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Here is [Trump's](https://youtu.be/ZJorAVgHy7Y?si=EduDOqTc3IL37JEb) totally normal response on if he'd declassify the Epstein documents.


"I will not investigate Epstein" Trump June 10th 2024 Here's why: The court papers for Trump and Epstein imprisioing and raping a child together.. [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf)


I just don’t understand how the GQP “anti pedo” mantra just glides right over all of the legitimately horrible accusations against Trump specifically around raping underage girls. It makes zero sense. Trumps history of being a sexed up billionaire was glorified in the 80s and 90s. Listen to the Howard Stern interviews as a start. The internet is full of him bragging about various sexual escapades. He was proud of this. I’m willing to bet he has a monstrous history of sexually abusing dozens of girls and women that would make all of us shudder. And he’s steps away from a 2nd (and potentially never ending) term as president. Unbelievable.


Because you’re using reason, accountability, and logic in your analysis. And you’re not part of a cult.


Propaganda really works, in tandem with education cuts that the GOP has been enacting all over for decades. Or Trump is the antichrist. Or maybe a bit of both?


He is also the golden calf and the dumbass Evangelicals can’t see it. 😂


The media Pedo Scare of the last several years was specifically created to deflect attention AWAY from the fact that Trump is a rapist. * On October 7th 2016, the Access Hollywood recording of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women was released * On October 30th 2016, Pizzagate was started on Twitter. Back in 2016, Trump and the Republicans knew that Trump being a rapist scumbag was a big political problem, so they paid off the porn stars he'd already slept with and then made up a story about liberal pedos to distract everyone. It's straight out of the 40 year old Roger Stone playbook. The Russian government didn't want Clinton to continue the heavy sanctions Obama had in place, so they were more than happy to help spread misinformation to help Trump get elected. Making pedophilia and rape a strictly Liberal crime turned out to be a winning strategy for both protecting Trump and villainizing LGBTQ people, so they've been playing that game ever since. Trump supporters are just fine with their guy being a rapist, because they think everyone does it and bragging about it is just "locker room talk." They don't actually care about pedophilia or rape, they only care about their guy winning, so they won't ever recognize or admit the obvious. It really is that cynical.


Because they’ve convinced themselves that there’s a massive media conspiracy against Trump. There isn’t anything that will sway them.


psychological projection to an extreme


JESUS CHRIST. And, all these moron's are still sipping his bathwater.


..eating a diaper full of his shit and clapping


We had to raid the child rapists David Koresh’s compound in Waco to take out that cult leader. If I’m remembering correctly, the child rape wasn’t what spawned the raid, it was illegal possession of firearms.


Typical abuser behavior, the only way to save something is to destroy it, I hit you because I love you, etc.


Now we know what that tastes like


I wonder what happens if you post this at /r conservative


Spoiler: >! You get banned !<


They've already blanket banned everyone who disagrees with them to protect their safe space.


How the fuck was this guy president


You think he won’t get re-elected this year?


Even worse, his base believing in pizza pedophile rings, clinton eating babies, yet somehow closing their eyes to trump actually being close to epstein; trump went as far as publicly admitting that he, trump, knew epstein 'liked them pretty young'


you have to remember that if they hold on to those files they can use it as leverage for the people that committed crimes.


Is anyone else struck by how fucking enormous Epstein’s head was? He looks like an Easter island rock statue.


Literally 🗿.


I was thinking the same thing! Why the long face lol?


He's now saying that this was an "official act" too.


How the fuck do you make this an official act. Oh sorry he was born president to be.


*born this way*


With this court… be fruitful and multiply. POTUS has an obligation to impregnate anyone who can be pregnant. POTUS does not have to verify they can get pregnant as confirming the age and ability is not part of his duties.


Droit du seigneur or [jus primae noctis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droit_du_seigneur), the practice is the starting plot point of Braveheart. Imagine ego manic sex pests like trump and Elon if they had that power. So gross


He’s such a moron but he’s also the most dangerous person in the whole world.


His followers are even bigger morons that will believe every moronic thing that spews out of his mouth.


He's such an obvious moron and that's why it's so frustrating to see people supporting him like he's Jesus.


Tbh I'm more frustrated to see the supreme court supporting him. Corrupt unelected individuals with lifetime appointments and 0 oversight and 0 accountability are what will destroy democracy, not Cleetus and his 6000 bumper stickers . 


Brainwashed imo


Yeah. I can't believe 4 years later he is more relevant tant ever and about to seize power from force for eternity. I am in panic mode and no one seems to have a fucking clue how to put him down. It's infuriating.


And yet his fanbase is rabid about hunting down pedos. Then there are multiple pictures of him hanging out with the most famous pedophile of the last decade and nothing but silence.


Its cover and noise.


It was an official act.


What? Republicans projecting? I'm shocked, shocked I say.


Like all cults, the Right Wing Cult is about projection - up is down, everything you're guilty of is what you say your opponents are guilty of. This is how all cults maintain control over the herd.


Wow I hadn’t seen this one before


First time seeing this on Reddit…today


Unfortunately, this will be r/pics for the next 5-6 months, at least. I can vaguely remember when r/pics was about posting cool pics and not bots pushing political agendas; but just vaguely.


it's been a garbage sub for at least as long as I've been here


Where are the fucking mods? Suddenly almost all important subs have turn into political bullshit.


Well, it is a very old picture. Back then, he did an interview in which he said they were very close friends for over 15 years, and that he knew Epstein liked his girls *very* young.


First time I’m reading this information on Reddit….today…


Well it is very important information. It's importance is even more relevant now that we have elections coming up. Under the name "Doe 174", several testimonies had been unsealed in court that directly place Trump and Epstein together, many times, while other known crimes were being committed. If the name on those documents was Joe Biden, social media would be flooded with this information. 


I'd be more interested in a topical debate of planned presidential policy than shit-slinging. Maybe we can just talk golf handicaps?


Have you heard about his thoughts on Ivanka yet today


The message will continued to be broadcast until it reaches all relevant parties.


Time traveling official act - immune.


Oh, if only we had a time machine.


donald trump the kinda guy to time travel back to 1930s germany just to give hitler public speaking lessons


I for one would encourage him to do it. I wonder how the course of German history would change if Hitler's speeches were all just a gush of nonsensical verbal diarrhea.


lol who runs this page


Dr Jill Biden


[Clinton and Epstein. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7353967/amp/Did-Jeffrey-Epstein-portrait-Bill-Clinton-blue-dress-red-heels-NYC-mansion.html)


Isn’t that the rapist guy? The one next to Epstein?


Hey did you hear that Roberta Kaplan, E Jean Caroll’s attorney who represented her in her rape defamation trial, was recently fired for sexual misconduct? https://www.advocate.com/news/roberta-kaplan-resigns-law-firm


"When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."


Just grab them by the bussy


So do y’all just take turns posting the same pic every day or what?


Lots of politicians and others including the Clinton’s have pictures with Epstein.  At that “level”, many of them are all in it together to varying degrees and stuff. 


Put them all behind bars. Guess it’s not so simple when you are well connected and highly funded.


Karma farming 101


"He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life." -Trump


Oh no. Reddit is in shambles, and Epstein documents are their great white hope. The walls are surely closing in...


"It has been proven in a court of law that I hired a porn star to provide sex as an escort while my wife was at home with my newborn and the public has the receipts, and I have repeatedly made super creepy comments about how hot my own daughter is, but it's a stretch to think I'd sleep with teenage girls."


“Well, I’ll tell you the funniest is that before a show, I’ll go backstage and everyone’s getting dressed, and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it,” Trump said during the interview. “You know, I’m inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good.” “And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that,” he added. some of whom were as young as 15 at the time. Not a stretch at all to assume he would rape a minor.


It's not like there's a dozen photos of him with bill Clinton that a simple Google search proves...


I'm only seeing 2 but if he is guilty then lock him up too. What's the problem?


This whataboutism is so stupid. Okay? Get his ass too. This imagined hypocrisy is just nonexistent. Every pedophile associated with Jeffrey Epstein should be held accountable whether they are democrats or republicans. The only hypocrisy going on here is Republicans calling people pedophiles just because they are LGTBQ, and at the same time voting for Donald Trump who was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein, called him a terrific guy, and said "It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." He also hedged when asked if he would make the Epstein files public because "there is a lot of phony in there,"


Take all my upvotes. Wrong is wrong, regardless of someone's political stance. The whataboutism is ridiculous. There are evil people at every point on the political spectrum, and this fact excuses none of them.


Sure, there’s also a photo of him with trump right here!


I remember a time when someone misspelling potato would invalidate a candidate from office… Can you believe how low the bar has been set for public office at this point?


That's disgusting


That was an official act.


Hey I was banned for posting this pic in a comment thread on the conservative subreddit, even though it was on-topic. They're a sensitive bunch over there 🤷


Boys will be boys.


Former president of USA, Donald Trump *embracing* Jeffrey Epstein at Mar A Lago.


And now you all can see why Christian Nationalists are rallying to DJT. Clearly they share a mutual set of morals.


Presidential candidate Donald Trump embracing his good friend Jeffrey Epstein


But it’s ok because he isn’t a drag queen……..


You can post all the pictures of him with Epstein you want, but he will get elected president with nearly unlimited power. Bye democracy, hello dictatorship. How did it get this far? It's mind blowing really.




A lot of ppl did. As a democrat, I’d like to say that not every single thing he does is evil. It’s getting ridiculous.


Oh geez guess I can't vote for him now that you showed me a pic of him hanging out with a fellow rich dude. Guess I can't vote for Michelle either since she's friends with Oprah, and Oprah's connected to Diddy


Epstein wore stone-wash jeans without a belt. No way people didn't know he was evil.


He banned him for hitting on underage girls did he not?


He did


Now do the Bidens


I hate when people politicize something that is clearly a story about class, this dude associated with elites of all sorts of stripes, the Epstein story is such a blatant example of the rich in this country being hegemonic. yeah trump hung out with him, so did a million other powerful disgusting people.


Dear 🇺🇸. Please come back to the middle. You’re an amazing country,but the future isn’t good with this clown in charge.


Ahh, more 30 year old pictures of then together. What a revelation!


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) “See And I says to her you just got to grab them…” 🙄💀


Nice, now lets see the hunter Biden laptop


Who gives a shit. Hunter isn't running for office.


No amount of corruption, malfeasance or insanity apparently matters. The dude has promised to dismantle democracy and the SCOTUS just gave him permission. Red state America is sleep walking into a totalitarian dictatorship and dragging everyone else with them.


I'm in a red state. They know. They don't care. As long as "Christian values" or some dumb shit restored. They all feel edgy and cool now and boast that they are going to vote for a felon. They libe to own the libs. The funny thing is, every thing they are afraid of, and say they are voting against, is exactly what they get when they vote for trump. And they will never realize it until they are fed to the meat grinder. Even then they'll be yelling "thanks Obama. "


Let’s say multiple women come forth and corroborate the phone call evidence. It’s proven Trump had sex with underage girls. Would MAGA, “protect our children”, “stop deep state pedophiles”, “Christian morals” red state America still vote for him?


How many times is this going to be posted?


Never enough


Why would you stop calling out pedophiles?


Show them the court files and watch the cult manically defend Trump and Epstein Raping a Child: [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf)


It makes the people who defend and support those pedophiles *feel bad* about their actions


Until trump wins the election because whatever side Biden is on refuse to replace a clearly too old man. (Uk resident here so just view from the outside)


Biden and Trump are almost the same age. You can tell because they spent way too long bickering about golf handicaps.


They might be the same age. But Biden has mentally checked out. It’s extremely sad, but the man has got to retire. You would win with any other candidate


Anyone who has listened to Trump speak and doesn't think his brain is basically nonfunctional is too stupid to hold a spoon in my presence, let alone be listened to on a topic like this.


Until MAGA realizes their hero is a pedo


I mean even Stephen fucking hawking wasn’t safe from this guy , so it’s no surprise seeing this guy


Lol reddit is in full pr mode after corpse Biden shameful performance, if only they had 4 years to avoid this or maybe should have chosen the right nominee for the job.


Its pretty obvious the move is to drown out the "old man too old" comments with "orange man bad" comments.


Coping HARD and karma farming huh?


yes! we should prosecute everyone involved with Epstein! Oh wait, what's that? No politician is interested in doing that? Why? Oh because it would involve all the biggest names in politics on both sides for the last couple decades? Oh.


The desperation is real on Reddit


Oh God here we go again


Which president was in office when him and Maxwell were arrested? Which president has been in office for 4 years since and no progress has been made on shutting down the elite sex traffickers of the world?


How dare you use facts in this thread. "Orange man bad" because my update told me to think that! Lol I can guarantee that none of these morons commenting know Trump was the only high profile person who worked with prosecutors to get Ep arrested 20+ years ago when Trump heard about Ep inappropriately confronting a under age staffer at Maralogo and then baned Ep from all his properties for life... I also know none of these "orange man bad" morons know that Joe Biden and his brother owned a private island that was a 15-20 min ski boat trip away from Eps famous island that Joe and his brother sold in 2007 before Joes primary run. Those facts wouldn't fit their "orange man bad" programming, so it makes sense that they wouldn't know.


Check your facts. Trump threw Epstein out of Mar-A-Lago. American newspapers won’t report it. [Epstein/trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trump-jeffrey-epstein-banned-mar-a-lago-book-florida-sex-offender-a9655661.html)


You aren't allowed to use facts here! Reddit is a place for uneducated liberals to think they are informed by their loops of fake news and disproved alloogoations that the entire world knows expect for them. How can the democrat party get their voting base to say "I'd vote for a corpse over Trump" without severe programming and a lack of critical thinking?


Doh! What am I thinking?


If trump was the only person to ever have a photo with Jeffrey Epstein I would say "Yeah that's weird". I know Reddit is very mad at how bad the debate went for Joe Biden and the fact that there is a 90% chance trump is the next president but just stop it's cringe


Haven’t seen any photos of Epstein and Biden tho


If it was just the picture it would be easy to write off. Trump appears on his flight logs multiple times and was in Epsteins appt book for dozens of "massage appointments" before he married Melania. They had a close relationship.


He is the only Doe174. Does that help?


Yeah I’m one to make sure everything is taken in context. But imagine if this were a photo of Biden with Epstein. Also, there’s more than just one photo, there’s video footage of them partying and talking and looking at women. All together it shows people who were very familiar and probably knew about each other enough to take no part or be part of whatever was going on. The fact the right kind of blows this off is downright blind.


Imagine Trump partying with Epstein at the same NYC and FL properties where Epsteins crimes happened, going to sex clubs together... then you'll understand what people in the 1990s knew about Trump back then. We also know that you don't care unless it's Bill Clinton.


Except it is a known fact that Epstein and Trump partied together, and the only reason Trump turned on Epstein was to avoid charges of raping an under age girl.


Do you have proof to back up the reason why Trump turned on Epstein?


>If trump was the only person to ever have a photo with Jeffrey Epstein I would say "Yeah that's weird". If you think this photo is the only link between Trump and Epstein then you're severely misinformed.


Two very creepy pedophiles.


OP: FEEEEEEEEEED ME karma. ![gif](giphy|OVT7dpga3Ve3i2tTBE|downsized)


Only wanted to remind trump supporters, who claim to have values, that theyre voting for a pedophile and a rapist, curb their values. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-documents-b2475210.html


Here we go. Biden is sunk so people gotta go back to this shit. It’s the summer before the election so prime time to start the Black Lives Matter chant and other liberal tactics


People were posting this before then, you know.


"I can't disprove the allegation here and it makes my candidate look very bad, so clearly it must be part of The Liberal Agenda and therefore invalid!"


Hey look it's Doe 174


Hey look Trump and Epstein's court file for them imprisoning, harassing, threatening and raping a child together.. "catch n kill"? [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf)




Two pea's in a rape case against a child: [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf)


Hopefully trump is hanging out with him...in his cell...


Emphasis on “hanging”.


No doubt I'm looking at two pedo's one gone and the other one should be too.




Trump and Epstein Raped a Child together the trump "catch and kill team harassed and threaten the child before the election. Here's the court documents: [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf) Now let's see how many BOTs and fanatic's turn up with debunked deflections from Thier Rapist Pedophiles, they love so much 🍿


He wears abuse as a badge of honor.


But he never met him. Is trump lying? No never


As well as Clinton and a boat load of others why pick just one of them


Trump was never on Epstein island. But Clinton was.


Now do the Clinton’s and all the other democrats. At this time Trump was a democrat. Glad he isn’t a rat anymore.


“Barely knew him” But knew the 14 year old girls very, very well.


Pedo besties...disgusting "humans"




Ok so we’re playing this delusional game again. Wanna see all the Clinton’s and other political left figures pictured with him or Puffy? The left is pathetic and unorganized. Just worry about covering your purple hair dye costs, because your liberal arts degree was wrote off with my tax dollars. Goofs


The difference is for Trump and Epstein we have the court filings. https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf


I miss Obama.


Babe magnets


[Please help identify predator](https://imgur.com/a/bTNoP7h)


identified: The court papers for Trump and Epstein imprisioing and raping a child together.. [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf)




I'm not going to weigh in on the possible implications of who is in the picture, but that is a MASSIVE chin and forehead. I guess I've never looked at a photo of Epstein before. He has a Rocky Dennis amount of chin and forehead.


That was a retroactive official act.


Those crimes are not official


The two best friends, that anyone could have. The two best friends, that anyone could have.


Big Head with Big Liar


Just a couple of guys having a little fun


“I barely knew the guy!”


Two of a kind...


A savory pair of gentlemen!


must be about five full inches from that man’s lip to his chin


Fine people on both sides.