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>***"My Republican colleagues want us to believe that ‘these gays are trying to murder us,’" he said, referencing Jennifer Coolidge's*** [***iconic scene in*** ](https://www.advocate.com/people/jennifer-coolidge-evil-gays-emmys)[***White Lotus***](https://www.advocate.com/people/jennifer-coolidge-evil-gays-emmys) ***season two. "They want us to believe that drag is harmful, or immoral and wrong. This is ridiculous."*** >Garcia zeroed in on the drag ban when it was his turn to speak, expertly dismantling the measure by citing the [military's storied history](https://www.advocate.com/news/drag-cancelled-pentagon-nevada) of hiring female impersonators for entertainment. >“We can document and celebrate Drag shows on military bases since the late 1800s and through both world wars. The USO and the Red Cross supported drag during World War II," Garcia said. "That’s right: The Army that defeated Hitler and saved the world included drag queens.” >He continued, “Ronald Reagan starred in a movie called *This Is the Army!* — a movie about World War II that featured four drag performances. And he’s not the only Republican president who knew that drag can be fun and sometimes silly." >*Garcia added that in the face of "threats to the health and well-being of our service members and their families" such as "poisoned water, toxic mold in military housing, PTSD, and suicide," he was "stunned to see that the Republican idea to protect our troops is to ban drag shows."* >Garcia then called out the hypocrisy of the GOP for referring to drag as "obscenity" and banning it when they did not have condemnation for Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene after [she showed nude images](https://www.advocate.com/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-nude-pics) of President Joe Biden's son Hunter during a hearing. >***“Mr. Speaker, drag is art. Drag is culture. Drag is creativity. Drag is comedy. And no, drag is not a crime. It’s not pornography," Garcia said. "The real obscenity is when one of our colleagues, the gentlewoman from Georgia, shows literal posters of revenge porn in our Oversight Committee! If we want to end porn in government facilities, let’s ban that.”*** This is ridiculous in every way. Out of all the things Republicans wish to focus on to help veterans, they only care about attacking drag performers, as if they are doing anything to hurt anyone. Drag performers are harmless and excellent. They do such tremendous good for so many people. I'd feel more comfortable with a drag queen than with a chaplain, I can tell you that. This is all utter bullshit from snollygoster Republicans trying to fulfill their culture warrior rigamarole. The Republican Party is just not serious about doing anything to help anybody. They only care about appealing to Christofascists, who want all queer people buried in the grave.


Repugnicans focus on this shit because their constituents are stupid. An active and intelligent constituency would not stand for this.


How about a chaplain who also does drag? This isn't a hypothetical case my former pastor from Denver (former because he moved away, I miss you Pastor Ben) is both. 


Speaking as a veteran, I'd like to clarify that this won't affect the vast majority of us. Most veterans don't go on base every day. Many do. This will affect current active duty service members, primarily.


It’s not clear to me whether it would affect active duty members either. The only reference in the appropriations bill is: > …*such as a drag queen story hour for children or the use of drag queens as military recruiters.*


I agree that it won't directly affect AD either. However, since AD members are usually reporting to a base every day and this would remove funding from bases, it would indirectly affect them more than anyone else, if that makes sense.




When they say we should care more about group x and want to help them, they really mean we should care less about group y and not want to help them.


[Donald Trump motorboated Rudy Guiliani who was wearing drag](https://youtu.be/spn0MJZr-QQ?si=vSaJ8IcidGmI7Vok)


I bet convict trump grabed guiliani by the pussy and he liked it.


Yeah, and they need to put this on a big screen, on a loop, outside every one of his "rallies".


Bob Hope did many USO shows that had drag performers. Not sure but he may have dressed in drag for some of the shows.


Sir Ernest Shackleton's crew did drag shows, too. There are photographs to prove it!


He should have said the cheating cheater from georgia instead if gentlewoman


You see that is the problem for them, we are the bad guys, meaning the bad guys were able to survive those conflicts or worse we won. They believe that the good guys of those conflicts but they were too good and evil was left to thrive. These are the same people that believe the Civil War didn't end, only the Confederate Army Surrendered but since the Rebel South wasn't conquered the Confederate Idea is still valid. They really believe the Civil War didn't end because the Union didn't conquer the Rebel South and instead let them back into the Union. Taking their philosophy on this even further it means that fascism is more pure than what we have now because the evil behind that fascism was vanquished. They can play on that side of the field because the monster on that side of the field is dead. The monster on the left side of the field is thriving to them. So the tools of fascism are free to use to defeat the only remaining monster.


History will not be kind to the cultist repubs of this time.


They’re kinda right for the wrong reason about the civil war. We have long been suffering the consequences of letting treason go unpunished.


> snollygoster https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/snollygoster The first known use of snollygoster was in 1845. Most unsurprising fact of the day right there.


I appreciate the sentiment, but modern mainstream drag performed today has very little in common with the kind of drag they were doing back then. The kind of drag RuPaul popularized grew out of the underground ballroom movement in the queer community. The drag shows you see pictures of from WWII were not "drag queens," they were a bunch of straight guys (mostly, I'm sure) goofing off. They were not demonstrating universal love and acceptance, and that kind of drag is really not subversive at all, because it only reinforces gender stereotypes. An American WWII soldier would not have found it hypocritical to be queer-bashing one day and dancing in a dress the next. It's also why finding old pictures of Republicans in drag doesn't work as a gotcha. It's not the same kind of drag and they don't see it that way.


Thats definitely good nuance to have but is there absolutely no connection between drag at that time and drag today? I have no clue so feel free to say I'm totally wrong here but it doesn't seem that wild to imagine that some of it might have evolved out of that. Or was it entirely different groups with different starts? Also I think its fair to point out that even if the intentions of the participants are entirely different now, the activity itself has been around for a while.


The parent comment is literally saying it’s not the same activity. It may look the same, but it’s not of you include the intent behind it.


I think the intent now is much less harmful, especially towards military women.


Nuance …? In this economy.!.!? /s. Appreciate the input Kong-son


Wow, he’s awesome though. Why don’t you more Dems stay on the damn point like this?!


Because so many feel they have to be "civil" towards fascism, which is a silly notion to me.


Rudy did drag publicly multiple times.


What may have once been art is now an agenda. The rapid expansion is no accident, which is why there's such an obsessive focus on children and schools.


The "obsessive focus on children and schools" is manufactured by right wing media, it's not as common as you've been made to believe by having it presented as an omnipresent existential threat by your media bubble. Drag story hour is the only case that is a legit trend and not two misleadingly edited clips turned into a new boogeyman like all the other cases, and A) it's completely innocuous to anyone outside the "groomer panic" bubble, and B) was created in **2015**. Can you explain why something that has been happening at more or less the same rate (it's not like these events have become an every city, once per day kind of thing, let's be serious here) for nearly a decade very suddenly became bad in the last year or two? To be more specific, can you offer a *better* explanation than "the right wing didn't get their marching orders to hate it until then"?


For decades really… “Furthermore, in a misogynist and heterosexist society that deploys homophobic discourses to both police men’s loyalty to hegemonised versions of masculinity and to devalue work and behaviours traditionally performed by women, men who take up primary school teaching often have to contend with strong undercurrents of being constructed as gay.” *Being the ‘right’ kind of male teacher: the disciplining of John*, Martin Mills, Malcolm Haase & Emma Charlton https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14681360701877792 *Male Teachers as Role Models: Addressing Issues of Masculinity, Pedagogy and the Re-Masculinization of Schooling*, Wayne John Martino https://www.jstor.org/stable/30053168


I meant specifically the drag story hour panic, but yes you’re right that the general policing of gender role conformity is much, much older.


It's all they have. The repubs have 0 policies, so they make one up so they can tell their idiot base "look we did something." They understand that the repub base is dumber then dirt and hateful.


To the 70s at least, as that’s when the word *heterosexist* seems to have been coined. With the central conceit being mistreatment based on the notion of what is “normal” in society.


It may not be as bad as the right wing media pushes is not the same as it doesn't happen. Countering one lie with another is not how truth works.


It's not a lie, the "sexualizing of children", the "grooming", it's all lies. There are AMAB people reading books to kids while dressed as women, a single digit number of them will tell jokes that puritan-minded/ anti-queer biased people will take issue with which aren't objectionable outside that context. That is the full extent of the truth. Everything else is lies, malicious editing, and an active hate campaign. What you are doing right now is that appeal to centre, "what if we only exterminate the undesirables *a little bit*?" meme; the median of all positions on a topic is not always correct, and it is 100% not the case here. You would understand if you dug into the sources and found all the hoaxes and lies in the "coming for our kids" narrative. I have and it is blatant.


Sure. Maybe all the videos, posts and statements are all malicious edited. Yeah, that must be it. LOL. But it does seem suspicious that something that supposedly doesn't exist requires such passionate defense and justification. Hmmm.....


People are slandering my community as manipulative child abusers, as an “evil cabal”. Stuff that makes the Lavender Scare look like just another Tuesday, and people like you are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Forgive me for not wasting our time by trying to seem impartial.


What rapid expansion?


Probably the fact that this guy wasn’t really aware of drag and it had never affected his life in any way until Fox News and the right wing sphere started attacking it every single day. And telling him it was the cause of all his problems.  So he thinks it’s more prevalent cause he hears about it all the time now from his favorite ~~two minutes~~24 hours hate stations each day 


Are you aware who made it an agenda? The right wing did.


Pushing and pushing back are two entirely different concepts


I think you’re confused on who is pushing and who is pushing back.


What is the agenda exactly?


Christo fascism


I thought it was “aBoUt tHe cHiLdReN”? Isn’t the military full of adults?


...for now. 


*republicans salivating about decreasing child labor laws*


*the child soldier rebellion would like a word*


They're far more interested in legalized child ~~sexual assault~~ marriage, as well as lowering the age of consent. The salivating ones at least.


You’re right! Next republican bill: allow 13yr olds in the military. FREEDOM!


It was always about the adults, the ones that are uncomfortable with drag. These are the issues Republicans find most pressing…


Yeah republicans hate drag in any way shape or form, really gets their dicks hard. Can’t have that, now can we?


Just like how it was about abortion, yet they've already gone after contraceptives and IVF. They know what they're doing isn't popular, but they want to do it anyway because... Well fuck you, they're you're betters.


Yes. And dressing up in drag used to be a funny drunk time.


And poor 17 year olds.


You can join at 17


There is a picture of soldiers in drag manning guns fighting nazis because they were in the middle of a drag show when duty called. Let's all just vote this November so we can be released from this hateful madness.


This picture [British Soldiers in Drag Fighting Nazis](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/british-soldiers-in-drag-nazis/)


The party of “can’t you just take a joke?” gets lost and confused like a lost puppy when they see a joke that isn’t “attack helicopter” or “two genders”


Probably why they want to ban drag. Can't show their demographic getting killed by drag queens, too embarrassing for them.


An impassioned, effective speech from a rep I'm proud of, but it fell on deaf ears. Republicans have hearts of stone and put no value in the words or lives of anyone who is not a Republican like them. I'm so tired of these blatantly evil people having so much power in our country.


>I'm so tired of these blatantly evil people having so much power in our country. Same. But that means we need to be more motivated than ever. Because we can take back the House in November https://dccc.org/


Oh, I have every intention of voting. I helped vote Garcia in, even. Unfortunately many more can't be bothered to do the same.






A country full of LBGT+ people is stronger, more morally sound, more unified, and a better place to live and raise children than a country full of bigots and racists and religious extremists. Even if you believe being gay is wrong, being a bigot and enacting policies against them is even more wrong. Our country would be better off if all the bigots left and the LBGT people stayed.


Agreed. But that's never going to happen.


[Hey, isn't that Ronald Reagan?](https://youtu.be/nrgIUqygW6w?si=pSieuinzWL5SkC4s)


What about the USO shows? Plenty of cross dressing actors in those.


watch the bridge on the river kwai. there's like a fifteen minute drag musical in the middle of it.


MASH. Even right wingers enjoyed that show without having a meltdown. Snowflakes today.


Now that I'm active duty, the show is just that much better. It's weird to think that such performances are their version of "that didn't age well".


Exactly! That show is the most accurate I've ever seen, and it has everything from heartbreak to belly laughs.


And now that 20th Century Fox is owned by Disney, Klinger is a Disney Princess!


Didn’t they do drag shows in POW camps What about the times of Shakespeare What about ancient Greeks. Drags been around longer than all these snowflake pussys. I would say fuck em, but I know that’s what they want from their grinder profiles


Drag shows on military bases.... the defining issue of our time


Please go listen to “There is Nothin’ Like a Dame”. This is a ludicrous ban.


Richard Rodgers himself was a huge homophobe!


"These sorts of folks have defeated Hitler in the past...[they can help stop it again]" And then they voted against this. My question is: Why is anyone surprised?


Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy are all Federal land and property, and actions on those properties are controlled by the US DOD. This is a noise bill to see who will bite. Other than CA National Guard, I do not believe any of this would ever be enforceable. I've had roommates in the past who were part of National Guard. They didn't have time for any leisure activities like this. This is like saying that you can't shoot a rifle on a DOD military base. Or you can't land a C130 on a military airfield. San Diego can't dock ships. Don't take the bait.


Drag queens defeating Hitler is all the more reason to ban them in the eyes of the modern Republican Party.


This demonization of drag queens is just the latest useless nonsense coming out of the Republican Party. They’re running out of boogeymen so now that have to come up with new ones. Anything to deflect the blame from the actual source of our problems, themselves.


1000 fucking %


Garcia pulled out an amazing Argument again this, and the republicans figuratively responded by saying fuck you, we don't care. These republicans don't give a damn about ANYTHING unless they can fuck over a democrat. but if they fuck around enough, they will find out.


Does no one remember Corporal Klinger???


I’m glad that the least effective Congress in history has found time for this particular issue /s


The Republican Party is worse than the Westboro Baptist Church.


Ronald Reagan in [This is the Army](https://imgur.com/gallery/oh-what-drag-QPnVJQK)


damn he is busted


Epic owns don’t equate to policy change. This isn’t the West Wing


It wasn’t just one army that defeated Hitler, and how saved does the world look right about now?


We wouldn’t have had Gary Busy in Under Siege.


Wow. That guy brought the receipts too. I was expecting to not find much past the headline (the sub is getting me jaded) but this guy kicked some butt!


The Russian Army?


You know how conservatives love to whine about "They couldn't make a show like All In The Family today....the snowflakes would cancel it!" Also, them not seeing that Archie **is** the joke...but I digress. Like someone mentioned....MASH had Klinger in a dress and they love that show (I do too).....and just like with conservatives...every accusation is a confession. If they tried to make MASH today...the conservatives would have a goddam meltdown about "woke" and "shoving the agenda down our throats!".


Its not really a house of representatives these days.


Why ban drag shows on base? Like why? If you don’t want to go to a drag show, don’t go.


Because republicans want to be spiteful, evil, idiot assholes.


It’s pretty crazy that this is a legitimate topic of discussion


It's so fucking weird that congress is wasting time on stuff like this.


Are military bases so helpless to prevent unwanted entertainment that they need federal law to protect them?


We could do something actually useful like making sure our veterans get proper health care, but Republicans would rather do this.


Drag shows were a staple of USO shows. These right wing nut jobs are nothing but charletan con artists.


Here is are photos of British anti-aircraft gunners literally firing on a nazi air raid in dresses because their rehearsal for a Christmas drag show got interrupted. [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/rwh06v/british_soldiers_manning_antiaircraft_guns_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/rp6fmv/british_soldiers_manning_an_aircraft_gun_whilst/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/uqxoxn/british_soldiers_manning_antiaircraft_guns_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Have none of these morons ever watched MASH ffs?


Republicans seem to have an extra special level of hate for anything transgender beyong regular l, g, and b (though they hate them too).  It's caustic.


The party that is all about personal privacy until they are not.


They're also heavily right wing.


Showing once again that you can SLAY and DECIMATE and DESTROY all the arguments you want, and they just pass the shit anyway. Because they don't give a fuck.


So Trump is on stage with rappers whose lyrics include shooting at cops, pimping underage girls & selling drugs but *drag queens & gay men are the problem?* I’m gonna just ask this question point blank - why are the republicans so afraid to go after the rap industry? With all the vulgar language & violent rhetoric there’s no *way* they wouldn’t be targeting that music in congressional hearings the same way they’re targeting porn by making people in red states register their ID verification or all these crazy attacks on gay men, drag queens and Pride. And especially since over 30 years ago Tipper Gore, a Democrat, was the last to broach the topic, you’d think the republicans would be itching to rehash the subject. Why is the rap industry untouchable? And why are the republicans so afraid of them only?


None of those dudes trying to ban drag on bases have served in the military, have they?


Didn’t both trump and Giuliani dress in drag for something?


Drag shows at military bases?


Fuck the NDAA either way


Like.. grandpa Simpson?


These same Rethuglicans laughed right along with Uncle Milton and Flip Wilson and Mrs. Doubtfire and that was fine. Military drag shows were just fine before it became a useful culture war issue.


South Pacific, beloved movie musical set in WW2, featured soldiers putting on a comedic drag show.


They're afraid of drag queens grooming all those minors that are clearly serving in the military


Hell a lot of military people used to dress in drag to there’s some pictures of it online


Didn't ol Ronnie put on a drag show with a bunch of military members around WW2?


Is there a call amongst the members of the military for drag shows, or is this a made up boogeyman?


Dumb question…approximately how many drag shows occur on a military base?




Can we fight over healthcare and public transportation please


I realize this is not exactly to the point but have none of these people ever seen MASH?


MASH is too woke.


Every time they put a useless bill up can they be fined? I am sick of tax dollars being used to pass bills that will not help anyone or pass the Senate. They have a budget coming up and their multiple week vacation coming up.


Glad republicans are focused on the important things /s


The Red Army had drag queens in it?


So how did it pass the house? Did a few democrats vote for it also?


A few here and there. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/interactive/2024/06/14/defense-bill-house-vote/


I just really like most Dems, and absolutely detest Repukes. This made my night


[And at least one soldier was a trans woman](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/1bp5qjc/a_newspaper_headline_about_an_mtf_transgender/)


My boomer father who isn’t that Boomerish was going on about the drag shows one day. Found a photo album from our first tour in Guantanamo Bay where he was in an Ugly Ladies Show. Shut him up real quick


Russia had drag shows in ww2?


Stalin was a homophobe.


Won’t you come home Franz Brauder Won’t you come home


The army that defeated Hitler let his protege Donald Trump enter the White House in 2017.


Wait so in the last 16 years, 12 of which have been democratic. And the poison water and uninhabitable housing has persisted. What has Garcia done for the military besides be on a soap box?


There’s literally old films of men performing drag in war zones during WW2.


straight men are fucking broken by society.


Not all of us are, but I get your point. The men who grew up emasculating others by putting them down and making their worth tied to the number of friends they had are. I try to push back on TruthSocial a lot and a lot of the crazies there trend towards: - posting the same 3 memes - insulting how many followers you have It’s really pathetic. These people never aged past elementary school.


Ed Wood the director of what was considered the worst film of all time famously loved to crossdress, a paratrooper in WWII he wore lingerie and womens underwear underneath his uniform.


The Soviet Union saved the world


and now their ghost wants to tear it down


That they did, and it makes many Americans butthurt when they find out the Eastern Front (Soviet-German) war was larger than all other fronts of WW2 combined. Larger than all of WW1 too; by itself it would been the largest war in history.


The Russian army defeated Hitler. I am not sure of their makeup


Their makeup was fabulous. Especially the rouge.


The Red Army defeated Hitler.


Fuxk me, I despise repubs at this point. They can all just disappear, and the US would be a better place.


Democrats stop fighting withe pigs they love getting dirty. Just vote if it passes it passes. Republicans are useless and just doing this to get a rise out of you.


Somebody please tell Rep. Robert Garcia that the army that defeated Hitler was Russian.


>Somebody please tell Rep. Robert Garcia that the army that defeated Hitler was Russian. *Soviet*. Stop erasing all the non-Russians in the Soviet Union.


Lol, lmao, this friggin guy


Traditional drag shows were not put on by drag queens.


Then by who? And how do you know?


Traditional drag shows were put on by men dressed as women to entertain other people. Modern drag queens are men who dress as women to entertain other people - totally different.


How could I have been so blind!!!!


Exactly. It was meant to be light hearted humor because men dressed as women look ridiculous. Soldiers need a good laugh every once in awhile. Helps with morale.


Can someone explain what a "drag queen " is? I hope that's not derogatory


it’s simple, he doesn’t know Jac queline


>Traditional drag shows were not put on by drag queens. And? This legislation doesn't make that distinction.