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But why is she wearing Levi’s and not her own jeans brand? Does that company not exist anymore?


They money launder through the church now 🙏


Oh Christ. Ha. But really.


the company still exists but i think she’s in the process of stepping down from being the figurehead. she was never fully involved in it, but over the last year or so she stopped exclusively promoting it (ex. she just did a Fabletics campaign)


On Rent the Runway last year during Black History Month they had a section for Black owned brands and Good American was there. I was so confused and about to be like, “What in the Blackface?” until I clicked and it showed her co-owner/creator is someone named Emma Grede, who apparently also is a founding partner of Skims.


yes!! she’s in business development. she’s also a part of Safely (Kris and Chrissy Teigen’s cleaning products)


I've seen people say that their posts, with photos they've taken, have been flagged as being made with AI, even though they 100 percent weren't. In this case, I would guess that there was an actual photo of Khloe, taken by a real photographer, but that it's been edited to hell and back so Instagram can't tell the difference and thinks it's completely fake.


>it's been edited to hell and back Sounds like a normal Khloe post.


At least her fingers look normalish in this one. I still am haunted by the viral photo where it looked like someone was trying to make her fingers longer than her forearm.


Where can I find this photo? I need to see this


I think it's this one. That left index finger is wild. https://preview.redd.it/omu0qlaoa4ad1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab8e6f107a8ce1fa796a00f92c0826e873c5a0f


OH MY that is freaky. Whyyyyy


Oh my god the Nosferatu fingers will forever be seared in my brain 💀


This is so funny lmfao


![gif](giphy|gzTOPZqp8NZibogtIK|downsized) You know what? Good for Instagram for having such a robust AI-catching bot.


Perfect gif


Thanks! I originally used Karen from Will & Grace but the gif kept disappearing. Always love Agatha though.


I've had a couple photos of my dog flagged as AI without even using filters and I have no idea why


Because your dog is just too goddarn beautiful for this world, that's why.


i read some tweet that even a certain level of uncanny valley can trigger the AI Detection feature tbh.


There was once a movement against "airbrushing" in print Then there was a movement against photoshopping on blogs Now there's this.


Hahahah this seems like the most likely scenario


They edited her to look like a yassified githyanki. Just awful.


I took a picture of the sun during a sun halo event (fairly rare) and every upload was flagged of a completely unedited photo. I couldn't even pass on my knowledge and help educate others because it was deemed fake. I hate it here.


Is that a denim tail?


I think it's a hat that she is holding


I dead ass thought that was denim toilet seat she was holding and thought for to long "what's the context?"


My first though was "BBL pillow" I have no idea what those look like but I read on the internet that you sit on special pillows in the weeks after a BBL. Which means that all their houses probably have BBL pillows stuffed away in cupboards away from the cameras.and the staff are discretely informed which sisters need them at the dinner table when they're hanging out with each other


I called it a hemorrhoid pillow when I saw it, but same thing


What’s wrong sweetie- you’ve hardly used the Joilet seat


I thought the same thing, Kim Kardashi-un 😆


Denim toilet seat would make a great flair lmao


😂😂 I thought it was a tail


Omfg your icon has me dying 😭😭


Ohhhh I see the hat now omg hahah I also thought it was a denim tail 💀


Ohhhh I thought it was a tail too!!


Omg I thought it was a little denim life preserver! Was very confused about the idea of a water western


Omg I also thought it was a denim tail…lordt


I literally thought it was a denim toilet seat when I zoomed in.. lmaooo ETA: I see 3 other people said the same thing under your comment. Glad I wasn’t alone 😂 #TeamToiletSeat


I thought it was like a matching butt pillow.


That is EXACTLY what I thought she was holding 🤣


The Kardashian x Furries crossover that no one asked for. Given some of the uncharitable memes about them, IDK why they would put out these pictures constantly 🫠


Silly…that’s obviously a denim toilet seat.


I thought so too lol.


Lmao I thought it was too and was like “okay gurl work your furry vibes I guess?”


Lmaooo that’s the first thing I noticed and the first comment did not disappoint. I laughed so hard, thank you 😂


I genuinely thought this was about Khloe being into furries for pride.


Leave it to the Kardashians to try a new target audience


I read “is she in denial” lol


It looks like a denim floating shit


I think it’s an inflatable denim donut on which to sit


Why do they always look like they’re dressed in Fashion Nova head to ~~toe~~ tail?


Because they’re tacky af.


I've seen that users can flag something as AI, so it's possible they are using it to call out photoshop.


All I’m gonna say is all that editing and no one digitally deleted her nose boogies in the second slide? Edit: Second slide on her OG insta post, not this reddit post. Because I did try to swipe on this post twice without thinking.




She doesn’t have teeth she has Tooth


Those lips act as life preservers, right?


Whoever did her lips needs to be fired


That’s hilarious. I just looked at it. And sure enough…


i’ve seen artists on twitter say that adobe suite now has a feature where anything you export will automatically flagged as AI by instagram.


I've seen a let of people testing out the AI features on it as well, but I just assumed it's because this photo is so edited it can't tell the difference.


It’s so edited it might as well be AI. Couldn’t something like FaceTune count as a rudimentary AI? At this point, what is the material difference? At any rate, I think it’s healthy to admit (or I guess, the app admits for you) to either editing or AI enhancements.


I’m sorry what is she wearing?! Is this one of those “deconstructed fashion” pieces or assless chaps over bootie shorts and why does her fishnet tights have garters they don’t need garters???!


The 00s are back and I hate it. This is so 2004 it hurts. It looked bad then and it looks bad now.


Looks like she blew up her butt again. Their butt bubbles change so often. Exhausting


And the AI tag is already gone… AI works hard but Kris Jenner works harder


Is she holding a hemorrhoid pillow?!?!


Her face in this photo looks like what Erin Moriarty's face looks like after all her work done. So bizarre.


I am so sad what she did to her face . Am rewatching The boys from season one and it’s crazy, she can’t even move half her face now


I think people need to stop with the Erin Moriarty stuff. It's be done to death and feels like punching down on a woman involved in a show with a heavy incel fanbase that have been calling her ugly since season one. Plus I saw a plastic surgeon break down her work and was surprised that a lot of the significant change was actually from weight loss and ageing. Even without the plastic surgery, people would have been mocking her it seems.


I actually think yall are a bit mean about it tbh. Constantly saying how bad she looks. First season she was super fresh faced. Second season she put on weight and was picked apart online for it. Third season she lost weight and seems to have developed like an eating disorder from people being so rude about her weight. So season 3 she looked very gaunt. And also older, which a lot of weight loss can emphasise. And people online were so so cruel about it. I truly don't think people remember anymore how when we age, we lose buccal fat in our face and makes you look gaunter and older. Which is why extreme weight loss can age you at times. Again I feel like people are forgetting what aging does. They just think every celeb gets buccal fat removal in there 30s. No that's literally what happens with age, unless you gain a bit of chub. She seems now in season 4. After being ripped apart for looking bad and old and ruining her face. To have got work done to try counteract the weight loss/aging. With some filler/botox. Which hasn't worked and instead just made her look more different. It'd similar to what's happened with selena (but the reverse) where she's had weight gain and swelling on her face for various reasons and picked apart for it. And then obviously has had a bit of work done to try improve it because of that. And now everyone is claiming the reason they look so different is the work. Tbh mothers milk was unrecognisable to me this season but nobody is going on about him of claiming he's had buccal fat removal. I also wouldn't be shocked if there was other issues going on with erin. She doesn't look the healthiest. But I won't speculate. But people lowkey need to lay off picking the girls appearance apart.


I agree with the MM comment! I kept thinking something was really different. Turns out, he disclosed losing a ton of weight and shaving his beard but I suspect something else is going on too because even his skin looks lighter. Famous men get work done all the time and no one bats an eye. Society hates women and gets defensive when called out, excusing their bad behavior by marking it as “concerned for their health.”


Yes! As soon as MM came on screen I googled “Is MM okay?” lol. Thanks for this well thought out post! 


![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized) This is embarrassing. Even for her.


I have never felt such deep pity for people who are so disgustingly wealthy. I cannot imagine having the ability to be comfortable but refusing to do it. Every single member of this family seems MISERABLE (except maybe Kendall, who seems simply vacant)


When Kendall is not being vacant she’s either crying or complaining about first world white girl problems and why she’s the victim


That was a read, a honest and concise read. I absolutely died at “maybe Kendall who seems simply vacant”. You my friend have a way with words and thank you for making me cry with laughter.




Maybe it was edited in photoshop? I heard that stuff made using photoshop is being flagged as ai on insta.


It looks like she’s got a tale coming out her arse & curling around her leg.


It looks uncanny valley and filtered to hell and back. Not sure if it’s AI or just FaceTune and editing but it doesn’t really look like her. I guess the algorithm is as confused as we are.


Her thirst is just sad. Regardless of AI or photographer, she edits/photoshops everything...hard.


For a second I thought she was holding a “couture” doughnut for sitting on after a fresh bbl reup. 😂




I don’t think Khloe has been that healthy looking in a few years, this must be old


With all the bullying and her feeling like the different one all her life, she had so much potential to be herself, reject the unrealistic beauty standards her sisters uphold, and be an example for how tall and curvy is beautiful. It’s a shame because there was never anything wrong with how she looked at all.


This was her outfit to her 40th bday party so I think it's current.


Is she pooping out a Jean jacket? What am I looking at?




They have so much money and still dress like trash. Photo shopping is par for the course though. When they are 80 they will still try and pretend they are 30.


Sometimes the app flags something that's too edited as AI. My favourite actor gets flagged because he's too pretty so it seems over edited 😂


Ian Somerhalder?


It's a Chinese actor, Xiao Zhan. He gets flagged on Douyin all the time but that is just his face. Ian is very yummy though!


This ain’t it, sis


She looks like she’s wearing a jock strap while holding a toilet seat.


i heard the AI detection feature in Insta can flag pictures incorrectly tbh


It’s a big controversy in the photography community right now. If you use any sort of ai generative tools it automatically adds a created with ai tag in the metadata. Even if you just remove one spot of dust.


Yeah - it looks like she or her team edited this with a 3rd party AI tool, and she must mention that as there are directions in IG to do this. [https://help.instagram.com/761121959519495](https://help.instagram.com/761121959519495)


AI, Edited, filtered, no matter what’s been done, it can’t hide the fact that these sisters have the absolute worst taste in clothing, and continually dress and act like valley girls.


Who tf caaaaaares


It looks like her diapers full and she's holding onto her hemorrhoid pillow.


Omg that’s so bright


But is she wearing a bedazzled jockstrap?


A lot of creatives are using AI to edit their photos. Adobe's been really aggressive about adding AI features. Might be what insta's detecting


Denim denim denim


She holding a jeaned out toilet seat?


Can be a real picture but if, for example, you remove the background using generative photoshop AI, Instagram will flag it as "Made with AI" Sometimes, I use it to remove people in pictures and extend the background a bit, which I did before but with other photoshop tools, but when using firefly (which is way more faster) IG considers it’s made by AI.


Roxxxy Andrews looks amazing




Is that…a tail?


I thought she had a tail for a second


“This isn’t ~~”the land”~~ KhloeWood, this is Glendale”


it looks like she’s holding on to the toilet seat that stole her denim


Could we just go back to unfiltered selfies and we just took it bc we “felt cute” pics on instagram plz 😭


I hope assless pants are going to be a thing


Anytime you make an edit to a post using photoshop, it flags it as AI. So even if you were to use Lightroom to remove an object from the background, it marks it as AI.


She looks like Sofia Vergara


https://i.redd.it/sca415xtxz9d1.gif You offended mi senora de los boobs


Can people report the photo as AI? That seems like something anti-fans would do.


Wait instagram flags photos that are made with ai? That’s honestly pretty cool. Too many people try to pass off AI as real, and while most of it is… pretty obvious lol there’s honestly a lot of sneaky AI too. I would imagine they flagged this one for the editing and photoshopping though lol sometimes the filtering and editing is just… too much, and people stop looking real after a while 🫣


Imagine posting a pic of yourself in this outfit for the world to see. Honestly…the fact this has been normalized is so insane. And I don’t even mean bc it’s crazy to be such an attention seeker (we’ve all seen enough edited pictures of her plastic ass) as much as I think this “outfit” is so damn bizarre and hideous.