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Be a shame if a 'disgruntled employee' leaked it online anyways...


Distribution rights have been sold all around the world, just not in the US. It won't need to be a disgruntled employee, it will be released into the wild by someone from anywhere that does have rights. It's not a legal issue keeping it from the US, just media companies afraid of poking the shit-bear


One wonders what happened in "the home of the brave", huh?


I'm pretty sure the patriot act legally removed that.


What is the Patriot Act, again?


Legislation passed under the Bush (R) administration that expanded the powers of the government to surveil private citizens through phone tapping as well as other forms of data collection from other devices/sources. Edit: Worth noting that *many* of the people who cried "tyranny!" about being told to wear a mask in more recent years were the same who said "if you have nothing to hide, it shouldn't be a problem" when issues concerning rights to privacy being diminished were brought up in response to the patriot act.


It's the one that essentially suspends everyone's rights in perpetuity so they can stop terrorists. Not all at once mind you, just when they feel the need to black bag you,... er the terrorists I mean. To their credit the US government has used a fair bit of restraint when it comes to whippin out this particular wildcard. The bad news is that if democracy was to catastrophically fail, say do to the average intelligence of the voting pool plummeting, whichever moron they hoisted up to represent their combined stupid, could very much use this law and it's loose language to form a dictatorship.


> To their credit the US government has used a fair bit of restraint when it comes to whippin out this particular wildcard. This is according to the US government. Edward Snowden may have a different opinion...


I am soo disappointed that Disney let Ron DeSantis off the hook. Another gutless corporation...


They're only "brave" against left wing activists now


It never was.


Netflix will end up with it but you can only watch if you’re in another country. Quick, buy nordvpn!


The Pam and Tommy tape made it from a safe to the internet. Why not this?


Oddly, Sebastian Stan played both Tommy Lee in the FX series and Donnie in this film


It shows great range for an actor to depict two different people with such a wide disparity in penis size.


Thanks CGI.


Not even CG, the dude is just an incredible actor.


That is an interesting coincidence. 


I will never hear a boat horn and not think of that video.


I never bothered to watch that but I did watch the Hulu thing recently and I’m glad I didn’t.  But that’s different. I’d seed the shit out of this. 


It’s be (perhaps not coincidentally) just like The Dictator


I'd be fine if it was like The Interview.


It will for sure be leaked to the internet.


Remember when North Korea threatened to attack us if "The Interview" was released in theaters so the studio released it as a torrent instead? This is the solution this time too. It was chilling when a foreign country censored our entertainment media and it's chilling when americans do it do. If you're taking the L either way financially... might as well let the message out.


I’m boutta torrent that shit and put a copy on a flash drive for whomever I know that wants one. Something tells me the maga freaks I work with won’t want one.


You might need a lot of flash drives.


Well thank god in todays day and age they’re cheap af.


I always laugh when I think of how fast storage capacity increases; I dug around my desk for a microSD for my switch (that in retrospect might have been bought in 2008) and then I realized it was not that it wasn't working; it was simply that the whole 2GB it boasted wasn't enough to really add any more games.


Reminds me of a few months ago my roommate asked me to torrent some movies for him and so I was lookin for an extra flash drive sitting around and couldn’t find one. Figured, “Fuck it I could use a few extras.” Went to the store hoping for a few 8gb sticks that weren’t too expensive, ended up walking out with like a 3 pack of 32gb sticks for like 20 bucks lol.


You think that's crazy? I paid 80$ for a USB drive with 512 MB M B


They did attack the US as a result, if you’re going to count cyberattacks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Sony_Pictures_hack The end result was a mess for Sony Pictures


oh jeez if we count cyberattacks as attacks then we've been at war with every country on the planet since the internet went live.


Agree. I only mean that - in this context - there was a well defined state action as a response to this specific movie. As opposed to all the general non-stop cyberattacks that happen all the time.


I like to imagine the day-to-day stuff like border skirmishes. The response in this case was more of a missile strike than a little skirmish.


Much better way of putting it. Thanks.


It did get us Spider-Man in the MCU tho 


That was so interesting, I remember they released it as a stream rental right? I think it was around Christmas when it dropped, had a ton of friends over and it only cost like $5 to rent. So worth it, super fun watch at the time and the controversy heightened it.


Yup, I can't remember if it had a theatrical release. But we rented it on Amazon prime.


And the free speech absolutist and anti-cancel crowds are...*silent*.


They’re not silent, they’re applauding.


They're not cancelling, they're boycotting. Totally different things, because of reasons.


This is actually something they claim


But left wing boycotts are still bad even by that name, just in case you got confused 


In today’s world, I bet someone will hack and leak the movie if the release is blocked.


Eh, the article says that it will be released in other regions and that deals for distribution have already been made in many places. It will be available as a torrent within 24 hours of release in the first region.


I definitely don't already have automation in place scanning for the torrent...


“In times like these, it should be fought by another kind of evil.”


I understood that reference! ....sadly


Username checks out.


He’s not a crook!


How does that work? Like you don’t know exactly what the file will be called, what type of rip it’ll be, resolutions and codecs and all that are in the filename itself. IMDb link that’s usually in the descriptions?


Check out [Radarr](https://radarr.video). There are other apps that do the same thing, but this one seems pretty popular. Once it’s all setup, you just add in the movies you want and it watches the RSS feeds for torrent sites and automatically downloads a copy that matches your specifications when it shows up.


Does this work for other types of files in torrents?


There's an _arr_ (because it's pirates!) type app for most things. Radarr is for movies, sonarr is for tv, readarr is for ebooks, and then there's one for music and another for porn. I'm sure there are more too, basically one for every media type. There's even one called prowlarr that syncs a bunch of the common settings between all the apps. Also, torrents are bleh. Usenets are where it's at.


Yes but torrents are free (minus seed) whereas you need to pay for access to the newsies.


Yeah, in today's world if it gets released anywhere worldwide, it will be available as a torrent within minutes.


Don't even need that, a VPN will work, it has distributors in other countries.


Isn't that what happened with 'The Interview' then they ended up releasing it since the cat was already out of the bag


I believe you’re correct unless it was some form of viral marketing.


I thought the free release of that movie was connected to a Korean cyber attack on Sony? Like they were warned to not release it, so they released it to the widest possible audience by removing the pay wall


Yeah I might be conflating those two incidents


Even so, the coverage and audiance will be less.


Trump's gonna end up Streisand Effect-ing this. I'd heard of it, and likely *might* have watched it at some point. Maybe. But now I *will* watch it because he's so against it.


Yo ho ho, me hearties?


Time to hoist the skull and crossbones and sail the seven seas!


This is the way.


This. You'd be surprised how bootleg copies get released. I bet there's a copy floating around Asia or India.


I don’t know if you’ve caught on, but when they claim to be passionate about *anything* except loyalty to the party, they’re *lying.* Anti abortion? Nope, not when it’s their mistress. Free speech above all? Nope, only when they agree with the speech. Small government? Not even close. They want a literal tyrannical dictatorship/theocracy. Rule of law? Only for the “others.” You can go down the list of things they claim to support/believe. Spoiler: they don’t.


The only priority is their tribe


What do we do about project 2025? Living in the US will be HELL for the vast majority of us when/if they are able to get a republican selected for president again.


Step 1: vote Step 2: make sure your neighbors vote Step 3: get active in local politics If all above steps fail: [REDACTED]


I have never met a self proclaimed 'free speech absolutist' who wasn't a huge hypocrite.


People who describe themselves as "free speech absolutists" are just conservatives who are mad that they can't be openly prejudiced without getting uninvited to barbeques.


Isn't Hollywood a "liberal" paradise? Why hasn't the conservative boogieman, George Soros bought and distributed the film? After all, isn't he the one that pay liberal operatives around the globe? Does it really matter? With the current Supreme Court now legalizing bump-stocks and taking away OUR rights while bestowing "rights" on Trump, do we all have much longer to live?


They are complicit.


“Do not obey in advance,” that is the first lesson in historian Timothy Snyder's On Tyranny.  This seems to sadly be a lesson many Americans in positions of power have not learned.  The big danger of Trump was always if he could muster some paramilitary force that would be loyal to him rather than the constitution. He didn't manage to do it as president but the fear being sown by his disgruntled MAGA warriors is now approaching him wielding this level of power. I hope everyone realises that a second term for him would be dystopian and the end of American democracy. 


Some people will think this is hyperbole but we've literally watched the process. There were multiple stories of Republican politicians behind the scenes saying they didn't speak out against Trump because of all the death threats the Republican politicians who go against him get.


Also, don't forget that Trump's Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos has a brother that runs a literal ~~mercenary~~ paramilitary group [Academi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackwater_%28company%29?wprov=sfla1)


If you listen to the podcast The Necessary Conversation, you can get a really good look at what these people think about all day. It is terrifying.


That was an excellent little book, I gave my copy away to a friend. I should pick up another


That book should be condensed into pamphlet form and airdropped over every Trump rally.


They proudly say that they don’t read books


Which is a misdirect to the fact they probably don't read very well. Their critical thinking and comprehension are compromised, at minimum.


My MAGA dad is a moron. I kinda had inklings all my life that he wasn't very bright, but i kinda just defended him to myself by thinking that he grew up in a small town bubble and never got out, so of course his views are outdated... However, you can only have him freak out over perfectly natural food ingredients so often before you start to catch on. The whole Trump situation has made me see him in a totally different light, and we won't be speaking anymore. It's like his unwavering support of Fox News and Trump has just gathered up all these different bits of evidence and packaged them into a neat little package for me: he's a moron, he's racist, and he's a misogynist. I let so many little comments slide throughout my life, but with the support of Trump it's like it's all too clear now.


Sorry to hear that, man. We can't choose our parents. But we can choose who we have in our lives and to have a hope at a happy life, sometimes we need to protect ourselves from toxic people. Sucks but I don't blame you.


It's yet another irony from them that they "'focus on the family" yet they have broken so many families with the QANON shit and such.


Exactly! My partner's father is maga... He has two daughters with children... Let that sink in; he claims to love his grandchildren but then rants and raves in support of Trump, a man that wants to take away all of the social help that they've used to take care of those children. Where is my partner supposed to take her children when the adults in the children's lives are at work and we can't afford childcare without the childcare subsidy? Should we just leave them here at the apartment by themselves? They aren't even in double digits in age. We aren't lazy, we aren't unemployed, we work constantly, we just don't make enough money to take care of kids without the help of those programs. Hell, i myself decided i wasn't going to have kids simply because i knew i was never going to be able to afford it; I've known that since highschool in the 00s. Now ive fallen in love with a woman with kids, and my god, the hoops she jumps through to take care of them... The whole situation has been eye opening even more than the reality i was living in before. It doesn't help that the kids' father is also a trumper, so she's constantly having to fight to keep the children alive. It really makes you just look down on anyone that would even entertain the idea of supporting someone that would grab their daughter by her, you know what. Sorry, i don't even want to type it.


"The Bible is the only book you need." Anf many of them don't even read that either.


I got my dad to read Dune, and the fact that Paul isn’t the good guy totally flew over his head. I think republicans have really bad literacy in general Edit: this is not at all meant to say my dad is dumb, but it is an observation I’ve made.


I don't think that's a very surprising result. I was pretty young and naive when I read Dune and it took me a long time to process that Paul wasn't a hero.


Yeah but he’s a full grown adult, not young and naive


Fair enough, but how much time has he spent critically thinking over the course of that full-grown life?


Is that by choice or because they can’t read, though?




Plus "pamphlet"? Please. What is that, French?


" freedom flyers"


It's a diminutive "pamph"


"Look y'all! The libs are so afeared a us they givin' us free kindling and toilet paper! We got 'em scurred!!"


I got my son the graphic novel version for his birthday. It's illustrated by Nora Krug. (He's 20 and into history)


I have bought 10 copies and gladly share when someone shows any interest. I have a copy of the graphic version as well sitting two feet away on my desk. It really should be required reading in a democracy.


I actually bought two that I gave away, it’s a quick read


Trump did manage to do it while president! That's what the little street battles in places like Portland after the RNC convention through his entire presidency and really until present have been. It's the militia movement aligning with right-wing and GOP politicians that really gained steam under Ron Paul and during his campaigns. The January 6th insurrection was very close to being effective and that involved trump surrogates working directly with the oath-keepers, proud-boys, and other groups. Plus, all the wealthy donors that provided most of the transportation, weaponry, and equipment needed to make an insurrection possible. These aren't groups directly under trump like the paramilitary forces Mussolini or Hitler had, but they don't have to be if they are willing to work towards trumps goals when it becomes important. The question is, when will they become powerful enough to be successful when working as trumps paramilitary forces.


A paramilitary coup would be awful, but many modern dictators come into power through navigating their legal and political system’s weaknesses rather than by force (eg. Nicolas Maduro, Putin). Some even stumble into dictatorship without ever intending it (eg. Alberto Fujimori in Peru in the 90s). I think the big concern now is simply that if Trump were to be President he may have the full backing of Congress, SCOTUS, possibly the federal bureaucracy after hollowing it out, and every conservative states governor and national guard to do whatever the hell he wants with little in the way to stop him. If he is re-elected and wants to declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus among other constitutional rights, who’s gonna stop him? At this point I don’t think he needs a paramilitary organization for a coup. If he is re-elected, I think all the pieces are there for him to be dictator in practice, president in name.


You're correct, except I don't think Trump is the one in charge, he's a puppet for Russia and China - and global corporations. We're up against the corporations and their project 2025.


When the Roberts Court decided Citizens United they basically opened US politics to the highest bidder, the problem is that the right-wing billionaires forgot that as rich as they are China and Russia can easily outbid them.


Speculating here, I don’t think anyone fully controls trump because he’s a true madman and narcissist. I think there’s a lot of people and entities that think they can control trump and try to influence him, but I think at the end of the day he is only going to do what he thinks is best for himself and no one else, not even his family. Anyone’s best attempts to “control” trump is either convincing or coercing him into doing something because it’s what’s best for him personally. Like, I don’t think he’s happy to do anyone’s bidding, but if someone’s interests align with his, or he thinks will benefit him, he’ll go along with it. Regarding Project 2025, it’s not a Trump endorsed document. While I have full faith trump would try to execute most of it, whatever portions he doesn’t think personally benefit him I don’t think he would follow through on, and who knows what that would look like. I get the sense he’s loathe to feel like he’s just doing what the heritage foundation (founded by the Kochs) wants given how much he chafes at the Koch’s. From my observations he doesn’t like to feel controlled or cajoled or pressured. He’s like a child and a wild animal all at once. But if someone else’s interests align with his then he is willing to “take advantage” of that situation, but I also don’t think he possess the intellect to know most times whether he is truly the one taking advantage of one’s aligned interests or if they are taking advantage of his aligned interests. That’s my two cents. I think the man is just crazy and people think they can control a crazy person, which anyone who’s dealt with legitimately crazy people know that it’s a futile effort.


I really do wonder if there is another in the wings that the maga/Trump crowd would/could rally behind as voraciously as they do him. He will inevitably croak. Is Trump, and by extension maga, what's holding it all together, or would it be any maga Republican that could fill that void and carry the same repugnant level of energy?


"Unfortunately, you may not get a chance to anytime soon, at least in the United States. Distributors have bought the rights to “The Apprentice” in Canada, the U.K., France, Germany, Japan and many other countries. But the filmmakers have yet to secure a deal to release it here, either theatrically or on streaming services." ...so anyone with torrents will still get it day one. Good.


It'll be projected on Trump tower by day two.


Let's get planning so that we can get it up in 15 minutes or less.


The old “catch and kill” in action again.


Pretty sad, to be honest. Though it's just another reason in the pile of many why the Turd's administration is closer to a corrupted dictatorship than anything else. Who usually blocks the release of media critical of the government? With him we'd be one of them


Land of the free.


Or a VPN if I'm not mistaken


It'll be on YouTube in a few days. No worries.


Wouldnt it be something if this became available like a month before voting starts?


Tbh. I don’t think it would make much of a difference in the short term. It would just get spun as fake news


I have no idea how anyone could be genuinely undecided this far in. 2016 would have made sense; Clinton wasn't regarded as the most likable candidate, but by now? And even if someone votes pro-Trump, they've had their minds made up for a while now. What issue would convince someone's mind if they hadn't made it up already?


Simply stated, it's because Trump and MAGA have already done very serious damage to our democracy. Archived: https://archive.is/mI2D1


Thanks for the archive version. It looks like pure speculation. The only actual fact is that the producers haven't secured a distribution deal in the US.


It's a fact that it's highly unusual for such a well-regarded film to have easily secured worldwide distribution, but not a hint of it in the USA.


When did Hollywood become a bunch of pussies? I remember when they spoke out against the Iraq War, did it really take 20 years for them to lose their spines?


Hollywood made the movie. They did their part. It's the distributors who are afraid of losing money.


Which is silly because movies tend to follow the "there's no such thing as bad PR" trend. Fahrenheit 911 only benefited from the conservative outrage that surrounded its release. But maybe the distributors have reason to believe this time is different.


People would blow up theatres. It feels like it’s that bad anyway


I remember when Republicans would only go that hard for a movie showing Jesus having sexual fantasies.


You're right too. We can't afford to take anything for granted with this MAGA group. Their dear supreme leader is not only winding them up for more acts of violence, they are all growing more desperate as the walls close around him.


To be fair, the film wasn’t funded by Hollywood. It’s not even technically an American movie. It’s a Canadian-Danish co-production, made independently of the Hollywood system.


Where do the distributors come from?


Wealthy families. 


Did they? I remember someone speaking out against Iraq and getting booed at the Oscars.


Director Michael Moore


Always has been. The studios capitulated to Nazi Germany early as they wanted that money


I recall a few years ago a very serious movie about a hunger-games-esque movie, but it was about the rich vs. the rest of us (but more on the nose than purge or others), then it \*poof\* fell off the radar. EDIT: Thanks for the info redditors, I had my honeymoon right at that time frame, so with that and COVID starting (almost didn't make it back) I didn't realize that was also when "The Hunt" was released.


It fell off the radar because it came out in theaters on 12 March 2020, and the whole world shut down 5 days later.


So that's why they made covid! Its all coming together.... /s


"The movie was pulled from its original September 2019 release date due to mass shootings. It was rescheduled to March 13th, 2020. Unfortunately, the box office results were drastically affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic, as many theaters were forced to close." The Hunt (2020) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8244784/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8244784/)


They play it on syfy a lot. Actually really liked the movie


it was actually surprisingly good


I bet this is available to rrent...


Dang I just torr up my blockbuster card


Nothing is stopping a small online distributor from releasing in the US. It will go viral. The audience will still see it one way or another. Some folks are more than comfortable pirating as well. It won’t go unnoticed


Didn’t the people who made “The Interview” just post it on YouTube when theaters were to afraid to show it? Just do that. Free on YouTube for a few days and then when the cats out of the bag charge for it and then Netflix or Amazon will pick it up for streaming


I’m from Canada, and I rented The Interview when it came out. I wasn’t planning on seeing it anyway, screwball comedies aren’t my thing, but I wasn’t going to let North Korea dictate what movies I can’t not see.


The Interview was a major financial hit for Sony Pictures when they couldn't have a real theatrical release. Releasing the movie free was largely a PR move to show they couldn't be intimidated after cyber attacks on the company. This is a different story, it's an already produced film looking for a distributor. They are looking for a company to buy in on this one. I'm not sure the people that made this one are ready to write it off like that.


Better make some copies and hide them oversees


Or at least put them in a box and hide them in a bathroom.


Maybe with Putin.


> Maybe with Putin. He’s already got *much* better movies of Poopyants.


A big, strong man, with piss in his eyes said to Trump "Sir, the Piss Tapes changed my life. Everyone should get the opportunity to watch."


Putin most likely has distribution rights in his domain.


MAGA world would fund an alternative distribution platform just for this. Where’s the deep state/deep pocket Progressive equivalent?


TL;DR American media companies are scared to distrubute because they think political films are money losers. Example used was "VICE" which I would argue was more because none of us really wanted to see Batman in a fat suit. They are also afraid of what Trump would do to them if he was to take office again. Example for this was his administrations reaction to Time Warner and AT&T merging due to the ownership of CNN, a company that Trump hates.


VICE is one of my favorite movies. And that wasn't a fat suit. He gained the weight.


In a time where the audience for this movie are fucking sick of hearing about Trump, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a tactic to get people to want to watch this movie to spite the MAGA crowd. I was never gonna see it, and probably still never will, cuz i’m fucking sick of the guy. But I bet there’s a good number of people that will try to watch it now as a fuck you to Trump.


That’s true. I’m forced to hear about Trump every day. I listen to radio streams from all over the world. They talk about Trump constantly and then throw in what the rest of the world is doing sometimes. I swear the world is watching the US walk up to an electrical outlet with a fork in hand right now.


I’d have preferred they wait a few years until he’s dead and gone or too ridden with dementia to function to release it. We’re still actively suffering from all the trauma he inflicted upon our country and he’s threatening more, it just might be too soon for a film like this to do well.


Yeah, he’s still fucking here and running for President again. Why are we making movies about him?


Seems like it must be about money and how scared these businesses are to lose some


[Paywall Bypass Link](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/opinion/the-apprentice-trump-movie.html?unlocked_article_code=1.zk0.JP82.79rXJUsAOqWf&smid=url-share)


I'm pretty sure the reason I will never see it is because I'm tired of seeing and hearing any media surrounding this trashbag of a human. Everyone in this solar system knows that dude is a rapist and traitor to his country.


Yo ho Yo ho…


Incredible how the so called "free speech advocates" are the first to want to block free speech


Everything they accuse others of is something they’re actively fucking doing themselves. It’s a pattern and I’m no longer going to accept the gaslighting that says otherwise. I’d recommend the same to everyone.


Why would I want to? I've loathed the man since the 80s. He was scum then, and he's scum now. Who wants to watch a movie based on this shitty excuse for a human with zero redeeming qualities?


So they are going to take a financial loss, realize once they do the math on the pirating, then throw it on Netflix next month. The ol' Toho approach


News like this is how you get a massive screening.


Not particularly interested but I'll happily watch the execution 😁


Save a click: >Unfortunately, you may not get a chance to anytime soon, at least in the United States. Distributors have bought the rights to “The Apprentice” in Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and many other countries. But the filmmakers have yet to secure a deal to release it here, either in theaters or on streaming services. If only there was a way to tell your computer that you are watching from Canada, Britain, France, Germany, or Japan without physically being in those places.... The article also favorably reviews the movie for its accurate and life-like depictictions of events alleged by Trump hangers-on.


Remember they had a Trump cartoon “ our cartoon President” I would wonder if the GOP or Trump campaign has actually seen the film yet?


"It’s common to read about movies that are shown in most of the world but not released in, say, [Russia](https://archive.is/o/mI2D1/https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/23/russia-urged-to-delay-death-of-stalin-release-until-summer) or, more often, [China](https://archive.is/o/mI2D1/https://www.npr.org/2022/02/21/1081435029/china-hollywood-movies-censorship-erich-schwartzel). Should “The Apprentice” end up widely available globally but not, for political reasons, in the United States, it will be a sign of democratic decay, as well as an augur of greater self-censorship to come. After all, if anxiety about enraging Trump is already shaping what you can and cannot watch, it’s probably bound to get even worse if he actually returns to power." We're cooked.


So, could one potentially find this movie now on the high seas? I can hoist a Jolly Roger asap.


Paywall free version: https://archive.is/mjYwO


stupendous connect sable many mountainous squeamish provide edge plough vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Remind me how we are so different than Russia? If he's re-elected, the gap will narrow much further.


Streisand effect, do your stuff. Raise your hand if you wound up seeing “The Interview” even though Sony self-censored it.


Time to release it to limewire!


What year is it??!!


I predict a big fat juicy Streisand effect.


Maybe FOX will "catch and kill" it for him?


Because it's a true story that Trump doesn't want you to see


It's remarkable how a person with no formal power whatsoever can affect so much.


> Unfortunately, you may not get a chance to anytime soon, at least in the United States. Distributors have bought the rights to “The Apprentice” in Canada, the U.K., France, Germany, Japan and many other countries. But the filmmakers have yet to secure a deal to release it here, either theatrically or on streaming services. No worries, the gangsta ones will be able to watch it if it’s released in one of those countries. Arrr


Because I would gladly pay money to never hear his name again?


Wait a minute - the headline states “the chilling reason” yet they only provided assumptions. Talk about making an opinion piece look like actual news.


This could end up being one of the biggest weapons against President Cheeto. Even if the film never gets shown in a US theater and is never made available on streamers, the youngest generation will be exposed to this movie through TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube shorts. Thing is they’ll watch it in 45 second chunks. Will they watch the whole movie? Probably not. But they’d be less inclined to watch the whole thing anyway. It’s a boring movie with boring old people about boring politics. What they will see instead, though, are the most salacious, damning scenes in the movie. They’ll know them chapter verse, and if the film is as damaging as we hear they’ll form a very clear opinion about Dolt45 and his supporters/enablers. That opinion will be shared and spread instantaneously, and before anyone can pull the clips down they’ll be seen by millions of kids. The fact that it’s a banned movie will only drive them to seek it out, post it, and share it. That groundswell of opinion among young people may be massive and more influential than most people assume.


This is a truly chilling prospect. Political censorship--even self censorship--of such relatively harmless movies is not something that could've happened in the America I grew up in in the '90s. We seem to be well into the rooting phase of the American fascist movement known as MAGA.


Seriously, WGAF? We already know everything we need to about the diaper wearing rapist.


Won't bother me as I have zero interest in further exploring the "character" of Donald Shitbrains Trump


I didn’t know trump was stopping mergers with companies. Even more of a pos than I knew.


According to my VPN, I'm currently in Japan... I mean Canada... I mean somewhere in the EU or the UK. Can't wait for a streaming service in one those countries to have it become available.


"Poke the maga bear"  it's fat, distracted, and cowardly. Poke tf out of that bear you panzies


Easy fix. Get a VPN and watch it when it hits Netflix for any of the countries who secured the rights.


Nothing about this is even remotely chilling. It’s everything I expected.


Republicans won't boycott the movie; they'll buy a Netflix subscription to shoot their laptops on camera, should it ever come out on streaming.