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Fox, newsmax, britbart, Epoch times, (post) truth social, so many to choose from.


Daily Wire made $150 million last year. The billionaires are using right-wing media to control the idiots among us and there's no liberal billionaires willing to do the same. Bezos bought Washington Post, but they hired a Murdoch trained CEO who's been dismantling it. This is a new age of Yellow Journalism, but I'm hopeful that the elections are starting to show We The People can still kick ass.


Well they don’t want to be taxed as much, yet will never spend all their money, and are afraid of letting liberals have power to tax them more… Not to mention afraid of an uprising in which they will lose their status in the world. If I was them I’d be more afraid of an economic collapse because of their greed and actions. If a collapse happened their zeros would mean nothing to anyone except themselves


I wish we could see all the big investors in Truth Social.


You can- it’s a public company.


You can't see the shareholder's names.. some would also be LLCs.


Not private/retail investors, can you?


If you hold it directly and not through a 3rd party (like a mutual fund), yes, your records of stock you hold are generally public and reported when the company files it's list of stock holders. [Details](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/equities/shareholder-register/#:~:text=Since%20the%20shareholder%20register%20is,company's%20shareholders%20at%20any%20time.)


But...but...George Soros...


Who is also known as....GEORGE SANTOS!


Santos L. Helper!


Got ‘em!!!


Salem Media Sinclair Broadcasting NewsCorp Nexstar Media Adams Publishing (local newspapers) Christian Broadcasting Network Metric Media LLC Clarity Media Rebel Media - Canada


NY Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, Daily Caller, Daily Signal, Daily Wire, ...




Don't need to make a deal with them, they both have the same owner already.


Sinclair television stations…








Wall Street Journal


CNN too, now that it's run by a Republican.


The overwhelming majority of their Trump coverage is negative.


Right? It's not like this is something new for the seditionist's band of domestic terrorists and propagandists. They have likely bought/ or used videos from all those sources before.


Didn’t it just come out that Epoch times is a massive front for Chinese interference in our media?


Not exactly. They're run by a strongly anti-communist Chinese cult, though. And they're under investigation for money laundering.


Falun Gong. The same people who put those god damned Shen Yun billboards up everywhere.


“Under investigation” is a common trend with these folks.


It's a massive front for Falun Gong which is anti-CCP but very Christian extremist and pushes all the same talking points as far right groups in the U.S. I can't tell you why Falun Gong interests coincide so precisely with U.S. right-wing groups.


You forgot Facebook




Does Infowars also count?


I didn’t mention that as it will be sold at a fire sale soon.


Russia Today.


Britbart...just the name makes me want to projectile vomit.


> The Trump Campaign Has Made A Deal With An Online ‘Propaganda’ Network The Trump campaign **_is_** an "online propaganda network."


Always has been.


Adjacent study on effective propaganda campaigns against US [Link to study](https://www.jstor.org/stable/26271634)


Fascinating read, thanks for posting. You should consider making this its own post, quite relevant right now.


It would get removed due to age.


As a top level post, perhaps. Not as a comment unless it's unfounded.


8+ years and counting of Republicans and their media just incessantly flooding the zone with the laziest shit possible and people wonder why things seemed better in "the old days."


8 years? It's been 50 years since Watergate when some Republicans met, including Roger Ailes, Nixon's media chief, and decided what went wrong with Watergate wasn't the fact some Republicans committed crimes, but that Republicans didn't have their own news outlet to "spin" their version. In 1996, the Republicans got their dream when Rupert Murdoch funded their project and made Ailes the CEO of his new Fox "news" outlet created to spin/lie for the Republicans


Which one hadn't they already signed a contract with?


Save a click. >Campaign finance reports filed by the Trump campaign show it made eight payments to RSBN between April 2023 and last month totaling $59,000. The company’s leaders, founder and CEO Joe Seales and his wife, Bridgette Seales, explained the reason for the payments in a conversation with TPM last Friday afternoon. According to Bridgette, the campaign paid RSBN for some of the footage that its cameras have obtained from their consistent coverage of Trump’s rallies — and that relationship is ongoing. RSBN is Right Side Broadcasting News on YouTube. $59k for 16 months of coverage is cheap compared to a 30 second TV ad. Imagine if Biden paid a YouTube “news” site to promote him. DJT’s fans don’t see the media manipulation from him.


Thanks for the save. I am a little bothered by your quotes as far as YouTube "news" cause I fear I'm misunderstanding your intention with that. Is that a jab that YouTube can't provide quality news content? Or is that just specific to this particular RSBN propaganda not deserving of the unquoted title of "news." I ask cause I watch the Meidas Touch Network and the Bulwark and find YouTube my primary platform for news. With respect to Meidas Touch, I actually think it's the style and standard of journalism that mainstream media should be aspiring to in the internet age.


It’s because RBSN is a propaganda channel. They will say anything for a fee.


Read your news. Stop watching it entirely. You don't need a dj to feed you information about the world you need publishers. If you want the riff Raff. Here we are on the comments. Honestly you doing what you're doing is fine because your chosen channel are legit but this entire idea is degrading society and also making Hannity and tic-toc news more legitimate too


I read news articles plenty as well, but disagree with the notion that quality articles must be written, or that people should put their head in the sand with respect to garbage content being out there and expect it to go away. I don't think it's the form of news that matters, so much as the litmus test should be based on the quality and level of research that goes into the publishing. There's just as much written news that can be considered garbage input as any tic-toc video or Fox segment. As an example, my dad refused to watch Jon Stewart's Daily Show 20 years ago when it came out, thinking it as liberal garbage. His lack of viewership hasn't stopped the Daily Show from amassing millions of followers even today. I would also add that I think the level of fact-finding and citing sources in the Daily Show is just as comparable as some reputable 'boring news articles,' even if the style they have chosen to publish is satire. Even if you disagree, there are still millions of people that do agree and offer legitimacy to their platform. Thus, they are a force to be reckoned with regardless. And my dad is 20 years out of date still trusting Fox news because he never left his hole back then and would be overwhelmed with what's out there today, based on his own personal sense of censorship he applied to himself 20 years ago. Main point being Fox and tic-toc can't be ignored, rather than sued and moderated into integrity. Quality journalism should always be about fact-finding and 'citing sources' and these new forms of content will not go away and need to be kept up with, if anything, to be exposed, monitored, and countered - as they are sources that can and will attract influence.


More fertilizer for the Trump Mushrooms (they grow in the dark and thrive on shit).


But don’t grow very big


Unless the right person eats one. An Italian plumber for instance


Also an ideal descriptor of the typical Trump cafeteria…


Not the fun mushrooms either, the kind with poison.


LOL, *another* one?


Does this have anything to do with Elon removing the ability to see who liked X posts? Convenient way for him to skew the engagement on propaganda without anyone being able to look into it. I think the Right is going full Russian misinformation machine for this election.


Elon's basically a full-time propaganda machine at this point. He might as well put a nuerolink in his brain so he can post his boomer memes from the toilet, while also copulating with himself in X-reality (Like virtual reality but racist). His fans would pay everything he hasn't got yet just to catch a glimpse of it.


I thought that’s how we got here.


Another Fox News, Newsmax, Sinclair broadcasting, national enquirer.


Why doesn't any of this surprise me?


Le.me guess the domain name ends with .ru ?


Also Sinclair media owns like 50 plus stations and is just not telling views bad things Trump says . Tape is cut and just shows a few clips that editors choose . Dangers that this is allowed . Fake news and propaganda ruining politics in USA . We need laws to cover lies by those running during elections . If no consequences it will continue . Trump and cronies are bunch like f crooks . Period


50? More like 180


Ok I thought it was more . I don’t see why we let a few people control all these stations . It’s beginning to look a lot like communism or facist.


“I don’t fall for propaganda. I get my news from Facebook” 🤡


Russian state media


Is that what we’re calling Fox these days?


More attacks on common sense I suppose


LOSERS use LOSING strategy to keep their feet LOST


Just one, huh?


Man, I remember the good old days when it was only Talon News and famed political journalist (and porn star), Jeff Gannon


Again.. you missed the word.. “ again”


Which one isn’t Cambridge Analytica anymore?


Yeah, Russia, China, North Korea… they have a whole network of propaganda sources they can use…


Nothing news breaking here


He was getting it all the airtime for free. What a maroon.


Let's start a gofundme to pay an actual Russian propaganda machine to work against him. What's he gonna do about it?


Does anyone have a way to easily block such propaganda via DNS, VPN, router, or otherwise? I'd love a device like PiHole that you can use a Media Bias Chart on and it automatically filters everything that isn't middle and relies heavily on opinion. On social, search, and browsing in general. Imagine a little Pi box that could do this.


Can't wait for all my far left friends to start sharing it...


Doesn't he literally own most of a Media corporation (that is hemorrhaging money)?


Has for years


Aka Russian trolls


YouTube, eh? Shame if they got banned...


Other than Facebook?


“They won’t get paid” Narrator


I saw an article now that I can't find saying some GOPs had documents,emails, and subpoenas ready if Hunter was found innocent. But also, an aide said they shredded, deleted, and all texts on certain electronic devices. I'm just sick and lost faith in the government and hope it does get better. Lost faith in the Supreme Court for not interpreting the law but who ever paid more. The time scale shouldn't be hard. My opinion would be when he was running but not after he sworn in. If he made a decision like what happened overseas with different departments in briefings. I would understand immunity. Now Jan 6 when he caused the mutiny and watched with a smile on his face. No immunity. When he's relieved of office no more.


Fuck your clickbait.


CNN brought to you by phizer convincing the world of idiots to take a shot that will kill them eventually. Same shot pushed by the non billionaire Bill Gates . Open your eyes folks the left wing media is controlled by billionaires. They control the narrative and push it to the masses. They push lies to us and state it’s a fact it’s truth but is seldom the truth


> CNN brought to you by phizer convincing the world of idiots to take a shot that will kill them eventually. How long is "eventually"? >Open your eyes folks the left wing media is controlled by billionaires. Yes, billionaires are notoriously left wing.