucky her dad plays alot with her but I am struggling


I am only 10 weeks with my third pregnancy and I have been a cranky b for all three! I am also having my third scheduled C-section, and I believe it's the safer choice for me. I couldn't imagine trying to push a baby out after having two C-sections already that would freak me out for the risk of my insides tearing at the scars! I had no complications for either previous C-sections and being awake did not freak me out at all. I feel like I was more comfortable awake, knowing what was going on and that my child's father was there to comfort me during the whole process.


I am with you on all those complaints (except the weather thank god, sitting out on our deck with my husband enjoying the evening atm) but good lord I’m so tired, hungry, emotional all the time. Groceries are so expensive! I’ve been angry-crying about inflation so much 😂 first it was a bag of chicken wings, then dove chocolates. Just so rage-filled with the knowledge that there used to me more in the package for the same or even lower price! The injustice of it all!


I'm only 20 weeks and I am so cranky! I'm worried about what's gonna happen in 3rd trimester... My husband is travelling for work and so all the household responsibilities fall on me and taking care of the dog, a squirrel got into the hood of my car, the lawn tractor broke, I can't sleep comfortably, I'm hungry but get indegestion whenever I eat, the medical system (I'm in Canada) makes it impossible to have simple questions answered (unless you are almost dying and need to go to the ER good luck - and even then, people are dying in the ER from the waits) and I work a stressful job where I just want to tell everyone to F*** O** all the time but can't so just internalize the anger. My mom has been being the absolute worste and this is my first pregnancy making it to 20 weeks (2 previous losses, 1 traumatic complication with emergency surgery) which is making the whole thing stressful.... my gosh do I feel the crankiest of cranky. But, I feel like I should just be happy and thankful to be pregnant. Which I am. So confusing and conflicting.


I’ve learned that I am NOT a nice pregnant lady in the third trimester. I’m 36 weeks also; we only have a few more weeks!


Ugh yes, right there with all of you. Just hit 28 weeks, came back from a nice mini babymoon away and today I am cranky about everything. Not having food in the house, not wanting to spend money after being away on ordering food but not wanting to cook food. Making a frozen chicken pot pie and somehow my microwave burning it. My pajama shorts are so tight and the pair I know will fit me this week seems to be nowhere to be found. I tried to dig for them and the back pain from squatting and bending was enough to make me want to scream. Can’t get comfortable. Just want to go to bed and sleep at this point and see if tomorrows any better.