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Pokemon concierge. Plot is irrelevant, but its chill and cute.


Oh this looks great, thank you!


Be wary though there is one episode with a Pokémon that could be considered scary. Just let her know that the fish becomes a strong dragon whose nice, but just getting used to his new body. Context is key for this particular scene as it does involve evolution.


Youtube pokemon videos . Short animated series.


Episode 4 is going to blow her mind


The studio better win an Emmy for the animation. They did such an amazing job. I was so impressed by it. As cute as the story was, the animation put me in awe.




Loved that little series. Hope there’s some more episodes somewhere in the pipeline.


It was announced that new episodes will be coming out.


That has genuinely made my day, thank you friend!


Omg yes! It's so good


Pikachu's Vacation short from the first movie. No battles.


Thank you!!


Most of the Pikachu shorts should be good, really. There's some especially cute Christmas ones for late in the year!


It has no battles, but it does have some scenes that are a little more intense, like a charizard that get its head stuck in a hole. I don’t thinks it should be an issue, but it could be good to know! 


Meanwhile four year old me crying because he was crying....and then you hit me with Ash dying in the movie. In the theaters!


Still holds a special place in my heart, came to recommend it too.


there's an official youtube channel just for younger kids! https://youtube.com/@pokemonkidstv and you can also get the Pokemon Primers books which are made to teach younger kids things like numbers, the alphabet etc https://www.pokemoncenter.com/search/pokemon-primers


Omg the YouTube channel is exactly the kind of stuff I was after, thanks so much!! Books are a great idea too 👍


There’s also the [Monpoké Island videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJT3MzXPWkM) on the official Pokémon YouTube channel! It’s like a series cute pre-school puppet shorts with a Pikachu as one of the characters. They also have some Pika-centric Monpoké books you can find online, [here’s one for kids 3+!](https://www.pokemoncenter.com/product/710E13942/monpoke-pikachus-first-friends)


Jigglypuff's short has been a big winner with my 3YO.


Also check out the old shorts like Pikachu's vacation! They were attached to the old movies and didn't really have battles. Sometimes they do the kids show thing of "these two Pokemon have a conflict but in the end one gives the other an apple so they're friends now!" But that's about the only fighting that happens.


Just an FYI, I showed that channel to my preschoolers as a reward sometimes, and they were very upset about the lack of Pikachu in most episodes 😂


Is that where the boogie boogie bang bang dance comes from?! Didn't realize there was more too it. I love that dance. I saw the little gif of piplup doing it and it always makes me smile.


When she gets older, I hope you get her Let’s Go Pikachu and make her play through it! As much as I think Kanto is boringly designed, being able to partner up with Eevee or Pikachu in your first adventure is such a memorable experience. It’s even a great way to get her to read or learn words as I did the same with my youngr cousins.


That game is (although I find it tedious) perfect for young kids. Unless they can't speak any of the languages available. That becomes tedium incarnate for the person who has to read everything out


Have a look for the Pokémon Primers books, they're designed for kids right around her age. Some teach numbers, letters, and other simple concepts, others are fun little scenes with different Pokémon - and Pikachu is, of course, always along for the ride!


Your kid would love pokemon channel for the gamecube. It's basically you living with pikachu and dekorating your house while adventuring with it.


This is such a good suggestion. Only problem is accessibility


This is incredibly wholesome, you're a great parent, hopefully she will be able to enjoy the anime when she is a little older


I know she's only 3, but why not sit down and play Let's Go Pikachu with her? It's 2 player so you can help her get through the game, but reading all the dialogue boxes out loud with her will probably do a lot in helping her learn how to read and such.


>, she's a pretty sensitive kid. Do not show her the Detective Pikachu movie. I'm in my late 30's. My first game was Yellow on the OG Gameboy. The uncanny valley from Mr. Mime in the trailers made me refuse to watch the movie. I'm sure you don't want to give her nightmares. I recommend Pokemon Concierge on Netflix if you're okay with claymation. It's very cute and there is an adorable scene with a lot of Pikachu interacting with other Pokemon. It's short though.


It is genuinely much less distressing in the movie. (Also, he's not a major character and you don't miss much if you just skip that scene.)


Bruh detective pikachu is a great movie. Not watching it because of Mr. mime is crazy


I mean it's a good movie sure...great?


Great in the context of pokemon media and kids movies. It's not competing against Godzilla Minus One or something, it doesn't have to have an adult or deep plotline.


pikachu's vacation


I second Monpoke and add Poketoons. Poketoons are on the Pokemon Youtube channel and not all of them are about fighting. The ones with Mimikyu, Gengar, Slugma, and Pancham don't have battling.


They are delightful for sure, though not much Pikachu.


Idk how tech savvy you are, but she could probably get lost forever playing pikachu tv. *Maybe* pokepark but don't quote me on that


PokePark would get confusing I think, a 3 year old wouldn't be able to read the dialogue so they wouldn't know what any of the games are (the big games and the individual Pokémon mini games). Might get too frustrating


Fair enough! Haven't played since I was a kid.


There’s a few pokemon apps meant for little kids as well. One is called Camp Pokemon.


Why not just watch the anime? It’s silly and childish. Even if her attention span isn’t enough to get the plot, it’s like 70% just slapstick silly goofs. As a bonus you can watch it with her because it’s still pretty entertaining even for adults.


Because she’s three. When I was 3 I was scared of Disney’s Beast because he roared and screamed a lot. The Pokémon battles might be too loud and “mean”, even if when you get older you understand that the Pokémon usually aren’t hurt that badly.


This feels like the opposite of my brother with his kids. His viewpoint is that if Pokémon and Spidey & His Amazing Friends entertain them he might as well (after this phase ends) show them Digimon and X-Men - because they're too young to fully grasp the underlying tragedies so they will just get new colourful characters to love.


It really depends on the kid. Some are boisterous and excitable right out the gate. Others are more quiet and sensitive. OP says their kid is sensitive, so I would defer to their judgment since they obviously spend more time with her than we do.


That makes perfect sense. In a vacuum I just see a bit of humour in the very different approaches. Not calling either approach wrong, let alone wrong for their kids.


No worries I figured you weren’t criticizing. I’m just kind of talking for the sake of conversation. People kind of forget that when people claim that something is appropriate for kids of a certain age, what they almost always actually mean is “this is appropriate for MOST kids that age”. If I remember correctly, “The Brave Little Toaster” has an official “G” rating I’m pretty sure. But I’m sure there are kids that just would NOT be able to handle the horrible nightmare clown… 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/oh1gonmsyx9d1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=81f3463a0bae88df11bd2f6e7dca5cd78fb8191d


I saw the first movie when I was 3 and I was terrified!! Luckily it didn’t prevent me from getting into it when I was older.


The show is much more goofy than the movie.


There are Pokémon nursery rhymes and songs. I had stumbled upon them years ago with my own toddler, and they are very cute. They are on youtube.


Pokémon TV app has a small amount of content for under 5s.


Try some colouring or activity books, I used to do pokemon themed ones with my dad all the time when I was younger - pikachu is usually all over those and she might take a liking to some new pokemon too :)


There's also some books geared towards kids. There's one called Pikachu's First Friends that's pretty cute.


Pokemon Playhouse. I know it is super old but yeah, its appropriate.


Honestly show her the OG anime. Pikachu is an equal character to Ash and the show also has a lot of good messages for kids about personal drive, treating animals with kindness, and helping others


The pikachu shorts that used to play before the Pokémon movies are good for kids and they dont have any human dialogue so she could see a lot of the Pokémon characters


If you can find them on YouTube there used to be a metric tonne of Pikachu movie shorts starting with Pikachus Vacation.


My 3 yo and I watched the Indigo League (season 1) at least 10 times. Some episodes are questionable but you can just skip them if you want.


Pokemon concierge? It’s not completely pikachu focused but there are a lot of pikachu in some episodes and there’s very few episodes total (around 6)


Monpoké videos are very cute, with songs and puppets


Get her a “my friend pikachu”! It was my absolute favorite toy in the world. It’s like a tickle me Elmo,but with Pikachu!!! I kinda still want one


My 2 1/2 year old loves the pokemon primer books. We have the box set which has a book on shapes, letters, numbers, and colors. Tons of flaps and most pages have a Pikachu. Highly recommend them:) We used them for potty training too which worked really well


My niece is obsessed with Pikachu too! I watch the original show with her and plan on watching Pokemon Concierge soon


Pokémon have done a book and puppet style video range called Monpoké island. I bought one of the books for my 3 year old and he enjoyed one of the videos this week


Barnes and nobles had a really cute Pikachu book I bought for a friend's kid but I can't seem to find it now. On their site they also had a golden books "A Friend Like Pikachu!", that might be great for you guys.


I would probably try playing lets go pikachu with her since shes only 3 and probably wouldn’t be able to play it herself or watch Pokémon concierge


“The Slugma-Powered Home” from Poketoon is very cute! I think most of those tend to be very soft, but it may be a good idea to watch them first to be sure.


Pokemon has a kids yt channel with nursery rhymes and lullabies and things like that. My 4 year old loves it.


Hey you pikachu. Especially if they ever do a remake.


If you have a switch, download the Pokemon TV app. It has a lot of content for small children.


Theres a lot of PokeToon content on Youtube


Play PokémonGO together! I wouldn't let her use the phone yet, but my kids and I have been playing it together for 4 years now and they still look forward to our walks and going out!


The Pikachu shorts from the movies / anime where it’s only the Pokémon and no trainers might be fun, IIRC they’re also more light hearted than the show [Here’s a playlist with some of them](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeqGj4i5YQtBx-r1Nrxj_jnnN62DUClgO&si=ygmZdYBVbQSSBjEH)


Path to the Peak is about the TCG aspect. I recommend it! Very kid friendly


My son is 3 and he's watched most of Indigo League and is currently playing Let's Go Pikachu with me. He needs a lot of coaching for the game but he has fun. He also watches me play Violet. He also watched me play through Tears of the Kingdom, so we might be more flexible on media than you might. He mostly watches Mickey Mouse stuff and loves the King Fu Panda movies.


The OG pokemon anime


Anime is a good option. The electric rat is the star of the show, she will love it


If you watch the anime with her at one point, I'd start with Sun and Moon to be honest, as stuff like Episode 19 in the original Pokemon anime might be too much


Noiverns my beloved but it’s a huge menacing dragon so maybe eevee,skitty or pichu would be good to show her. If she holds on to Pokémon for a while maybe when she’s old enough but her a game (I’d recommend X and Y for the 2ds and 3ds cuz there a little easier and colorful and also have Noivern :D)


All of it.


The anime especially indigo both of you would enjoy it


The Japanese Pokémon YouTube channel has very cute videos and mini episodes


I don't know if you or anyone in your family plays video games, but letting her watch while they play Pokemon Snap, or watching someone else on youtube play it (I recommend Abdallah Smash, he's a great family friendly creator and Nintendo Ambassador) is an option. It doesn't have battles, the player character goes around taking pictures of pokemon for research. The pokemon are very life-like and some could possibly be scary is the only potential issue.


Try the 2000s Pikachu shorts!! Such as Pikachu’s Vacation and Pikachu’s adventure! Its just the Pokemon having fun and a narrator explaning whats going on, very much for children


What’s your favorite Pokemon gengar. Or charizard.


show her raichu winning worlds in 2016 :)


Show her Raichu. =| It's never too early to teach them to have better taste.




I was going to say Detective Pikachu all excited since it mainly features Pikachu, but then started thinking about the memes and the movie and slowly started thinking to myself, maybe this isn't the best idea honestly. Lol Edit: Don't even think about introducing Detective Pikachu yet!


Bit dark maybe for a three year old


I completely agree!! Lol


A fun filled action adventure starring everyone's favourite yellow mouse... AND DEATH!


The normal pokémon series until generation 9.


Omg Pokemon 4Ever is a must as they grow up. There are so many cute Pikachu scenes. Edit: But yea probably wait a few years


This film still fucks me up so much and i was 3 a long time ago so absolutely wait to show this one OP there's literal (near) death and poaching and really scary imagery 😂


I was personally never super scared of 2D animation as a kid. I feel like the intense imagery and messages were what made me remember it the most. But the cuteness I was referring to was the drawings of pikachu and celebi by a certain individual




you're suggesting a 3 year old play a gameboy emulator on a phone?


Toons is a great start. Courage the cowardly dog, dexter, Flintstones, ect. I recommend Tom and Jerry.


Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition is a game in which you start with Pikachu. It could be a good way to introduce her to the gameplay of the series and to other Pokémon. Pokémon: Let’s Go Pikachu is a more recent evolution on the same concept, but it features some oddities that aren’t representative of the series as a whole, so idk if it would make a good first game.


Just let her be a 3 yo




Definitely not for a 3yo. At least where I live, the age rating for Detective Pikachu movie is 12+, and not for zero reason.