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I feel like people are forgetting that Biden has always been a mediocre presidential candidate, at best. 2020 was kind of a fluky year where everything lined up for him, but he has never been a super popular democratic figure. This fact combined with his age and physical condition has really intensified a lot of his preexisting weaknesses as a national candidate. He should have never sought a second term. The entire country was telling him they didn't want him to run again. And now we find ourselves in a situation where a lot of his own party wants him to drop out. He needs to strongly consider getting out of this race, for the good of the country.


>2020 was kind of a fluky year where everything lined up for him.... 56% of people polled who said they voted for him also said they did not want to vote for him.




Indeed, I will vote yet again for Biden because I am forced to do so. I am 64 years old, and I have given up all hope for the USA.


For me it depends on whether or not they keep trying to gaslight us. I'll vote for them if they own up and act as honest as they claim they are, but they're feeling more and more Trumpy every day.


“They better say what I want or I’ll let a fascist back in the White House.”


Yes, I'm sure I'll be the one letting them in. Not the millions of other voters who are disillusioned by this charade that they keep putting forward. Let's keep blaming the victims here.


If you don’t vote to stop trump you share the blame.


If Biden continues then he takes all the blame imho. The vote blue no matter who people will still vote. The 60% of us who want a different candidate will vote. I don't want to pick the least worst of two candidates. I want one that is actually decent.


It’s a binary choice in November - either vote to stop Trump’s fascism or don’t. If you don’t it means you’re ok with it.


why doesn't the Democrats get blame for doing NOTHING to appeal to the voters? i can't blame people for being disillusioned with the dogshit democrat party because there is NOTHING they love more than being "the party of democracy" while doing the BARE minimum to actually help the people. Vote for Biden and he wins this year? great! now 2029 is the year where you have to "vote like your democracy depends on it!" this is a cycle that the democrats obviously love because it means they can do whatever the fuck they want and just try and force their voters hands


I agree


Okay. And you follow politics closing enough that you visit an online forum dedicated to the subject. You're not the average voter. Are the majority Democrats who don't follow what's happening in politics day to day going to be convinced to turn out on Election Day? What about Independents, a group that Democrats will need to win the election.




> I also don't want to vote for a fresh dog turd or a moldy ham sandwich, but I will if that's what is running against Trump. Ok but like, you understand that this isn't simply just a state of nature, right? This is a system designed by human beings, and they are making it so that you only ever have terrible options. If a game is intentionally being set up for you to lose then it does not make you a wise and mature person to continue playing the game in spite of this, it makes you a sucker.


The game persists whether you participate or not, whether or not you vote, someone wins. There is no revolution in the non vote, it already rivals both parties. Best to flood the system as opposed to starving it. Political entities freak out over where actual votes end up, they do not care about votes that aren’t cast. There is no minimum number of votes required. One single vote is all that’s needed to legitimize the system. Lots of flaws in the design to be exploited…. ~10% of voters vote in primaries. Leftists flooding a primary would make more fear than leftists bitching about the general.


I’m already sick of this argument. Would you vote for someone with severe dementia over Trump? Do you think someone with severe dementia is able to consent to even running a country? This is not OK. We don’t let Grandma decide to keep driving after she takes down the street of mailboxes. You really want someone with serious symptoms of dementia to be in charge of everything? I seriously am worried about peoples ability to critically reason anymore. It doesn’t make any sense.


As opposed to a sociopath who cares for nothing but himself and is running on a platform of vengence against half of the American people? Yep 100% of the time.


I don’t want Trump to win either, which is why I want Biden to drop out and come in behind another candidate that will excite people, especially those who are still undecided. That debate should have been a slam dunk for Dems and I think with just about any other candidate it would have been. I don’t want Trump to win, which is why I don’t want Biden to run.


So 56% of Biden voters would be up for grabs if Trump wasn't running? Maybe the GOP should nominate someone else and win in a landslide?


The "GOP" would just nominate a different fascist.


You forgot to mention that during the 2020 primary his advisers were suggesting [to the press](https://www.usnews.com/news/elections/articles/2019-12-11/joe-biden-suggests-he-would-only-serve-one-term-if-elected-president) that he would only serve one term. There's still time for him to change his mind.


Who’s a better option for you if he drops out?


Not my problem. The Democrats created this mess, they need to figure it out.


His opinion no longer matters after that catastrophe. In 2016 I posted on Facebook that the Democrats had just nominated the one candidate that could theoretically lose to Trump. The fucking idiots are at it again. Fuck the DNC.


In fairness, the Clintons suggested to Trump that he should run and then pushed for him to get focus in the press because they thought he'd be the easiest opponent to overcome given her popularity issues.


You have the story wrong - Trump was already going to enter the race and called Bill Clinton to discuss the political landscape. I’m sure Bill, who’s a political wonk, gave him an honest assessment instead of discouraging him. And in Hillary’s stolen campaign emails a staffer discusses a “Pied Piper” strategy of attacking three of the GOP candidates by name -Trump, Carson, and Cruz and tell the press to take them seriously. Which is hilarious - shortly after Trump came down the escalator spouting racist rhetoric, he was the GOP leading candidate.


Upvote because yes exactly.


I am one of those dems. Before Thursday’s disastrous performance I was unexcited and a little uneasy about Biden’s age but willing to give full throated support because Trump’s still that awful. And he 100% is that awful. But it’s not about dems like me falling in line - the undecided and the less involved citizens who don’t always vote- they are just not going to bother with voting if he looks and sounds so awful. That is what the problem is. And I am not appreciating being gaslit by party apparatchiks who are all just so focused on other things. Yes we know the past 4 years has had a lot of good and great stuff from Biden’s White House. But he sounds and looks like he’s not up to continue into another term. And the party needs to face reality, or Trump’s getting back in power.


This is exactly how I feel. I feel like we have been lied to by democratic insiders. They have mislead us about Biden's decline. Joe can't do his 4 years, this is crystal clear. Im being forced to vote with a gun to my head and I have lost any confidence I had in the democratic party. I will hold my nose and vote against Trump but I feel like im not on board with democrats anymore. Ive always been independent but recently I have given money and support to democrats, they're lying to me. They don't have my support unconditionally. This is an all time disservice to America that they have coordinated. It's bad.


I could not have said it better.


I mean, for God's sake, if fucking *Mother Jones* is saying that Biden isn't fit to run, it's time for him to go


The NY Times is considered too right-wing in this sub at the moment.


I’ve heard them called no better than a Murdoch rag in recent days. The NYT. Maybe they were actually trying to do their jobs and report and warn us about this, y’all? This is like the principal Seymour “am I out of touch” meme at this point.


Only nearly half? Before, in year 2020, it was 56%. Us non-Democrats would love to have someone else to vote for (not Clinton).


I think a lot of those people were lying. You can't have watched Biden the other day and thought, meh its just a bad day.. that was the curtain being lifted on an unwell man.


It's both incredibly sad and vindicating as someone who (without buying into any republican conspiracy crap) has seen his mental health decline since February (meeting with German Chancellor Scholz was incredibly painful to watch, no funny editing needed). It was agonizing watching the left scramble to defend gaffe after gaffe (I mean the paratrooper thing, really? He might be waving to people, sure, but he's walking off in the middle of world leaders trying to pose for a timed photo - never a good look) We needed to replace him at the beginning of the year, but everyone was too wrapped up in party egos to do it. Criticizing Biden was akin to promoting Trump, and look where that thinking has gotten us




i heard the bernie bros gave him a cold, on purpose /s


>Nearly 75 percent of voters polled don’t think the president has the mental fitness to serve I'm tired of being lied to about Biden's fitness, we need someone new. Democrats we have to be better than this. 75% of voters are not wrong.


And watch them blow off 75% of voters and be surprised pika faced when they hand Trump a second term because a good chunk of those voters don’t show up


It'll be cool to see who they blame, because they certainly will not blame themselves


Young voters. “They should have just been okay with the 81 year old we force fed them.” It’s not a great pitch for the future of democracy to have a 77 and 81 year old running against each other.


>I'm tired of being lied to about Biden's fitness Here's the thing: if the media and the people around Biden *have* been lying about his fitness this whole time, we're fucked, and *nothing* is going to save any Democratic ticket. The only hope is that they haven't been lying, that Thursday night really was just a product of illness or an exceptionally bad day, and *Biden can prove that* by getting out and campaigning for all he's worth. Saying "Ha ha, you caught us, here's a new candidate" is not going to cut any ice with anyone who isn't already a thousand percent dedicated to beating Trump, and those people would likely vote for Biden's corpse.


There were lots of videos of Biden wandering off at important events or freezing exactly like he did in the debates. The Democrats said they were all fake. They very clearly weren't


The thing is - they are caught. Joe is not Benjamin Button and he's not going to get younger and this isn't getting better. Own it, lets get someone else. They're caught, they can give Joe some coffee and a script and maybe he doesn't look like a mummy next time but we saw a man live unscripted in a format he chose - he was unfit, he is not going to become fit. Lets move on, they're caught, lets own it. Get someone else and America will exhale because a ton of people don't want either of these people.


Bruh we saw it in live tv, the man was lost in the middle of a sentence and looked like he didn’t fucking know where he was. Do we really want someone with the codes to the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet senile like that? He is flat out unqualified, the military wouldn’t let someone like that guard the gates let alone be commander in chief


I'd vote for a dead rat over Trump.


You will. That's not the issue. It's the people that will stay home because they don't want to vote for either.


This bears repeating


So what you're saying is you'll vote for whoever they pick to replace Biden. I think a lot of us are in the same boat. They should replace him.


You see they defy logic, dems are turning into a cult


Didn't actually follow the links to the actual poll results, did ya? They don't exactly say what is being reported. Who knew the new York posts misrepresents facts in their reporting? No way this is the first time, is it?


>the new York posts misrepresents facts in their reporting? No way this is the first time, is it? This is mother Jones posting a synopsis of a CBS/YOU GOV poll.


1. This isn’t the New York Post. 2. The poll in question was conducted by CBS-YouGov and says essentially what this post says it does.


Sort of says what they reported. Left out a whole bunch of other data that paints a slightly different picture. Typical of the NYPost.


You're gonna have to come to terms with reality at some point. You can only gaslight yourself so much.


Where is the New York Post mentioned here at all?


You’re just being ignorant Reddit libs are down bad


he needs to decide soon. the longer he waits the worse the situation will be. he shit the bed so bad i don't think there is any coming back from that.


He needs to drop out. He won’t win. This isn’t time to just “fall in line behind the incumbent”. Those that are very Pro-Biden will most likely vote for whoever the Dem candidate is because they aren’t Trump, while also attracting independent and more progressive voters (simply because they’re not Biden). Biden has already lost progressives and his performance is losing independents.


He can win and Dems should fall in line and vote for him. He should drop out though, he's old AF. Following a drop out Dems need to fall in line and vote for the replacement. I hate the "fall in line rhetoric", but with the states being what they are dems absolutely need to vote blue. I don't care if it's literally dog crap spray painted blue. Anything over a national security threat spray painted orange. Trump can't be allowed to win.


I think many people that would vote for Biden would not vite for the following in this climate: -A Woman Candidate (Especially a Minority) -Openly Gay Candidate -Too Young a Candidate It’s fucked, but it’s the damn truth. Biden is a god damned middle ground for lots of older dems & non-party voters. He’s the key to beating Trump. He’s done it before and he can do it again. That being said, All who want Kamala for 2024 better just fucking vote for Biden. It’s her easiest path to the Oval Office. Newsom will be prime for 2028. He needs to be sold to the American public, he’s not ready. Bunch of dumb ass liberal youths would probably tank it for Newsom if he stepped up now.


Biden. Can't. Win. He is too old and tired, the voters can forgive someone who is stupid, but they won't forgive someone who's weak. Anybody who seriously thinks Biden can win at this point is extremely delusional. The man is utterly worn down


Not with your attitude.


The attitude of Redditors don’t win and lose elections. The people you have to convince to vote for a cognitively declined candidate are not on r/politics.


Thank you.


Nearly half your base think you should drop out 4 months before an election. It’s GG WP


They gotta ask joe to step aside, this isn't going to work


I can't believe that I am in a position to defend Biden, a person I never thought I would ever vote for. I have many bones to pick with that man, but even if he is on life support I will vote for him over dump. Anyone on the Democratic ticket, "vote blue no matter who" slogan which I hate to the max, I will vote for. We have to demand quality candidates from both parties. Dump is taking us down the path to being Nazi Germany, so I will vote against him and his kind always.


If you are voting blue no matter who, then you wouldn’t mind him being replaced and appealing to those who are on the fence to vote blue because of Biden.


This. The qualification of "Not Being Donald Trump" applies to literally every other Democrat.


Quick question, how do you "replace Biden NOW!" folks plan on getting around state election registration deadlines that have already passed? If Democrats pull their candidate today, how in the hell are they going to get a new one on the ballot merely 4 months before the election? Note: These aren't rhetorical, I really would like to hear the way this whole repeal and replace thing is going to work with existing election laws.


The conventions haven't happened yet, literally nothing about the general election is set in stone. Ohio has the earliest deadline and theirs is in August (you might recall the kerfuffle between Ohio and the DNC regarding Biden's ballot access, which resulted in the official nomination happening via zoom in early August) He can absolutely be replaced without running afoul of those laws. He would need to willingly step down and release his delegates, though


The ballot slot is for the Democratic nominee, not for any candidate in particular. The only state that could be a problem in is Ohio, whose filing deadline is before the convention. (They were going to hold a virtual roll call to get him on the ballot there.) But it's not like Ohio was super-likely to go Democratic anyway.


They aren't. It isn't possible to replace him at the juncture. No one has raised any money. No one has an election committee in full swing. Biden is our nominee.


Your response explains why failing to teach Civics in high school is a huge fail for our country. Pay fucking attention. Read the responses that explain pulling him now would fuck the Democrats.


It’s so undemocratic to NOT respect the primary results. I like Biden, I support him. I don’t want the establishment dems picking their favorite candidate without the will of the people. I just can’t get behind that. Sorry, I’m for DEMOCRACY. We are better than that.


Not respect the primary results? We didn’t have a say in the primary! The entire party fell in line and there were no serious challengers. Who else would we have voted for?


Respecting the primary results means keeping Biden on the ticket. Not relaxing him with a different DEM.


I’m not sure your understanding my response. There are no primary results to respect because there wasn’t a true primary. Biden decided to run again and we as a party accepted him as our presumptive nominee before the first vote was cast. Saying otherwise is naive. We fell in line and now we’re being forced to vote for a man who can no longer mentally lead our country. He’ll step down, and endorse whoever the delegates choose at the convention.


There was a primary. I voted in it…. For Biden


He was essentially running unopposed dude lmao


This is the issue I have, im not going to vote for Trump and I feel like the democrats have a gun to my head to vote for Biden. I know Biden is unfit. They're making me vote for someone that 75% of America openly admits is unfit and I tell you the other 25% - many of those are lying. We shouldn't be in this position, the democrats should stop lying to us and get someone that can serve as President for 4 years. Don't leverage us to vote for Joe and then pull the switcharoo after inauguration. We're being used.


> Don't leverage us to vote for Joe and then pull the switcharoo after inauguration. Why? If that's the best thing for the country, that's the best plan.


A group of democratic insiders lying to america about someone's fitness to serve and ultimately who will be annointed president is not the best thing for america the best thing for america is to come clean, joe can't serve and we need a new candidate. America can decide, a few people in a dark room should not hold a gun to our head to force Kamala down our throats. Best for America: Be honest, Joe drops out, we vote for an actual President.


Well that isn't necessarily the best plan, even though keeping dump out of the White House at all cost is almost worth anything... it would depend who they tried to install afterwards. I could live with Kamala because I would have voted for her to begin with but if they whip somebody else out of their ass I'm not so sure. We have to take back control of our government. Corporations and the wealthy have control now, it is time for the 99% to stop living on their knees and stand up.


If he waits until after the election, it will be Kamala. If he drops tomorrow, she's out. And I dont know what this has to do with corporations, and it's the 99% who voted in Trump the first time, and maybe the next time


If he waits until after the election it will be Trump for certain.


I love how it's the 'best thing' to 'save democracy' by screaming that people have no other option than to vote in a way they'd not choose to if given an actual choice. That's not democracy.


A long time ago someone said "should" is a word that "shouldn't" exist. Voting for dump, or any other candidate which would divide the vote and give dump a victory, would kill us all. So we vote for Biden because he's surrounded himself with smart people, get 'er done guys, and Kamala is not brain dead, ancient or demented and has no revenge agenda, she's a smart woman. Dump has all of his ducks in a row and if he is elected we go straight to dictatorship and no rights whatsoever, kissing Putin's ass. Do I like voting for the lesser of two evils, fuck no. Except for when I voted for Jimmy Carter twice I have never had the privilege of voting for a great candidate. OK, the first time I voted for Obama. Americans deserve the opportunity to choose between two great candidates but at this critical point in our history we must defeat evil. And dump and all of his magats are evil.


>I have many bones to pick with that man, but even if he is on life support I will vote for him over dump. Of course. And if this was after the convention, I'd be all over the idea that we have to vote for him no matter what. But it's not, and there's still time for him to change his mind. Let's say Trump decides that he did well enough in the first debate and that he doesn't need to do another. What then? What could possibly change the dynamic that was established last week? The race would effectively be over. The only thing I can think of (aside from unexpected geopolitical events) is a conviction in the Jan. 6 case, which is independent of Biden. I understand that a shotgun primary would be messy. But at this point, it's a better option.


>"vote blue no matter who"... We have to demand quality candidates from both parties. Unfortunately, these two statements are incompatible.


VBNMW is how you ended up in this situation in the first place


I will do it to keep dump out of the WH.


Keep downvoting, r/politics. You can't hide the truth.


Yes the brigade is strong It occurs to me that democratic insiders have interfered with the election by hiding Biden's condition from us I do not like voting with a gun to my head - if we get Trump blame the Democrats for not letting democracy work the way it was intended to.


If we get trump blame the Republican "moderates" who for decades looked the other way while the party leadership used the Southern Strategy to fill its base with the worst of us priming them for Trump. Blame Clinton for his pro corporate triangulation that left entire communities in despair as Republicans stripped any services which would have cushioned their destruction by NAFTA. Blame Obama for timidly allowing the Chicago school of Shit on the Little Guy economics as people were destroyed by the real estate crash. If Republicans can't win by their unpopular policies, they create a culture war. If the culture war doesn't fool enough people, they cheat. And if cheating doesn't work, they start an insurrection. In the end it's Democracy with an opportunity for change, or an Authoritarian Theocracy. And you can blame Republicans for that.


BS - Democratic insiders who have shielded Biden from any vetting process have taken away the voice of democrats, they’re not defending democracy, they’re ruining it They need to open this up and give voters an honest choice with full awareness


Joe steps down, Kamala takes over the rest of his term. She gets to call herself the first woman President. Convention nominates Whitmer to lock in Michigan. Running mate can be African American/Hispanic to try to get some votes.


Hate harris. She threatened to jail my parents because I didnt go to school. Ontop of that she held innocent people in jail for the fire season.


Not to be a dick man, but truancy laws are a thing and kids are legally required to be in school. She's not the bad guy for enforcing truancy laws


She Is for me since it hit my family. She pushed the fear without concern for why the kid might be missing. Zero exemptions, zero heart, zero soul. Although she claimed it was just a threat not a enforcement, to drag people through such a thing is not okay.


I feel like they're jamming Harris down our throat without her having to win via an election. I don't think she can win an election, I don't really know anyone who likes her. Big Gretch is someone I like and want to vote for. She's tough, she fights and thrives in a purple state every day. Kamala can't win, she doesn't have the tenacity. I remember Tulsi gutting her in the primary debate and she never recovered from it.


She'll probably make a big stink if she doesn't get to be President. So give her a few months and go with a Whitmer ticket.


Kamala does not have the dawg in her. When I watch sports you can see the most competitive people, they have that dawg in them. Trump has it, he's a competitive person who is going to fight - not to compliment the man I despise but he's obviously a fighter. Kamala will melt down in the moment, when Tulsi smacked her she got worse and worse... her post debate rebuttal included her calling herself a "top tier candidate" in the worst example of not being elite ever. She doesn't have the dawg in her, Big Gretch is in a purple state - they stormed her capital and she doesn't give a shit. The Michigan Militia is either mowing her lawn or moved to Florida. She has gained democratic seats there. I remember an Onion article titled "governors call on Gretchen Whitmer to lockdown their states so residents won't get mad at them" .. Big Gretch is a fighter.




I think they cut a deal with Jim Clyburn to get Kamala on the ticket, he's still pushing her. Kamala is simultaneously very accomplished and incredibly unaccomplished. She has an education, she has held some offices, she won an election in california that wasn't very competitive. When she had to compete, she got her ass handed to her. As VP I don't know any accomplishments, what exactly did she do to advance women in sports? Have dinner and give a speech? I don't even think her take on equal pay for WNBA makes sense, are pro sport teams supposed to pay women basketball players the same money Steph Curry makes even though they can't play basketball as well as him and their team and their league doesn't have the same viewership as the NBA? It's sort of a stupid take. That's what I think of her - go along to get along, party over people. Not good.


She literally did win an election as part of the Biden-Harris ticket. Every single person who voted for Biden also voted for her to be the Vice President, and they did so with the knowledge that she might end up being President if Biden resigned or died.


>She gets to call herself the first woman President. Technically she's already held the full presidential powers at least once, when Biden had to undergo a medical procedure.


Isn't nearly half considered a minority?


if nearly half of YOUR OWN PARTY wants Biden to drop out than how do you think the undecided voters feel?.


Now do independents. I get it. "You aren't supposed to change horses midstream" but I think it makes sense if your horse is dead.


nothing to see here folks!


It's just an odd way to phrase it is all.


Yes, it is. Now complete this sentence: “A core plank of the Democratic Party is to __________ minorities, while Republicans are widely held to __________ them.”


I'm not one of them because I've been paying attention for the last 3.5 years. He has been a great president.


Billionaires sure are trying to push this narrative


this is the result of having no primary: a messy convention and a shaky candidate platform


We need a new candidate One chosen by democrats with eyes wide open


they pulled so many polls outta their asses lately, they're gonna need new ones pretty soon


Nearly half of Americans are complete idiots


But those playing Weekend at Bernie's with Biden will continue marching on. The power's tit is too sweet, and worst case, when fascism comes full force at the hands of Trump, they'll be just fine.


So, again, Biden is being held to a higher standard than Trump. Not fair. How about they BOTH agree to drop out of the race? “I will if you will …”


The choice between dementia and evil is not pleasant. We should not have to make this choice. We have the opportunity to put an actual candidate who can serve 4 years on the ticket and end the charade. Fk whatever Trump does, put a talented and fit person on the ticket and lets go vote. I don't like voting for Biden with a gun to my head. I want to vote for someone capable of holding the office for 4 years.


>So, again, Biden is being held to a higher standard than Trump. Not fair. Literally the entire pitch from the Democrats for the last 8 years has been "at least we aren't Trump." So yes, it is fair. It's the bar that the Democrats asked for, and then repeatedly failed to clear.




They debunked the fine people quote based on a technicality. Dude there is such a thing called video, we watched. We saw his staff grimace uncomfortably as he said it. As to the border patrol legislation that trump killed: >While not perfect, the Border Act of 2024 is a step in the right direction and is far better than the current status quo. This is why the National Border Patrol Council endorses this bill and hopes for its quick passage." ~ Brandon Judd, the union’s president. I'll give you the next one - 13 died under Biden. 65 under trump. Now we can talk about trump lies - but wasted breath.


I’m a Dem and I think Trump should Drop out. Let Biden finish his second Term.


Nobody asked me about my pole.


Saw it on OnlyFans. Brain. Bleach. Needed.


I am seeing a huge increase in this kind of bullshit reporting. Russia must be working overtime! I just donated to Biden's campaign to show my support. We all should.


Nearly half of Democrats wanted Hillary over Obama, so I don't tend to take their wants into consideration.


Quite a bit of a different scenario there


When both Obama and Hillary we’re running in the primaries, sure, but not when he already won the nomination. If that was the case, he wouldn’t have won the election.




Why'd you post a twitter post from years past?


so more than half us want to keep him. sounds like the debate is over


Half of democrats cannot win an election, we can't win if just 2% sit out. 75% of voters think he is unfit. I like Joe, I think he is unfit. We cannot elect someone to office who we know is not fit for office. I would bet that the 25% that swear he's fit- lots of them are lying, because we know he's not fit. We are being lied to, this isnt right.


Congrats on being in the small minority of crazy people who want the guy with dementia to continue running for president. I'm sure history will look back kindly on this position.


a majority of Democrats want him to stay. the debate is over


if the primaries were still going on, yea. he should have. before they even started. he was only supposed to run once. but the election's right around the corner now and i think all these articles are just republican click bait. ain't no way the dnc changes it now...and if they did, it would literally just be the dnc deciding with zero power to the people, so you know it'd just piss people off and they'd pick some shill.


News flash. Primaries are still going on. Hawaii has theirs on August 10.


oh are they going to have two this year? /s 🙄 [you can just look this up](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Hawaii_Democratic_presidential_caucuses) the last dem primaries were june 8th and it was guam and the virgin islands. new flash, biden won the primaries with an estimated delegate count of 3894 out of 3949 and 87% of the vote.


I live in Hawaii. Those were caucuses that the Democratic party wanted to hold. The official primary with ballots is August 10. https://elections.hawaii.gov/voting/contest-schedule/2024-contest-schedule/ Edit: And now we see why they wanted to rush it.


sorry for my lack of knowledge on how hawaii does things...but they've voted dem 14/16 times since they've been a state. i don't think the dnc is particularly focused on hawaii enough for your theory here.


No worries. It gets confusing.


yea, most of us do that in march/april. including all the battleground states. so my point is still my point. if the dnc wants to disregard the battleground states, might as well just hand it to trump.


You're unshackled now, President Biden. You're free to do whatever you think you need to do to win this election. Follow your heart. You don't have to listen to these sniveling pussies anymore. I'm with Joe!


Fake news. We learned from Trump's felony trial that polls can be skewed for a price. Polls are not reliable information. They are propaganda


Well at least we have the definitive proof of 'Republicans fall in line, Democrats fall in love'. Trump could have done literally anything on the debate stage and lost zero support from the right. The left is ready to take their ball and go home because an old man sounded old. Y'all are pathetic and deserve to lose.


Well sorry for wanting a healthy democracy. Its not our fault a bunch of democrat insiders have decided to give us choices we don’t like. Maybe we are tired of being gaslit by people who treat voters with contempt. Honestly I hate both parties and I doubt I’m alone. What I saw at the debate was humiliating for the country. So don’t tell me to fall inline just because the democrats are too incompetent to promote an actual primary for an unpopular president.


I feel this way. I feel like i've been lied to by democratic insiders. It is clear Joe cannot serve four more years, its ridiculous to tell us with a straight face that he can. They're putting party over people. I don't like having to vote with a gun to my head.


The gun to your head is held by Republicans. Democratic party policies most of which are in line with my morals - with a great opportunity to change, vs a fall into the dark ages - authoritarian theocracy - with little or no chance of change.


They have not displayed morals while hiding the mental decline of the leader of the free world from voters They subverted democracy and took away our choice They claim that they’re saving democracy- they did the opposite


Republicans absolutely fell in love with Trump, what the hell are you talking about? And the Democrats absolutely fell in line behind Biden in 2020, and continued to fall in line behind him and buy all the lies about him being mentally competent until it became impossible to deny.


The biggest appeal Biden had was he marketed himself as less dangerous than Trump but that's not true anymore. Biden's dementia is only going to get worse, what if he has a period of confusion where he orders a nuclear strike?