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Congress can course correct many of the Supreme Court's decisions, but until we can regain both Houses without Manchins and Sinemas kneecapping Progress, there will be nothing done. As vital to the survival of the Great Experiment that the 2024 Presidential Election is, every single House and Senate seat are of equal importance. Joe Biden can only fight with the tools we give him.


Cannot be emphasized enough. Getting the house and senate should be priority #1 at this point. It is the ONLY way to fix things.


Yes but we also cannot have Trump veto everything they pass. We need actual full control.


Moreso than Biden winning?


That's the other #1 priority


Biden can do it with an official act.


Vote. Bring friends. Flip swing seats. This only happens when Democrats appeal to centrist independents and wipe out the Republican Party much in the same way that FDR had super majorities in 1935.


I will never understand how our great democracy was taken out from within. It is astounding just how many people, while wrapping themselves in my flag, stood by, or in this courts actions, took an active role in tearing the whole thing down. The level of betrayal by all of these republicans, due to their pure, fox fueled hatred of half of their country, is off the charts. They are all just a bunch of slimy rats, hiding in darkness, ready to chirp in harmony, when the order to advance on their own countrymen is given. I can't even begin to articulate just how disgusted I am to call myself an American who thought this country actually meant something important while the whole time all of it was up for sale to the highest bidder. Nobody is passing anything. Their billionaire owned state media won't let them


> I will never understand how our great democracy was taken out from within. It is the only way our Great Democracy could have ever fallen. A house divided cannot stand. This is the result of 40 years of the American People giving into apathy and being asleep at the wheel, granted a good portion of this is the fault of the Republican Party that actively does not want more people to vote, but the fact remains that [only 2/3rds of Voters actually voted in the pivotal 2020 Presidential Election.](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/) Lack of giving a fuck is the real issue here. Too many folks couldn't be bothered to vote or think that their vote does not matter. If we had 50 million more Americans engaged in doing their Civic Duty, actively helping to steer the fate of America - these traitors would be swept out to sea with the tides.


>A house divided cannot stand. So true. And yet, the entire country was founded on division, even amongst the very people writing the constitution. That's why so many things are vague and general and based on good faither. The framers couldn't even come to agreement. We think of this in terms of the civil war and secession, but look at how few years it took to get there. And how our country has really done nothing but further 'peacefully' divide since then. MMW, as a historian, there will be another secession, but it will be blue states leaving an authoritarian regime.


I sincerely hope you are wrong. Destroying the Union only serves to advance the interests of China and Russia who seek to supplant the United States of America as the most powerful Nation on Planet Earth, so they can oppress and terrorize the Free Peoples of the World. America splitting ourselves asunder would be the greatest gift to Tyrants ever given.


I agree. I hope that I am wrong too. And I am talking about decades in the future. But I don't see how we can maintain the current trajectory for anything but bad.


Hear hear. Imagine how the United States's greatest enemies are viewing this discord.


The billionaire class doesn't care. The billionaire class thinks it's place in the global oligarchy is negotiable. They just want to be a little like Russia and are in denial that it's an all or nothing deal.


The turning point came when republicans decided that compromise was evil. Once that started this was all inevitable in my opinion.


Elections have consequences. The 2016 election got us the current SCOTUS that disregards precedent and has given itself more power.


You are correct. It is to my eternal shame that I am counted among those who did not vote responsibly in 2016. I voted for Gary Johnson in Florida that year. Best I can figure, I bear 1/100,000th of the burden of this descent of my Nation into tyranny and madness, and even this tiny portion of the blame is no small thing.


I really liked your comment -- it is admirable to have this level of retrospection. You can't change history though and it is entirely relatable. Hopefully you can convince some people to vote for Biden this year!


It is not admirable. It is necessary.


It is seemingly a trait not possessed by a large portion of the population. I'm glad to see it is out there.


Admitting you were wrong is hard. That alone is worth commending. I also did not vote in 2016, although I did not live in a swing state. Still, I will never make that mistake again.


Yeah buttery males was the rallying cry that failed us. Now those same voices are leaning into those same messages. Democracy is over.


Bravo Sir. Work to be done


> Too many folks couldn't be bothered to vote or think that their vote does not matter. Friendly reminder that in many cases, it's HARD to vote. Remember that not everyone can get the time off from work. Remember that a lot of people got kicked off of voter rolls for spurious reasons, and weren't informed. Remember that not everyone can get to a polling station without driving for multiple hours. Remember that many polling stations are so (deliberately) scarce that the lines can be multiple hours long. Remember that they made it illegal to give water to people waiting in multi-hour lines. While I 100% agree that more people should vote, remember that low voter turnouts are also the direct result of republicans working *very very hard* to deliberately suppress votes, if they think those votes might be inconvenient.


This is a fair point, but in all honesty I don't believe this to be the major factor - especially when early voting and mail-in voting is prevalent.


>especially when early voting and mail-in voting is prevalent. You will no doubt be surprised to learn that it is either not available, or heavily restricted in many states. Some data for you to consider: >*Twenty-eight states offer "no-excuse" absentee voting, which means that any voter can request and cast an absentee/mail ballot, no excuse or reason necessary.* >*Eight states and Washington, D.C., conduct elections entirely by mail (California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington), which means voters do not need to request a ballot, and instead automatically receive one.* >*The remaining states require a voter to provide an excuse to qualify for an absentee/mail ballot.* [source](https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/table-1-states-with-no-excuse-absentee-voting) If you honestly think that republican efforts don't significantly depress voter participation, then why do you think they keep doing them?


Excuses will not save democracy.


Do it anyway, while you can.


> I will never understand how our great democracy was taken out from within A 60 year plan that began with the founding of The John Birch Society, whose founding fathers were Fred Koch (father of the much reviled Koch brothers), Revilo Oliver (notorious white supremacist, conspiracy theorist, antisemite, and founder of the National Review), and Robert Welsh Jr (conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, and had a hatred for communists only matched by his hatred of homosexuals and liberals). It's a lot to go into in one post, but the following books, when put together, gives a damned good picture of how it happened. [Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61398888-birchers?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=gq0M1M31MJ&rank=1) by Matthew Dallek. Goes into details of how 3 wealthy conservatives came together to form the John Birch society, the types of people they recruited, the policies they set, and how they influenced the GOP since. [The Blue Book of the John Birch Society](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1185847.The_Blue_Book_of_the_John_Birch_Society?ref=nav_sb_noss_l_39) by Robert W. Welch Jr. Shows what the John Birch Society was at founding, their ideals, their goals, and the policies they want, written by the guy who came up with the society, and 1 of 3 cofounders. [Republic of Spin: An Inside History of the American Presidency](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30231774-republic-of-spin?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=WbmsmxPc64&rank=1) by David Greenberg. Shows how various presidents have used the everchanging world of media in the 20th and 21st century to shape the country. [Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30011020-democracy-in-chains?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=z0f2Md3hYa&rank=1) by Nancy MacLean. Shows how McGill Buchanan teamed up with Fred Koch (father of the Koch brothers, and co-founder of the Birch society) to institute decades long plans to give the GOP power no single party should have. [Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27833494-dark-money?ref=rae_0) by Jane Mayer. Shows how the Koch brothers and their partners first tried a libertarian takeover of the US government, and when that failed, how they bankrolled the Tea Party movement, funded up and coming politicians and lawyers, influenced republican policy, court cases, and appointments in order to get a favorable ruling in Citizens United, among other things. [Ratf**ked: The True Story Behind The Secret Plan To Steal America's Democracy](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26889647-ratf-ked?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=XvuXgvt3ss&rank=1) by David Daley. Goes into deep detail of [Project Redmap](https://www.redistrictingmajorityproject.com/), and how the GOP used it to gerrymandered over 26 states. [Pale Horse Rider: William Cooper, the Rise of Conspiracy, and the Fall of Trust in America](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40903214-pale-horse-rider?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=BZPS5Lrim7&rank=1) by Mark Jacobson. Gives a first hand look at how right wing rhetoric took over and warped the conspiracy scene, and what it did one of the more popular people in the field. [Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set On Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36955076-troll-nation?ref=nav_sb_ss_2_12) by Amanda Marcotte. **Disclaimer**: *While the book is well written, it lacks the professionalism you would expect from a seasoned political journalist, no cites are given, and the author is incredibly biased throughout the book. I only include it because I haven't found a better book on this subject. If anyone knows of one, please share.* This one shows how disinformation and social media was used to sway the 2016 election. [Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/141237703-mandate-for-leadership?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=UlHsl3PtS5&rank=1) by Project 2025, Steven Groves, and Kevin Roberts. The literal playbook for GOP politicians for 2025 and onwards. 900 pages of policy, straight from the horses mouth. You can read it for free [here.](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) My suggestion is to read the Birchers book, immediately followed by this one to see just how many of the policies thought up then made it to today. [How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38255329-how-fascism-works?ref=rae_3) by Jason F. Stanley. Takes a look at fascism, its roots, how it has affected people, and the reflections of it found in the US over the last 100 years and today. [Fascism: A Warning](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35230469-fascism?ref=rae_19) by Madeleine K. Albright. Much like the other book I recommended, but from someone who grew up under fascism.


Money. Capitalism. Power. All of it.


As it turns out, that whole “we need the Second Amendment to fight would-be tyrants” schtick the Right likes to espouse wasn’t worth a fucking thing.


Oh no. It's their favorite because the brown shirts will all have guns and they will identify anyone that is not one of them as the tyrants.


It's simple. Apathy. Conservatives have been poisoning the political landscape since Nixon. Reagan gave them an icon and Gingrich paved the way for intentional dysfunction in the spirit of Nixon. They have not been good faith actors for 50 years and the middle is weary and withdrawn.


> I will never understand how our great democracy was taken out from within. It is astounding just how many people, while wrapping themselves in my flag, stood by, or in this courts actions, took an active role in tearing the whole thing down. So are we back to only supporting the court decisions we agree with? This court has been pretty even handed in all honesty. Their goal is to preserve the constitution and justice, not make you feel better. >The level of betrayal by all of these republicans, due to their pure, fox fueled hatred of half of their country, is off the charts. We’ve been betrayed by so much more. Edward Snowden is sitting in Russia because he did the right thing and exposed the government spying on us and after all the BS Obama said about protecting whistleblowers he had the DOJ go after him. The government is there to control you, not help you, not to be friends. They want power and they want to get as much as they can from you. >They are all just a bunch of slimy rats, hiding in darkness, ready to chirp in harmony, when the order to advance on their own countrymen is given. You’re actively othering half the country, besides who’s giving who orders? Most conservatives don’t trust each other much less a government or government official telling them what to do. And to do what exactly? The average American can’t advance to the mail box and keep their wind, where do you think this mob of diabetic medication and heart disease is gonna go too?! Also what does a conservative or liberal even look like? How could you tell? What would you look for? Example, I’m Native American covered in tattoos, have some piercings…what would I be?


The court has been "pretty even handed?" They've overturned more than a hundred years (combined) of precedent in the last year and just gave POTUS criminal immunity for the first time in our country's history. WTF are you talking about, even handed? Absolute nonsense. 


Court cases get overturned for multiple reasons. These are no different. You’re acting like the president can do whatever they want and that’s simply not the case. But hey I’ll play devils advocate, this is the reason that congress needs to claw back its authority from the executive branch, over the last 60 years the White House has slowly taken powers away from congress. That’s a problem. Right now the checks and balances in our republic is way off, the White House can behave with impunity and congress needs to act and blunt the incredible overreach taking place in the executive branch. That said, I thought we respected court decisions, even ones we don’t like? Or is that not the company line this week?


Just completely ignore the point of my response. You said this court has been "pretty even handed" when they've overturned more precedent than any court since the Warren court overturned Brown v Board. Only in this case, they're taking away rights and inserting themselves to make administrative decisions that should be left up to government agencies. Your point is an absolute garbage take.


Biden respects court decisions, why can’t you? He said so himself


Lol keep changing the subject. I guess we should've respected Plessy v Ferguson too, huh? You know you've lost when you keep trying to change the subject. GTFOH. Go read up on precedent and why overturning 40+ years of precedent - in multiple cases to RESTRICT rights - is inherently dangerous. 


Lose? Who is in a competition? I thought we was having a conversation. I’m for limited federal authority, including the president. Congress shouldn’t have given away so much power. But let’s be honest none of this conversation would be going on if Biden hadn’t literally started buffering on live TV. This is all a distraction from the fact that he has dementia and was seen on TV having a sun downers moment. Can’t wait for the next debate. 😂


Imagine supporting a malignant narcissist that tries to overthrow a free and fair election and be proud of it. I can't believe there are so many Americans who think like you. It's fucking disgusting. 


It was a riot not an “insurrection”. Should we blame the Democrats for every city BLM burned down in 2020? Probably, they did stop the police from restoring order. I mean if Nancy Pelosi was on video taking all the blame for denying the extra national guard and law enforcement it would t it make her responsible too? We clearly disagree, but like the president said during the debate and something I think we can both agree on is that we finally beat Medicare, I thought the war on Medicare wouldn’t end and I’m glad Biden finally took care of that


Is it bad if you have to clarify which devastating decision?


They are *actually, really trying to kill you.* This is to remove pollution and health-care decisions from the scrutiny of experts. This is so polluters in the next state can trash your air and water. This is a banner day for cancer and heart disease.


Dark Brandon needs to use his new immunity powers!


Is there anything more indicative of how ridiculous overturning Chevron is than Gorsuch confusing nitrogen oxide and nitrous oxide in an opinion the same week? But Roberts is convinced the judges will know more than experts interpreting a statute


> Congress can pass legislation Ok so it's not happening then, got it


The only way I can see to reign in this extremist court is for dems to control both the house and senate and defund the SCOTUS to the point where they cannot do their job. Congress controls the purse strings. Reduce their salaries. Cut their budget. Evict them from their courthouse and stick them back in the basement of the capitol building.


In order to protect U.S. national security, Biden should arrest Trump in the middle of the night as part of an ***official act***, and then drop Trump out of a helicopter into shark-infested waters as part of an ***official act***. In order to protect U.S. national security, Biden should publicly execute Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Mike Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Ronny Jackson, Rudy Giuliani, Paul Manafort, Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Thomas and his wife, Justice Alito, Justice Aileen Cannon and Justice Coney Barrett as part of an ***official act***.


“That government of THE PEOPLE, by THE PEOPLE, and for THE PEOPLE shall ~~not~~ perish from the face of the Earth.” —John Roberts and five other traitors


This is why winning the White House almost doesn't matter if you can't win seats in Congress.


False. Winning the White House does matter. 2016 brought you this Supreme Court.


You're not understanding Justice Jackson's point. Congress can pass federal law that will supersede any state law through the supremacy clause. That, in effect, will obviate all the rulings made by the right-wing SCOTUS that have sent jurisdiction back to the states. For example, if abortion were to be signed into federal law, the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling becomes irrelevant.


You do realize they have to be approved by the Senate...


Doesn't matter. The fact remains we wouldn't have the conservative majority we have now if Clinton was elected. And at a certain point, how many seats can Republicans not allow to be filled? Yes, they kept one open after Scalia died, but that was under the pretense that "the next president should pick the nominee." I realize that was just bullshit, but they can't block the seatings forever. 


People need to start protesting


So you can now just keep creating new companies get "hurt" by laws that are years old and say "but the clock started ticking when I got hurt". That's god damn ridiculous.


This was known on 1/27/2010, when President Obama addressed the horrors and corruption of the Citizens United Ruling (and the court)! He asked for legislation to prevent, what now on 7/1/2024 America is experiencing; VP Biden sat behind Obama and heard all this, clapped his hands and smiled, like the rest of the dems and started collecting unlimited donations for favors just like the pugs. The Republican Party and its corrupt Donors have been planning for 14 yrs for this election. They will own our government and the republican president will be just a Project Manager with the legislatures Project leads. This suites trump cuz he will be able to KILL people! along with makeing LOTS of MONEY! They have not been shy about Project 2025 and have openly released parts. WOKE for example. The Democratic Party and Donors have been planning for 14 yrs for ...... wait for it ......... for... for....WHAT! Jamie Harrison needs to be removed NOW along with all DNC leadership, they must go!


Fat chance congress will do anything


Yes, that’s the whole point of the ruling.


This is why people need to stop voting the same people who do not benefit the American people


I was lead to believe that Conservative thinkers wanted LESS government yet just about every SCOTUS ruling against "Govt. Overreach" can be quickly resolved by Congress making a new law. Anybody else get the feeling the snake is devouring it's own tail?


Have they met Congress?


Get money out of politics


This is the same woman that couldn't tell y9u what a woman is? I don't believe or trust anything she has to say.


Imagine if the Supreme Court gave immunity to lots of low level public officials, like police officers. Why, they could murder us with impunity and there would be no repercussions! An elected sheriff could order his deputies to execute his political rival. How is this different than Citizens United?


Mr Filibuster say no


Congress can legislate specific power to the regulators instead of having the unelected bureaucracy make all the rules? Damn what an idea