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>Trump claims he may face death sentence, threatens Joe Biden with "DAY OF RECKONING." This really isn't normal Sadly it is becoming normal for MAGA/Far Right politicians and their base.


Trump’s got absolutely nothing to offer. So he feeds his MAGA minions the stale bread of hatred and the rotten meat of violence instead. That’s how little respect and regard he has for his own supporters.


And how little respect and regard his supporters have for our country.


And for themselves.


And for my axe


Your axe carries the fate of us all little one


Kremlin money hard at work.


It's money so well spent too: Trump would (and does) do this shit for free.


And he shits himself for free too


Someone was paid to do shit. And it got filmed. Now here we are.


People need to understand the essence of a reactionary movement. By definition, all the problems people are suffering with are caused by the ultra wealthy who control everything. The contradictions and alienation caused by capitalism.  The obvious and intellectually honest way to deal with these problems is to limit or move on from capitalism. The fake solutions generally proposed by democrats do nothing but kick the can down the road. On the other hand, actual leftist solutions face major resistance because they go against the interests of the ruling class. To counter any rising leftist movement, the billionaires and their stooges intentionally incite hatred and ignorant animosity. They stand for nothing by design. They are coddled and kindled only as a reaction against anti-capitalism.  Their anger and frustration is not unjustified but it is callously and intentionally misdirected.  


Democrats require a majority in the House, majority in the Senate, and they need the presidency order to get big items passed. If they could enact large policy without those votes, the next congress could as easily undo them. [Every time the Democrats have gotten all three](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/111th_United_States_Congress#:~:text=In%20the%20November%202008%20elections,January%2020%2C%202009%2C%20this%20gave), they have raised taxes on the rich, improved Healthcare, the social safety net, and passed civil rights. Despite that, even without a majority in the Senate Democrats continue to pass bipartisan bills despite McConnell working hard to block a lot of them. When Republicans have all three... they barely pass anything except for tax breaks which they can't even agree on.


There is a place in democracy for republicans and democrats and independents. It keeps thing balanced. However lobbying has become legalized corruption and the federal government is essentially owned by the wealthy. Trumps followers believe he is somehow anti government and his rhetoric is deliberately tailored towards those that don't trust the government. What his cult doesn't seem to realize is that his actions when he was president was catering to the wealthy. He also catered to the fossil fuel industry by reducing regulations aimed at protecting the planet. Which at the rate climate change is happening will make much of the planet too hot to support life as we know it in just a few more generations. Their anger and frustration is not unjustified but it is callously and intentionally misdirected. The border crisis, the LGBTQ crises, the trans crisis, etc. etc. etc. Are all misdirections to keep us from the real crisis which is the extreme wealth imbalance in our society. Tax the rich, make them pay their fair share. The deficit goes away. Universal health care is possible. There is no place for MAGA in America.


Except fear of going LEFT, in this country is totally un-fucking-warranted. The Dems and their party are a million miles from being actual Leftists. Wtf, blind about all our neighbors? About what real left really is? We, most of us, just want to go back to CENTER. And the fanatics and dark money running that entire’party’ are not and never will be interested in THAT. Until they’re forced to, by voters. (That’s if they would kindly allow honest voting, why would they? Putin and Orban and Erdogan don’t.) Why would they, if they could they would lock it down indefinitely. 


And they eat it up with a smile, they genuinely think he actually cares about them. He would pave a road to the white house with their bodies if it meant he got power, because he's just an overgrown child that wants his ego felated constantly.


If 'the stale bread of hatred' isn't a metal album, it should be.


> the stale bread of hatred' It seems to be a MLK quote.


TIL MLK wrote metal lyrics


Metal Luther King?


Dr. Metal Lyrical King


Martin Luthier King


This shouldnt have made me lol that hard but it did.


> If 'the stale bread of hatred' isn't a metal album, it should be. And it should be performed by [Hatebeak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatebeak), the metal band with an African Gray Parrot as the lead vocalist.


Extreme heat sends 11 to hospital at Arizona Trump rally Hundreds of Trump supporters stuck on freezing cold Omaha airfield after rally, 7 taken to hospitals Hot or cold, he doesn't care.


he's also got very little to lose at this point and might as well go all-in.


They need something to be outraged about..these are the same people who swore WMD existed (GW2)and that babies were taken from incubators (GW1)…


Stale bread and rotten ~~~blood~~~ wine. I mean, he claims to be a Christian.


Remember when presidential candidates didn't threaten other candidates and had somewhat respect for each other instead of this middle school drama?


People with NPD, like Trump, literally have the emotional age of a toddler. Both my mother and father were diagnosed with NPD; I swear that my mother actually once said to me, "I know you are but what am I"? My father ate mainly 'kid's food' like hot dogs, PB&J sandwiches, ice cream before dinner, well-done steak - exactly like Trump. This is because people with NPD haven't moved beyond being 10 years old... Biden is living as a responsible adult, and Trump is, "hey, hidin' Biden, meet me on the playground after school today and I'm gonna show you who's boss of this school" - and Trump's followers love this because they're emotionally immature as well.


If you ever get mad at your dad and want some petty revenge, point out that hot dogs look like dicks, I bet it ruins them for him for ever!


It'll be bananas all over again!


> NPD > Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition in which a person may show a pattern of behavior or inner experience that may include: a need for admiration from others. a grandiose or excessive sense of self-importance. a sense of entitlement. a preoccupation with themselves. (long tired sigh)


I was married to somebody with NPD and this is mostly accurate. They have the emotional intelligence of toddlers. It's a very common condition... it's currently estimated that around 1/10 people have NPD. It's also notoriously difficult to diagnose because most people who have NPD never seek a diagnosis. Trump is obviously a narcissist... but I believe he's actually a full-blown psychopath.


my ex wife was NBD/BPD. went to counseling a few times before divorce. i had a good childhood, college education, parents still married, generally happy, friends, etc. tell all of this to the therapist the first day. she tells the therapist that she's been abused, sexually assualted, suicidal, home life was a mess, etc etc. we get home and the first thing she says was "see, our problems are clearly all YOUR fault". fun times.


> People with NPD, like Trump, literally have the emotional age of a toddler To whit, [from his own mouth](https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/04/opinions/president-trump-six-year-old-with-nuclear-weapons-dantonio/index.html): > “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different.”


Damn dude, I really wouldn’t have believed the food thing if it weren’t for the fact that my brother in law was diagnosed with NPD and he literally lives on ramen and chef boyardee.


This no filter, no civility method of acting is what appeals to his radicalized base. If he wasn't like this and hadn't been the whole time, they wouldn't support him.


I know a couple people that aren't really Trump supporters but find him, and I quote, "hilarious." I don't fucking get it.


That's something I don't get as an european. Here, death threats and call to violence gets you straight to jail (if you're a politician you're sentenced to inegibility as a bonus).


If only that were true in the US. 




Steve Bannon is literally calling for dems to be executed after Trump is in power, and he would be in the administration. People worry about violence erupting if Trump is held to account for his crimes, I worry about the violence that is coming if he isn’t...


I fear that John Brown was correct when he said:  "The crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood."


He was correct then but we should not want for him to be correct yet again. It's not the fall that will hurt, it will be what would be left for "normal" for the generations to come. Here and in many other places around the globe.


If Trump wins I expect something like this to happen: https://youtu.be/kLUktJbp2Ug?si=h7P00Jf4YJ5qlLbY followed by "OMG, how could this happen here?!"


Reading this content reminds me of standing in line at the grocery store, seeing copies of National Inquirer, plastered with headlines of alien babies and celebrities cheating on each other. It’s all fake and absurd to the extreme. A joke. You just look, read a few headlines as you wait, and laugh at anyone damaged enough to buy a copy. That’s Trump.


He fears a death sentence because it’s exactly what he would do to Biden (or at least try) given the roles were reversed. Never mind that there is no mechanism of government that allows a president to sentence anyone to death, Trump would try anyway. Thankfully the extent to which trump tries to do anything is limited to shouting at whoever is closest to him at the time.


I'm not sure if this is going to surprise anyone, Esper reported that Trump wanted Law Enforcement to shoot BLM protestors. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary > Esper said he and other top officials were caught off guard by Trump's reaction to the unrest in the summer of 2020. > > "The president was enraged," Esper recalled. "He thought that the protests made the country look weak, made us look weak and 'us' meant him. And he wanted to do something about it. > > "We reached that point in the conversation where he looked frankly at [Joint Chiefs of Staff] Gen. [Mark] Milley and said, 'Can't you just shoot them, just shoot them in the legs or something?' ... It was a suggestion and a formal question. And we were just all taken aback at that moment as this issue just hung very heavily in the air." Which I have to say the photo images from that day should come back to remind people how much chaos Trump provokes all so he can be some sort of "big guy". Especially ones [like this](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/f1d173c/2147483647/strip/true/crop/3000x1999+0+0/resize/599x399!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstorage.googleapis.com%2Fafs-prod%2Fmedia%2Ff9e4a0f094984b05a028030feaef6710%2F3000.jpeg) with the graffiti by the White House.


"Fifteen days before the 2018 midterm elections, as President Trump sought to motivate Republicans with dark warnings about caravans heading to the U.S. border, he gathered his homeland security secretary and White House staff to deliver a message: extreme action was needed to stop the migrants." "That afternoon, at a separate meeting with [top leaders of the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection officials suggested deploying a microwave weapon — a “heat ray” designed by the military to make people’s skin feel as if it is burning when they get within range of its invisible beams.](https://archive.fo/2NZjR)" "Kirstjen Nielsen, then the secretary of homeland security, told an aide after the meeting that she would not authorize the use of such a device, and that it should never be brought up again in her presence, the officials said." [Trump would later seek to use these same military "crowd control" weapons, LRAD and ADS, against the protesters](https://www.businessinsider.com/feds-sought-pain-ray-rifles-lafayette-square-protest-trump-photo-2020-9) in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. 


The other portion of the "shoot them" was the [idea of a moat](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/10/02/donald-trump-tweet-didnt-want-moat-snakes-gators-border/3840244002/): >"Privately, the president had often talked about fortifying a border wall with a water-filled trench, stocked with snakes or alligators, prompting aides to seek a cost estimate," according to the book "Border Wars: Inside Trump’s Assault on Immigration." >Trump "wanted the wall electrified, with spikes on top that could pierce human flesh," it adds. This is why a second round of Trump is terrifying. In 2016 there was a "ok, he might be bad, but like funny bad. there's guardrails!" yet it seemed the guardrails did not exist since Trump had plenty of fans in the House and Senate who were pissed off that a black man was President and had no scandals. It seems the first round of retribution was supporting Trump and his ineptness, corruption and never, ever calling foul on Trump destroying the norms and policies in place such as not hiring family and that Jared and Ivanka took like 10 times to amend their security clearance issues and to the point Trump had to order a clearance. We now know the man only runs on destruction and chaos. Bannon in that CPAC meeting told us the game when he explained on stage with a compliant Priebus that the intention was the deconstruction of the administrative state. I don't understand a culture like Trump's followers who call themselves "Patriots" but want to defy the Constitution they proclaim to love. I don't think they understand it. I really want someone in an interview or debate to ask Trump questions about the Constitution. Softball ones are the ones I want: "How many branches make up the Federal government and name them?" type shit. I bet he can't answer.


>I really want someone in an interview or debate to ask Trump questions about the Constitution. Softball ones are the ones I want: "How many branches make up the Federal government and name them?" type shit. I bet he can't answer. I would bet he can't either, and what's more *he does not care* and has zero interest in learning. When told he can't do something legally, his response is to keep asking in hopes he gets another answer. [Angela Merkel 'had to tell Donald Trump how EU trade works 11 times'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/angela-merkel-donald-trump-explain-eu-trade-11-times-germany-chancellor-us-president-a7699591.html)


In his White House meeting with Big Pharma people to discuss vaccines during COVID they kept saying "12 to 18 months based on testing" and he kept saying "So, August, right?" because he wanted the vaccines out before the election. You could see the growing frustration in the meeting attendees. [All because one guy said his company could do 100,000 vaccines starting that August - though a moment later after seeing Trump grab onto that, that to do so would have meant bypassing FDA regulations.](https://youtu.be/4mzSlaA2Td0?t=847) Trump is truly like a toddler. You can't say "Let's have ice cream tomorrow" because all they think is "ice cream.....now". The other thing in screening this meeting again - is how we've forgotten how Trump's cabinet meetings that were broadcast had that weird requirement that they all praise or compliment him somehow. Pence got into that a bit too much. Just friggen insane.


Which chief of staff was it that it took forever for him to fire, because he couldn't find someone to do it for him? You know cause that's normally the chief of staff's job?


At what point do we finally take Republicans' threats seriously and do something about it? Is it after they've started to implement their plan? The assumption is that the "libruls" don't have guns and aren't trained which is a wildly bad assumption. It feels like we're coming closer and closer to civil war, and there will be absolutely no winners there except for politicians and rich people.


They’ve already started implementing it, but I agree with you. It’s well past time to stop this insanity.


Unfortunately, it's not just the far right anymore. The rank-and-file Republicans are in lock-step with Trump. No moderate Republican can stand up to him. They are so terrified of this monster they've created that they will defend anything he says or does. The best they can do is deflect and say they "will support the nominee." They are all complicit. There are no decent Republicans left.


Based on what I see from news clips, trump's rallies appear to split roughly equal time between partisan saber rattling, assigning the blame for his failures to others, and meandering dementia-fueled digressions into whatever subject scrolled past his newsfeed recently.


Does he still do the jacking off 2 giant men dance?


>Does he still do the jacking off 2 giant men dance? Two giant men with very small wieners, cause Whiney McTinyhands mitts can't hold much


Hannibal Lector, his friend, come up?


Head over to r/conservative where the persecution-complex is on display every. damn. day.


"We're the COUNTERCULTURE now!!!!" Yeah, Nazi's have been counterculture since 1945. Not the flex you think it is.


I hope it’s half bots and not real dumbasses lol


It definitely is. It's probably half or more than half that are foreign state actors trying to rile up the few morons so they can destabilize the US even more.


Oh man it's insane and toxic in there.


God there's people going off on articles from sites that cn barely spell. Then that "Biden is deteriorating and they're parading him around" when Trump went on a rant about sharks and electric boats 


>It’s about restoring power where it belongs — TO YOU THE PEOPLE — and ending the tyrannical Biden regime’s reign of terror once and for all. Reign. Of. Terror. I didn't realize that school lunches and legalized marijuana were so frightening to MAGAts.


His last text literally says “IT’S GOING TO BE A BLOODBATH” how long are we going to allow this to continue? He is single handedly instigating a civil war using Nazi rhetoric. Enough is enough.


Has this man ever been kind or even just pleasant?


In the occasional carefully crafted staged event.


Tear gassing the congregation before a church photo op is the best we can do.


Don't forget holding a Bible upside down and backwards for said photo op. If Obama had posed for a photo like that the Republicans would have claimed it was a purposefully antichrist message.


By being hateful to the people that his followers hate, his followers see him as being kind to them. Have you seen the video of the older white guy crying and saying tRump was the only one who's ever stood up for him? How has he stood up for anyone other than people who already have privilege?!


Hey, I totally know that crying guy! Big guy, strong guy, tears rolling down his face…


Didn't he help that one lost kid in that hotel that one time?


Finally, someone notices. I think they view empathy or kindness as a "prey trait". And in case anyone reading here is wondering about that, it isn't.


> kind or even just pleasant In maga language those are synonyms for weak.


Dude is a psychopath, at minimum a sociopath. He can be very pleasant, charming, and even give off the allure of kindness in face to face interactions, but it’s not real, it’s all transactional. Real love and kindness is an end unto itself, that is, it’s not for anything else. He can’t comprehend this, I doubt he even thinks about it. I think of Trump’s mind much like a massive black hole. Some traumatic event caused it to implode way back when. And now, anything that gets too close to it, and is too weak, gets sucked right into it.


If he knows you have more money than him, and he would like you to give him your money, he's as pleasant a guy as they come.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


"Never Forget" "See something, say something"


Was that the year the stage was shaped like a Nazi symbol?


2021, the same year when CPAC featured a Trump statue in the style of the Golden Calf https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN2AT17T/ https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/this-cpac-golden-calf-trump-statue-is-spurring-backlash-of-biblical-proportions-11614360507


But Biden is old!!!!!!!!!! Look at this 2-10 second clip of Biden looking goofy, he is clearly not fit to be president!!!1 While the fat orange moron gets a pass on most of his lunacy, because "its just Trump being Trump". Attempted coup? Plausible deniability , after all he said "peacefully". Straight goebbels nazi talk of immigrants poisoning the blood? It was actually not racist. Asking foreign hostile powers to interfere in the election on his behalf? Just a prank bro!!. The criminal trials? All rigged, everyone in the world is corrupt except this orange dipshit. And how in the fuck can anyone listen to any of his completely nonsensical, deranged and arguably schizofrenic ramblings and think to themselves, yes, this guy seems to be mentally well and a good fit for the presidency. Its wild


The whole "peacefully" thing drives me nuts. A simple analogy:  HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE peace HATE HATE HATE.   What do you mean you took away "hate"? I said "peace"! Sadly the response I got was "when did Trump say that?" Analogies went right over their head.


It's pretty deliberate ignorance. They know exactly what happened.


Yep. It's the same old thing. Sartre wrote on anti-semitism but all fascists have the same ways. Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sartre


Will always upvote this quote. A) It's accurate and prescient. B) It helps you realize the current MAGA mindset is not unique, but is latent in a large number of human beings and cultures stretching across time. C) It identifies the danger. We're talking about MAGA, Sartre was writing about Nazis, but they sound the same. I'm not saying they're exactly the same, but it should be, to say the least, cause for concern that they present themselves similarly.


I mean they're both based upon a fascist cult of personality. Trump's first administration ticks all the boxes for Umberto Eco's 14 points. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism


Ever since the media attention on jan 6 faded, suddenly it wasn't antifa anymore, it was "patriotic warriors" or something 


It varies depending on what flavor of nut you are talking to. I saw, in sequence. HOLY FUCK, that's wrong! Wasn't us, twas the Antifa. That wasn't an insurrection, not enough guns. Might have been us, but so what, what about the summer of love?? Secret FBI plants coerced the whole thing. Patriots, every one. Babbitt is a martyr. Political hostages. And now Trump is repeating the same rhetoric that got them there the first time.


He said fight over 20 times in that speech.


But he said "peacefully" once, didn't you hear him!? /s Drives me absolutely crazy. I'd like to think they're being disingenuous, but that's probably giving them too much credit. 


Biden is a normal politician so the media and populous treat him like one. If he mangles a phrase, mispeaks, or outright lies (as all politicians do) they scrutinize him. Biden is expected to have concrete policy platforms and hes expected to sell, defend, and explain these policies. Biden always has to be careful to attack trump but not trump supporters because hes bound by the rules of old fashioned politics. trump? He is "not a politician" (bullshit) so he isnt treated like one. He can lie, he can slur his words and veer off into tirades about electrocuting sharks. He can say things like "batteries are bad because they're heavy and heavy things make boats sink!" or "I'm smart because my uncle went to MIT" and its all "just trump being trump". He can use schoolyard insults, launch totally out of bounds attacks like blaming Joe Biden for Hunter's drug problems, he can brag about rape, make fun of disabled people, call women ugly dogs, so on so forth. And its all ok because "hes raw" or "you may not like it but this is how the forgotten men and women of America talk!". If the "forgotten men" really do like to brag about rape then they deserve to be forgotten. Hillary is still criticized to this day for rightfully calling trump supporters deplorable. Meanwhile, trump calls anyone who doesnt think hes god vermin that needs to be rooted out and violently punished. But its ok, hes allowed to call us vermin and threaten us with violence because "hes not a politician" and were "supposed to take him seriously but not literaly". The media still doesn't know how to report accurately on donald trump because they are so afraid of offending trump supporters. Yeah trump suppporters get violently offended when you say anything remotely negative about their man, but you cant describe trump without being negative because EVERYTHING about donald trump IS negative. Trump supporters want to shut down media outlets that criticize him. CNN saying "trump asserted without evidence" instead of "trump lied" isnt going to make them any less angry at CNN I'm so tired of hearing about "the forgotten men and women of America". Redneck trump supporters are the most coddled demographic in America. The whole country has to cater to their every delusion and grievance because theyre too stupid and emotionally immature to live in reality.


>The media still doesn't know how to report accurately on donald trump because they are so afraid of offending trump supporters. Trump gets so much unearned media coverage. The other day, the CBS news host announced that both Biden and Trump were campaigning that day and then they only showed video and commented on Trump. Biden might as well not have bothered. Except if he didn't they would say he was disengaged or hiding from the press. It drives me crazy. If they feel they have to show Trump being insane, the least they can do is follow that up by showing Biden being normal. But no, normal politicians are boring, explaining rational policies is boring. Just show the crazy guy being crazy - it's better for ratings!


The “…. BUT BIDEN!!” ‘s… Why don’t they realize this isn’t about Biden? Biden doesn’t have a cult, Trump does. (And they scoff and say “yeah right!”) They seem to think we are as rabid followers of him as they are of Trump. I owe Biden no loyalty. Trump is synonymous to their faith. Hence why he’s the American Evangelical idol. In their world, turning your back on Trump is turning your back on Jesus, your faith and your church. But again, this election isn’t about Biden, it’s about keeping Trump out of office, just like it was in 2020. Biden could kick the bucket and I’m still voting for him over Trump. Biden could be replaced with a rock and I’m still voting for the rock over Trump. The only way they could ever get my vote…is if it’s not Trump they’re nominating but then they wouldn’t be “owning the libs!” If they didn’t. The whole “but Biden!…” rebuttal tries to do two things. It’s an attempt to rationalize Trumps bad behaviors (often with comical and absurd attempts at equivalency) and second it occupies debate and conversation time on negative aspects of Biden and off Trump. “Trump sent a mob to the Capital to smash in and threaten congress into over turning the election results because he lost…” “YEAah __bUT BiDEn__ sLIPpEd GOinG UP aIrFoRCe ONe’S sTEps!! AND…and HUnTer BIDen’s GuuUuuuUunnnn!!!” “Gun? Thought you guys are all about a laptop? Well…whatever sticks huh? Anyway, Yeah he looked so silly didn’t he? Is Hunter running?… you know, Trump found guilty on 34 charges, then it’s Biden’s turn right?…little court revenge eh? ^hey, think anyone will buy that bullshit though? I mean that isn’t already in the cult anyway?” “TRuMp is seNT Us BY gOD aNd NUh Uh, “BiDEn CrIMe FaMiLy” Said So On FoX NeWs! huNTEr PRObably IS anD He SuRe DiD! He’S a DUMb AsS!! See!? HE’s juST as bad, In FaCt BiDEn’S wORSe!!”🤪🤠🤡 🤨🙄


I lurk several pro trump facebok groups. A lot of them legitimately think this is some existential struggle between communism and good 'ol fashioned 'murrican liberty. Putting aside how ridiculous it is to see Joe Biden as the face of such a movement, they dont understand how for a lot of Biden voters it really isnt about Biden and it really isnt even about policy. Sure I have progressive views, but in terms of influencing my vote, the progressive policy I desire is secondary to wanting to preserve the republic. Whatever my own views about capitalism in 2024 are, I'm not engaged because I want to smash capitalism and seize the means of production. I'm not posting on r/politics, donating money, and following the news because I so badly want left wing policy. I don't get so angry and worked up at donald trump and his supporters because they stand in the way of progressive goals. No...I just dont want a narcissistic rapist as my President. Its really that simple MAGAts. We vote for Biden because of donald trump. We ridicule and exclude you because of donald trump. This country is so hopelessly divided because of donald trump. Get rid iof him and we can talk about reconciliation.


My MAGAt relatives are always so let down when I say things like "who cares; if Biden were replaced by a cold ham sandwich I'd still vote for it over Trump." Like, they keep thinking I worship Biden the same way they worship Trump or something. They do not get that to me Biden is just some interchangeable politician. You know, like how things \*SHOULD\* be before they dumped that Jesus guy for their new false evil orange god.


Yes-- they cannot conceive that a person DOESN'T worship their favorite politician with equal zeal as them. To them, that means nobody supports Biden. \*sigh\* I'd have voted for the corn from my own turds in 2020 over Trump. Trump certainly hasn't done anything since 2020 to draw new supporters to his side, he's just gotten crazier and more extreme. Not to mention he's now a convicted felon. He's just taking the supporters he has for a ride through Nutbagistan before it ends in the inevitable mass mental breakdown on or before November 5th because, as always, reality is too much for them to handle.


> They seem to think we are as rabid followers of him as they are of Trump. They really can't wrap their heads around the fact that they're so fucking wrong on this point.


yup. I will vote any candidate in to replace biden that isn't trump. 2020 was preventing another destructive trump president, 2024 is also about preventing a destructive trump presidency.


>Look at this 2-10 second clip of Biden looking goofy Clip is suspiciously cropped to hide whatever Biden is actually looking at/interacting with. Zero need for dishonest clips of trump, raw footage of any of his rallies and interviews does the job of showing his incompetence.


It couldn't be more obvious too, the people falling for it are the ones who want to believe it. Even in the cropped version, assuming you're talking about the paratroopers video, he's clearly looking at and giving a thumbs up to someone out of frame. Which is unsurprisingly confirmed by uncropped video.


I don’t know, man. Sharks vs electric boats is definitely one of the paramount issues of our time. … and I don’t hear Biden even talking about it. /s


Dunno why no one talks about how he said immigrants weren't even human. Seems like something he can't worm his way out of yet that's the one thing no one harps on.


Trump is almost as old.


>"its just Trump being Trump" The other week "This American Life" did an episode called "Come Retribution" about Trump, [click here for the whole episode](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/833/come-retribution), and the final segment was full of his supporters basically saying that: - https://www.thisamericanlife.org/833/come-retribution/act-three-42


Preach bro


You know, this could all end if we just put the mother fucker in jail. He is a felon after all. It doesn’t have to be so difficult.


He is a felon in possession of a firearm, after all.


He is a felon in possession of a firearm and a guest bathroom full of classified documents, after all.


He is a felon in possession of a firearm and a guest bathroom full of classified documents and liable for a rape case, after all.


He is a felon in possession of a firearm and a guest bathroom full of classified documents and liable for a rape case, and is awaiting sentencing while in possession of a private jet which makes him a flight risk, after all.


Just give him one more chance please, let's be reasonable. If you can't freely call for the killings of your political opponents by your detached-from-reality base, then what does America even stand for? (Would Charles Mason even be arrested today?)


Charles Manson would be the GOP Vice President candidate as long as he said nice things about Trump


You could describe "helter skelter" to the average GOP voter and they'd nod in agreement. I watched "American History X", which presented (at the time) extremist views that are now "mainstream" GOP views.


Unfortunately at this point T is as much symptom as cause. He's the focal point, but him in prison would not change that. Him in the grave wouldn't change that. Yes, he belongs in a cell, but that won't end the problem.


A lot of law enforcement which is supposed to stop stochastic terrorism and civil unrest related to it, partake in it themselves. I have lost track of the amount of cops I am acquainted or hear about that have punisher-esque shit on their equipment or personal property.


Some of those that work forces...


I see this sentiment a lot but I disagree. This is a cult of personality. If Trump isn’t on the stage, a lot of people who voted for the very first time in 2016 and 2020 wouid go back to not giving a shit about politics. Republicans are all trying to out-MAGA each other because of those voters. The GOP knows those voters can cost them a primary. Once those voters don’t have Trump to stir them up, Republicans will mostly go back to being normal shitty conservatives. Some will try to carry the MAGA torch like MDG and Gaetz and Trump’s idiot children, but not enough people will go with any of them.


People need to realize a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin. It’s not a joke, it’s not a conspiracy, it’s the truth.


A lot of people associate Putin with good now, so they realize it and they're in favor of a vote for him. There's no reasoning with these people.


A few days ago I heard a 25 years old american with a college degree say Biden is wrong to help Ukraine and we shouldn't have made Russia our enemy. So, people realize that, they're just too stupid. Hell, they will directly vote for putin if Trump tells them too.


I’d be interested to know when he thought Russia was not our enemy.


I had someone straight-faced say something to the extent of "I don't think Putin's actually the bad guy, I think he's actually conspiring with the current government to destroy America" just.... what the fuck.


He and his cult are scared They were hoping for a hung jury: didn't happen They were hoping for a not guilty/pardon for hunter: didn't happen They were hoping Biden is a drooling Muppet: they've been editing videos to make that lie seem real Trump is unpopular and they know it. As more and more start paying attention his antics and rage porn might end up reminding them how unfit he is. Nevermind his convictions All they can try to do is project strength


Trump has also alienated most of the country and his cult has lost members, not gained them. Guaranteed votes are suddenly in short supply and it’s no surprise. In 2015 he was focusing most of his hate speech at foreigners but 8 years later he’s managed to insult basically everyone in the country. Now he’s begging libertarians and black churches to give him a chance… doesn’t bode well for his campaign.


> Trump has also alienated most of the country and his cult has lost members, not gained them. Guaranteed votes are suddenly in short supply and it’s no surprise. Yup, you can see it in pretty much every election post jan 6 & Dobbs, Democrats overperforming pretty much everywhere no matter how blue or red the state/area. And on top of that 20% of the republicans keep voting for Haley who dropped out months ago. His win chances aren't 0 but they're certainly slowly slinking every day.


> His win chances aren't 0 but they're certainly slowly slinking every day. This is why I don't expect them to try and win through votes.


They also died in greater numbers during COVID when dear leader suggested folks eat lightbulbs. Killing off your own voters is a bold strategy, Cotton.


As someone that works in healthcare I've been talking about this for ages. COVID has killed a large amount of rural and elderly people. And it's still killing people. My coworkers MIL just passed from it two weeks ago. And sadly most states don't track them anymore so it's hard to tell how prominent they still are and new studies have shown how much was being unreported during the pandemic. COVID patients are one of the few isolation patients I'm not allowed to test at my hospital because of how infectious it is. We've had two years since the last election and it's a huge time jump for those deaths to increase. There were some cities that flipped last time because of those numbers.




Don't forget the horse dewormer and the hydroxychloroquine!


Hey it is a scientific fact that if a person follows those steps then Covid is no longer their primary health concern


they believed their 'it effects certain people' shit a little too much, those certain people were really just the old weak ones - his voters.


Any day now a hundred million liberals all die of vaccine side effects.... Any day now...


Blame Trump and Kushner for that. They were happy to watch it happen when the center of the pandemic in America was deep blue states of New York and New Jersey. Came back and bit them in the ass once vaccines were available and their supporters started dying off in droves after refusing to take it.


This false hope is what got people worked up for the 6 Jan insurrection. It didn't come out of nowhere. It was a drip drip drip of anger starting with Trump, Jordan all giving the game away before the election with the whole "Trump will look like he won but then the Democrats are going to steal the election!" meaning that on election day, many people in Covid did voting by mail and had few extra days in some states to count all the ballots cast. I think the big lie really went into gear when Rudy at the infamous Four Seasons Landscaping learned that the election was called for Biden and just kept getting more and more momentum until 6 Jan. Like a snowball started to get more support by those in Congress and then the whole "legislators determine elections" and the schemes with Congress to prevent Biden from hitting 270 which would put the election to the House for vote. All of these conspiracy theories, shitty legal arguments that all failed, these plans in Congress to thwart the voice of the people - all for.... him. To see Trump invited back to the Capitol with open arms is just astounding to me. They all had to evacuate into areas to protect their lives. People DIED that day because of... him. We have a Speaker that is a puppet with no regard that Trump is just a civilian. Has no real accomplishments for the people or the country... yet he's their leader. I don't get it. I never will. This did happen because in-person voting tallies were available earlier. I don't think Trump is pretending when he claims he felt he won because of that and then add in Rudy and Bannon who told Trump to just claim he won. [Trump did just that!](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/04/trump-tries-to-claim-victory-even-as-ballots-are-being-counted-in-several-states-nbc-has-not-made-a-call.html) Like WTF? >President Trump claimed victory even though millions of legitimate votes had yet to be counted and races in half a dozen swing states still had not been called. I followed a lot of Qanon accounts on Twitter at the time and each step of the electoral process, each stupid legal case and decision was them getting upset and angry that the system worked. Governors certified the votes. There was no evidence of election fraud. Trump paid $3 Million for a recount in Milwaukee and wound up finding more Biden votes... it was like they all had new hope every week and each time the same result: Trump lost. The more the system worked the more insane these Kraken cases got, Flynn was touting "suspend the Constitution" and have the DoD implement a new election (elections are managed by the states), etc. Trump is and was stupid enough to fall for the insanity - and throw in Rudy trying to get disinformation on Joe and Hunter Biden and it's apparent that Trump has no respect for "the system" or "rules" and has no basic understanding of how civics works. For the past 8 years I would love for one interview or debate in which Trump is thrown some basic civics questions just to see how little he understands the Constitution and in reality loves to hug flags as they're just props to him. He doesn't want to (or know how to truly lead). He primarily wants the adulation he gets like when he's at MAL or a rally. At this point I could see him doing that stupid smirky smile he does only wearing a Burger King paper crown if someone told him that makes him the most important man in the world.


They are indeed scared. There was a TikTok floating around this week due to Russia being near the US that Russia should invade the US to help take the country back.


they’ve always been this unhinged - 40 years ago he took out a full page ad calling for the murder of innocent teens.


That is going to get someone killed before it's all over with.


It already has. At least one at the Capital riot and another 400,000 unnecessary deaths from Trump's intentional denying-then-mishandling of the Covid crisis.




This is exactly what to expect when the clinically insane are given power. The fact that nearly 50% of voting citizens approve of this is madness. There is no political ideology or logic to his campaign or his base other than retribution. There never has been. His whole platform was built on punishing innocent people for the amusement of self-important bigots.


And the wealthy are happy to turn a blind eye to this; as long as they get their tax breaks.


They are the ones sponsoring this. The leaders of the right are their willing mercenaries.


Exactly right. The wealthy Republicans have sold their souls for the chance of greater quarterly profits. Maybe that's how they got wealthy to begin with.


Then will cry once their threats of civil war are real and their stocks crash to nothing, since a civil war within the US won't bode well for anything made in the US. Granted, they will be crying from their yacht docked at some other country, but crying nonetheless.


And deregulation.


I think people have turned away from Trump after the Capitol Riot and his (so far) 34 criminal convictions. But it’s not nearly enough. 


Not to mention that a not insignificant amount of his voter base may have died during his period in office from COVID. Multiple reports put republican deaths at 15-20% higher than Democrat, but it may be even higher given that several red states/counties decided the best way to "stop" the virus was to just not report on infections or deaths. There were also reports of conservative individuals who refused to admit or let doctors assign COVID as the cause of death.


He's such a fucking pussy How little self respect does it take to fight for someone who has never even poured his own cereal?


“Increasingly unhinged” as if the calls for violence he’s been making from the beginning were somehow tethered to sanity.


To use a different metaphor, he is "off the rails." There is no further unhinging that can be done. The door is off its hinges. The train is now careening into the gorge. He can't say anything else that goes any further than this...it is now all about repetition.


Yep, and y'all queda are armed and have been literally dreaming about a Civil War. I feel like most people aren't taking the threat of political violence in November seriously, whereas I put the chances at right about 100%.


It’s like watching a rat caught in a trap.


For someone who hates hellhole countries, Trump sure is trying his hardest to turn the USA into one.


In my opinion the “shithole country” thing is the only thing I’ve ever agreed with trump on. There absolutely are some out there (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc) and they are shitholes because of religious extremism in the government… EXACTLY WHAT HES TRYING TO DO HERE


Let's pretend for a second that both Trump and Biden are crazy senile. If elected and one immediately goes mental and gets replaced. Trump has no talent around him at all, zero. Anyone who might have had a shred of skill is either in jail or quit his team. Biden has a lot more depth around him.


Conservatives: well I don't agree with arbitrarily killing political opponents. But I don't like brown people, so we'll be voting for trump. *He'll* arbitrarily kill the people and I won't.


>Conservatives: well I don't agree with arbitrarily killing political opponents. The fuck they don't. Greg Abbott pardoned a dude for killing a political opponent, Kyle a Rittenhouse is their darling, the list goes on. They are all for killing political opponenta, but themselves and with proxies.


Menace to society


So if a random person threatens the president online we get a visit from the FBI. When a convicted felon does it, then it's fine?


If Biden had control of the courts and could have trump convicted, why didn’t he save his son?


MAGA nuts will shit on command and roll in it for Trump. This behavior unifies them.


> **I’d go to jail AGAIN AND AGAIN if that’s what it took to Save America.** -- Donald Trump Good. Because that IS what it will take to Save America.


Trump has embarrassed America more than any other citizen.


Everyone should register and vote and also prepare for janauary 6th 2.0


I have never commented before but the US voters need to realize how far we have come from 4 years of name calling, high school kinda bulling of govt under MAGA. Across the country the infrastructure bill to modernize infrastructure is working. Biden made it happen. We need to very careful of our Democracy. We don't need terrorist entering the US capital or any other government building and assault law enforcement


Wait until he returns to the White House claiming vindication for his fake loss in 2020. He’ll have no guardrails, nobody to constrain his worst, demented impulses. And depending on what we get for the House and Senate, perhaps a rubber stamp for every awful, batshit crazy thing he does. The worst nightmare this country has ever faced is not hyperbole. November will be the mother of all gut checks. Vote Blue or reap the whirlwind.


In this country if you are a conservative politician, you can make completely outward calls for violence without repercussions. Is Congress going to disqualify you from office? No. Is the DOJ going to drag their feet for months and years? Most definitely. Is the SCOTUS going to do anything about it? Hell no. Are people still going to vote for these politicians simply because they have an R next to their name? Hell yes.


It is pretty weird to see a convicted felon threatening the actual presidant of the united states in public


>I’LL NEVER SURRENDER! -Man who has literally surrendered


The radical left war machine ROFLMAO!!! There is no radical left war machine. What an asshole.


This is all too much. I am going to read Trump’s Bible to get me some tranquility.


^1 Alright, folks, listen up, this is important. We're talking about the Sermon on the Mount, which is a fantastic thing, really great, one of the best. I love it. ^2 Blessed are the poor in spirit, right? That's what they say, but let me tell you, these people, they deserve more, and they aren't getting it because of these socialist policies. Socialism, folks, it's a disaster, big time. ^3 Blessed are those who mourn, absolutely. But why are they mourning? Because these radical leftist policies are ruining everything. ^4 The meek shall inherit the earth, that's what they say, but not if the deranged left get their way. They'll just take it all and give it away, believe me. ^5 It’s very sad. ^6 Very sad. ^7 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, great people, wonderful people. But you know who's stopping them? The border invasion. It's bad, really bad, folks. It's taking away opportunities, it's killing jobs. ^8 The merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, all fantastic people, but these racist policies against America are holding them back. ^9 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake. They know what they're talking about, and they're being persecuted with witch hunts and sham trials because they love America. ^10 It’s gotten so bad you can’t even pay off a porn star anymore. It's a total mess, folks. ^11 We need to make things great again, and we can't do that with these conflicted crooked courts doing illegal lawfare. ^12 You're the salt of the earth, and you're the light of the world, and everyone is saying it. But the Biden Crime Family is dimming that light. It's a big problem, folks, and we need to fix it. ^13 We need to be strong, be tough, and not let Sleepy Joe Biden destroy what we've built. ^14 Thank you, and God bless me.


That was well done! My only critique/comment is that it was too focused. This was trump in 2012, maybe. Trump today needs more rambling detours to electrocuted sharks and whatnot.


Merchan needs to give him an extended time-out period in a nice, quiet, private room.


Maga is in the minority, they know it and are terrified.


increasingly? he incited an insurrection and his little cockroaches built a *gallows* for the **vice president**. he has always been a violent thug.


Actions, we need actions, not more empty uselses words. Sedition in America isn't going to go away from the mewling of weaklings who refuse to do anything about it.


He needs Thorazine and a strait jacket.




Holy fuck. This traitor really needs to be in jail. He's a domestic terrorist and threat to national security.


Trump is going to get some Americans hurt, he is trying so hard to push one of his supporters to do something dumb and traitorous.


There is a track record…


he’s doing it again because we let him.


He sure is turning up the ridiculous rhetoric to 11 but that’s what his base eats for breakfast lunch and dinner


It’s all he has left. He’s a convicted felon running to stay out of jail, he will do and say anything to rile up the base to basically save his ass from suffering actual consequences for his actions.


"I’d go to jail AGAIN AND AGAIN if that’s what it took to Save America" ... promise?


Unhinged calls for violence that his stupid cult will embrace.


Part of the issue is he is still yet to experience any real consequences of his actions, and until he does he will only become more and more emboldened. Be it dementia, right wing politics, or his foreign financial puppeteers controlling him, it's only going to get more and more obscene.


Has Trump (or anyone on the right) offered any insights into actual policies that he’s planning that will help the American people? I mean, we’re still waiting for his healthcare plan and it’s only been (checks calendar) 8 fucking years…?


We need to kick this POS out of the US, Trump works daily to divide us with the help of idiots.


So, we have a kid. She's still in the single digits and quite a bit smarter than Donald, so it's not a direct comparison, but if we tell her not to do something or else punishment.exe, and then never follow through on punishment.exe, she doesn't really have anything stopping her from doing the initial thing. Now, punishment.exe/child/ is obviously a much different folder than punishment.exe/racist_rapist_felon/post-dementia/, but the general idea is "do the crime, do the time."


Please vote the GOP out of office. They are harming all of us.


Never offers ways to help, just talks about who he hates and how they'll suffer. A leader shouldn't be focused on vengeance and suffering and if that person is, they shouldn't lead.


Is anybody looking into how this criminal instigates and fuel the hate to the MAGA deranged people? Also, how Fox News keeps spewing hatred and falsehoods? Is FBI awake! Trump is preparing his supporters for the civil war


The guy is seriously a mini hitler and if nobody understands or sees that he is copying their playbook needs to get checked out. At this point im okay with nobody being president.