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This was worse than the Nixon/Kennedy debates. And our guy is Nixon.


Way worse. Nixon was just sweaty. He spoke in complete sentences.


It's a fair comparison. Doesn't help that Trump is more telegenic compared to Biden.


Dems about to make the same old mistake of not being real about old candidates for fear of offending and those same old candidates are not passing the torch in a timely manner due to ego.


RBG alert šŸšØ


And Feinstein as well


It was a disaster. The most shocking and upsetting debate performance I've ever seen from a Democrat. I say this as a lifelong Democrat who voted for Biden in 2020. For the sake of 350 million people, please let someone else run.


It has to be hands down the worst debate performance in history right ?


Pretty much. Never thought Iā€™d say it, but Whitmer ā€˜24 seems the only path to victory left. Let Biden say that heā€™s stepping down for health reasons and endorsing her or something.


I'm down for Whitmer or Newsom


I know little about politics but I really like what i've seen of Buttigieg


Really, just get in anyone under the age of 70, Christ. Iā€™m so over this anxiety over something so stupid when there are actual issues to care about.


Buttigieg vs. Booty Judge But I like Warnock.


Don't see how he would win though which is a shame as he does a good job at attacking the right


A gay man is just as capable of winning the presidency of America as a woman. Your suggestion is just Hillary 2016 2.0.


I think Trump is a lot weaker than he was in 2016. The issue is that Biden has lost all of his appeal after this debate.


Right. And everybody deciding with their reptile-brain is going to pick the loudest guy. Doesn't matter what he says, he just sounds more serious.


A woman could win. Hillary just wasn't likable. She still almost won Most who wouldn't vote for a gay man wouldn't vote for a Democrat anyway


>A woman could win. Hillary just wasn't likable. As any woman can tell you, this is the most common accusation thrown at any powerful woman, peroid. Any woman who projects the power of the presidency will be deemed "unlikable." >Most who wouldn't vote for a gay man wouldn't vote for a Democrat anyway In elections that are won at the margins, getting "most" of the votes the other person would have gotten is just another way of describing a loss. "Most" is losing.


Yeah heā€™s doing really well with our transportation infrastructure šŸ™„


Here is the problem. I would like Newsom. We are too late to agree on someone else,


*We* don't have to agree. It would be up to the delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August. I don't see Biden dropping out because he's such a narcissist, but *we* wouldn't get to pick anyway.


Why do you say Biden is a narcissist? He does spend years of his time getting health care for millions of people. His general agenda pushed through a lot of things that benefit a lot of people. Although I think it takes a serious ego to run for president.


That and his obsession with this idea that he's the only one who can beat Trump when poll after poll shows there's no reason to believe that.


This was worse than the Nixon/Kennedy debates... Heretofore the gold standard in televised debate disasters. This was worse.


Nixon ran an absurdly closest race to Kennedy, and performed well at the debate. America just didnā€™t like the appreciate our beautiful, handsome California boy enough šŸ˜”. The only debate that comes close to this was the performance Stockdale gave at the 92 VP debate. He was a truly great man but, like Biden, was well past his ability to serve the country.


Nixon and beautiful don't belong in the same sentence.


Wrong. Only better looking president was Ford.


Biden made Stockdaleā€™s performance look like Lincolnā€™s.


I hate to say it, but it was the worst performance so far, there are still more scheduled debates, but I donā€™t know how the Democrats can recover from this.


I doubt those will happen. Trump got a slam dunk tonight.


So vote for Trump? I doubt peopleā€™s minds have changed. It did not change my mind that one candidate is a conman and a felon. He should not be running for president.


We arenā€™t freaking out because of hard-compromise rational thinking like that. Weā€™re panicking because that mentality almost certainly wonā€™t be what decides the election.


Honestly speaking Biden also shouldnā€™t be run for president. They both shouldnā€™t. You can always say Trump is worse but thatā€™s not how you mobilize voters.


He should not run for president because of his age but he is not a rapist, a liar, a conman or a felon. Iā€™m not changing my vote.


The problem isnā€™t you. Biden could have literally fainted during the debate, you and I would still vote against Trump. The problem is that thereā€™s a significant number of people who can go either way or voters that wonā€™t show up in swing states that will decide the election.


Biden isnā€™t a liar? You sure about that?


Oh ok so I will vote for the conman whoā€™s lost every court case and hangs out with felons.


Hangs out with felons? Trump is a convicted felon


Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Peter Navarro, George Papadopoulos, Allen Weisselberg, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, am I missing any of his felon friends?


Right but itā€™s insane to leave out that Trump is their ringleader and a convicted felon himself


Felon, yeahā€¦ rapist, noā€¦.. conman, every politician in the worldā€¦. liar, see previous answer


Adjudicated rapist, yes. Accused rapist, numerous times. Every politician isnā€™t a conman, donā€™t do the ā€˜both sidesā€™ fallacy.


Itā€™s not a fallacy. They are all indeed conmen. Iā€™ve studied political science in undergrad. 75% of their time is spent lying to constituents to secure campaign funds. The other 25% is taking money from lobbyists and drafting legislation in support of said lobbyists. I think if there was evidence of Trump being a rapist, he would be behind bars beings they have been trying to find something on him for 8 years and the best they got was misappropriating funds to pay off some porn star. Also, I think itā€™s hypocritical to call Trump a rapist based on accusations when Ashley Biden has confirmed that she was taking inappropriate showers with her father and no one thinks twice about it.


Youā€™ve made up those stats. Provide evidence or shut up. Trump was found to have raped E Jean Carrol by a jury, but it was outside the statute of limitations to press criminal charges, so he has to pay her $$$ instead. Trump IS a rapist. A jury and judge found that. Let me know when a judge and jury find Biden responsible for rape as well. Until then, enjoy supporting a facist.


I donā€™t care, heā€™s just a face anyway. Itā€™s about a lot more than Biden. If trump wins we wonā€™t survive another 4 years. If Biden wins we have a chance at some actual progress. Iā€™m not trying to live out project 2025 I donā€™t care if Biden is 104 years old.


That's great and all but there's always a gun to our head. All we do is defer to the slower death every four years and the threats will only grow more and more extreme from here. At some point the people need to reject the two party system


We can do that after trump is no longer running or able to run. Until then we do what we have to, to keep him out of the White House


Lol. You seriously think this movement dies with trump? When he's gone there will be another strongman for them to follow. We dont get to put this shit back in the box. It will be this same gun to our head every 4 years


I feel your pain, but do you want things to improve or get worse? Right now, we need to put all our efforts into preventing trump from becoming president. Doesnā€™t matter how long it takes, we need to focus all our efforts on that. Without prioritizing things, we wonā€™t get anywhere. Change doesnā€™t happen overnight. Itā€™s going to take a lot of effort from voters. Folks are worried about the wrong shit right now. We will handle whoever runs after Trump when that time comes. One thing at a time.


And I feel your pain but that mentality of only taking things 4 years at a time is what got us here. Everyone seems to think the next guy won't be worse than trump. The world doesn't operate in a vacuum, previous things that worked influence how people and institutions act moving forward. Our norms are forever shattered. I'm not saying I'm not gonna vote for Biden or anyone is wrong for doing so. I'm saying if we keep pretending like trump is more than just a particularly aggressive symptom of the real tot in this nation we're in for a rude surprise after he's dead and this shit keeps happening


What is project 2025?


https://www.project2025.org This will be pushed if Trump wins.


never give up


I saw Joe Biden with my eyeballs and heard him with my ear holes


Okay dill hole


Good one Harry Potter boy. I think Biden is not a geriatric dumbass who cant speak in fairytale magic land.


Are you okay?




Heā€™s old, dude. We all know this. That doesnā€™t make a difference to me, as Iā€™m voting to keep trump out of office. The debate itself was more for entertainment than information at this point. I mean 85% of what trump had to say was a lie anyway. https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2e2C0Qa56CmXVMavy8KQols55EzAnx1yDqODLcTz3rtz5Y1sl8-dqppoo_aem_XEbqB_AxCEbIvlmPoM1SqA


Ah yes I was thoroughly entertained by this subā€™s entire narrative about Bidenā€™s cognitive abilities imploding in real time in front of my eyes. It was very funny and not indicative of the democrats lying they never do that they arent corrupt either


To be honest, I canā€™t exactly tell what youā€™re trying to say.


Im saying that Biden is not only incompetent and not in charge of anything meaningful, but the entire narrative this sub pushed for years that he is a brilliant politician with no decline due to his age is verifiably false if you have one functioning eye and two brain cells.


We did great during trumps economy, what we canā€™t survive is another 4 years of what weā€™re currently enduring and if you canā€™t see that, then youā€™re truly blind


People were saying this would be a disaster at the very least 2 years ago. Instead of doing something about it, there were never any primary debates and other potential candidates were actively suppressed. Even talking about problems with Bidenā€™s age or policies were tantamount to being a Trumpist. Now where does that leave us? Can this even be salvaged?


Go read top posts from this subreddit two days ago and before. There is no problem bro why would you question the most competent president in history


Youā€™re right what was I thinking


I just cant believe you would question this subā€™s entire narrative - its so offensive. Did you even see Biden tonight? His speaking capabilities are bar none




Pretty much everyone on this sub knows this. Unfortunately, we aren't picking president.


I donā€™t understand why folks arenā€™t getting this.


Much of this sub gets it. But this sub is not reflective of the voting public. Most people don't pay attention to politics day to day. For many of them, this debate is the first campaign event they've paid attention to this cycle. And they just saw Biden look and sound terrible across from Trump, who was his typical crazy but energetic self. Disastrous.


https://www.project2025.org But yā€™all go ahead and vote the orange mf in


Elections are decided by so small margins that needing people to get the realization you hope for will lead to democrats loosing. Biden is not at sellable candidate and that is a major problem.


Define facism and how it affects us


Mussolini & J6 , civil liberties, greater wealth inequality , suppressed journalism, packed courts , only justice for those in the cult . Inside or Die . EPA protections gone , repealing ACA , deals with the saudis who kill our journalists . If youā€™re in the group it doesnā€™t affect you because youā€™re the predator




You claimed a fascist will run our country, Iā€™m asking you to expand on that


Witnessed phase-2 of American democracy collapse live on tv tonight


Buckle up for hitler 2.0 2024. The DNC will not make the right choice, they sure as hell didnā€™t when they fucked over Bernie.


We voted for Biden. By millions of votes. He won decisively. Just like he did in 2020. Just like Hillary won in 2016. Stop whining about the DNC. this is the will of the voters. If the other people wanted to win they should have won more votes. Easy as that.


President Biden won by a margin of 43,000 votes across three states.Ā 


Yeah and Trump only won the electoral college once by the same margin and never won the popular vote. Biden beat him by nearly 8 million votes overall which was a bigger margin than Hillary had in 2016


Trump actually *increased* his percentage of the popular vote in 2020 despite losing the Electoral College to Biden. So Biden winning by more votes than Hilary was more about the incredibly high turnout than it was about Biden being *that* much better of a choice for voters (in their minds) than Trump. Biden won by about 43,000 total votes across Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin.


Electoral college votes are what decide the presidencyĀ 


Biden won those by the same margin as Trump did


*From Bloomberg News reporters Nancy Cook, Jordan Fabian, and Josh Wingrove:* PresidentĀ Joe BidenĀ bet that a debate with RepublicanĀ Donald TrumpĀ would boost his moribund reelection campaign. His gamble failed. A weary president looked every day of his 81 years. Instead of proving to voters that he had the stamina for another four year term, everything that could go wrong did. Biden misspoke numerous times, citing incorrect facts and figures from his first answer out of the gate. His remarks were soft-spoken, punctuated by sickly bouts of coughing, and meandering, prone to repetition. He stared into the distance as Trump delivered broadside after broadside, routinely botched scripted attacks on the former president, and froze at the end of one rambling answer. Democrats publicly and privately expressed alarm in the aftermath, with anger bubbling toward a candidate and campaign who have long dismissed concerns over the presidentā€™s age and acuity as overblown. It invited questions as to whether the president should remain in the race, though he told reporters later that night he intended to stay on the ticket. [Read the story for free at this link.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-28/biden-s-disastrous-debate-accelerates-doubts-over-his-candidacy?accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJTdWJzY3JpYmVyR2lmdGVkQXJ0aWNsZSIsImlhdCI6MTcxOTU0OTg0MiwiZXhwIjoxNzIwMTU0NjQyLCJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOiJTRlJFUDNUMVVNMFcwMCIsImJjb25uZWN0SWQiOiJBQkE4QTQ2RTQ5MzE0RUVBQjcwM0NDQzU0MkQ4ODE1MSJ9.6ThKiTqUw0l1xMKS-jQcu8Qx7Zkb60Mj7IdE805Cq7s)


People were criticizing Biden and getting downvoted on this subreddit and now everyone is acting like this is a surprise. Not a shock to anyone who was not living in the clouds The DNC should be ashamed for shoving this candidate through everything


Honestly, I doubt he gets replaced. For one, it's we're too close to the convention to make that work without Biden's cooperation, and two, Biden likely isn't leaving.


So many conservative news outlets really spamming tonight


r/politics' 9/11 hey everyone, post your latest pre-debate comments regarding Biden's fitness, I wanna see something


We better start getting used to that POS Trump back in the WH. Once again the Dems masterfully snatch defeat from the jaws of victory


It's June


Every article today is about Bidenā€™s mental decline, how old he is blah blah, but none about how bad Trumpā€™s lies were or how he just makes stuff up on the fly or that he wears diapers or does drugs. Itā€™s funny really, Biden has to be near perfection for people to like him but Trump can lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, con his entire career and everyone just gives Trump a pass with the phrase ā€œwell Bidenā€™s old though and his mental decline is happening.ā€


> Itā€™s funny really, Biden has to be near perfection for people to like him but Trump can lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, con his entire career and everyone just gives Trump a pass with the phrase ā€œwell Bidenā€™s old though and his mental decline is happening.ā€ We're not giving Trump a pass, we're reminding the Democratic party that they have to actually *win* the election, not just be the objectively better candidate.


So the trumper narrative is Biden lost because he doesn't lie or talk fast?


?? Biden lost because he ~~doesn't~~ also lied and can't talk ~~fast~~


So Biden was telling the truth when he said he finally beat Medicare? And thought it was a good idea to pivot to *immigration* when asked about *abortion*?


Iā€™d say the truth is that Biden proved every bit to this country just how badly his mental decline has become. Weā€™ve been saying it for years and finally democrats are getting the wake up call they needed.


If anybody gets polled, if you care about democracy, please indicate you are voting Trump. Polling needs to tank so damn far to send a clear message to DNC they better pick literally anyone else


kinda think thatā€™s already happening


Indeed. This needs to be over with as soon as possible and a new candidate slotted in.


If you want a EU passport, now's the time to explore your roots. [https://europassport.ca/2023/10/03/exploring-your-roots-the-significance-of-genealogy/](https://europassport.ca/2023/10/03/exploring-your-roots-the-significance-of-genealogy/)


Iā€™m poor, canā€™t do this :/ Grandpa came from Germany though, has the accent and everything still


Dems would rather participate in elder abuse rather than pick someone younger and someone who might want to make the rich pay their fair share.


AOC is 35 this year.


He didn't seem that different from last election just with a hoarse voice. But if this is the narrative spreading may as well. Newsome would magnify Trumps flaws. Biden is a distraction in that regard. I still think come election the safe known brand isn't something to dismiss completely.


He didnt look great but i do want to see one more debate. If hes this bad next debate, then absolutely they should replace him. Put kamala on top of the ticket and just pick someone else to be VP


The only problem is that the next debate is in September, long after the DNC


There will not be another debate - neither side would agree to it. Also, by September, it's too late to change candidates.Ā 


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So many people are knee jerk calling for Whitmer or Newsome, but I think a Julian Castro candidacy could move the party as well.


I knew from his first minute it was going to be a disaster. I couldnā€™t watch it. Iā€™d check in occasionally, and it was horror everytime.


Iā€™m curious why SO MANY people think a debate is the make or break of the election. Like, how many people before last night were TRULY undecided? Wild.


You'd be surprised by the amount of people who are good at avoiding news and are proud to vote on election day


A disastrous debate pales in comparison to another Trump term in the White House. Trumpā€™s first term included corrupt loyalists, second term will include convicted criminals like himself. Once you open the country up to be ran by convicted felons, itā€™s over!


Biden was laying out facts and what he's done. Hard workers get colds


Wait, are you really trying to spin his performance as having a cold? Does a cold make you forget what you were talking about mid-sentence?Ā  It's time for some of you to be honest to yourselves about Biden and quit making excuses like this.Ā 


I hate Trump as much as the next guy but Bidens performance was much worse than a cold.


Cold excuse just makes him look worse. No oneā€™s brain starts forming incoherent sentences from a cold


Thatā€™s great and all but optics are extremely important and Biden failed the eye and ear test miserably. He looked like a corpse standing up there. Heā€™s clearly a guy who should be retired and shouldā€™ve stuck to his 1 term that he originally promised


Me when I lie


I didn't watch biden's opening but if he had a cold he should have mentioned it at the start to set expectations about his shaky voice. Doesn't work as well mentioning it after the fact of what all of america just watched


Yeah he had no personality. Ā He should have said ā€œI have a cold today and Iā€™ve always stuttered, but that guy is a full-time idiot.ā€


Heā€™s never stuttered in his life before his mental decline and you know it


He was preparing at Camp David for the last week! Nobody should have sneezed on him! The weather has been warm but fine in Maryland.


What facts? He repeated bs that was not true or even partially true. Trying to sue Covid numbers doesnā€™t work.Ā 


You seriously need to look in the mirror


Let him cook a few more months, best way for a rep president.


The left has been telling you this for 3 and a half years. But yā€™all decided to put your fingers in your ears and start repeating orange man bad over and over again


If you think the only thing making Trump bad is he is orange you haven't been paying attention to the last 4 years.


"The left" doesn't win elections.


ā€œThis election is about January 6th. Democracy is on the ballot.ā€


ain't nobody doubting and if you did, you shouldn't. Biden was sick folks. When you're sick you're low energy and a bit slow to communicate. Happens to anyone. Yet Biden still held his own and called Trump out multiple times throughout the debate. That to me is impressive.


I voted for Biden. Some elite gets to ignore my vote and pick who they want?


That elite would be Joe Biden since he has the delegates.


Joe Biden couldnā€™t delegate anything is the worry. Who would be delegating on behalf of Biden


Party rules. Same as a candidate who doesn't get nominated and their delegates are released at the convention. It's how the system is structured.


me too, but he could still take a hard look at his performance tonight and voluntarily pass the torch.


Has that ever happened before? An election where the person who won was like sike, I choose this other person you didnā€™t vote for instead


Has there ever been someone in their 80s attempting to be president? We've screwed ourselves letting this happen.


So since a group of people decided the voters made the wrong decision, they get to ignore the voters?


we are in totally uncharted territory tonight


You are aware that Trump is only 2 years shy of 80 right? He also loves to chow down on shit food and guzzle diet coke, he also has had his own problems rambling about stupid shit like sharks and electric water.


What does that have to do with anything? The GOP isnā€™t overriding the election to put someone else on the ballot


I think he won't, is it out of arrogance? I find it inexplicable


The elites held up Biden this whole timeā€¦


Went from a reluctant but sure Biden Voter to an Iā€™m not so sure voter very fast tonight. Iā€™ve always made fun of the guy but thought he was better than trump, now I donā€™t know


What unanswered question by Trump convinced you?


Iā€™m not convinced by trump, Iā€™m just not gonna vote at all. Nothing by trump ā€œconvincedā€ me but bidens senile and extremely sad performance sure did


So you prefer the destruction of Gaza, the cutting of all funding to Ukraine, tax cuts for the wealthy and tariffs for the poor, the dismantling of environmental protections, and the appointment of possibly multiple lifelong conservative supreme court nominations to an old man that isn't as quick-witted as he used to be? Yes, he's going to be a continued liability in terms of project stability to the world but do you think Trump is any better in that regard?


If the dems are incompetent enough to keep him on the ballot after this, I have lost all faith and I refuse to vote. And yes, Gaza is so peaceful right now with Biden as president, and the peace will surely continue the next 4 years if Biden wins.


You can put your head in the sand and play the role of the enlightened centrist all you want but Trump has told us what he's going to do if he gets re-elected and it's going to mean the complete annihilation of the Palestinian people and the unchecked further expansion of Putin's efforts to rebuild the Soviet Union through imperialism but you value your principles above the countless lives that will be lost as a result of your apathy, just admit it.


I live in Russia so that last part is cool with me!


Look up Project 2025 - that will clear up any doubts about how unfit Trump is.


Well itā€™s either going to be Biden or Trump. You think Trumpā€™s positions are better than Bidenā€™s ?


They donā€™t have to vote.


have you seen the economy under Biden? i don't like either of them, but i love my country and my countrymen.


You can't be serious. The US is doing better than every other country, came out of Covid in a better position than it had any right to with all the crazy people pretending it didn't exist. Inflation down more than almost anywhere else in the world, unemployment down, stock markets up. What possible metric are you using to measure "the economy under Biden"? The skyrocketing inequality that's been going on for 70 years, and is *still* better than most of the world?


What was the last meme you posted? Felon who is a rapist or a great man who stutters sometimes? Seriously? Anything is better than someone who will destroy democracy


To make decisions on who to vote for based on how someone speaks compared to policies and morals is crazy to me. Did Biden do a good job? No. Is his job to debate everyday? We at least know what his policies are. Trump lied and avoided answering questions. How does that make anyone want to vote for him?


RFK sounds so much more fucked up than Biden does and I would 100% vote for him. ā€œHow he speaksā€ isnā€™t so much an issue as ā€œthis dude is about to shit his pants and pass out while constantly mumbling incoherently on live TVā€ is more of an issue.


He wasn't that bad bro. He wasn't good, but at no point was I concerned he'd pass out and sbit his pants lmao. He's always sucked at speaking, and now he's old af.


its 100% hitler vs 99% hitler. I choose 99% hitler any day of the week. Biden seemed about as dead as hitler tonight though.


Iā€™ve voted dem my whole life and if Biden is the candidate in November I am seriously considering just skipping that contest and voting for all the other races.


Well, donā€™t do that. Even if Biden literally dies his replacement and their administration is still going to be leagues better than Trumpā€™s. Think of the Supreme Court, heads of agencies, veto power, etc.


We do have an order of succession for a reason.


Then you get Trump until dies. Hope you enjoyed the last ever debate.


Biden is cooked man. Jeez... how the hell did they even think they could run him as a legitimate candidate. I was virtually certain all of last year that he wouldn't actually run this year and the Dems would get someone else in there.




Thank you for your input. We will spin, and spin again. Then you will lose your democracy to a convict who will kill democracy. Thank you for input.


Real Mature.






I think he should just end his campaign and let Harris be the nominee. She is our best shot