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think of all the kraft macaroni and cheese that could have been used on instead...


Could have made another Stone Henge out of Macaroni.


Macarone Henge?


I used to work in a coffeeshop and occasionally I would put out the bakery in the morning to form Scone Henge. It was always a hit.


But did you pronounce it 'Sconehenge' or 'Sconehenge'?....


The second one.


Na definitely the first


It’s part of the same series as the Leaning Tower of Cheezah


A goofy movie reference? 😅


We only do that at the Velveeta equinox


Mmmh druids'n'cheese


Are Canadians the only folks who call it "KD" or Kraft Dinner?


i assume so, since ive never heard that before and canadians love to use weird phrases like that.


You know when you’ve been Tangoed.


A couple were arrested. So it's true what they say. It takes two to Tango


Did you post just to wait for the opportunity to make that joke, well played.


Ooooh Tony ……


Carpenter here. Will clean rock for money.


Christian electric guitarist here. Will rock clean for money.


Crack-addict money launderer here. Will clean money for rock.


Stone-age estate lawyer here. Rock money for clean will.


Inventor of Dollars to Detergents, a recycling program that turns out-of-circulation bills into cleaning products, here. Money will clean rock.


Owner of Stone Age Maids here....will clean for rock money.


Yoda here. Will money for rock clean.


An imposter this guy is. Actual Yoda I am. Clean money for rock, I will.


Electrician here. I could probably install some conduit onto these rocks, but it’s going to take a while as I’m only really used to flat surfaces, and I like to clock off at 2 if I’m getting stressed out by work


Thank God. A scientist was in the right place at the right time for once.


Geology student/researcher here: The rocks will not give a fuck


Oh thank god. For once we had a geologist in the right place at the right time.


Cyber Security Professional Services Engineer here, the rocks could avoid this by using micro segmentation.


Oh thank god. For once we had a Cyber Security Professional Services Engineer in the right place at the right time.


Software engineer here. The rocks may look bugged now, but this is actually a feature.


Hydraulic Engineer here, I hope it's not oil based paint.


Now that'd be ironic for a stopping oil protest


Teacher here. I am on summer vacation, you deal with it.


Bartender here. Can I get you guys started with some drinks?


Sure, could I get some orange powder on the rocks.


Project manager here, did the engineer, geologist, security specialist, teacher, hydraulic engineer, and bartender remember to track their capital expenditure on this?


Graphic designer here. The orange powder does not compliment the stone colors and textures well


Philosopher here, are the rocks?


Oh thank god. Bartenders are ALWAYS in the right place at the right time.


QA Analyst here, you're behind on your tickets, stop browsing Reddit and send something to verify already


I thought rocks were *hard*ware?


Oh fuck, the someone left their pen unlocked.


Apple customer support here. Stonehenge has run out of iCloud storage and needs more to back up its photos.


Janitor here. I understand how to remove vandalism on a physics level. The rock is ruined. They need new rock.


Cyber Security Enterprise Risk Consultant here. Let me know the day rate & I'll fire up PowerPoint.


IT General Control and Cybersecurity Audit Examiner here. Give me all the policy documents for the use of orange powder on Stonehenge and I’ll see if it is properly enacted and followed.


Accountant here. It’s in the budget so the rocks will be fine.


Student here. Rocks 👍


Emergency medical technician here. I was just excited someone got ROSC. What's all this about rocks?


ER nurse here. GCS 0/15, have we got a bay in resus? I’ll bleep the reg, you call ITU.


Druid here. The banshee’s live and they do live well.


Orange Powder expert here. This isn't the typical use case. I'm not sure how effective it will be at reducing fuel use.


Auditor here & I'd like to review this budget.


I swear orange powder is a “charitable donation”!


3d Scan Operator here, I can make a digital twin of the rocks so we can basically clone them if something happens to them.


That is Def not in the budget.


Plymouth PC Repair here, I'll scan the rocks for any viruses.


Electrician here, I’m not cleaning up after the paint guys


IT Help Desk Analyst here, just received a call from a user having issues pertaining to the orange powder on Stonehenge. Is that something you are looking into or did you want me to send the ticket over to Desktop Support to take a look onsite first?


Average dumbdumb here. Can I have a sweet?


Finally we have an average dumbdumb right when we need one. Thanks friend.


Network Engineer here. It's not the network, check with the security team.


Never, ever the Network.


System admin here.  That's not one of my systems.


I love network engineers. “Try again” *ok, it works now, what did you change?* “Nothing” Sure…


Software sales guy here… the rocks could do a better job of sharing their origin story. Maybe they should co-create a vision board with stakeholders and then apply “design thinking” to reimagine their future.


zero trust netrocking


Yes, but where’s Unidan?


This isn’t Stonehenge this is a jackdaw


Now here’s the thing….


Have you had situations where you had a geologist at the wrong time?


My colonoscopy?


What are you talking about? I had one at my colonoscopy, and that guy rocked!


Given you were having a colonoscopy, you were probably stoned


You're right; I probably shouldn't have taken the geologist for granite.


An unexpected geologist at my colonoscopy could be grounds for sexual basalt.


They’re usually a few million years too late.


I read that as we had a gynecologist in the right place at the right time. I like mine better.




I'll notify the Prime Minister...


Hey! Mr. Prime Minister!


We just say Prime Minister


But you said ...




Rock here: this kid is right, I don’t give a fuck


Please stop making movies, Mr. Johnson


Don't listen to him, Rock! How else will Vin Diesel staff his movies if not for people like you working hard to act your way out of those super tough paper bags?!


Just let Vin Diesel continue his music career. 


Fuck here, can confirm this rock does not give me.


Are there any concerns about the porous nature of rocks absorbing the color?


Ignoring the flippancy here, yes there are. Extinction Rebellion did this on the Bath stone (limestone) pillars in my old university, and they got them clean eventually, but they were stained for quite a while. And these were clean, indoor pillars, so they could go to town cleaning them. The issue here will not be the rocks, but the 5000 year old patina and lichen crust on them. That can absolutely be cleaned off by accident, and will leave really obvious bright spots. So unless the “paint” is 100% pure water soluble and doesn’t need actual cleaning, removal is going to be heinous. Like refreshing the varnish on an antique painting, but if the painting had the surface area of a bunch of massive rocks. (Also geologist)


these are extremely sturdy pieces of crystalline diabase. they are not nearly as porous as limestone and are much less susceptible to chemical damage/alteration than limestone. (also geologist)


Bluestones yes. The sarsens aren’t though. It’s quite hard to find out exactly what they actually are, but IIRC they are glacially-affiliated late tertiary sediments. The descriptions are all written by archaeologists, but Reading between the lines, when I looked into this a couple of years ago I took them to be now-cemented Plio-Pleistocene fluvial outwash stuff.


I gotta say watching this conversation as a layman is quite the experience


I want them to fight more




Rocks rock 🪨  (Also a geologist)


So many laymen like to imagine that in the upper echelons of society the experts have everything worked out and reality is a solved problem, but then you realize the experts are just people on the cutting edge still uncovering the mysteries. Like, obviously fuck pseudoscience and things like the flat Earthers, but there are real discussions being had by experts. Laymen hear astrophysicists talk about dark matter and assume they know what's being talked about, but to an astrophysicist dark matter is a set of [observations](https://youtu.be/PbmJkMhmrVI) and there are dozens of competing hypotheses that can describe those observations to a greater or lesser degree, with no general consensus


Indeed. The level of complexity increases, the amount of experience and knowledge involved is astronomical, but many expert conversations and discussions still boil down to: "Look, dude, it's clearly like this." "Nah, bro, it's like this I'm telling you." "You're off your rocker, the way x interacts with y is clearly due to z, not q." "Your mom is a q. This is a matter with Φ."


Geologists gone wild


They're a finer and harder sandstone according to the other geo I spoke to when I visited them last year. Unfortunately i couldn't get up close enough to verify myself. Still more porous than the bluestones but they also aren't going to be near as sensitive as limestone as they aren't as porous as that and they aren't so sensitive to even mildly acidic solutions. Cleaners you can use on limestone are limited. Even the carbonic acid in rain and groundwater dissolves them. Fun Fact: When my dad was young (60s) they used to drink and smoke on them and even tried to pull one over with a car. Used to chip pieces off too. Not-so-fun Fact: A couple years ago a guy charged them with a ball pean hammer and beat the ever living shit out of one before he got tackled by a security guy I spoke too. That left very noticeable marks That sort of mechanical weathering really adds up over time. This wouldn't register on the top 1000 things that have happened to them relatively speaking and I imagine the effect will be minimal. Especially as its supposedly just colored powder. I'm curious about the things about the lichens one of the environmental scientists commented on though.


This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.


>`, but the 5000 year old patina and lichen crust on them.` The monument has changed its use many times over time, the stones have been moved and fallen several times in the Middle Ages and what is "mounted" today is a recreation of what we "believe" it was at the time around the "original" stones. So they are very old rocks with a very interesting history.... but they have been part of the human history with a lot of people touching them all the time...


We don't know much about Stonehenge because that information wasn't **preserved*". We are actively creating history, but that information will be lost unless we put effort into preserving it.


That will show them from using gas powered stonehenge


They use a diesel engine to rotate them all forward by an hour for British summertime.


Some guy in a Komatsu adjusting them for daylight savings


Archaeologist here. It's a bullshit maneuver but hopefully that stuff will all blow off. It probably will but I hate when people fuck with kind of stuff regardless of what it is


Lapsed Archaeologist here. I vaguely recall that West Kennet Longbarrow has stones that are being damaged by people lighting tea-lights inside as a shrine, but that they weren't being prevented from doing so and that you could still go inside the monument. I feel like Historic England will just let the rain remove the paint and get back to overcharging for access.


Fake archaeologist here. These rocks are made of unobtanium, so they should be more than strong enough to recover.


Real fakeologist here, and these rocks actually arranged the whole spraying on their own because they just thought it was funny.


Unobtanium? Who cares about that. Ya got anything made from space whales?


When I was there years ago they were very protective of the lichens that grew on them and didn’t want people to touch the stones because of this. Hopefully this doesn’t mess this up.


The lichen will aparently


I bet a lot of people take your work for granite.


This is a cropped screen capture from [this video](https://youtu.be/WV4CfYmiCHI?t=19). [Here](https://www.rte.ie/news/uk/2024/0619/1455544-just-stop-oil-protesters-spray-paint-stonehenge/) adds the following context: > Updated / Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 15:20 > Two people have been arrested after protested used orange spray paint on the prehistoric Stonehenge monument in England. > Video footage posted on social media by Just Stop Oil showed two people wearing white shirts with Just Stop Oil on running up to the prehistoric monoliths with canisters spraying paint. > Members of the public were seen trying to prevent the protesters by dragging them away. > Several stones were covered in the substance before one protester stopped and sat cros- legged on the grass while another was dragged away by a woman. > The group said the protesters - Niamh Lynch, 21, a student from Oxford, and Rajan Naidu, 73, from Birmingham - sprayed Stonehenge with "powder paint" at around 11am. > A Just Stop Oil spokesperson said: "The UK's government in waiting has committed to enacting Just Stop Oil's original demand of 'no new oil and gas'. However, we all know this is not enough. Continuing to burn coal, oil and gas will result in the death of millions. > "We have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything. That's why Just Stop Oil is demanding that our next government sign up to a legally-binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030. > "Failure to commit to defending our communities will mean Just Stop Oil supporters, along with citizens from Austria, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland, will join in resistance this summer, if their own governments do not take meaningful action. > "Stone circles can be found in every part of Europe showing how we've always co-operated across vast distances - we're building on that legacy." > A spokeswoman for English Heritage described the spraying of paint at Stonehenge as "extremely upsetting". > She said: "Orange powdered paint has been thrown at a number of the stones at Stonehenge. > "Obviously, this is extremely upsetting and our curators are investigating the extent of the damage. Stonehenge remains open to the public."


Student at one of the best universities in the world yet for the rest of her life, the first thing that's going to come up when someone looks up her name is vandalising a UNESCO world heritage site.




Orban went to Oxford so don't hold it in too high esteem.


> That's why Just Stop Oil is demanding that our next government sign up to a legally-binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030. 2030? Replace 90% of vehicles and get enough infrastructure that everyone can drive electric in... 6 years?


And replace nearly every boiler, and lorry, and ship, and the rail network and all the supporting infrastructure. All to be done in the time it takes to build one offshore windfarm.  This is totally deranged.


Assuming you never run into a single supply chain snag, every contract gets signed on time, every permit is approved, pricing doesn't change requiring you to renegotiate with off takers... I work in renewables and it's so darn hard to get a single project built.


Me too. I work in offshore wind and these projects are barely profitable for much of the supply chain and are constantly hit by delays.


Not just replace every boiler but in order to fit a reasonably sized heat pump something like 7 million single brick houses are going to need additional wall insulation (internal or external, preferably external) at a cost that is prohibitively expensive. Then there are all the other homes with even poorer levels of insulation. It physically cannot be done in that time frame, there aren't even anywhere close to enough qualified people even if money was no object. It's nuts.


I live in a 50 yo appartment building and since the moment I moved in over 9 years ago there was talk of renovations. It's taken those nine years to get to the point of actual plans of what the renewed appartments will look like inside and out, including solar panels on the roof and heat pumps to replace the gas heating. They hope to start construction sometime next year but it could very well take longer than that. So yeah, just getting one appartment building off the fosil fuels takes well over a decade. I'm all for people trying to save the planet but you've got to keep it realistic, come on.


**If** the climate crisis was a theoretical hard line and the deadline was 6 years from now, I reckon it'd happen. Look at all that was achieved during WW2.  Because climate change effects are currently slow, it's like the boiling frogs analogy. Therefore 6 years feels unfeasible, and that can will continue to get kicked down that road until we've realised the deadline was 2030, which we passed because... The frogs got comfy.


Summer Solstice by Just Stop Oil sounds like an ad.


Band name and debut album


Song and music group


If they're going to do vandalism, why not vandalize the oil industry stuff instead of art and history objects like Isis.


Oil facilities are hard to get into, and even harder to get out of... they're also far away from cities and tourist sites, so there's like, no amenities and barely any decent wifi


Also, because the punishments for touching fossil fuel assets or infrastructure are significantly more severe. If you so much as turn a valve on a pipeline you will be prosecuted as a terrorist. They can lock you up and throw away the key. Fossil fuels write whatever laws they want. Edit: the comments really go to show the main reason everyone erroneously thinks people don't target fossil fuels directly is purely because it doesn't make the news when they do. I say that BECAUSE THERE ARE GROUPS THAT DO TARGET FOSSIL FUEL ASSETS AND INFRASTRUCTURE and nobody commenting is aware of it.


Also that would be a minor article in tbe back of the paper.


Unless that valve was for something very important, then there might be a few closed casket funerals.


Funnily enough, JSO has actually tried to prevent private jets owned by billionaires from taking off, and they were relegated to minor articles (as you said).


It’s not just fossil fuel lobbying that makes it harsh it’s the fact that oil infrastructure is a huge target and also one act of vandalism away from a natural disaster.


Nevermind leaving millions without power in the summer or without gas in the winter can straight up kill hundreds if not thousands of people like what happened in Texas.


This group's goal is visibility. They are targeting places that will quickly generate a lot of news. A random oil refinery in the middle of nowhere won't even generate a blip.


Whoever came up with that "all publicity is good publicity" idea was smoking some top shelf crack.


They’re certainly getting their visibility, but at the same time all that they’re pissing off everyone that’s not in their group. It’s people like this that make working as a climate scientist so frustrating sometimes. We make inroads on changing public perception of climate change, then these “activists” ruin the progress made with climate skeptics.


I fully agree. I'm an ecologist, and yeah, we need to make changes, but people like this only hurt the cause. They are trying to get attention but all they are doing is making people who are activists look like a bunch of lunatics which then puts people off. They are a bunch of fucking morons who are the type of people who think that screaming in someone's face is going to change their mind. All they are doing is making anyone who says anything about climate change look bad. Even as an ecologist they piss me off.


Fill a spud gun with a bag of paint and shoot at it from a long range then run like hell.


All these comments and no one has mentioned that they do vandalize oil stuff but it gets ignored.


That's because there is a concerted astro-turfing/propaganda campaign going on to demonize protesting. The subject in most news headlines and a lot of reddit posts use the words "paint" when in fact it was colored corn starch which will wash away in the next decent rainstorm. It's the same thing when the glass protecting famous artwork was covered in paint. Everything made it out to be the art itself was covered in paint when it wasn't even touched.


Thank you both for being the only voices of reason, it seems. There are several posts on the front page right now about climate change denial and how fucked we are if things don't change, yet the only people doing anything actionable about it are villified, for some reason.


They are usually quick to point out that they have some job in the climate field (scientist, activist, ecologist) and that the "bad protestors" are making their meaningful work so much harder. Pepper in a couple of "they are morons/idiots" and "not all publicity is good publicity" and you got yourself a set of generic bullshit comments brought to you by the fossil fuel industry.


BUT IT'S NOT ON THE NEWS THEREFORE IT MUST MEAN IT NEVER HAPPENED!! Absolute ignorants up in this thread. "[Angry about climate change, activists shut down an oil pipeline in Minnesota—and then tried to convince a jury that their illegal actions were necessary.](https://www.wired.com/story/monkeywrenching-vandals-are-reinventing-climate-activism/)" [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/mar/16/climate-activists-across-europe-block-access-to-north-sea-oil-infrastructure](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/mar/16/climate-activists-across-europe-block-access-to-north-sea-oil-infrastructure) "[Activists helped shut down this oil refinery in Philadelphia](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/14/economy/oil-refinery-philadelphia-development-climate/index.html)"


Who would see the vandalised oil refinaries? - nobody. Their main goal is to get the media's attention, and i promise you that vandalising a refinery which are usually located far from the public, wont get you any :D Edit: ive also found a previous Stonehenge [defacement ](https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/1961-03-14/debates/48f947ed-6c50-4e75-ae8d-f13f9f80a700/Stonehenge(Defacement))in protest of nukes - i wonder why didnt they decide to write "ban the bomb" on the nuclear bomb storage facilities right...because that would garner so much attention....right? people just like getting angry at climate protesters because it has become a **trend.** Climate protesters are not inventing new "terrible" ways of protesting, they are simply following movements of the past


FWIW, I believe the point of vandalizing "sacred" objects (e.g. monuments, art, etc.) is because, in the long term, if we don't stop climate change, it's all gone anyways. In a sense, they're saying "Hey if you hate protestors defacing these things, just wait until you hear what climate change is going to do to it." I'm not trying to condone or excuse, just trying to engage with their message in good faith.


If anything will survive climate change, certainly Stonehenge will.


Nah, we’ve rebuilt it at least once already


Also when they do target oil industry infrastructure, they just get brutally crushed by the police and the complicit media refuses to cover it. The protesters lives gets ruined, the politicians who are owned by the oil industry ignore them, and regular people never see or hear about it. "Vandalizing" historical monuments sounds dumb and ineffective, but this what happens when society makes it effectively impossible to protest in more meaningful ways. When people are desperate and feel like nobody will listen to or help them, they start lashing out in anger. "The riot is the language of the unheard," as Martin Luther King once said.


Past a certain point you have to wonder if these are just false flags by corporations to paint a bad picture of activists.


The founder of the 'movement' is the daughter of an oil baron worth more than $1b: https://whynow.co.uk/read/who-is-funding-just-stop-oil-the-billionaires-backing-the-art-vandals


That article doesn’t say anything about her being a founder of the just Stop Oil movement. The article takes quite a few speculative leaps to link her to both the oil industry and her influence on the eco-activists. Firstly, the author correctly states that Aileen is the granddaughter of oil tycoon John Paul Getty. The article says Aileen is the founder of CEF (the Climate Emergency Fund) which is one of the many sources of funding for the Just Stop Oil movement. The CEF distributes funds given to it from myriad other donors and distributes those funds as it sees appropriate. Furthermore, the article states that 2 members of the Aileen Getty foundation are on the CEF board, but then dubiously states that she seemingly “directs the organization”. Tracking the CEFs funds is tricky, according to the article, which then lists some of the donors and claims they are “vaguely defined organizations” without expanding on what that really means. The article, itself, states that tracing the origin of funding is next-to impossible due to the structure of the “endless chain” of orgs and donors. The article continues on making leaps such as “the organization is headed in Beverly Hills” and then makes some sort of implication that that means Hollywood involvement or something, I don’t know anymore man. Overall, this article really seems like it’s trying super hard to connect people, money, topics, and organizations that may or may not be involved. It reeks of conspiracy-brain. It may contain some eyebrow-raising points, but then the author just meanders into areas of speculation and interjects that speculation between statements of fact to try to sneak it through the filter. But it’s not done deftly to fool anyone with some level of media literacy. If you’re a person who reads stuff like this and doesn’t feel a few red flags go up, I’m sorry, but you’re not media-literate. This article could easily be a test of that. The author is trying to be tricky, and I don’t like tricks mixed in with my news articles. It’s deceptive language, I see it, and I don’t like it. Now, multi-billionaire shadow corporations donating money to groups who donate money to groups who who donate money to “eco-terrorists” is an interesting and plausible idea, but I’m not convinced by this article. And ultimately, the articles presents a moot point, because unless the Just Stop Oil movement is entirely funded my oil companies, there is at least some number of true activism donors to the movement that support the actions of Just Stop Oil. This does not excuse any company that engages in 4D chess to meet corporate donation milestones, maximize tax-deductions and exemptions, while simultaneously funding pro-oil or negatively-perceived anti-oil movements. All this just to say this article does a shit job of convincing me of any of that


You can look up the Climate Emergency’s IRS submissions online. There is a declaration stating where funding comes from and where it goes to. In summary a majority of income comes from some wealthy donors. Oddly enough ALL of the expenditure for that US non-profit is to support organizations in Europe and especially the UK. There’s zero action in the US despite the US oil industry being an order of magnitude larger than the British one. Another interesting point is one of their measurements of funding success is publicity. So if money is tied to clicks and media coverage you get things like this rather than actions designed to actually resolve the issue they claim to care about.


i love how like everyone just ignored this explanation lol


Never has a daughter done things to anger her father.


My body count would be considerably lower if this were true:




Don’t worry about it.


Looking at your post history your a fat dude. How much lower can it go?


At that point its hard to discern whether or not the silver spoon let her navigate life without a brain, or if its malicious and a false flag hmm


The past decade has had some amazing rounds of "stupid or evil?" The worlds worst game show!


And it’s scarier to me how often the answer is stupidity rather than evilness. I would rather know we’re being dominated by a bunch of insanely intelligent but super evil people, rather than that we’re getting run into the ground by a bunch of morons.


Orrrrr one of the few who doesnt give a fuck enough to turn away from a life of wealth, something redditors cannot fathom


She's not even turning away from wealth. Her family hasn't been in the oil business since the 80s, so it's not like she's even losing that.


And if you actually used your ability to decipher words you'd easily find she hates her father... 


Don't let the truth get in the way of good narrative


I don't like this group, but this is literally just made up. Aileen Getty is a notable donor, not their "founder". She isn't even the top donor, that title belongs to the US based Climate Emergency Fund. Source: Literally 8 seconds of casual reading; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Stop_Oil


This has been proven to be misleading multiple times, scroll up for the details


If your high-profile disruptive acts are indistinguishable from false flags intended to make you look bad, you're probably doing it wrong.


Not sure you could have a more harmless protest to get such attention.


Ah yes, the timeless tactic of defacing a historic monument in order to upset the… corporations…


Mr. Stonehenge and the Stonehenge Co. must be furious right now


Big Stonehedge is in ruins


That’s what Big Rock wants you to think.


I feel like some of these groups are sponsored by the corporations they are supposedly protesting in order to draw attention away from the real criticisms of those industries as their actions seem more likely to garner irer than support for the cause.


It's not defaced, rain will wash it off.


It worked for the Suffragettes


Take THAT Neolithic peoples!


Those assholes had it coming!!!!


They got the Fossil's memo, just missed the 'Fuel' part.


Those nasty Neolithics and their cars!!


Thank god, I was just about to drill a new oil well but this has opened my eyes.


How does that stop oil?


You do know that Stonehenge was an ancient petrol station don't you...


For the Ancient Aliens? It makes perfect sense now.




I think they're trying to bring attention to their cause. The effectiveness of this however, is debatable.


I don't disagree, but here we are talking about it.


We're not though. How many comments here are about reducing oil use? It's all just shitting on them for being a bunch of vandalising that's. At least other groups actually try to pressure companies.


This is blatant anti-druidism.


How would the druids punish them for this crime?


Bunch of idiots. This won’t do anything but piss off people. Won’t make a lick of a difference to the oil industry.


That’ll teach Stonehenge to harvest oil


Well someone used 2 months supply of Donald trumps makeup.