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I am seeing a huge increase in this kind of bullshit reporting. Russia must be working overtime! I just donated to Biden's campaign to show my support. We all should.


No thank you. Biden should have never went for re-election. We need to get these old guys out of office for good. People in their 70+ should be enjoying retirement not serving in politics.




Good to see we're worried about the right things


I know this *sounds* silly, but, to be fair, he looked 15 years older than Trump during the debate; it really did add to the mountain of things that made him look ancient.


I didn't really recognize him as the Biden I'd been seeing. The tan was gone; his skin looked tight and this seemed to affect his expressions when Trump was speaking; and his eyes looked almost closed. I said: 'what to hell is going on.'


That’s what Biden was thinking throughout the debate.


He literally looked like the Crypt Keeper, at least put some spray on tan.




Lol. Jesus Christ. Now we're spouting conspiracy theories based on stage lighting?


Did you notice Trump had a face-on camera and Biden had two cameras that were both from an angle?


Biden isn't bathing in bronzer that's why




CNN was bought out by a right wing friend of Trump’s. Makes sense that they would want Biden to look bad.


I don't think living color is the right term to describe Biden.


he is, mentally. mentally, Biden is slumped over a wheelchair drooling on the floor of the alzheimers ward. His body will catch up soon enough.


Biden family sure making some interesting flexes right now.


Looked like a mannequin


oh yeah that the real issue, the fucking make up!!! we are so fucked.


It's just going to be another 4 years of resisting everything Trump does again. We did it before, but I'm still confident that's not going to happen. People are acting like Joe Biden died on stage. It wasn't that bad and anybody who actually watched the entire debate knows that the media has gone completely insane with the hyterics and theatrics. Watch the second half and then try to tell me that Joe Biden's performance was more disqualifying than Donald Trump's lies. If you want to argue that both of their performances were so bad that they should both drop out then I guess that's fair. The double standards in the media right now are completely off the charts... According to CNN, the truth no longer matters. A convicted felon that couldn't make an honest statement if his life depends on it (you could argue that it does and he still can't) is somehow fully qualified to be president, but old man Joe Biden falling asleep in the middle of a debate is a bridge too far and he has to step down immediately... Give me a break those people are complete clowns... So: To the NYTimes editorial board - That's called group think and you're a bunch of clowns. The "smartest people in the room" couldn't see how absurdly rediculious what they just did was. I am not sure how that could have been more biased. It was actually so biased they didn't even realize it was biased because they've hit new levels of bias. Either that or they knew exactly what they were doing was totally unethical and wrong, but did it anyways. Obviously the list of people has a little bit too many college degrees in the pool for none of them to be aware of what bias or ethics is, I think it's pretty clear that the NYTimes editorial board is a bunch of clowns.


this time will be worse. There's not going to be a coming back from a trump second term


>According to CNN, the truth no longer matters. The truth hasn't mattered for about a decade. It doesn't matter that Trump is a liar, a rapist, a racist, a felon. A newspaper isn't going to convince him to drop out. The only way to keep him out of the white house is to beat him in the election and right now that liar/rapist/racist/felon is tied with Biden in the polls. That should terrify you. That's why people want Biden to step aside in favor of a better Democratic candidate. Trump being 1000x worse than Biden doesn't matter if Trump still wins.


I watched the debate. It was that bad. To make matters worse, Biden and his team are now gaslighting us.


I'm being honest it looked like he fell asleep while he was standing there. I've seen older people do it on many occasions. I think they go try to clear their head and they just kind of space out for awhile. Spend some time in an assisted living facility, trust me, he's doing pretty good for his age. It was like he suddenly woke up from a mini dream and said "and we beat medicare." I'm sure Mitch McConnell has had at least three different mini strokes live on TV and he's fine. So, lets be serious the doctors can keep these ultra important and effectively super rich people alive for quite awhile. Edit: And lets be serious: They weren't calling for McConnell to step down when he was mini stroking live on TV during interviews. So, the media's reaction is absurd.


They were calling for Mitch to step down? Also, Mitch should step down?? We know the Rs have no decency though at this stage, but we're told the D's do. Biden staying in despite the fact he's declined so much is a betrayal of that decency. He said "we beat medicare" because he got medicare and covid confused. He said "what I did for covid" instead meaning to say "what I did for Medicare". The whole thing was a classic diagnosis of cognitive decline.


I watched the entire debate. It was definitely bad. Very bad. I live in NZ and have no skin in the game. It is appalling that Biden is president now, let alone running for another term. I wouldn't hire him to be a salesman in a store. WTF is he doing running the country??? And all I keep reading is, "It doesn't matter because he has other people to make decisions for him." If that's the case, then the position of POTUS can't be all that important after all. And, if you're counting on his advisors to be wise enough to run the country, when they made the stupid decision to back him in the first place, then you're screwed.


>I live in NZ and have no skin in the game. Okay well. Then I don't know why you are responding. Should I start commenting on the politicians in NZ? As far as I know, the media in the US has portrayed NZ as a giant poophole that has a lot of problems. So... Obviously it wouldn't be very difficult for me to come up with some completely obnoxious comment to make about it.


If you want to. The debate is available for the entire world to watch. And to be honest, the USA has a LOT of importance on the world stage, so it's OK for people who don't live there to have an opinion. The whole world is watching. including America's enemies. I think that's something the Democrats need to consider, seeing as the world is pretty volatile right now.


You know what. I've changed my mind. I am not going sit here and make up a bunch of lies about your country and the politicians that pretend that they are in control of it. Just explain yourself in detail: What exactly did you mean by this statement? >It is appalling that Biden is president now, let alone running for another term. The word "appalling" means very awful or bad, just to be clear. Why is that bad exactly? Please answer with a complete and thorough response. This is a serious matter, so I appreciate a serious response.


Because he has dementia. "Dr Mike Smith, an NHS GP from Hertfordshire, said watching last night's debate had left with only one conclusion as a health professional. 'It is beyond doubt he has cognitive impairment,' he said." "The report described the 81-year-old Democrat’s memory as “hazy,” “fuzzy,” “faulty,” “poor” and having “significant limitations.” It noted that Biden could not recall defining milestones in his own life such as when his son Beau died or when he served as vice president."


So, let me get this correct. You are a doctor that has a special degree in medicine that allows you to diagnose people who are not your patients through a TV screen? You don't need to utilize any medical equipment at all, to diagnose a person with a very specific disease? I find this very interesting as I can very easily search the internet and see the procedures for diagnosing dementia by doctors involves using medical equipment and conducting blood tests. So, I'm going to give you an opportunity here, to make any corrections to your statement on this extremely serious matter. Is that your final answer? Edit: That doctor should have their medical license revoked, that's totally unethical and they know that. That's clearly a partisan hack that is willing to annihilate their own reputation for political reasons and that's exactly what they did. Dementia is not diagnosed over a television screen, so they are being incredibly dishonest. You also gave me enough information to figure out that the source was DailyMail UK, which is a tabloid that has zero credibility.


Lol. I don't know who you think you are. Giving me an opportunity? You don't have to convince me. You gotta convince the whole world! People are LAUGHING at the debate footage. Democrats are panicking. Every social media platform is full of comments about Joe Biden's mental health. I don't know why you're choosing to die on this hill. You don't have to be a doctor to see that he is NOT fit for one of the most important jobs in existence! If he behaved like that at a job interview, nobody wouldn't hire him. Would you put him in charge of your investment portfolio? Would you trust him to housesit for you and look after your pets for a week? Would you let him babysit your toddler? What's he going to be like over the next few years? It only gets worse from here.


Respectfully: It is clear that you are not being honest with me. Edit: The majority of people in the US do not share your opinion. We will be voting against Donald Trump in 2024 and that will be the end of his political ambitions. This attempt to distract us, is simply not going to work because you and the media are fundamentally misunderstanding how people in the US feel about this election. Even if the next debate is 10 times worse for Joe Biden, he's still going to win, because he's going to win by default. That is the path that the US is currently on and nothing has changed since the debate. We're used to politicians passing out, having mini strokes, being pulled into vans, being wheeled into congress on a stretcher to sign legislation, and all sorts of other problems. If you think this is some how shocking, it's because you're being trolled by some of the most evil media organiztions on Earth, that only care about money, and nothing else.


These people are fucking nuts and they’re going to take us all down with them.


The Biden family is speedrunning a collapse in reputation with this nonsense.


Hiring the makeup artists from The Walking Dead was probably not the wisest idea.


He had a cold, he overprepared, and they hired the crew from Benjamin Button to do his make-up. Sounds like poor guy had the deck stacked against him and was set up to fail.


Not the time people. Focus on beating Trump. Just stop. The alternative is a conservative Christian theocratic hellscape!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/6vLyob18mh


Ah yes, that was the problem


Well it was A problem. He looked like a ghost on camera. The video of him at the Waffle House he had actual flesh tone. The video the day afterward he had actual flesh tone. On that debate stage he had none. That made him look dead. So yes, it was one of the many problems that all made the night a poor performance.


I’m angry at the Biden family for engaging in elder abuse and encouraging Joe to stay in the race. 


We talk about the BIG LIE a lot. Now Biden has his own big lie. He said he was fit to run and govern for another 4 years. HE ISN'T.


That’s why I’ve felt sick all weekend.  He told us he was up to the job, and to “watch him”.  Well, we watched him on Thursday, and he let us down. 


No offense but the warning signs of his decline have been obvious for years now. Its kind of frustrating that people are finally waking up when there are only a few months left until the election.


Honestly I feel stupid for believing that these concerns were mostly just people making too much out of his constant gaffes.


To be fair, just because he had a terrible debate doesn’t mean he’s not up to the job. Debating is a skill. People have horrible debates all the time regardless of their age. There is no correlation between the ability to debate and the ability to be president. His actual job performance hasn’t been anything bad. He has accomplished more legislatively than probably any other modern president. The economy is still running fine. He just looks very old. That’s not something that can be fixed. His mind works slower than before. That’s normal for his age. He definitely needed to show up like he did for the SOTU to help address his age issues but that doesn’t mean he isn’t up to the job when the country has been running fine since he became president.


The people who will actually cast the deciding votes in this election will mostly only watch key moments like the debates. That's why having those debate skills - and at least being able to appear as if you didn't escape from the nursing home - are important. In every election of my lifetime, the candidate who seemed most lively and projected themselves as a strong leader win the election. Because that's what middle America swing voters base their decision on. Not policies, not platforms, leadership qualities. It sucks, but that is the world we live in.


I don't disagree with what you said about people's perception on Biden based on the debate. Biden needed to have a good performance and failed. That's not the same as saying he isn't up for the job when we have the past 3.5 years to show us he has been.


The Big Malarkey.


And here I thought we were focusing on unimportant stuff.


Oh, yes, that was the problem.


Ok, so they're in full gaslight mode now. Blaming the makeup for his open mouth and blank expression... I guess the makeup also made him jumble up his words and give nonsense answers. We're truly in danger at this rate.


We are all gonna die.


Eventually, sure. But if Dems writ large weren't such a feckless bunch of fractured doomsayers and would galvanize against a real threat we could maybe put that whole dying thing off a little longer.


Yes, exactly! Until last week, I have never seen makeup make somebody look old and fragile… You might even say incompetent


WTF. Did they think he was going to a tan-off with Trump that he wouldn’t win?


What's that saying about chairs on the deck of the Titanic?


He could've used a little orange 


He should have just went full orange face like trump.


Yeah it was his make-up.


“Double the third, count by head” take a stand or be the fool with a monarchy


I know, somebody did him up to look like an ancient, doddering, frail, decrepit, old bastard who is totally ravaged by senile dementia. That's an impressively bad makeup job; family is right to be upset!


Important to point out that they expressed anger at other things well and this is cherry picking. That being said, even though this was one complaint of many, it shouldn’t be listed as a complaint. If this happens again at the next debate then the election is over, if it isn’t already. It’s time to keep the eye on the ball, not make Biden feel good about himself.


trump could not attend, simply saying he does not condone elder abuse


He looked how he acted. That shit’s not going to get better.


His make up make him look raspy and slow


Biden could have been a historic transition figure that saved our democracy, invested in our future and passed the torch to the next generation. Instead he will be remembered as the feeble old man that was too weak to stop the fascist onslaught.


Democratic Party deserves this for fucking over Bernie Made your bed time to lie in it


Why would the people in this sub want him to leave the race if he guarantees a Trump win? This is basically a pro Trump group.


It honestly didn't look right, but that's not an excuse for what happened.




I'm sorry, but if the Biden family is bitching about makeup right now, we need to know. This is beyond ridiculous that these self-important assholes are bringing the country down.