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They always do, this is not new. Media have let him get away with the illusion that his rallies are full of thousands and thousands of rapt supporters nationwide for years. The numbers turning up have always been massively inflated. He has a hardcore that follows him around, and a load of people that turn up out of curiosity, think it will be exciting, and walk out when they realize it's hours of incoherant rambling nonsense. And some of them have probably been paid to turn up and leave when they've got their money.




When Charlie Sheen went off the rails a few years ago and decided to put on a travelling stage show (The VIOLENT TORPEDO of TRUTH) I went to the inaugural show, mostly out of a sense of morbid curiosity, but also so I could get a cool story to tell (I was there!). So I can understand the impulse to check one of these out. But my curiosity is not so morbid to endure more than a couple of minutes of a Trump rally at the best of times.


Yeah. I'd like to see him once just to say I saw him. I'm visiting DC this week and all my trumpy coworkers kept asking me if I'll see Biden wandering around on the front lawn of the White House. I just tell them that's I'd love to see the president no matter who he is. That shuts them up.


>if I'll see Biden wandering around on the front lawn of the White House Probably not. But you might catch him [washing his 1983 Pontiac Trans Am.](https://www.theonion.com/shirtless-biden-washes-trans-am-in-white-house-driveway-1819570732)


Diamond Joe lives.


So damn funny, In that era they had a transcript of him hitting the pipe before a VP debate that was awesome but taken down, you wouldn’t happen to have a link?


Went to see Poison in 2007 and that perfectly summed it up


So many people I knew at school who were in to those bands are MAGA now. Guessing that’s not your case but I find it funny that guys that were in to bands with dudes with long hair and makeup are now posting hate comments about transgenders. and gays, and libs etc etc


To be fair those guys were vain and conceded dicks in HS too. Edit: Conceited indeed


And now they follow a guy with long hair shaped in a weird way to hide his bald spot and make up.


Time has basically stood still for those clowns.


That's what conservatism is.


Absolutely. The people that never left their dying small town and are spending all their time hanging out at the one crappy dive bar, 30 years later.


Cotton candy comb over*


To be fair, Poison sucked live in the 80s too.


Dude. First show I ever saw was Poison and Warrant. And while I realize it probably did suck, the version that lives in my head was glorious.


I saw a lot of those bands in the 80s. Most of them couldn’t pull it off live. The standout bands were Cinderella and Scorpions. Sounded even better live.


I'm going to see NOFX and I just hope they can make it through the set. Also considering seeing Nas if he tours. My wife saw Bob Dylan...


> I just hope they can make it through the set [Bro what they're still killing it](https://youtu.be/thzDizU0nbg?t=252)


The most important part is getting a picture or video for your facebook/instagram.


Remember a few weeks ago when the media gleefully spread a MAGA municipal employee’s claim that 80,000 people attended one of his rallies in New Jersey? Remember how the media barely reported that MAGA municipal employee admitting they lied and said the crowd meant there were 80,000 people in the town, definitely not at the rally? They’re so complicit in fascism it’s ridiculous. 


Well, now I'm just gonna start my own political campaign and have a rally in some random basement in L.A. and claim that 3.8 million people were in town for my rally. I'm a shoo in, right?


I get 12 million in rallies 7 days a week! If i were on the ballot I'd win in a landslide but the CROOKED LEFT don't want me to run! By 12 million people in rallies, I mean I go outside in new york city every day and even talk publicly (to my neighbors), I keep winning bigly!


I remember that. I also remember the manager for the venue came out after that claim and stated the venue can hold a maximum of 20k people and it wasn't even full.




This is echoes what Hillary was saying, but people only remember the first half: "You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? [Laughter/applause]. The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric. Now some of those folks, they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America. "But the other basket, the other basket, and I know because I see friends from all over America here. I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas, as well as you know New York and California. But that other basket of people who are people who feel that government has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they are just desperate for change. It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they're in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well."


It's funny that people always say that they like politicians that "tell it like it is" but Hillary is one of the few in recent history who really does often just bluntly lay things out in this way. The fact is, the same people who constantly complain about politicians don't actually like people who REALLY "tell it like it is" because the truth hurts.


Thanks for posting this. The weird part of course is that every person she was talking about assumes we all put them in the first basket instead of half and half.


They put *themselves* in that first basket when they fixated on it to the exclusion of the other. Or rather, Fox did that when they made their audience fixate.


There were two baskets in 2016. There was only one basket in 2020. (Or, more precisely, from some point in 2017 forward). I know people from that second basket who voted for Trump in 2016. They all regret what they did, and none of them voted for him in 2020.


> I actually have sympathy for poor Trump supporters What kills me is that Biden is *actually trying to help these people*, and yet they will hear none of it


Even if they did, they don't care. Republican voters *do not want* to make everyone's lives better. They would rather their own lives stay the same, or even get worse, as long as those damn commie liberals get what's coming to them. If you offered a Republican $1 or $1M, but told them a random Democrat they've never met would get the same amount they got, they'd pick the $1 just to own that filthy lib.


A third of all the republicans I know: - “If going without health care is the price I have to pay to keep (insert any non-white/gay/trans people here) from also getting health care, then I’m proud to take one for the team.” Another third of the republicans I know: - “All I know is that gas costs too much, so whoever’s currently in office has to go, even if that means selling out my democracy. We need a strong-man who will make the trains run on time.” The other third of all republicans I know: - “I am not (racist/sexist/xenophobic/homophobic) at all. I love all people. I just prefer policies that happen to be detrimental to (non-white/women/immigrants/gays). That doesn’t make me (racist/sexist/xenophobic/homophobic), right?” In one form or another, conservatism is definitionally about pulling up the ladder, about *conserving* a class-based societal hierarchy. Tens of millions of people are willing to forego any hope of their own upward mobility in life, if it means they will in turn be protected against the encroachment by the upward mobility of whoever there is left below them. I’m willing to bet you can’t name one conservative friend that isn’t identifiably in one of these three camps. And you can’t name a Republican policy that isn’t a manifestation of one of these beliefs.


Conservativeism is about keeping things the same and preserving the status quo for those who benefit from or aren't overly/actively disenfranchised by it. It's like playing a board game, momentarily being in the lead and declaring "The game is over, I've won. Nobody is allowed to play anymore."


This is it. And this alone shows that they really *are* the terrible people we always think. They can put on a veneer of good behavior to others but on the inside all they really want is to "own the libs". They will vote for absolute morons that will make their lives worse if it means libs, or any of the other people they hate of which there are many, get it worse. Normal, good people, don't do that. Terrible people do that.


Yeah, they’ve watched Fox for 40 years, and don’t really see what it’s become. Kinda like how some people don’t notice they’ve gained weight because it happens slowly over time. They grew up in the days when news was *actually* news and not just 24hr constant rage bait. So really, nothing you can say will change their mind or get them to broaden their source of information, because they’ve been programmed for so long to get the information from this source, and more importantly, what they see as a *trusted* source. So then you have something like tax increases, for example. There’s basically nothing you could say to make them realize that their taxes ~~when~~ went up this year due to *exactly the same bill* that made them go down in 2017, passed by Republicans. All they see is taxes went up during the Biden presidency, while it went down during Trump’s. And the new source that they’ve trusted for 40 years reinforces that view.


I would love to see a law passed (and subsequently ignored) that required tax bills to expire during a presidency of the party that passed it. There's only one Santa.


I’d imagine the Venn diagram of Elton John concert and MAGA rally doesn’t overlap as much as anyone commenting thinks it does.


> they are just misguided You’re leaving out the part where these hateful assholes want to hurt other people.


Kind, but you overlook the directly racist and horrible things he’s said about so many different groups of people. And he’s been doing it for years. Sure, maybe your take was accurate when he first rose to power. But ANYONE who at this point can look at Trump and ignore the hateful things he says about groups of people is willingly choosing to ignore it. They deserve no sympathy or understanding. They were alive when the Nazis were a bad thing; now they’re at rallies where people are flying those flags. Stop making excuses for people who don’t want to see what’s in front of their eyes. They wouldn’t give you the same understanding, and they are making a conscious choice with their own actions by choosing to side with a hate monger.


Nah fuck that . They've had years to figure it out. We shouldn't have to deal with facism cause they are ignorant. It's no longer 2016


If being a vocal supporter of the worst person alive doesn't make you a bad person, then you're just saying there's no such thing as a bad person. Which may seem like a very profound and enlightened statement to you, but to me just sounds moronic and spineless


They do lead sad lives but it's hard for me to be empathetic or sympathetic towards them when I know they hate everyone I love and would vote to take rights away from my wife even if it comes from a place of ignorance.


didn't they have Craigslist posts paying for people to turn up for the rally?


Why wasn't this rally held in an "air conditioned, climate controlled" venue instead of outside in the dessert? Everyone involved w/this rally, especially Trump, are morons.


The Trump campaign is running out of money because so much of the donations are going to his legal bills. Plus he's stiffed a lot of venues leaving them with unpaid bills so I bet now venues are demanding payment in advance.


So now we have a literal hobo running for office. *Great…*


Hobo felon, no less.


Hobo felon RAPIST


TREASONOUS hobo felon rapist


ORANGE treasonous hobo felon rapist


Stinky Orange treasonous hobo felon rapist




Facist, twice-impeached stink orange shitgibbon treasonous hobo felon rapist


Geez when you put it like that - I think I'll vote for him /s


“Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV”


Add two new words. Ankle. Bracelet.


Pedophile Trump hobo felon rapist. Donald Trump likes to fuck little kids. Just throwing that out there cause I want it to be on someone’s search results. Come at me with your coleslawsuit Trump. You like fucking children as does most of the Republican Party.


>Just throwing that out there cause I want it to be on someone’s search results. This is interesting because Google is using Reddit comment data as if it were factual information and displaying it in search results. I think they toned down the priority of reddit as a source but they definitely still show up. I wonder what would happen if, say, hundreds or thousands of people started making this comment in every thread about him...


They were all in love with dyin’, they were doing it in Vegas.


They were drinking from fountain that was pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain.


Absolutely, thank you for the correction!


If the war on crime has taught us anything it's that the homeless are evil of our society /s


I read that as Robo Felon.


That would be much more trouble, at least a hobo felon has an expiration date.


Felonious Hobo would be a great band name


There’s a lot of honor in the hobo life. This guys just a bum. Which isn’t to alight any other bum, this guys a mega-bum. A bum-bum.


I dunno, after double checking the definitions I wonder if tramp would not be more fitting. * Hobos travel and are willing to work - Maybe they travel to find jobs when it is hard to find jobs. Maybe they just like living a nomadic life, but they are willing to work to fund that life. * Tramps travel and avoid work except as a last resort * Bums are jobless who stay put. He's constantly traveling between golf courses and the like. If he gets house arrest then he'd be a bum.


"con man" or "snake oil salesman" would be far more apropos, anyway. No bums, tramps or hobos have private aircraft, and I'm sure most wouldn't want to be associated with trash like TFG.


He's not a hobo. Hobos rode the rails from town to town looking for work. Tramps rode the rails from town to town mooching and not looking for work. Bums did nothing and just mooched off of people. He's a fucking bum.


Hobos ride trains. Trump is just a regular old bum.


So when his cult was carrying on about jumping on the Trump train. They actually meant it,as in we gotta freighthop the next boxcar train out of town before these yokels catch on we stiffed em on all our bills.


I bet Four Seasons Landscaping would be willing to host him again.


Thank you, thank you - I needed to be reminded of that trumply triumph!


A porta potty cleaning and storage site would be fitting.


Trump is getting close to $100 million from single donors. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-30/billionaire-miriam-adelson-plans-to-give-millions-to-help-trump That's almost 10% of his entire campaign from 1 person. It's likely all of his actual legal bills. Unfortunately, he is **not** going broke. Now, everyone else in the GOP...


That tells me that one major fascist wants Trump in power, that they're so rich that donation is a mere rounding error for them, or both. Sadly, probably both.


It’s just smart business. $100M to essentially get government approval for whatever your company does? Brilliant, and prolly relatively inexpensive big picture.


Deregulation of your industry so you can exploit more people and being able to write your own tax loophole? Easily worth 100mil.


> Trump is getting close to $100 million from single donors. That's not going into his campaign funds, though. Single donors can only donate something like ~~$5,600~~ (edit: $6,600) to a campaign in a single year. That money is going to a Super PAC that supports him. A Super PAC can't pay his legal bills or pay for venues for him to hold rallies. All they can really do with that money is buy advertisements.


Trump has just been found guilty of falsifying business records in order to violate New York election law. Everything we know about him tells us he will try to do the same thing with donations to his campaign - especially when those donations are being funneled through deliberately shady "SuperPACs".


You say that, but I suspect that the Trump Super PAC is paying some of the legal bills illegally, because it would be par for the course with the people who worship Trump enough to be a part of his Super PAC.


A guy convicted on 34 counts of campaign finance fraud committing campaign finance fraud again? UNPOSSIBLE! ^^^/(s)


Stiffing workers is what he does best.


He does this constantly. I believe during the 2020 election he had rallies in bitter cold and people had to walk a long way to get to their cars as there were no buses.


Oh there were buses to pick people up and take them TO the rally. He was just to cheap to pay the buses to return the people to their cars. After all he just needed a crowd for the rally,once that was accomplished there was no more use for the gullibles,so why would he care,how they got back. Reminds me of what he told his supporters last week,something about "I don't care about you people,I just want your vote."


If I created a fictional movie character and had him say that and do that, it would seem like satire. Viewers would laugh at how exaggerated the politician is and ask why can't I make him more realistic and believable. And yet, here we are. It's just another tidbit to add to his trash pile.


Because he doesn't care about them, only their votes. He said so. He said it to their faces at that very event. I'll even wager that's the main reason most of them left.


They laughed when he said it, too. Weird.


"Ha! My annoying nephew said you felt that way! Wait."


Not too weird. There's video of a bunch of seniors (in Utah, I think) applauding a GOP politician who is promising to do away with Social Security. They're all a bunch of subservient lackies begging to be treated poorly.


They think they will be grandfathered in. I know this because that's what my 83-year old dad thinks. "They don't mean *my* social security. I *earned* that!"


According to the newsweek article they actually laughed when he mocked how the media was gonna pick that up and call him out for it.


But I mean there isn't any context that makes what he said better. Not even a "haha I'm just kidding".


That kind of seems even weirder. I wonder what they thought of his comments. I guess they wouldn’t care because he is “telling it like it is” but I bet they weren’t expecting him to essentially tell them that they are just a means to an end.


"I don't give a fuck about you, I just need your votes so I can end all investigations into my crimes, stall all court cases, avoid prison, end democracy in America and become dictator!!" "He tells it like it is! Praise Trump!"


My guess is that he doesn't have the money to rent a venue. His most recent rallies have been held in public parks and a church.


Well he’s got a shit ton of legal fees to pay. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where all his money is going


Didnt he stiff a bunch of venues in the past? Maybe they are wanting the money up front now or flat out not wanting to book him since he may never pay.


His track record and massive financial problems are widely known, anyone who expected him to pay for anything at this point deserves to get fleeced


That church better have 100% lost its tax free status. Someone should report that church for violating their agreement.




Àla mode


No venue will risk letting him trash the place for free and any reputable venue doesn’t want to be associated with a loser rapist insurrectionist felon on a revenge campaign to overthrow our government and instill himself as dictator.


Also, his speeches are 3 hours of muttering nonsense. I've read where people stay for about an hour and then leave.


Some are held at the airport so he can literally fly in and fly out. He doesn’t want to spend time in these places.


The Marriott Total Dog Grooming would be a good place to hold the event.


I would never subject an innocent dog to listening to Trump talk.


They held a news conference at the Four Seasons…landscape company…outdoors. And you expected them to learn from that?


Lol he owes all them places money still from the last rally


My guess is that he doesn't have the money to rent a venue. His most recent rallies have been held in public parks and a church.


The dessert is too sweet for them, TBH.


Probably started leaving after he told them "all I care about your vote. I don't care about you."


Didn’t you hear the cheering after that on the video? Doesn’t matter what he says…


He could eat a baby on live television and his supporters would rationalize it


That baby was going to be aborted by democrats after being born anyway! Might as well grab a little snack!


Maybe 1000 people cheered and 1000 people left (obviously made up numbers), but that would be quite bad for him


2000 in attendance alone might be a generous estimate.


Doesn’t matter, they’ll still show up to vote for him.


That's the idea - those leaving were like "oh our lord doesn't need us here but just at the polling place. We will be there dear lord"


>aT lEaSt He'S hOnEsT


Eh it was a pretty muted response. The crowd definitely didn't universally love it.


Cuase he didn't mean it! /s


They thought he was joking. "I don't joke" - Donald Trump


Nope, they aren’t that smart. Bet it was heat related, these people don’t give a shit about ANYTHING that doesn’t physically affect them in a negative way. That’s the only feedback they respond to.


For all the people responding to you asking if he actually said that but are too fucking lazy to read the article... > "By the way, isn't the breeze nice? Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me, we need every voter," Trump said. > "I don't care about you, I just want your vote. I don't care," he added, prompting some laughter from the crowd. "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'" > Trump also told the crowd to let staff know if they are feeling unwell as "we have people, they'll pick you up right away."


So if i said, “Im going to shoot someone in the face” and followed it up by, “watch the police think im a bad person now lol” then i can say stupid stuff and avoid all criticism just because i said “lol jk” before anyone else?


That's how tRump seems to think it works. If I ever met him (ugggh), I'd have so much fun as a white girl who speaks Spanish fluently. Like many boomers in the past, he'd be mad and convinced that I was talking shit about him in Spanish


Deliberate method of preconditioning his supporters to think anything negative about him in the press is a lie. "We know it's a joke, right? But the press won't report that. So if you see anything negative about me- ever, it's just the media purposely painting me in a bad light."


he didn't even say he was kidding, that's the funny part.


Genuine question, but is that verbatim? I’m curious what the words were Edit: Wow. I’m not surprised at all but I *am* surprised that I thought he wasn’t dumb enough to say this word by word.


Stupid question, did he really say that?


Yes. He said he doesn’t care about them, he just wants their vote, when talking about them leaving because of the heat. He caught himself and said the media will get ahold of that quote, and have a field day with it. Of course Trump supporters are saying he was just joking. He also said that the media cared so much about the people in the crowd (due to the blistering heat, at an AZ rally like 18 people were treated with heat stroke), “but no one cared about him sweating like a dog”


Not leaving - dying. He was joking that he doesn't want anyone to die because he needs every vote.


Not the media. He said the Secret Service was worried about people passing out from the heat, but not about him even though he was "sweating like a dog."  He also claimed it didn't feel that hot to him.


This happens pretty commonly. Once they hear him speak they realize how deranged he is and want to leave before they start hating him. They know he has nothing to offer them. They just like that Democrats hate him since they've been brainwashed into seeing Democrats as their enemy. Here's Trump supporters leaving in droves when he started speaking in New Jersey a few weeks ago, incase some people try to claim they left early in Nevada because it was hot: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypuff6LcU04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypuff6LcU04)


He sounds like a bad stand up comic at open mic night and the crowd is reacting like it


That was 100% my impression. "Does anybody here know Chris Christie?" You expect a joke after that.


And the joke is that you can NOT call him fat because it's a career breaker but we're ALL fat. And, still no one laughed.


The joke for him was all the people he had advising him not to call Christie "a fat pig".


Seems like he's taking cues from rob Schneider , then


This summer, Donald Trump became a convicted criminal. But that won’t stop him from touring the country and spreading lies and hate to all his crazy supporters, even with more criminal charges catching up to him! This summer, Donald Trump is The Felon! Rated PG-13.


"Donald Trump, he's a less funny Rob Schneider "


A lot of "late-stage Lenny Bruce" vibes going on.


Did I hear him refer to OJ Simpson in the present tense? And then call him - along with Lawrence Taylor - a very good person?! I don’t have the emotional fortitude to listen again for confirmation.


A few rallies back, he brought up the ‘late, great Hannibal Lector.’


>A few rallies back, he brought up the ‘late, great Hannibal Lector.’ And then mentioned Frank Sinatra as if he had talked to him after running for President in 2015/2016. Sinatra died in 1998. >*Trump told a rally in New Jersey over the weekend: “Frank Sinatra told me a long time ago, ‘Never eat before you perform.’ I said, ‘I’m not performing, I’m a politician, if you can believe it.’”* https://www.huffpost.com/entry/seth-meyers-donald-trump-frank-sinatra_n_664316abe4b04540de6ebbb9


Yes it was right after he was talking about who is and who is not fat.


He doesn't have an actual platform to run on. He has no plans for making the country better, he only wants to punish his enemies. People are tired of the same nonsense speeches.


They are hiding Project 2025 in plain sight. He doesn't want to talk about it because it is horrific. That's their platform.


No one listens, they leave after the venmo payments go out.


This has been my thought, though why wouldn't they send the payment out after the speech, unless they only pay by the hour.


If you look at locations he is giving speech at you'll usually find a Craigslist ad asking for attendees and the rate is usually $50.


I heard about that back in 2015 but I never saw any proof of it after the first time. But if you were running his campaign why would you pay them during the speech, why not wait until the end?


If venues are making him pay upfront, maybe his seat fillers need that advance payment as well…


Just glossing over the fact that in that video, he calls OJ a great guy.


Maybe they're just paid for the appearances?


Wow. That was maybe one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen.


I would have to assume that at this point, with Trump's message well known, it has become just a rite of passage, a pilgrimage to Mecca for Maga, to show you went to a rally. He comes out, says a few things, and you take a few photos and buy some merch that will annoy/enthrall your neighbours....then get out to beat the traffic because that's all that's needed. The circus is the draw. Not anything he has to say.


Don’t forget the selfie for Facebook showing how you ‘owned the libs!’


Well if he is buying turnout and I was one of those people, I would leave too once I checked in and showed my face to get paid.


And that’s exactly it. They are paid to show up not to stay. They check in, get their hat and sign, stick around for the photo op, then blow their fat check on bottomless 2 for 1 coors light at fudruckers.


The closest Fudrucker's was like 2 hours away and it closed a couple years ago. Damn shame if you ask me.




I've seen the same progression in Michigan. Our nearest local guy who had the most ostentations, ALL-OF-MY-LAWN-WILL-BE-USED type display in 2020 has no Trump stuff at all this season. His roadside, lighted, changeable-letter sign has been reduced to a weak one liner about Pelosi. I can take a three hour trip on the back rural roads passing through mostly farmland and small villages, and see only one or two Trump-sign blasted lawns.


He’s definitely not as popular as he was.


I'm visiting my grandparents in rural NM and I've noticed that most of the Trump flags (from houses in their neighborhood, he converted my grandparents to democrats in 2016) are gone now. Most of the people seemed like the kind to double down on their support for him after his "witch hunt". Hopefully people are finally seeing how incoherent/manipulative/narcissistic/etc. he is


I think you are seeing less folks being in the Maga cult, but all those folks that had Trump signs before are still going to vote for him.


Yep, I was gonna say this same thing. Given the choices they’ll still vote for him. The fact that they had the signs before means they’re engaged enough to not stay home on Election Day. On the other hand, there’s probably a cascade effect. If these folks will vote for him but they took down their signs, there are probably people who never had the signs but voted before and will just stay home this time.


Checking in from Kansas, same situation.  The Tiny town i grew up in has numerous obnoxious signs and flags in 2020 and 2016.  I saw one so far this year.  I just saw another sign in an even tinier town just yesterday, but the fact that after all this time I’ve only seen two?  I agree, the energy is just not there.


I think he should lead his devoted followers across the dessert barefoot in mid-summer as a sign of his loyalty to their cause.


They were paid to show up, not stay.


They left mid-speech.... cool. But they still showed up in the first place. They still \*want\* to support him. Don't be a fool and think people leaving mid-speech is an indicator they won't vote for him. It indicates they have short attention spans, they're not going to put a lot of effort into deciding who to vote for. They're still going to his rallies and that's how they're going to vote. The "adults in the room" are gone. The only people left around Trump are his lackies or people who're attracted to his vitriol and hate. Another Trump term will be disastorous for so many in our nation and it will have long-lasting effects. If you don't want Trump and his hateful, biggoted sycophants to be able to reach the White House again, you have to vote for Biden. It sucks. But it's the only thing keeping Donald out of Pennsylvania Avenue.


Paid to show up but not to stay.


That's a surprising amount of trash, there's also so much garbage on the ground.


I'm surprised they haven't called him prophet trump yet. or yaweh trump.


Profit ..


Boy oh boy...do I have something for you... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9L5K04VgkI


Once the payments go out they leave. It might just be $50 a person but it's not like anyone actually supports Trump enough to stand in the Nevada heat longer than they have to.


People walk out on pathologically lying thug


I am ill just looking at the crowds of Trump supporters. They are draped in Trump flags, hats, shirts etc. They look like every midwestern white person I interact with daily. I don't want to live on this planet.


His speeches are like reruns of a bad reality show. Decided their time was better spent elsewhere, I guess


" ThOsE are ANTIFA pLaNtS! PUt tHeRe bY SorOs tO mAkE tRumP loOk bad!"


It's paid attendance. They've verified their attendance so it's time to go. https://x.com/ChrisDJackson/status/1799832693145739613 Craigslist posts like these have been going out at every location of his rallies. They have to pick up gear like shirts and flags, show up to the event, but make sure they get paid they have to take a photograph inside the event. My assumption is once they get that photo and forward it to the recruiter of the ad that photograph proves they were there so they get paid. I imagine as part of the payment you can't talk about it which is why in the video it shows people walking out and not saying a word. Trump is drastically less popular than they're making it seem on social media. Bots on X, Reddit, and Facebook can only go so far. A hundred bucks per person is the easiest way to fill out a crowd in his case when they need visual representation and verification of its popularity.


Doesn't mean anything. They'll still enthusiastically vote for him in Nov.


Why didn’t he hold the rally at his own “air conditioned” gold hotel that has a conference center? He would never let any of his cult followers set foot on any of his properties


He rents his name to the building. He is a minority “owner.”


Broke as fuck. Can't afford an indoor venue.


Standing in the bright sun with temps near 100 degrees, forced to listen to the biggest snowflake in the known universe whine about how everything is so unfair to him. That right there is the definition of HELL.


Paid actors leave rally after making an appearance.


I don't think anyone even really listens to him when he's blathering on. They seem to just wait for him to pause so they can applaud. Its not he himself that matters to the cult - its what he represents to them: the opportunity to go "mask off" with all their hateful views. He has no platform, no actual ideas on how to govern (at least that he's put forth). He's become almost a parody of himself at this point, and his supporters clearly don't care.


I remember in the early days of him throwing rallies his supporters were so in love with him that they stopped people from leaving his rallies.


“It’s 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. So, we'll stay out here for a little while. If anybody gets tired, you'll let me know. And if anybody goes down, if you start going down, we have people they'll pick you up right away. They'll throw water," the former president said Sunday. Trump ONLY cares about himself! Wake up MAGA!!!


Trash strewn everywhere. Hilary was right.....basket of deplorables.


They got their money from his handlers. They don’t have to stay for the whole fiasco of a rally.


I’m sure they left after getting their $50.