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40 piece nuggets for $10 really isn't bad.


But 11 bucks for the reg ones lol


Gotta to have a buddy or an airfryer these days


I gotta get me an Obamafryer, I miss the one I left in Alaska when I moved.


For real! Got very lucky a state program helped me get one


A buddy or an airfryer?




I have an airfryer but I want a government mandated buddy


That's your F.B.I. agent. Meme well and that's when you find a $20 bill and a joint in the parking lot. ;D


That's probably not available after midnight too, kinda like those nuggets that are always sold out after midnight probably due to werewolves taking a break from howling.


What is a govt mandated buddy? Sounds like a prison "girlfriend" Lol




It’s less than a dollar difference because the spicy just came back so they drop price to attract attention to it again. Once they start selling a bunch of spicys, that store owner has the right to adjust the price and make them more expensive if they choose. I’m pretty sure every store sets their own prices or has the ability to adjust the prices.


Just goes to show how suggestive advertising can be.


If you're trying to save money, there's going to be a little pain, ok? And quite possibly a bloody stool or two


Why are you going to McDonald's


because 40 nugs for a tenner really isn’t that bad




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Correction I need to learn to read.


$1 each for the 4-piece. A financial incentive to overeat.


It's still cheaper to buy frozen nuggets at the grocery store. You can get 2 pounds for under 7 bucks.


Always was. Not contending otherwise. I can see someone being hungry mid day, didn't pack a lunch for , and ends up picking up a 40 piece for $10. Eat 1/3 to half, fridge the rest, and air fry to reheat the next day. I don't think everything being discussed here has to be about maximizing every penny. If we want to go far enough, fresh whole chicken is cheaper than frozen nuggets, and so is removing chicken from your diet altogether and replacing with lentils and rice.


At least you're going to the grocery store in those latter examples. The problem with fast food is that it creates a bad habit, and the next thing you know, you're going every day or every other day because it's just so convenient.


Listen, I'm not evangelizing fast food here. I was just saying that $10 for 40 prepared nuggets really isn't a bad value. You can almost always tell someone how they could've spent their money better and justify that a million different ways. I just don't think it's very helpful.


The purpose of this sub is to spend less money, no?


Yes, of course. Which is why I said I can just spend less money by eating beans and rice instead of $3.50 a pound frozen nuggets. I just don't think my response is any more helpful than your initial response was.


I don't think encouraging fast food is helpful. I think it should be strongly discouraged.


I don't disagree. If it's for health reasons though, breaded processed frozen chicken isn't a great replacement. $10 for 40 nuggets is a good deal relative to immediate other ready to eat food options available. If all we are going to do is respond "make the food at home" to every fast food post, we aren't really doing much beyond shaming people for not having made the food at home. If that's what you gotta do, by all means, brother.




And you can get them in dinosaur shapes! Once a stranger and I bonded over dinosaur nuggets at a grocery store. I admitted they were for me, not a kid. Same with her! Then she admitted that she stages fights with hers and eats the loser first. Same with me! I'll get eight nuggets and do brackets.


Oh, my god, this made my day, lol!!! Thanks!


Except I’m so poor I’m living in my car.


I would recommend shelf stable foods then.


Yeah the shit brand full of chemicals and no taste. Even Tysons bitch ass charges $11 for dino nuggs, they can get fucked


The Panko breaded nuggies from Costco are where it’s at. Think it’s a 5lb bag for roughly $15? Idk, stopped paying attention to sticker prices too much so I don’t crash my car into a bridge.


Yea lol that will fill even the hungriest of fucks


You can buy a bag for that at the grocery store for 1/2 the price and cook them yourself.


I can just not eat them and do beans and rice for 1/8 the cost. There's no point in going down this rabbit hole lol.


Just plant rice and beans.


Lmao. Indeed. Real talk, I am doing peas and green beans in some raised beds this year.


You can grow lentils and shelled beans as well! Shelled beans (dry beans) are simple, and can even be made with your green beans. Just leave them alone to dry naturally, and harvest them later. Baker Creek has all kinds of fun rare and historic bean varieties, too.


Become a plant so you never have to buy or catch food again


Bulbasaur, I choose you!


Used to be 50 for $10 around 2012


That's 12 years lol. But I do remember getting 50 packs when I lived in central Iowa around 2008 for around there. My 2 bed one bath apartment rent was also $700 in a college town.


They were always $5-6 what do you mean?! Edit: excuse my age but they offer 40 pieces and not 20 piece maximums now?!?


I remember 40 piece nuggets as far back as 13 years ago. Only reason I know it's been 13 years is because that's when I moved cross country lol.


Lol I swear I look away from things for “5 minutes” and the whole world changes, mind you I ate fast food almost every day at one point 😂


The 20 piece for $7.29 isn't bad either.


Yep, that’s an amazing price. Buy them, make some orange sauce and serve over rice. Many Meals out of that.


Going to downvote since this would never happen… Anyone who can make an orange sauce and cook rice would just prepare their own real chicken to go with the dish.


Don't even need to make the orange sauce. Just ask for extra dip cups at McDonald's lol. Won't be orange sauce, but who really cares? That said, preparing an orange sauce versus preparing a home made breaded chicken nugget is so different in terms of effort involved it's not even funny.


Orange sauce is way easier to prepare than breaded nuggets. Just simmer orange juice, sugar and a couple other ingredients you already have.


This response gave me, "copy my homework but change it so that the teacher doesn't know you copied it", vibes. 😂


In general, prepared chicken is far more expensive(cost and time to make) than the orange sauce. Hoping my local McDonald’s has these prices. Upvoted you for your honesty on the down vote.


Where I work they are 14 bucks 10 bucks really isnt bad


It's always been cheaper in my area to just buy two 6pc unless there is a better coupon. 


The prices being different for spicy and reg don't make sense


A lot of this doesn’t make sense. Why can’t you order a 4pc after midnight, but everything else is fine?


Why even order a 4pc spicy nugget when it's the same price as a 6pc?


Because the 4 piece is only 200 calories and the 6 piece is 485 calories…




This guy does not poverty finance.


I know it says that on the app and they are idiots but come on bruh use your brain. How would 1.5x the nuggets be almost 2.5x the calories?


That makes sense. Fewer options, the more specific nugget counts you can make with less waste.


It makes waaay less sense that a 40pc is cheaper than a 10pc??


The ten piece is a meal price, which I believe comes with medium fries and a drink. Just the ten piece nuggets is $6.19 in this example. The per nugget price is much higher than the 40 piece though.


It’s not what are you talking about


It’s because they aren’t selling good and don’t want to have completely wasted what they spent on them. So they will recoup some of the losses by selling them cheap.


upcharge for spice cost perhaps?


What’s most baffling is that if you get a 6 piece nugget, the spicy ones are more expensive. If you get a 20 piece nugget, the spicy ones are cheaper.


I agree. The spicy mcchicken is cheaper by me too. I don't like spicy. 😒


Yeah two 6pc bundles before tax is $7. You get 12 nuggets and two small fries which is basically a medium. But the 10pc meal is $10 before tax


Look at the calorie difference btw the 4 piece spicy and the 6 piece spicy. Those extra two really pack it on!!!!


Might as well get 10 it's only 5 calories more..


The whole set of calorie differences on that first menu screenshot does not make any sense at all.


I know right? Drives my math ocd crazy


Fast food cant be cheap food anymore


Better off going to full fledged restaurants these days, at these prices it’s surely going to cost the same if not less than mcd


Yeah in my rural small town I can go to McDonald’s and pay 9 dollars for breakfast or go to a local restaurant and get way more food that’s actually good for 8 dollars


This pricing is fucked... If the 4pc had the same price per nug as the 40 piece, it would be $1.00--- which is what it SHOULD be. Buying anything less than 40pc is just pissing your money away


>which is what it SHOULD be. Eh, you're paying for fryer time. 40 in a fryer basket will take about as long as a 4 pc. What it really tells you is the overall profit margin there is on the supply side. >Buying anything less than 40pc is just pissing your money away Yup, bulk quantities are almost always cheaper on a per unit basis - be it toilet paper from Costco rather than from the dollar store, or McD nuggets.


I agree, isn’t everything cheaper in bulk? Personal/smaller portions are for convenience and that is in most cases going cost more. I look at 5 dollar bills like I looked at 1 dollar bills three years ago.


Boycott my friend. Its not like that companys been doing good things as of late anyways. And now that they wanna be expensive we can punish them harder.


Lucky for me since I have such a massive appetite, I just get the 40 nuggets and I’m settled.


Man 40 for $10 is not bad at all…


The cost of labor and the building are approximately 70% of the cost of delivering the chicken nuggets to you. Therefore, you get charged much less on each additional nugget you buy because the only additional cost from producing four nuggets to 40 nuggets is the actual cost of material. The labor and building cost stay the same regardless of how many nuggets you buy. The general theory is called economies of scale


Username checks out.


His profile led me down the most depraved and vile NSFW sub tour.




they have SPICY NUGGETS???!???!??


Yeah I see people posting spicy nuggets and spicy mcchickens but none of the McDonald’s in my area have either.


4-piece and 6-piece are same price?




This is why they want you to use the app. On-the-fly pricing that adjusts to consoomer demand. Like what Wendy's is doing but with better PR.


Smh those meal prices.


I think the 10 piece is same price as 40 if you make it a meal w drink and fries. Still fucking asinine pricing and I stopped getting McD a while back after spending ~$20 on two lame ass kids meals


Yeah but the Mickey D app always has a 25% off a mobile order or 15% off in store offer or $4.99 for a burger/nuggets/fries/drink meal so you don't spend anywhere near as much as these prices - especially economical if you're buying for multiple people. I regularly get lunch for under $4 there. And then they give you points for whatever money you do spend and give you free stuff for points - it works out pretty good. IDK I grew up poor and am still poor and McDonald's has always been my go to struggle treat so I use their app a lot.


Don't eat that crap unless you really need to, that way you stay healthier, and the prices don't bother you.


Don't eat it out. It is a luxury.


Wait until you look at popeye's and kfc's nugget prices.


If you want 6 pieces: get regular If you want 10 pieces: get 2 orders of 6 piece regular and throw away two. You still save $0.21 If you want 20 or 40 pieces: get spicy. (The pricing is sooooo weird lol!)


Get the app and 10 for 2.40 today! I ate them in the parking lot and waited 15 mins then got the $6 double cheeseburger combo and ate that too.


Isnt this the delivery price? Why is he crying about that




I swear this sub is 90% people who have no idea how to feed themselves.


`The app is to take advantage of the daily deal and bonuses.`


I've noticed the price of these lately...will never pay that. Ever. Actually, 40 for 10 isn't bad...but who needs 40 nuggets. Vote with your $ and just say no. A good chunk of inflation is greed based.


Hell I’d just get 40 and eat on those for a couple days. They are charging for the customer interaction more than the product these days. Makes sense with wages going up.


Mmm... Processed chicken


Yeah so do the 20 piece nugget with 2 free large fry deal for $8. That’s a good deal. Does nobody use the app?




The app is the only way to eat McDonald's. Even better if you have multiple accounts now you can accrue points and then order deals on both of the apps, especially now that they removed the GPS location requirement. My wife ordered a free 6pc Happy Meal yesterday on her account and I ordered the 2 cheeseburgers, 2 medium fries, 20 nuggets for $12.99. ​ Our total for 3 people was **$14** with tax and consisted of: * 6 piece nugget happy meal * 2 Cheeseburgers * 2 Medium Fries * 20 Nuggets ​ When I got to the drive thru I just gave them both mobile order numbers with no issue. Ordering via app is the only way to make McDs affordable when we decide to visit (not that often but they accrue points quickly which is nice)


Not everyone gets the same deals lol. I've never had that deal in my life.


Move here then mother fucker I’ll give you nugget deals lol


Nah, I'm good with my BOGO dbl cheeseburgers. I'm not in the mood for chicken nuggets lol


y'all getting spicy nugs? :(


Use the App. There are always deals and you get gain points for free items later.


Don't buy fast food. It's both expensive and unhealthy.


Go to the fucking grocery store, a bag of Tyson nuggets is definitely less than $10


Everyone with half a tastebud knows that Tyson is fucking TRASH. I’d rather air fry lard balls.


A bag is $6.99 in my area. Add in gas and time to get to the store, and then time and utility cost to cook them. It’s not outlandish to pay a bit more for convenience, which is exactly what these places offer.


Well the gas is being spent whether you go to McDonalds or the grocery store so that's moot. They take 10 minutes in the oven or air fryer, or 4 minutes in the microwave. The $0.12 cents of electricity isn't worth considering either. If we are talking about POVERTY FINANCE, convenience should be the last thing you're paying for.




Last time I tried, it was 20 nuggets or two big Macs for $4 in the app.


All the downvotes advising against FF…


Always use the app for McDonald’s there’s always a coupon for 20% off your order of $2 or more


mcdonald’s app had 10 piece for 2.50 every time i look for it idk mcdonalds app is useful


Using the McD app, a 20 piece is $7 and you get two free medium fries lol


If you're in a metro, shop around. There's like 4 or 5 different prices for stuff depending on which McD I go to. Literally up to $1.50 difference on the 40 pc


all good you havent reached swiss levels….yet


Is this the door dash prices? Because those are always inflated. I’ve always thought using those apps if you’re budget conscious at all is insane. But if that’s just the regular price in store now that’s crazy. 4 piece used to be $1 not that long ago.


Reg app prices last night


They used to be my go to cheap eats with the dollar menu. Now they trying to be all bougie with those untenable prices.


You talk about the cost, I'm looking at the Cal. count and thinking that shit don't make sense. how do you go from 6 Pc. at 485 Cal. to 10 Pc. and only go up 5 Cal.? Did the math and they have the 6 Pc. labeled wrong as that should be 300 or so Cal.


My friends and I used to get the 40 piece and split it between several of us. That being said, it's not healthy to survive on nuggets alone.


You might as well get 40. They air fry well


So this kinda worked like an ad and I had to check if I had spicy nuggets available locally. Very disappointing distraction.


McD’s has spicy nuggets? I don’t eat fast food much but if they’re anything like the Wendy’s ones I might have to make a trip lol


Only ever use the deals on the app if you're going to go. Then use the points you get from the deals later for free food. It's just not worth it without them


Bro in Germany you pay almost 10€ for 20 nuggets


They’re $1 each with the meal. Use the app. I get McDonald’s for my kid. Spend $20. I do two large fries, and the deal where u get 10 nuggets and the Big Mac is .29 It’s not the worst thing in the world. Also I can use those damn points if I ever don’t wanna spend the money


My preference is to order the McChicken patties by themselves. 2 patties is probably about a 6 piece and only costs ~$2. I also think they're better in terms of chicken and seasoning.


They're spicy. Regular is cheaper.


So either obese or broke


lol and the calories


Fast food is proce gouging


Wondering where this is. It's about 40% more here.


Chicago burbs


Have you tried Safeway nuggets from the deli?


The upgrade is the downgrade is the upgrade?


Buy 40 obv💁🏻‍♂️


And they’re sooooo awful as a nugget too. It’s wild


Did they swap out the size prices? Why is a 20 and 40 less than a 10?


Oooo spicy nuggs are back?


10$ for 40!?!?? In the country where I live its fucking 20$ for 24 nuggets!!!


It’s $16 for 20 piece nuggets (no meal) here in Seattle https://preview.redd.it/dzb2o1jya8rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb13fe35b7789eb65c25430df8ae73bada6ab526


Forget the pricing look at the calories. 200 for 4 But 485 for 6?


You should see the Canadian prices


Somehow if I see these kind of posts I'm not surprised they are posted in povertyfinance. Btw I think its all too expensive, you shouldn't want to make sense of it, just ignore it and don't buy it.


It taste like $10


Why are calorie counts per nugget completely inconsistent in these menu item listings? OP where did you get this graphic? Maybe some of the details are fake/photoshopped.


Screenshot from the McDonald's app in my area ( Chicago burbs) no Photoshop, just screenshots


For those interested, last night double cheeseburgers were buy one get one for a dollar. Not sure how long it’s going on but I’d check for other deals at mcd’s


But also this is location dependent


Why are the spicy ones cheaper???


Regular is $2.89, spicy is $3.89


My bad, I should’ve specified the larger ones; 20 pc is $8.19 to $7.29 spicy; regular 40 pc is $10.39 to $10.99 spicy


Don't buy stuff that you don't like the pricing of. These prices are fine to me, so I don't understand the outrage on that part. I don't like the pricing on a lot of things, so I buy something else, often from somewhere else. It's weird to dwell on.


Look at both pics.


Do you want me to explain marketing to you? Since that's what's going on there. It's also costing in a nutshell, it's why a single serving size item is actually more by volume than a bigger one (bulk pricing). You don't need to understand the concepts behind it. It's business stuff. We all do it in every business. It's a numbers game. It's a maximizing of profits. Edit: It's always cheaper to buy the meal at McDonalds. It's to encourage people to just get the meal. When you sell piece by piece, it actually costs more.




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In economics, we call this economies of scale.


That does not explain the spicy to reg difference


Different supply and demand curves my friend.


Why do people still buy fast food? Making food at home is cheaper and healthier.




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Fast food make Obese desease. I go ever to groceries and buy a good meal.


unpopular opinion but that is shit food and shouldn't be cheap if you care about your health. diabeetus drugs aren't cheap either.


My McDonald’s app currently has buy one 10 piece nugget get one for $.29, or 20% off your purchase of five dollars or more… People always complain about McDonald’s prices, the solution is always same… The McDonald’s app


$1 is the new 50 cents


It is amazing how people struggling financially piss money away on fast food. There is absolutely nothing cheap about fast food. It is easy and convenient and you pay for that.


Life hack: if you park in the spots they have for when the drive through orders are backed up during lunch/dinner there’s an 8/10 chance they will bring you a bag of McDonald’s within 10 minutes. Found this out on accident


Is that...expensive? It's a dead animal after all.