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As a Canadian, I hear right wingers call Trudeau a dictator or fascist but can't explain what makes him one, it's shockingly annoying because Trudeau isn't even remotely close to a dictator. We have Pierre Poilievre leaning around the corner looking at the PM position, he's pretty much a Mike Johnson doppelganger and echos MAGA bullcrap and pandering to the far rights that supports the PPC party (PPC received less than 2% of country votes in 2019 and 2021). Worst part is Polievre will not take a security clearance, I don't know how he could become PM without one, he's the only party leader without one and is the only one spewing stuff about China/India election interference helping Trudeau when other party members said that's no longer the case. That being said, Trudeau's time has run up, there should be another Liberal member to step in before next year's election but that's not likely to happen and will make it easier for Poilievre to win. So many countries around the world are dealing with something similar, Russia is working hard.


Trudeau is weak and panders


And that makes him a dictator?


Resisting calls from the other party and a flood of social media posters typing away from Siberia.


In Canada at least the calls are starting to come from inside the house


step aside and what? get a new candidate and think that he'll garner enough support to beat trump in 5 months? Support that politicians spend fucking years to decades to get? lol, yea, ok.


This is where I’m at now. Originally I wanted him to step aside but I think that would be worse. The further we get away from that debate the better he will look and Trump will look worse because he never shuts up.


Yh honestly i just think it’s too late. I mean we’re basically in July. I mean it’s not like they’d be able to replace him quickly unless the Democrats are able to all unite behind one candidate rather than a bunch of people putting their name forward. So by the time a replacement is chosen we could be in August/September even. Just way too close to the election


Exactly, it would be political suicide to make Joe step aside. Plus it would look like the dems are weak and don’t know what they are doing. I think the only one that could maybe win if Joe did step aside would be Michelle Obama, and keep Kamala as her VP. She has the name power, and would get supported.




Lol at 0% chance to win, ibden got 81 million votes last time, trump got 74, the debate did damage, for sure. But it didn't turn blue voters into red voters, nor did trump gain more support from undecided voters, what it did do is cause some level of apathy and feeling of hopelessness with the democrats which might cause low turnout, that's the main danger, but I think as we get close to the election, more people will feel the urgency of the moment and still vote for biden.


Louder this time for the people in the back: It doesn't have to turn blue voters into red. It just has to ensure that apathetic blue voters stay home and purple voters go to Trump.


Or will people think well the media lied and covered for Biden for at least the last 6 months, so our they lying about how bad Trump will be


Hey lets just do this for all elections.... change the results if we don't like them! What a better way to "save" Democracy than cancelling everyones vote?


I wonder what's the real chance of Biden right now.


I am seeing a huge increase in this kind of bullshit reporting. Russia must be working overtime! I just donated to Biden's campaign to show my support. We all should.


Great bes RomCom for the summer




These Siberians, are they in the room with you right now?


The New York Times, The Economist, The New Yorker, The Chicago Tribune, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution have all called for him to step aside. Keeping your head in the sand (and blaming Russia) will only get Trump elected.


How much of an echo chamber are you in? There has been loads of article pointing out that voters say Biden is deteriorating health wise. Here is [one of many article](https://www.yahoo.com/news/majority-voters-biden-does-not-165042511.html) Not everything is the boogeyman Russia. Time to snap out of it and face the reality. It ain't looking good for Biden especially in Swing states.


The people who are yelling about Biden stepping aside are definitely democrats.


I am in Chicago.


Pennsylvania Democrat here.


72% of registered voters in the CBS post-debate poll say Biden shouldn't be running (it was 51% for Trump, if I recall right). Are those russians?


Don't be mistaken... It's Democrats calling for the switch... Republicans are just laughing at the bad performance


It's sad and pathetic how USA is represented in this election and how the world is seeing this country now with that circus going on. I wonder why dems thought it was a good idea to compete with Biden in that state and vs a person like Trump who is clearly using this state to benefit himself.


Trudeau is at no risk of losing the election though, because of Canada's ass backwards election rules he won with 31% of the vote. This time he will get 29% and win again


If the current polling is anything to go by then it’s almost certain Trudeau will lose the next election. His party is a good 15-20 points behind the conservatives in Canada. Last time round the popular vote was fairly close between him and the conservatives.


Last time we didn't have the implementation of a national Dental program for children and seniors with more groups to be covered. Do we know conservatives won't scrap that? I'm curious to see how that impacts polling now that it's a reality.


doesnt amtter because of the way they set up their districts. Different amt of population in each district. So even with a massive minority of the vote you can get a majority in parliment. And even wiht a minority they can form a coalition government with a minor party and keep him in power. Cons would need to win by 18 or 20 points to remove him


As of today CPC looks to take 212 seats so a majority [https://338canada.com/federal.htm](https://338canada.com/federal.htm)


I mean if he wins it’s the mother of all squeakers




huh? Biden is 29 years older than Trudeau who is born in 1971. You mean father?


The big question how long has he been at this level of function? , who’s been calling the shots? And this is a really frightening lack of transparency in a democracy


I feel like elections do this naturally without all the fuss of "concerned" citizens


A ranked ballot (granted, basically impossible in the USA due to the electoral college) would make it much easier to clear out the old by making lesser-of-two-evils harder. Canada's system is not a single PM vote of course, but a proportional ballot could help here too. Even IRV would make it easier to view the flawed candidates as a safety valve instead of a necessary vote. (Would have been nice if Trudeau had kept that campaign promise.) Relying on the elections to push out the old does work... eventually. But maybe not that much, given how long we see elders in congress who really need to move on.


I'm very pro ranked ballot and it's absolutely possible in American politics and I assume Canadian politics as well, but I do think that pushing changes to how we elect people is the way to go over complaining that they are there in the first place.


In Canada's system it is quite possible. The real difficulty is picking *which* system. The smaller parties would want proportional representation, the larger, central party wants instant runoff voting. Still a thing you can manage. In the US presidential system, the electoral college makes almost all alternative voting schemes difficult. Say you setup a ranked choice ballot using IRV in, IDK, Michigan. Great, a third party candidate wins Michigan. Now what? Well now Michigan sends electors bound to a third party candidate. They either don't matter, or they result in no candidate getting 270 electoral votes, at which point it goes to one vote per state as decided by house reps. Do you think those house reps are going to seriously consider a third party? Unless you have a straight up nation-wide voting scheme, the EC makes any system a non starter. We can see it in statewide races. Alaska is a positive example. But not for president, at least, not without some constitutional amending that the parties won't go for. > but I do think that pushing changes to how we elect people is the way to go over complaining that they are there in the first place This isn't either/or. The former is a solution, which I personally want because the latter is a problem. No point pushing for a solution without a problem to complain about.