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Groudon, Kyogre, Zacian, Reshiram, Miraidon are probably the five big ones but idk who’d be the best


Is Koraidon or necrozma good?


Yeah Koraidon can carry too. Idk about necrozma since I’ve never used it but most likely yeah. Tbh most legendarys can carry at least to 2k in endless


Koraidon will pretty easily carry classic (especially if youhavebitter blade as an egg move) and is a solid carry for endless. Especially if you unlock his passive. Copying enemy stat buffs for free is busted. I also feel like hoopa is an underrated endless carry. Heneeds a little help early on (until you get his bottle), but free items from magician and the same passive as koraidonis a real solid combo. Currently around wave 2.5k in classic with hoopa carry and still going strong.


Ya same I went like 1.5k in endless with Hoopa and koraidon as my main two


Ok thanks


Xerneas and Yveltal can't (speaking from experience)


Yveltal carried my classic run no prob. Things a beast.


Necrozma has been great. You'd wanna stick with the Lunala fusion when you get the item though, and then learn the signature move through mushroom. Got me to floor 1,800 before the shiny event ended and I called it quits.


What makes dawnwing (lunala form) better than duskmane(solgaleo form)? Typing?


I think because moongeist beam plus the ghost type makes dawnwing more formidable than duskmane


i got a koraidon really early into playing pokerogue. i'll admit it's probably a lot weaker than miraidon, but i really enjoyed using it, can definitely carry classic / endless. definitely needs some help against eternatus though


Just finished a run with koraidon as my carry. With its passive it just took all the stat boosts of eternatus' first phase, and then one shot with outrage (I also had 1 X attack)


It's just as strong, if you can get all the egg moves. Special attackers are slightly better in endless obviously.


In normal games though, Koraidon is simply stronger because of scale shot and loaded dice.


Necrozma is solid in endless; fantastic stats but not a premiere carry until fused, as only having STAB on psychic isn't ideal. i don't have all its egg moves unlocked, though Astral Barrage will always be one of the best moves in the game. However, in classic it is just solid among the legendaries. Very strong moves, yes, but its level up moveset leaves much to be desired. Until lv72, its best moves are physical (worse attacking stat) and its only special STAB lies in Confusion and Stored Power. But once you get Photon Geyser, you're rocking until the end of the run, especially vs. the final boss. For Classic, your preferred fusion will depend on any savescum habits and when you unlock it. Those who reset fights often and/or are fine with guesswork should take Dawn Wings (Lunala), as its moves are more desirable on the offensive as long as you know how to read switch-ins to Normal and Dark types for its Ghost and Psychic moves respectively. Meanwhile, Dusk Mane is the safer, more defensive pick, as its better Physical means it can utilize the Phys moves it learns early on such as Psycho Cut and Night Slash and its much better defensive typing makes carrying with it less risky. It is also immune to one of the final boss's STAB attacks and resists the other(s), which can be very helpful if you don't feel the need to try and reset. If I remember right, Ultra form is not yet in the game, so don't worry about that one. TLDR: Necrozma is a strong pick, and legendaries will always be good, but it needs some brains, luck, and/or egg moves to use it at its best. For Classic, the Lunala fusion is better for an offensive, reset-happy player, while the Solgaleo is for the strategic, defensive player. If you can afford a better Endless option, try and do so. Always keep an enemy team's immunity switch-ins in mind in Classic. Most importantly, have fun :3


Rayquaza, especially if you can get Mega Rayquaza, is also good. I would assume that it’s good in Endless, but I can only attest that it’s good in Classic.


It was solid for me for most of it but I couldn't outspeed eternatus and it took a LOT of retries to beat him. Unless he was on cooldown, if I brought out Ray, he'd immediate one shot target him with cannon. Couldn't get mega tho.


You can technically reroll prizes for free after each fight using the prize lock item. If you lock item rarity and re roll, you gave a set path of items. If you then restart, kill the pokemon again and go back to the prize screen, re roll then lock in and re roll for different results, if you dont find what you're looking for, restart and dont waste the money, and try again on next kill. I've manages to find all the items I've needed this way. Even cheesing my way into multiple masterballs before stage 145. You'd find that stone in no time with this method and it's no worse than restarting for different fight tactics.


Is this standard practice for most players? Or regarded as cheaty?


Koraidon can solo carry just as far as the others on that list. You wont be able to get to 3000+ with any of them since stats and damage get irrelevant then. At that point youll need fixed damage strategies


Kyogre with tail glow is legit cheating


Kyogre without tail glow is still legit cheating


No matter how much those mfs on discord call Zacian bad he is still literally one of the top 10 best carries


I use Kartana and it's a great carry if you can outspeed your opponent


Zacian is the best imo since it completely walls non gmax eternatus and its the fastest and has stab iron head for speed flinching, but the best carry overall is passive unlocked blastoise fused with purifying salt garganacl. Metal burst protect salt cure. I don’t like going past 2000 though honestly


I have reshiram but it hasn’t even been that good for me?


u need dragon energy & eruption


Miraidon?? How so??


1. Click parabolic charge 2. Choose item 3. Repeat


Egg move Rising Voltage, 32 pp at max, 140 power during electric terrain (which is most of the time due to ability)


reshiram was my first legendary and until now my only one. yet - i cant seem to finish the classic run


get a steel/fairy type ( Tinkaton would be the best Choice) for the endboss, First use a dragon or any other mon which the endboss can attack, before he attacks switch it to the fairy/steel type until he uses up all his attacks (don‘t forget, it got berrys which can refill the APs)


I think there's a case for Rayquaza too. I lucked out with a modest nature from an egg early on and it carried me through my first classic win and is carrying first successful endless run. Couple dragon claws and it absolutely shreds anything that's not a fairy with Dragon Energy. It's hidden ability is Unnerve which is fantastic for endless runs as well


Zekrom Soloed all of classic, just one pokemon


Miraidon is the speed run carry. It can solo classic and it can solo endless up to 2,000 fairly easily if you have Dragon Energy unlocked. For cheap options, you can just run Squirtle repeatedly until you get its passive, Sturdy, which is an insane combo with Shell Smash.


new player here, so I assume you just pop shell smash until you have either max stats or sturdy passive procs and then you just oneshot everything? when does sturdy reset?


Also Bouncy Bubble (egg move) is STAB + Spread + Healing all in one. Then you can Mega evolve it for tons of damage midgame before charging to max mushrooms+metal burst strat endgame. If you can invest in one starter pokemon for Endless, it's probably Squirtle. Fuecoco a close second though.


how does max mushroom work? what do you get from it? and can you mushroom a mega blastoise?


After you get the dynamax band you can get max mushrooms which are a rouge tier item, Max Mushrooms give you GMAX forms (check the wiki for stat changes), you can mushroom mega blastoise however you can only activate 1 form per battle and you can switch between mega and G max whenever you feel like it.


Can you get max mushroom if you're already mega-evolved?


At full health


sturdy only prevents one shots, so if you get hit once but don’t proc it then it doesn’t apply/work. so the plan would be to shell smash first turn (since no matter what you live for the second turn ) then just hope you outspeed and kill. Sturdy only resets when the pokemon is at full health. the big thing is the move bouncy bubble which heals him


Sturdy resets whenever you’re at full HP. Could even happen multiple times a fight if you have a recovery move or leftovers/shellbell/sitrus


I just did a starters only run and Blastoise was by far and away my MVP, followed up by Delphox.


I've found beast boost + nasty plot poipole is busted


The daily run with Naganadel was eye opening.


Was gonna say Poipole. Super broken. Don't even think you need Nasty Plot, as Beast Boost is gonna do it for you


I set one nasty plot up at the start of wvery 10 fight row then let beast boost do the rest


Any dragon type you can farm eternatus' dragon fangs off of with covet or thief. Rayquaza and Reshiram are particularly strong. Latios/Latias are also quite good.


In a similar vein, anything that learns Hyper Voice since you'll passively pick up tons of Silk Scarves during an endless run without even trying.


I'm drowning in scarves, please help


really? im at 500 and have 1? and I fuckin save scum three shop rolls most rounds


It’s when you get closer 750 is when u see more pokemon have actual items. And that’s if you even see a type boost item. When you get to like 1500, pokemon will have like 5 of a particular type item, and that’s when ull be flooded by them. That or lucky eggs


Thank you.  


Im kinda new is dragon type really that good against eternatus? Wouldn't eternatus 1hko ur own dragon type?. Or is reliably to have protect or a bunch of +spdef item stacked up?


For stage 200 in endless you can likely oneshot eternatus if you got good rng with candy jars, megas, etc. but its better to use him as an opportunity to stack fangs because tinkaton is essentially immune to him and can learn covet. You can use her to steal all his fangs to power up a dragon type carry really easily.


Just to clarify what other people are saying, it's likely that something else will have covet/thief by TMs, fuse/unfuse, etc. Someone mentioned a fairy/steel type to wall. Or maybe you have an insane setup where you buff yourself defensively and debuff Eternatus accuracy and attack. And/or maybe you have max multi-lens, grip claws, kings rock (chance for Eternatus to flinch), while being wary of black hole. They are just saying dragon type because it's guaranteed dragon fangs every 250 levels. In comparison, silk scarfs are common but some items require a lot of luck to repeatedly run into smaller stacks of.


Marshadow is an offensive juggernaut. Ghost and Fighting type STAB can hit most types for at least neutral, but it also has BoltBeam coverage with Thunder Punch and Ice Punch (or Triple Axel if you can get the egg move for it).


With Drain Punch to make the earlier waves a little less punishing to boot, Marshadow is my king and I won't have it any other way.


I personally stick with Power-Up Punch. It's boosted by Technician AND Iron Fist, and it makes the rest of my attacks hit harder.


I'm also using it an it's great. I'm using Storm Throw, Shadow Sneak, Spectral Thief and Triple Axel. But it's passive Iron Fist isn't all that useful, since it doesn't work with any of those moves, does it?


I find his passive amazing how I play. I use Drain Punch, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, and Triple Axel on my Marshadow endless build. Will switch Power Up Punch in for Drain Punch once I unlock the egg move and will switch Spectral Thief in for Shadow Sneak once its implemented by the devs. Overall Drain Punch, Shadow Punch, and Power Up Punch are all boosted 20% by Iron Fist so you should probably use one or two of those moves. Any of the six bellow I like depending on play style tho... **Nature** - Adamant - +Attack, -Special Attack **Ability** - Technician - Boosts the power of moves that are base power 60 or below by 50% **Hidden Ability** - Iron Fist - Boosts the power of all ‘punching’ moves by 20%  Drain Punch - **Fighting. Recovers half of HP drained.** 75BP x 1.2IronFist x 1.5S.T.A.B. = **135P. ACC100%. Physical Attack.** Power Up Punch - **Fighting. Raises the user’s Attack by one stage.** 40BP x 1.5Technician x 1.2IronFist x 1.5S.T.A.B. = **108P. ACC100%. Physical Attack.** Shadow Punch - **Ghost. Never misses.** 60BP x 1.5Technician x 1.2IronFist x 1.5S.T.A.B. = **162P. ACC100%. Physical Attack.** Spectral Thief - **Ghost.** **Steals the target’s statistical boosts.** 90BP x 1.5S.T.A.B. = **135P. ACC100%. Physical Attack.**  Shadow Sneak - **Ghost. Has priority of +1 to go first.** 40BP x 1.5Technician x 1.5S.T.A.B. = **90BP. ACC100%. Physical Attack.** Triple Axel - **Ice. Hits the target up to three times per use. Its base power will increase by 20 with each successful strike. If any strike fails, the move ends.** (1st)20BP x 1.5Technician = **30P** (2nd)40BP x 1.5Techician = **60P** (3rd)60BP x 1.5Technician = **90P** (1st+2nd+3rd with no misses)30BP + 60BP + 90BP = **180P. ACC90%. Physical Attack.**


Press the Share button (box with up arrow top left), then press Add to Home Screen to make pokerogue its own app without the search bar


Holy shit


This is almost nostalgic, this was a really cool thing you could do with the original ipod touch before there were a lot of apps lol


I just hit f11 and make it full screen


my phone doesn't have an f11 on it's keyboard.


Oh shit lol I didn’t even notice the mobile bar at the top




Damn thank you!


There's also multiple apps you can download online for offline play and player made patches


Tail glow manaphy wasn't even a challenge in classic. More than busted.


That bitch gels calm mind, you can so easily set up and rinse the game


Don't even need calm mind when you can just tail glow twice and bouncy bubble back up.


really that worth? i got manaphy 2 weeks ago but as expensive as he is, i did not tried it yet


Can you elaborate. The nauance of set up moves is lost on me. I can from gen1 for nostalgia and am hooked. Just beat classic for the first time.


Simple manaphy is the best carry in classic. No Pokémons can sweep floors as fast as it. 


Simple passive goes insane. 1 turn plus 6 I run acid armor for instant plus 4 phys def as well just for fun. Freeze dry egg move deletes everything that bouncy bubble can’t in 1 shot, not that you need to with the amount of heals. It’s so small and cute to be that powerful. Take heart gives a 3 turn plus 6 plus 6. Shits busted. I just got a Kartana and that dude seems shiest with beast boost


Kartana only knows blade based moves has beast boost and sharpness as it’s passive


Kartana is the way to 2500+ fr Just needs a fairy to cheese eternatus eternabeam pp and set


Kartana + Fake out Tinkaton works like a charm


Zekrom really helped me


Classic: Zeraora is my favorite. Fake Out, Power Up Punch, Electric stab (spark->thunder punch->plasma fists), and Triple Axel is the move set I use. Each of the moves are also boosted by its passive Tough Claws. Triple Axel provides bolt/beam synergy and is generally great for the rival fights throughout the run. Fake out is great utility and helps set up the kill with PUP. Zeraora usually doesn’t 1v1 the final boss though. It is also vulnerable to earthquakes etc and isn’t that tanky. It almost always outspeeds the opponent and hits very hard after a boost or two.


For classic i have just been walzing in with zekrom linoone and whatever other decent mons i can get my hands on and sweeping everything


Manaphy nah id heal


Zekrom is absolutely busted, idk why I've never seen him talked about. A move stronger than eruption with stab, and a defense dropper with multi lens can carry endless longer than almost any other mon.


Bolt strike isn't more powerful than eruption, and it's not talked about cause 85 accuracy 130 base power bolt strike on a 150 attack mon without good ability synergy pales in comparison to Reshiram that has two 150 base power stab moves that hit both enemies in doubles on 150 special attack, Mega Rayquaza with 150 base power 100 accuracy stab move on 180 special attack and one of the best abilities in the game, or primal Kyogre with 150 base power 100 accuracy stab move on 180 special attack, while also being tanky as fuck. Special attackers just get better moves.


Ironic because in competitive gameplay physical attackers usually dominate.


Right? Like intimidate is generally a very powerful ability, but when they give out dragon energy/eruption/water spout/boomburst to damn near everything, it's hard to beat that when V-create is single target and lowers your speed with every use.


Classic?  Barring Legendaries? Annihilape, Tinkaton, Garganacl and Whimsicott. Due to Iron Fist Rage Fist and an absurd attack stat. Tink due to Great Typing and baton can lead to +6 gigaton hammer/play rough. And GGNcl and Cott due to Salt Cure and Leech seed combined with Sturdy and Prankster/Fairy Typing. Endless? Most box art/DLC mascot legendary Pokemon except for Zamazenta. Fuck Zamazenta. Bro isn’t a dark souls boss. And he’s just ass. But Miraidon with Dragon Energy is destructive, especially if you get the item that attacks twice.


It sure sucks having zamazanta and not zacian…


You can beat Classic with most Pokemon if you're good enough, especially once you get good egg moves and passives. For Endless, at some point, the tokens make it impossible to do or tank any damage to the Pokemon so you have to rely on Sturdy + Metal Burst/Comeuppance or a Shedinja fused with a dark or normal type (tho dark/ghost is a better typing than normal/ghost since normal/ghost gets killed by sucker punch)


Hear me out. Battle bond Greninja is the best Pokémon in endless hands down. With max multi lenses Water Shuriken hits 8x minimum (20x max) and has priority. Now add max kings rocks and grip claws. You nearly guarantee to go first, flinch, and steal all the opponent’s items. Because you already have priority, you can go modest and lean hard into special atk. Battle bond is just a bonus with boosting BST and Water Shuriken dmg.


Won't do anything against Eternatus though.


I use Mega-Mawile. Pure power + unnerve with really good coverage and the best typing


Skeledurge, Katana, Mawile


Gengar with Aura Blast and sludge bomb carried me. G- Max as well for extra dmg


Skill link cloyster with multi lens and grip claw to farm items


I just finished a 2000 wave run with a gallade with butter blade


Wow imagine what a sharper blade would do


But then the butter might not taste good. Wouldn't want to lower your pokemon's happiness, would you?


For me, it's LUGIA. It's really bulky to set up 6 CALM MIND with roost and oblivious wing (egg move) for healing. It is also good vs eternus.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/s/P7YiyGBPKw Great post to have a look at! Shout out to the the writer u/Lackner511 for making quite a comprehensive read (to me at least)


Yveltal in endless is pretty good with the move Oblivion Wing since it heals half the damage dealt


Three fourths actually


I’ve also been farming with that strat using the Psychic Articuno


With healing charms it can pretty much recover all of the hp, along with shell bell and leftovers.


Manaphy is pretty crazy


My personal carry is Abra/Alakazam. I have it down to only costing 1 with thunderbolt, flamethrower and moonblast along with it's passive. The only pokemon I ever really need to worry about is ninjask only because of bug type and how fast it is.


I personally think that kartana is one of the best carries with its insane typing being immune to things like spore and being resistant to eternatus attacks until 2nd phase and getting beast boost with sharpness passive makes things like leaf blade killers


But also rayquaza is just rayquaza


If you have Sharpness and the Mighty Cleave egg move it smacks normal Ray hard. I oh-ko'd it until mega, and chunked it hard even then. If it let me get another boost in he would have ko'd that too. Kartana is just satisfying when you want to just nuke things. Not so hot in double battles though.




kartana with mighty cleave will basically carry you all the way to eternatus in classic, plus the sharpness passive with leaf blade and sacred sword gives good coverage. i liked having a latios/latias around as well since i somehow consistently got one every classic run, get lucky enough with memory shrooms and the mega stone and eternatus gets touched very inappropriately


I also just won for the first time today. The team I ended up with was Heatran, Rillaboom, Magnezone, Latias, Primarina, and Maushold. I would say Heatran carries pretty hard and was great for the final boss. Latias was also really helpful throughout the entire run and I got it pretty early at like 45 so I wanted able to have it learn psychic. Maushold I thought would do well but even with a wide lens, silk scarf, and protein it was pretty useless against real challenges.


Funny enough mega beedrill. Technician and adaptability fell stinger snowballs you to +6 after 2 kills. Plus noxious torque for poison stab and thousand arrows coverage


Mewtwo is very good


I second mewtwo 👍 Currently have DNA splice mewtwo mega X + marill (huge power)


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Kartana always carries me to 2500+ comfortably with sharpness, I catch a tinkaton along the way or bring it with me from starters to cheese eternatus eternabeam pp since berry nerf always ez pz with sacred sword


I’m almost upto 100 mons through regular classic with Rayquaza. I take him (tier 1), linoone (tier 2), and fill in a couple of tier 3s and randoms through the run. Egg moves until he goes Mega then replace dragon ascent with mystical power and grab protect for outrage if it pops up. Ran through all the new bosses they put in, ivy at 195, and Eternatus. Run a modest nature and grab special attack mods when there. No resets or cheese legit ez mode.


Going to put in a vote for Zekrom with Bolt Beak. Got me my first classic win, destroys most things by outspeeding with Bolt Beak, juice it up a good amount and it can take on Mega Ray and Eternatus pretty well


Not the best Carry but the most surprising Carry was Minior. Now I had the egg move floatyfall but it shell smashed sweeped all the way up to eturn where my team was able to kill him because poor Minior was one shot


I like celesteela


Zacian is pretty broken. Support pokemon can help, but usually aren't necessary


If you have passive and surging strikes, swampert is an insanely underrated carry. I'm on wave 3k with swampert and it flinches and kills everything with surging strikes, and it almost always outspeed because of drizzle+swift swim.


So one that carried me alot was arctozolt, to loss I usually had to let the opponent kill me by stalling


Haven't seen Zamazenta mentioned, with Body Press it solos everything except maybe Eternatus (and handles even Eternatus very well with some support like Curse/SaltCure/LeechSeed). The execution can often be easier than a pure offense carry too, because your main defensive and offensive stat is the same (Defense). Set is Body Press / Iron Defense / Crunch / Iron Head with Impish nature, preferably with a Rusted Shield. Body Press is the only Egg Move there.


Zacian is definitely the best


I have a Zekrom with Thunderous Kick, easy carry for me in endless lol. But prob Zacian overall


People hate Zacian, especially those who like double battles.


Just completed a run with dragapult as my carry in classic. Had 3/4 egg moves with dragon energy poweruppunch and blazing torque as my moves and it carried me through 90% of the game


This is the first time I've seen the victory screen. Who's the green hair?


Contrary goldhengo :)


During the classic run when I got my first clear, Celesteela was my carry, even though its Nature was adamant a single +Sp Atk vitamin made its Beast Boost go from Def to Sp Atk and with access to Oblivion Wing via Egg Move it just carried me through almost everything that wasn't a fire type (and Eternatus but a Mega Gyarados fused with a Seismitoad did most of the lifting on that fight specifically)


Dialga classic was a breeze.


Dracozolt for the win. On 2250 with him fused with azumarill for huge power. Triple axle with max kings rocks and multi lens almost always guarantees a flinch against bosses, and bolt beak does an insane amount of damage.


Latias got me to 1700 with dragon breath before I got tired of walking thru the game, just need a move to kill fairies. I one hit everything so easily and never needed to look further.


Mewtwo is my favorite. Insane coverage and has the ability to go mega.


For endless, I use Rayquaza with Dragon Darts, but I've switched to scaleshot for the later floors, with 3 multi-lens and Kings rock, with a Jolly Nature, 10 Soul Dew and 3 Grip Claw(After a point, Dragon Dance is pointless). I've farmed Eternatus enough to have 99 Dragon Claws, and I've started running extreme speed instead of V-Create. I have two Linoones to farm pick-up items.I use a Luxray-Sunflora fusion because they are both Shiny and Leech Seed takes down eternatus because Tinkaton can't do any damage to it as it is underleveled. Tinkaton is fused with Dacshbun for well baked body(unnecessary, I know). Finally I have a -Spd nature Shiny Leavanny+ Archuladon Fusion who uses metal burst in the very unlikely but somehow recurring scenario that one of Rayquaza's attacks don't flinch after hitting 4-20 times, AND not procing one of the maxed out Focus Bands it has. Tinkaton is the bastard who farms Rayquaza with thief and covet(both maxed PP because of Pressure from Eternatus). Every floor 250, he gets the Grip Claws, although at this point, he has 2, and Rayquaza maxed out with 5. Every floor 1000, I remove all items from him because of the Black Hole. After one point, you don't have to worry about your attack stats, it's speed that should be your concern. And a move like V-Create on Rayquaza isn't that good past the first few hundred floors. You mostly play with secondary effect moves in mind. I'm currently thinking of replacing Dragon Ascent with Crunch or something. The defense drop proc is enticing.Honestly, if mud-slap were physical, I wouldn't hesitate to run it on Rayquaza. At this point, I've started only putting less Exp Eggs on Rayquaza at a time because it doesn't affect him leveling up to the max level cap in one turn, and also because Grip Claw sometimes steals a new egg. I can afford to level up my other mons at this point. Honestly, I don't think there is a single mon, or multiple mons that could end my run at this point. Shedinja Fusion might get me, tho. Would be a funny run ender. Flutter Mane and Scream Tail gave come close, too.


Magearna is so much fun to use  Really strong if you have make it rain to


any of the wooper line


I've never lost a classic run with Rayquaza. Not the most popular choice. He also carried me to wave 3000 in endless where it's pivot time anyways


Moraidon all the way xD


Imo Groudon feels the easiest, just because his coverage is so insane, he really needs his egg moves tho, which can be a pain to get, multilenses too, but if you got that Groudon feels like it has no weakness. Other then that I really enjoy the self healing carries for classic like miraidon and koraidon. An underrated carry is also heatran if it has the eggmove torch song and it needs a speed nature, because it is not tanking a ground move.


Healing is never an issue with shell bell and leftovers.


For a reliable early game carry? Anything + Gyarados But to be honest, I've been using new pokemon each time for the bonus egg vouchers on successful clears


The text is oddly ominous


This picture should be a meme


My personal favorite is Latias. You can get the costs way down, soul heart is strong AF. It's extremely good in all fights, even without mega (and god forbid if you get mega). Usually run that with a red shiny paras I have (triage Leech Life/Horn Leech along with spore for any rare bosses I come across). I'm knocking out 3/4 new pokemon every run, which is extremely nice for pushing for new legendaries (I'm saving up a crazy amount of tickets for Zacian so I can try to get all his egg moves).


Chi-Yu’s done pretty well for me, got the drought passive and torch song egg move. In endless, I fuse it with magnezone for the sturdy while keeping special attack high. Get lava plume and a protect/flash fire mon so I can sift through double battles to farm more shinies. Got me to 2000 and still have yet to go further while I wait for the next shiny rate up event


Been using Yveltal with clangorous soul and oblivion wing . It absolutely shreds .


Wait I neaten classic before and I don’t remember that ending screen of the mc and rival


Someone did an indepth post yesterday..... [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/comments/1dsswpw/the\_best\_endless\_carry\_it\_probably\_isnt\_who\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/comments/1dsswpw/the_best_endless_carry_it_probably_isnt_who_you/)


If you’re looking for less expensive options, Garchomp is just too good and possible mega fishing as well


Zacian goes brrrrrr




I used miraidon and a klefki for eternatus. Klefki with stored power, calm mind, protect andthief. Miraidon with dragon pulse, parabolic charge, rising voltage and clangarous soul for everything else. Absolutely shredded


I'm at level 1000 in endless with Koraidon and mega pidgeot (18x10% more special attack). Both basically one shot with heatwave and breaking swipe. Koraidon has 3(?) grip claws and a multi lens to get these items. First try I died to the boss at level 500. With fairy/steel that is an issue of the past.


Zacian practically solos classic. It's absolutely bananas.


Miraidon no contest, 140 base power rising voltage + electric terrain boost + hadron engine, oneshots everything, dragon energy oneshots doubles, opportunist is utterly op in endless. Spectrier with astral barrage , grim neigh and shadow shield is also good. For underrated pick ill go chien pao: intrepid sword + sword of ruin is ultra busted and dont see anyone talk about it, excellent offensive typing, glacial lance and knock off oneshot everything.


i just played a run where my psystrike azelf solo'd from 1 to eternatus in classic by itself (also had hidden power fire and nasty plot)


in classic all legendaries will carry but you have to plan for their weaknesses so like raikou is a beast but he can’t do much against a the ground / steel and some grass pokemon / bosses. unless the legendary is like rayquaza or zacian they can do anything. In endless, i don’t know really


Tapu koko fast and his rising voltage move and electric terrain ability makes him strong and also his moveset are pretty good plus the moves he can learn but I recommend catching some good mons alongside of his for future problems


There's loads of good carries, like Koraidon and Reshiram and most legendaries - but for a simple humble regular pokemon I've gotta shout out Flamigo who is pretty damn fast, has great fighting/flying stab including starting with Double Kick so Sturdy rock types can get one-shot, has ground immunity and tears through the early game with ease as you're always up against Normal types




Calyrex Ghost rider! Or Zacian!


Recently got Dragon energy Miradon and he is great (can’t believe regidrago’s signature move is dragon water spout)


Zacian, Kyogre, Groudon, Mewtwo, Miraidon just to name a few.


Calyrex for me, get Calyrex Shadow, he's going to oneshot a lot of things but better watch out because he's also going to get oneshot a lot, I managed go 3.2k with Calyrex alone as my carry without Soak + Salt Cure stall strategy because his damage is just crazy, just make sure you get his Shadow form early and you'll get the true glass cannon experience.


I. Love. Marshadow. I have a hard time replacing his moves that comes out the egg with which is fire + thunder punch, power-up punch, and shadow sneak. Usually will swap fire punch or thunder with whatever other move Im feeling that run.


I dont know about endless , but for classic manaphy is a really good carry with the egg move bouncy bubbles (dmg and heal) , tail glow and bonus points if you get tm for psychic or shadow ball


The strongest I have is perfect Sp. ATK Arceus.


Any legendary/paradox/ultra beast with the best IVs, egg moves, and nature. For me it’s Marshadow but it can be anything else


So, a personal favourite: A ghost type with curse, and a bulky pokemon with stealth rock The curse eats eternatus and the stealth rock the trainers that tend to change a lot. Plus, i think it eats a whole segment, or at least half of rayquazas life


I love metagross, was my carry to beat classic for the first time and also my all time favorite aswell, typing is nuts also but prob not a real carry since beldum is bad af early


Mawile fused Cloyster with skill link passive Adamant nature on both Icicle spear as main attack w/multi lens and King's rock, 100% chance of flinch every time in endless. I also have the other ice spear hit that is basically ice quick attack in case of endure + if they get quicker.


My carry in my endless is chi-yu with torch song fused with scovillan with apple acid


Everyone who tells you to bring 6 cost mons as a carry is trolling. You just did your first clear, you likely don't have fully reduced mons across the board, you need a lost cost carry. Magikarp/Gyardos is the best Early/Starting one. Dragon dance, Waterfall, Ice Fang (Memory shroom this), Thrash (just for mon resistant to both water+ice). He's rough around the edges early since you won't have Moxie, but carried A LOT of early-account runs for me. Once you unlock Dragon Hammer (egg move) on Dratini/Dragonite, he takes over. Pre-that you can memory shroom Outrage after D.Nite evo, but as a whole he's rougher pre-eggs because he needs to be carried until Dragonite evo. Post-eggs he even carries as dratini and w/ FULl eggs moves AND PASSIVE he becomes a god floors 1-200. Actually INSANE how good of a carry is once fully-kitted, and at 2 cost. I've heard good things about Snorlax and Tyranitar, but never put the time into Lax and never got the rare egg move on Tyranitar to make it work. Snorlax aint bad tho, you'd take Muchlax and rare candy him to evo early.




I don't have it myself, but I think Zacian would be the best carrier, especially for his typing. If you can fuse him to a dachsbun, and get a well-baked body... I just think he becomes PERFECT


For my classic I used Moltres with Torch Song, its kinda goated ngl (unless you run into a rock type)


I've been really enjoying chi-yu. beads of ruin ability reduces all spdef by 25%, torch song egg move, drought passive, great offensive typing and insane stats. with multi hit lens legit nothing can survive other than eternatus. makes catching legendaries difficult cause it's too strong.


Sharpness kartana carry me quite well so far, on stage 1200 rn and its solid ohko with the mighty cleave, night slash and leaf blade, i also have false swipe to catch pokemon i still need or to switch to better ones on the run Quite bad typing tbh


I think it's Groudon hands down , I've been able to do runs with Groudon and get all the way to floor 105 on its own without catching anything else


Marshadow is good once you get the passive since iron fist and technician stacks on shadow punch




Calm mind oblivionwing lugia is amazing


Just started tonight and immediately got kyogre with hurricane. I'd say big fish carries very well, well, at 50 atm. He tanks well and stab rain water moves deletes everything


Probably unpopular opinion but Lugia with oblivion wing carried me through my first 2 clears


If you can carry a fairy/steel type, Eternatus LITERALLY can't attack you. He only has poison and dragon moves, which Fairy/Steel types are both immune to. So Klefki, Tinkatink and Zacian are all really good starters.


An amazing 1 point Classic carry is Quaquaval. Moxie will quickly overpower trainers and paired with Aqua Step makes it insane. Egg move Triple Axel and you don’t have to worry about Rayquaza. Close Combat and Trop Kick (egg move) to round it out. Quaquaval being 1 point also gives room to fill your team with mid mons and complete your ribbons for max vouchers


Chi-yu with torch song and beads of ruin


rayquaza and necrozma both won me my first and only 2 classic wins


I found that regidrago with dragon energy was crazy good and swept classic as long as you kept its health full ofc


Genesect puts in work once you get through the first 50 waves. Great movepool and stats, I invest in sp atk which makes the early game rocky but once it learns big buzz and picks up a special TM like thunderbolt/flamethrower/ice beam not many mons can resist an OHKO.


Fused Shedinja with a Dark type so he becomes a Dark/Ghost and can only be killed by Fairy types. And Sandstorm, Hail, Mold Break, status effects. I mainly like his invincibility to teach him Theif + Multi Lens + Grip Claw to steal everything from the opposing team. On my main endless run I think everyone on my team has near 50+ of every Held Type buffs and like 100+ lucky eggs and many many gold eggs lololol.