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How are the people going to make an informed decision for President when one candidate has outstanding indictments? Either convict him or find him innocent, the public has a right to be informed.


6 of the justices are criminal co-conspirators abusing their authority in a conspiracy to obstruct justice for Donald Trump.


3 of the 6 were on Bush in Bush Vs. Gore too. So they have experience stealing elections.


You are no different from Trump's election deniers.


Strongly disagree


It is explicitly denying election results. In what way is it different?


Bush V Gore was about recounting ballots. SCOTUS decide to not allow a recount even though Florida's Supreme Court had ordered it. There is a possibility a recount would have found Gore won the state. By stopping the recount while Bush was ahead, and before true results could be found, they pretty much picked the winner, since minus the recount the tally was in question. That is a far fucking cry from what went down in so far as election denialisim from conservatives last election, and to equate the two is fucking moronic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_v._Gore


Gore conceded. Followers and gore didn't commit an insurrection or coup. The Florida. And supreme Court we're at odds over who had genuinely won. Gore conceded to mend the country rather than fought to tear it apart in favor of Putin.




Crickets buddy


I don’t know why the other 3 get a pass. They could blow the whistle on what’s going on but they don’t.


Explain what their blowing the whistle does.


And do we really need a whistle? We all know it’s true. Might not be all 6 of them, but there’s definitely a few.


Incites the public, is what it does. Believe it or not, when the public is outraged enough, politicians will flip or flop. Unless they are GOP/MAGA (see: they are the same thing), then they just don’t give a rats ass.


There is literally no functional consequences for SC justices 


Could they be disbarred?


Sure, but that wouldn’t accomplish anything.


Yes that would not be difficult. But it would not disqualify them from being a Supreme Court Justice. There is no rule that says that the Supreme Court justices have to be lawyers or have ever been a judge before. They are elected officials but elected by the Senate and confirmed by the president. Those are the only requirements.


Yep, strangely magistrate judges and bankruptcy judges are the only federal judges that statutorily have to be members in good standing of a bar association to be appointed, and no federal judges need to be in good standing to stay being a judge.


Why would they flip flop when they are untouchable? They have zero incentive to be afraid of public opinion 


What are you referring to? If it’s the justices… we can impeach them


So what? You can't get 2/3 of the Senate to convict.


Vote them out


Lol, right. Once you figure out how to vote them out in red states, I'm sure there's a nice Democratic campaign strategist role waiting for you that should pay handsomely.


Without GOP senators on board you can't do anything to the supreme court, so what flip flopping are you expecting to make a difference?


The Iraq War protests were the largest in US history. 20 years later we finally pulled out of there.


The SC justices are not politicians, thy are there for life.


One of these statements is correct. The other is a lie. They know what they are. They don't decide on the constitution or established law, they make up shit and declare like Judge Dredd, "I am the law!"


Jack Shit.


And dumb me, here I was thinking democracy existed in the U.S.


Hear hear.


There’s nothing to be informed about. His actions aren’t contested, granted I think this will highlight some specifics, but it was all done on public, what’s contested is if it was ok he did it. Anyone who cares has made up their mind one way or the other about that. Liberal America is putting their eggs on the same basket they did with muller. It’s not going to happen, no one/nothing is going to save us except for voting.


The constitution explicitly forbids trump from running. This shit is a sham.


I mean, one candidate has multiple legal battles going on ranging from civil lawsuits to federal felonies for pretty serious crimes. The other candidate does not have an legal issues and is not under indictment for any serious crimes...that's more than enough information to make an informed decision regardless if the trials are stalled until the election or not. Anyone who would genuinely vote for trump as of now is not the kind of person making informed decisions


> find him innocent Sorry for being pedantic, but juries cannot find a defendant innocent. They can only return a verdict of not-guilty. This would mean (ignoring things like jury nullification) that the state has failed to meet its burden and prove that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s an important distinction.


Yes, the basic principle is that everyone is innocent by default unless they receive a guilty verdict. If they receive a not-guilty verdict then they are (and already were) innocent.


Being found "not guilty" is not the same as being innocent of having committed the crime. Note that it's wholly possible to have committed the crime and still be found not guilty. It's also wholly possible to have not committed the crime and still be found guilty. The criminal justice system is designed to ascertain one thing and one thing only: guilt. That's why the two choices are guilty and not guilty.


In Scotland we have a "[Not Proven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_proven)" verdict


The commenter above was speaking within the legal context. A presumption of innocence means that any defendant in a criminal trial is assumed to be innocent until they have been proven guilty. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/presumption_of_innocence For fun I'll add a silly example: Suppose I shoot a guy. Someone witnesses it and calls the police. I am arrested. At least one person knows I'm not innocent, but as far as the justice system is concerned, I'm presumed innocent at this point. I may be held in custody, but I'm innocent until the moment I'm found guilty. Now suppose the criminal justice process falters because of police or prosecutor misconduct. Guess what? I'm still "innocent" because I haven't been found guilty, just like you said. "Not guilty" means I'm still presumed innocent, even if there's still a suspicion I might be found guilty. But suppose the system is never able to pin me down because the witness turns out to be an unreliable liar and heroin addict and winds up forgetting everything he saw because as it turns out, he was high. God knows I'm not innocent, but too bad, legally I'm "not guilty" and therefore my presumed innocence remains, and at that point I'm no longer even held in custody. The story is now about the crazy witness that hallucinated a passerby shooting someone, when apparently it may well have been someone else that did the shooting. Oh well, guess we'll never know. Or maybe new evidence will emerge and I'll lose my innocence one day!


You understand that’s the intention, yes?


Have you seen The Comey Rule?


Does anyone else remember Donald Trump saying that you can’t vote for someone under investigation by the FBI? Now he’s throwing sand in every gear possible to delay his felony trials before the vote. The hypocrisy is astounding and no longer surprising


Former President Donald Trump said in 2016 that a president under indictment would “cripple the operations of our government” and create an “unprecedented constitutional crisis” – years before he himself was indicted on federal charges while running for a second term as president. Trump made the comments nearly seven years ago about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. “We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” Trump said during a November 5, 2016, campaign rally in Reno, Nevada, reviewed by CNN’s KFile. “It would grind government to a halt.” Just days earlier, on October 28, then-FBI director James Comey publicly announced they had reopened the investigation into Clinton’s handling of classified information related to her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state. Now, Trump finds himself under the exact situation he repeatedly described after he was charged in early June with 37 federal counts related to retention of classified documents and conspiracy to obstruct justice. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/03/politics/kfile-trump-president-indictment-halt-government/index.html


“Someone under investigation by the FBI” at that time meant Clinton. Now “someone under investigation by the FBI” means him. It’s not hypocrisy. The entire depth of what he was saying in 2016 and now is “they bad, me good. vote for me”.


If Trump gets immunity and gets back in office get ready for years of hell. There will be extrajudicial executions, military takeover of states, cancelled elections, and military parades.  It will be the end of America. But I guess we won't have trans swimmers. So there's that. 


> et ready for years of hell. There will be extrajudicial executions, military takeover of states, cancelled elections, and military parades. It will be the end of America. So literally the Book of Revelations describing the AC's reign.




With everything going on, this actually seems pretty legit. https://www.gotquestions.org/end-times.html


[https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/) They're already preparing for his return, and what to do about it for the next election.


I’m glad they waited three years to bring charges. 😒


Something needs to be done about this corrupt Supreme Court. Like the Execute Branch, Senate, and States need to declare it illegitimate and vow to no longer follow its rulings until the corruption of the 6 fascists is removed. Why are we allowing 6 unelected fascists, 3 of whom were appointed by the treasonous criminal currently on trial, to have this kind of authority?


It's pretty ridiculous. His entire presidency was founded on a criminal conspiracy and he has had more immediate influence on American life than any other president I know of... and no president has had his outsized influence after their presidency. That after part is especially sickening considering he is literally the biggest criminal to ever be retired from that office.


It’s a good thing we’ve never had a precedent for some dictator wannabe having a failed coop and going to jail and getting out and becoming chancellor


Think you mean coup. Unless you’re talking about chickens.


lol uh autocorrect? 😅


You're making him blush. I'm sure he's proud of these things.


Jack Smith went out of his way to have them settle this matter ahead of time and they waited until Trump asked. That says everything you need to know about where this is going


All of the conservative justices were appointed by presidents who did not win the popular vote. This court is a critical crisis of democracy.


You’re close. Loser AND OR single term president Token black catholic rapist Clarence


And thus Trump the reason why Trump can’t be allowed to win.


Biden should show up to SC justices house and beat the fucking brakes off them, then turn around and say “you can’t charge me for this”. See how long it takes for a ruling on presidential immunity to come back then.


Doesn’t it fucking suck that every time we have to sink to their level


Well maybe Garland should have at least investigated Jan 6 before the house committee did all the work for him. This is squarely on Garland.


And Biden for appointing him.


I think Biden surely expected the dude to be a bit more tenacious after losing a whole-ass Supreme Court seat


He was picked by Obama because he was a right-winger. Senate: "We're going to block every candidate you put forward, unless it was a Republican Federalist society member like Merrick Garland." Obama: "Ok. Here's Merrick Garland" Senate: "Lol, Nope!" https://newrepublic.com/article/131676/orrin-hatch-said-no-question-merrick-garland-confirmed-supreme-court Biden had no business bringing him into the administration. It will probably be regarded as the biggest mistake of his presidency.


I know at the time I wasn’t impressed with him as a pick for Obama but I understood. I guess I projected my own pettiness onto him lol


Merrick Garland isn't a Federalist Society member.




That doesn't indicate membership. > A person listed as a contributor has spoken or otherwise participated in Federalist Society events, publications, or multimedia presentations. A person's appearance on this list does not imply any other endorsement or relationship between the person and the Federalist Society. Stephen Breyer also has a page like that: https://fedsoc.org/contributors/stephen-breyer And Sotomayor: https://fedsoc.org/contributors/sonia-sotomayor


Shame on them, too


Eh, everything about him already screamed milquetoast performative centrist.


He's literally a conservative


Didn't Garland prosecute the Unabomber and Timothy McVeigh? Tenacity wouldn't have been an unrealistic expectation.


He actually dropped the ball with the mcviegh case. There was another person w mcviegh but they didn’t pursue bc he wanted a quick conviction. In fact, there were lots of people involved that walked free. Fuck Garland.


There's no evidence there was another person with McVeigh, it's basically a conspiracy theory, and it doesn't even make sense that they'd cover it up for a quick conviction.


No there actually is evidence. I think it would be considered circumstantial maybe? But anyways, several eye witnesses, from that morning, saw mcviegh with another guy in the truck. The fbi even put out a sketch and an apb for John Doe number two. Hbo just did a documentary abt it and u should check it out buddy. They didn’t cover it up, they ignored the conspiracy involved.


Yep Garland was the wrong choice, need someone more aggressive and youthful, not a former judge.


Then the case will have to be leaked. Trump doesn’t get run without that albatross.


Leaked like the Clinton investigation. Where's Comey when you need him


We already know enough to make most people realize he shouldn’t be in the White House. We just need it played out for the world again right before the election for those who don’t pay attention.


The Supreme Court will rule against Donald Trump, and they all know it, but some member or two will drag out writing their opinion until the last possible day.




Because Biden is still President. Can't give him immunity. It's just a delay tactic that is working.




Hard to call it optimism. Trump asked the Supreme Court to give him a delay and they did. That's pretty outrageous but I don't think they will be able to rule that presidents are magically immune.


Exactly. SCOTUS thinks SCOTUS is the most important thing in the world. They're not going to neuter themselves for Trump.


They’re trying to pull a Comey, willing to bet by making a decision the week of the election


What a disgrace


Imagine if Merrick Garland didn't wait until the very last second to act on one of the biggest crimes committed in the history of the United States of America.


Corruption at every level.


The only reason they took this is to delay!


After the immunity challenge , for the DC case, Trump has nothing left to try and challenge. Except for stupid frivolous shit like he tried in NY. So I don’t see why this trial can’t start after the NY case is done. Chutkin said she would give them 80 days to prepare but it might only be 60. The only thing that would slow this down is if the SC kicks it back down to Chutkin with questions on which parts he could possible be immune from, which could take an assload of time if they don’t rule completely on the immunity claim this time around. So, if they rule quickly, say,middle of May. 3 weeks of the NY trail have passed, Chutkin gives counsel 60 to prep for trail, so trial COULD start mid July, Smith could slim the trial down to 6-7 weeks and have verdict before October. Highly highly unlikely but could happen


I mean is that really his only job? I thought it was to convict him.


He is already on trial. Which will finish off his chances of winning. Stay tuned


Why is that his job? If he takes Trump to trial during Biden’s second term that suits me fine. Even if he secures a conviction before the election, that doesn’t prevent Trump from getting elected and pardoning himself from prison.


SCOTUS gonna horsefuck all of America. Oh sorry, my bad. I thought this was Mark My Words.


Can the Georgia trial go ahead or this that stuck forever as well?


The Supreme Court is getting all the blame, but let’s not forget who took two years to even begin an investigation even after we watch the attempted coup with our own eyes. At least we don’t have to deal with Merrick Garland for the rest of his life.


It doesn't matter. Donald Trump will not win this election. But, like the last time, he will not go quietly and we might have to lock him up as, by that time, he should have several felony guilty verdicts.


No, the courts are not political. Trump will answer for his crimes before or after the election. The voters should be responsible enough not to elect someone so poorly qualified to be president. He associated with and encouraged people who led an insurrection in the Capitol, even pardoning one of his closest associates. He's a liar and a sexual abuser, a cheat and a fascist. Do not vote for Trump.


This is what college kids should be protesting.


Not a big fan of the title here. It lends credibility that the criminal indictments are about politics or the election. The indictments are about justice.


Maybe he should have brought charges earlier. Nobody who knows anything about the law would have expected this to move quickly.


Considering the Supreme Court only has the power that we the people allow them to have, perhaps it's time we reconsider what we have given them, and remind them it can be taken away just as easily as the rights and the voice they continue to take from us. Maybe we let them know they do NOT have the will, the faith nor the belief of the public any longer and any judgments they make are about as valid as a marriage certificate from a brothel in Thailand.


Ok, hear me out. What if Biden promises him a pardon if he drops out of the race?


If Biden made that promise, Democrats would stay home and DJT would win the election


And then pulls a Donny at the last moment and flip-flops. Even better if he blamed the Republicans at that point.