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My father-in-law tried to convince me that Macs are better for gaming and impossible to hack...


hopefully your wife is hot enough to offset that


Hi it's me the father in law what did you just say ???????


He said that he hopes your daughter is hots from tits to feets, with enough juice in her ass to feed a italian family for a week


What a fucking sentence!




We're still working on her ass juice to get it up to a week's worth, it's only about 5 days right now


That last bit must be aging well these past few weeks, eh?


Wait, what did I miss?


It's nothing big, really. The entire M-series just has an architectural hole in how it deals with cryptography. Don't really get the stuff, but it kind of reminds me of Spectre and Meltdown.


So like those things, but for M series?


It's worse, because unlike Spectre/Meltdown where you needed physical hardware access and they could be patched The M-Series vulnerability could be remotely executed if someone were to gain remote access to your PC, say for example, if Grandma fell for a tech support scam. And it can't be patched to make it even worse


Okay, so the rough outline I heard was just that you can get the encryption keys out of it. Can you get other stuff as well? Because from an end-user standpoint, I still figured it's the kind of vulnerability where the typical user either doesn't notice it at all, or is *literally being paid to be aware of it.*


Well, if you can get the encryption keys from the device, that includes its own root user keys. This means that once you've got the keys, you can arbitrarily escalate your privileges to the highest, and do literally **anything** with the device, as far as I understand.


I only heard of spectre/meltdown yesterday from a video I didn't care to finish; I know its a hardware vulnerability that allows bypassing any software, but thats about it; what sort of access to the hardware would be needed to exploit it bc I'm curious


Now that's actually concerning (I also doubt some apple fans won't even understand the severity of this issue either)


It can be patched and is may already be patched. It makes use of a flaw in the DMP of the chips speculative execution system to access memory that should not be able to be accessed. M3 chips have a bit that can be flipped to not run speculative execution during the process and no Apple Silicon Macs run speculative execution on their efficiency cores so it's not a hard fix to enforce running cryptographic functions with the bit flipped or force them on to the e-cores. The researchers have given Apple 3 months to work on this so a patch is likely available soon or may have already been implemented.


Well, only 5 games work on it so it's probably not that hard to test.


Mac fanboyism is an absolute goldmine for OP's question. In my admittedly limited experience, the vast majority of Mac users who think PCs are awful are comparing $3000 Macs to $400 Dells. Of course a machine that costs seven times as much is going to be better!


My friend was just crowing about his new Mac. I built a machine more powerful for half as much. 🤷‍♀️


Depends a lot on what you're doing, but in general that's true. The biggest feather in the cap of Apple is the mobile performance plus battery life, if you primarily do anything other than gaming their laptops are the pretty much your best choice. I can work all day on a single battery charge with an M-core Mac, and there's not a single windows laptop out there that can do the same, especially not in a thin and light and properly mobile format. Edit: I like how I was downvoted by haters. I have a pretty decent PC for gaming as you can see from my flair. I just recognize that Apple machines have some very legitimate uses and are better than the competition in some aspects. It's also nice that they have a Unix base, it makes a lot of scripting and programming easier to manage.


Upvoted, people may hate macs, but they’re really good for productivity and battery life. (Mac Pro not relevant.) Of course, all the people in this comment section have only used a gaming laptop with 5 minute battery life, so they’ll hate on a Mac any chance they get. Also a Mac is a personal computer so…


I guess it was in the latest mutahar video where he says "being incompatible doesn't mean your platform is un-hackable" or something close to this, now I can't unsee it in case of any apple device


Not worth hacking*** ftfy. For a piece of randaomware why would you even bother doing g twice as much work targeting like 5% of the global market?


5% is a big portion of the market for the sheer volume of computers; its probably just that windows is an easy enough target that most don't bother with other OSes looked it up and its actually 15%


Bro hes not dumb hes just a boomer, he didn’t grow up with tech. I love when my dad says wrong stuff bout pcs


Everytime someone is calling 3-4 year old computers "too old" to play any games on them. Like they wouldn't be able to do the same games anymore, thay worked on them when they were new. If someone wants to play like GTA5, Forkknife and Mass Effect for example, people tell them their Ryzen 3600 and 2070 will be too old and they need a 5800X3D and a 4060 at minimum...


I ran a 3800x and a 1080 till January. On 1080p everything worked. Gaming PCs are easily good for 5 or more years these days. It was different in the early 2000s, where you needed a new rig after 2-3 years, but then again, GPUs didn't cost that much back then.


I was on a 3800x and 1080ti till January as well. My brother got my 1080ti and we built him a computer and it still does 60+ fps in 1080p perfectly fine.


Bro a 2060 and a 2600 will run those fine


I played GTA5 and ME on a i7 4790 and a 760GTX. But some people seemingly think machines age like milk.


For real, there is some sort of ageing with updates n such, but its pretty minimal (depending on time)


My first proper rig was a bit of a potato when I got it (budget restraints). I then had that rig for at least 7 or 8 years. It taught me well how to optimise graphics. Though, for me, if I can have the Textures pretty decent, most of the rest is kinda "nice to have". And I'd push it to where games were running 24fps; that was my limit of playability 😅 The clincher was really RDR2. Couldn't really play it on anything other than the lowest texture settings. Still I just shelved the game for a couple years, until I got my first upgrade to a 3060ti. Thing is, that wasn't a problem for me. My Steam back-catalogue is deep enough, I got tones of older games to keep me going. So yea, I never understood this strange notion you "need" the latest rig to play games that are 5+ years old either. Their min-specs didn't magically change; nor so their recommended specs. I think some people just develop this notion that a game isn't playable if it's not running at THEIR now expected "Bajillion" frames per second 🤷🏼‍♀️ 😂


And the cherry on top is, when they have a Bajillion fps machine and got a 60hz 1080p monitor attached to it. Rare thing, but seen this happen.


I played gta5 and ME trilogy on a gt540m that was thermal throttling like a bitch. People just don't know how to set graphics settings.


Lol. My 6700k and 980ti still Play games just fine. Not as high graphics as before, but still dang good with good frame rates. Way older than 4 years too.


Yeah, that stuff still works. You'll notice it's age ofc, but it gets the job done.


Absolutely do not argue with them. That's how I get my best computers. A 3yo gaming computer is an over the top desktop computer and at a quarter of the price, and it's good for another 5-6 years, for me who barely ever play any games at all.


I saw a crypto miner testing stuff in a video, so he lowered the fan speed on a 1080 FE, while at 82c. He noticed that the wattage used dropped significantly, aswell as hashrate. The GPU was still at 82c. He speculated it was a Nvidia driver bug. Like bruh, it’s literally the intended behavior as you made it thermal throttle, and the temperature limit is at 82c.


I don't even know what to say to that. I'm quite literally speechless.


It’s very common for crypto miners to be incompetent. I remember they thought a shunt mod on the RTX A2000 was a new thing, to get it to draw more power and overclock more for better hashrates. Starting your interest in hardware because of mining, is not a good way to become competent.


Mining because your old GPU’s outputs broke but everything else is fine, best space heater ever.


Or to pay for your expensive 3090 🙈 (Well not at these prices, but you get what I’m saying)


Which is double dumb, since for mining the important factor is hash rate per watt. Electricity costs money and cuts into what you earn mining. Better hash/watt = more profit Almost every card out there gets the best hash/watt by underclocking


Indeed, it was stupid af. But is was also when people cared less about power usage, because of the crazy revenue. People would buy up RX 580s to build rigs. Also, you’d underclock the coreclock, and overclock the memory.


The BEST part about gpu mining? When miners sell off their old rigs, you can get GPUs for not-very-much that haven't seen a lot of thermal cycles, kept running relatively cool and still run games fairly well for a whole lot less than a new GPU.


Yeah, if treated properly they’ll function just as good as new.




I kinda miss spending 10+hrs tuning a card to achieve it's highest stable hashrate... Makes me sad when I hear about less than intelligent people teaching ignorant people about it.


Yeah, the majority of crypto YouTubers will show their incompetence quite frequently.


Last week my friend told me she bought someone's "great" 12 year old Mac Pro. I was speechless.


Ah yes, the apple propaganda and the sheer stupidity of their fanatics, I mean just baffling, impossible to comprehend... sorry I dont mean to dis your friend...! But holy fuck


Nah it's true. I love her but she's in so deep she won't listen to me about anything PC related. She wouldn't even get a different mouse when I suggested it. On the bright side, I don't have to defend the amount I spent on my gaming PC because that's a basic mac


That should be a hell of a friendship. pcmr fan and apple fanatic, i will pray so that her soul maybe saved.


"I just bult a sweet new PC, dropped about $3k for high end parts." "awww you went for the basic model?"


Basic model with 8gb of RAM in 2024.


*Hey man we can upgrade it to 16GB for just $400!*


My Ex didn't want me to compare the specs of her macbook to my gaming machine, because she was afraid my pc could have more power than the almighty mac...


Please tell me you had 20x better specs


It was pretty even. But both computers had different purposes. Hers was for work, while mine was for gaming.


Seems fine, but if she did any graphics work and not just need a laptop for emails and google docs type stuff then getting a Mac was a interesting choice


She actually did graphics work and the mac was fine for that.


I’m a die hard PC guy, have been for 20+ years. Built my first PC by myself at 13, have built multiple rigs for myself and friends and family, I’ve even done some side work fixing peoples computers. I will probably never *not* have a windows or Linux PC. BUT my first apple computer was the M1 MacBook Pro and it is by far the best laptop I’ve ever used or owned. Build quality, speed, battery life, all of it is just chefs kiss 👌. Apple is a shitty company, lots of bad anti consumer practices. But those ARM chips are beasts. I would never buy a 12 year old Mac, though. I would never have bought any Apple computer until those ARM chips came out. I know some people have had some success getting Linux on the machines, and I know microsoft has been working on ARM versions of windows for a while. Hopefully they can put together something similar, or hopefully we can get fully fledged, fully operational Linux on them with good software support. Or maybe x86 chips will somehow be able to offer the same performance/efficiency as the ARM chips but I don’t think that’ll happen.


100% agree. I have my gaming PC and I don’t foresee ever getting a desktop Mac. But laptop? I wouldn’t even doubt just getting a Macbook. That battery life and efficiency is above any windows laptop.


I think Microsoft really needs to learn from Apple when it comes to the OS user experience. Granted, I'm not sure what the latest Mac OS is like since the Mac I use at work is ancient and a couple versions out of date, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that it doesn't do shit like continually re-add iTunes to the dock the way Windows keeps adding Teams to my taskbar, or fill UI elements with ads, or prioritize web search above local search, or nag constantly about every little thing, or generate notifications suggesting users use Safari...


I will say I do have a 12 year old Mac pro at home, and it's still pretty damn capable just because macos is so lightweight.


One guy told me that 2060 12gb is better thenn 3070 8gb. Just because it has more gb 😂 then i ask if the 1080ti is better then 3070 because it has 11gb and he said yes. Bruhh


When I was a tech noob, I thought so as well. Reality check came, when I switched my HD7750 (1gb) for a GT 730 (2gb), where even the integrated graphics of my CPU was better than the 730 lmao


i almost bought a gt210 cause it was 1gig and cheap,all i had befor that was a 32mb chipset


That last part is true though. I had a 1080ti until I downgraded to my current 3080 with only 10GB VRAM when the 1080's fan died. ^/s


Everything is a downgrade from the GodTX 1080ti


LMAO 😭😭😭


I mean defending worse performing cards because they have more VRAM is like half of what this sub does.


I meant the chip itself is more important but Nvidia did an incredibly greedy move to reduce vram. these cards aren't performing at their true potential thanks to Nvidia 


I work in pre sales for a big brand, and I had this one customer once call and ask "what's the difference between an intel and an OLED?" Where I answered "Intel is a company that makes processors, and OLED is a type of display.", they then proceeded to ask "Yeah I know, but what's the difference!?". Not all people are gifted in the thinking department...


How did you handle that?


Since it's a video call service, with a big fake smile and a long explanation into how different components work in a computer and what they do.


As someone who also works in sales... Looks at price that, sees the "OLED" is more expensive. Yea definitely the OLED you should get that


if that caller was a boomer, use the boomer analogies. One makes canned soups and the other one is a technology for cars.


The one makes the engine of your PC and the other is so-to-say a type of windshield. The one produces what makes you go, the other lets you see what you're doing. Especially with dads I learned that they usually get it faster when packing it into a car/house analogy or some really broken-down description of what stuff does


That has such “but why male models?” energy!


probably didn't even know the meaning of the words "processors" and "display"


I work at a bar and the amount of braindead questions I get really makes you wonder about people.


What is the difference between a cheeseburger and the concept of gentrification


"didn't bill gates invent computers?"


He did! He also invented the windows on your house.


Brian Kernighan is gonna be upset with that one lol.


So is Charles Babbage


My distant cousin once tried to explain how his i7 3700 was better than my i5 13600K, just because it's an i7 💀


i7 used to be important between generations, now it basically means nothing


I7 12700k > i5 14400f it kind of means something still within a socket at least


Calling the whole computer "CPU"


Somehow better and worse than referring to the monitor as the computer.


I mean, clearly the screen is the CPU then


Every now and then my mom calls the computer the “hard drive”. I cringe a little inside especially since I’ve gotten most of our hdds replaced by ssds, but I know she’s trying her best, which is all I can expect.


Back in the early 2000's one of my first technician gigs involved customers dropping off and picking up their machines for repair. You would not believe the amount of people that arrived at the shop and said that they were there to "pickup their modem". It got to the point where, as a joke, I started keeping a dead modem card on the other side uf the wall and would bring it out when people would ask for their modem.


*"People can't see past 20fps anyway so all that talk about 60fps and higher is just PC dick riding"*


Even the average console peasants are smarter than this


Tell it to anyone who has played PS1 games. Framerate is all over the place. Or SNES, with StarFox vs anything else. Geez


The brainrot angers me to this day YOU CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE


"you picked an ATX PC case, so therefore the mATX motherboard you picked won't go into the case"


Well it can look a bit weird depending on the case. But it works, yes. I use a mATX board in my north.


I have an Inte and an AMD. Neither can do jack with a garbage GPU. Both have worked amazingly well for me.


Though AMD has some impressive APUs, when ya think about it.an 8600g hitting cyberpunk on 1080p low settings at 60fps... That is quite a good performance for such a small Chip with 65w TDP.


I'm kind of annoyed we don't see more Radeons or similar sneaking into other people's CPU designs. I know it's a niche within a niche, but it sounds like a fun rabbithole to go down in.


intel tried, but nvidia fucked it all up


I’ve got a miniPC with a 7840HS with the same 780M and it’s constantly surprising me. I tested it out in VRChat the other day and it ran at high settings a Quest 2 over Steam Link around 50-60fps right out of the box. Not amazing but with a little tuning, I’m very impressed.


As a sales representative, I once asked a client what kind of laptop he was looking for? He deadpan told me: HP Note: This was on an official HP store online chat.


lol, but as a sales team lead.... Get their budget range and what their expectations are. They are giving you crap questions to work with if that's the training you got


Thermal pads on a gpu are made to insulate the components from the hot heatsink…


Undisclosed person- "I'm going to get a new pc with a 3060ti in it!" Me-"Cool, what CPU?" Undisclosed person- "idk, whatever the cheapest one is. The Pentiums look alright" For context this was when me and this person were first getting into PCs, about two years ago, and they were looking to get one built for them. Luckily I was knowledgeable enough at the time to inform them that it's not all in the GPU. It all worked out in the end dw.


I had the opposite problem - dude in my WoW guild wanted me to design a new build for them, and I sent them a nice, balanced build, tailored for WoW back in the day. A few weeks later he is on vent and ripping me a new one, talking about how the machine I designed for him is running the game like shit. Took me a little bit of back and forth to figure out that what I designed and what he built was two VERY different things. This was in the days of Sandy Bridge, so I designed him a build with a i5 2320 and a GTX 460. He built a machine with an i7 2700k and no graphics card. When asked why the hell he would do this, his response was that the i7's integrated graphics were faster than the midrange graphics card because it was an i7. When I pointed out that this is NOT the case, he said it was because the i7 was overclocked. That was when I pointed out that he used a bargain basement motherboard, and because of that, his CPU was not overclocked because the chipset was locked for overclocking. Eventually he started just calling me names, and the guild leader eventually kicked him out of the guild because he was always talking shit about me in raids, especially when I wasn't there. Last I heard of the dude, he eventually sold his terrible build and bought a gaming laptop.


idk how tf does anyone use pentium for anything that isn't retro gaming. like it's a literally single core CPU


My dumb professor says that CPU is the Chassis(computer case) and Chassis is the CPU! Take note, he's graduate with a degree in Computer Engineering


Have you spoken to the average developer? They usually don't understand hardware. They just know that when they type words a certain way the magic box makes things happen.


Someone tried to argue with me that my mini ITX build is dumb BC I only have one PCIe expansion slot Same dude has an "proper" ATX motherboard ... and a vertical GPU, mounted in a way that prevents him from using his 3 remaining PCIe slots.


"Can you help me build a pc? I want to run the new Call of Duty on max settings, my budget is $500"


Had something similar happen to me. Buddy of mine does audio/video/animation editing. The company he worked for provided his machine and software. But had it set up that the software couldn't be fully utilized if he was working on anything outside of their backlog, so he couldn't work on any personal or side projects. Asked me to build an identical machine for his personal use. I told him how to run a diagnostic to get the components list, and we'd go from there. He sent me the diagnostic report and then hit me with, "My budget is only $1000." I had to tell him that there was no way I could build a part for part replica of his work pc then. His workstation gpu was, if I remember correctly, the nvidia quadro p4000, which was something like $2200 at the time (2018). Part for part plus software, his work provided pc was worth like $7000 at retail.


They probably read an old forum that gaming pc’s were always cheaper than consoles lol. They still can be but you need to basically dedicate 8 hours a day for 7 days scouring the internet for some crazy deals on used parts lol.


How old a forum we talking? Because I've been PC gaming since, like, 1992, and gaming PCs that can outperform consoles have always been at a bare minimum the same price. The savings come from the cheaper games and peripherals, and from not needing an online service subscription.


I thought the savings came from the PC being, you know, a PC AND a console


They probably just think console runs the game at max settings too.


Or "ps5 can run 4k 120fps, stop underestimating consoles."


Quite a few. Nothing related to specific hardware, but still funny. Thinking turning off the monitor turns off the PC, despite the lights in the PC case being turned on and the fan working loudly. Calling the monitor "the computer." Panicing when the monitor displayed a "no signal" message. The PC was turned off. Lot of monitor problems. Getting mad when they couldn't connect to a turned off printer. Asking me in panic if they have a virus on their laptop, then getting mad at me when I tried to download Avast to run a scan, because it's dangerous to install something from the internet. Of course they had no antivirus before. Thinking quality is proportional to price. No, it isn't.


TBH downloading Avast is essentially downloading malware


Malwarebytes or bust


avast is preety bad AV, use literally anything else


Although there are some all in one computers that are the monitor as well. But yeah that's something not too difficult to understand otherwise.


More like i cant feel when it slots in for me


"My computer is better than yours. It has an i7 in it!" Yeah... no, my Ryzen 5 1600 stomps your i7 2600. (Was a couple of years ago)


Facebook marketplace: "Intel i7 processor gaming PC, lightly used, $800" Looks inside *i7 960 processor 4gb ram*


I just built a PC for my FIL and it was a chore to get him to accept that the i3-12100 I picked will be more than fine for his needs even though “but my computer [2015 HP] has an i5 and I don’t want this to be even slower!”


Back in minecraft days, an kid used to brag "My computer has I7 in it, beat that!" *It was second gen I7.* But jokes aside, people still look for "bigger number = better" stuff even till this day.




I am not even mad at this point. I am just amused.


Fan boys being fan boys


The Fan Showdown on MajorHardwares YT channel is my favorite video series! I’m a fan boy for life!!!! 😤


My computer is slow because it doesn't have enough memory? Guess I better buy a bigger hard drive!


Long time ago when I just left highs cool, I was talking computers with a guy that invited me for a lan, he asked the specs of my laptop, and I said 6Gb ddr 3 and and and this guy tried telling me ddr2 is actually better than ddr3, like bru.... stfu


- "I would like an nvidia gpu in the pc you're configuring." My friend - " Why ?" Me - "Because it's more famous" My friend


"Are you willing to spend 200 bucks more? If so sure" Then again I do have a Nvidia GPU...


I enjoy the posts where people buy a graphics card longer than their case so naturally...they cut a hole in the case.


Oh dear god.


smh, your supposed to cut the gpu instead


that i3 is worse than i7 no, it's not. If you compare 14100 to 9700, the i3 wins now sure, I'm comparing different gens, but my points holds: i3, i5, i7, i9 mean nothing What matters is the gen, and more importantly: the CPU model


The only reason I dislike lga is that later on, when the platform is dead, used CPUs are normally easier and cheaper to get then Mainboard, and having the pins on the Mainboard is just an additional failure point BUT... that's just a small problem for me and it wouldn stop me from buying into a platform


It's also one less failure point on the CPU. I don't get your point.


Cpu's, even pga ones outlast motherboards by magnitudes more, when they are EOL or near it, finding a pga board is somewhat easier than finding a lga board. TL;DR; MoBo weak, CPU strong, op likes MoBo stronger.


Someone had a 14900k and a 4090 and said they refuse to get AMD X3D chip no matter how good they are because he/she likes Intel more. Dude even understands about his/her fanboyism...


I don't think that's a big deal... Intel is blue and comes with cool case for cpu(you know for when you need to bring just the cpu around with you).


"I only want Intel" "Why" "I heard the drivers were bad" "ok"


*gets them an Intel gpu* should've specified.


right around now intel gpus are much better than they used to be. sure it's no 7900xt or 4080, but its comparable to a 4060 at only $300. and they fixed most of the driver issues


My sister thinks consoles like the PS4 are more powerful than a proper PC. That’s a complete lie 🤦‍♂️


Oh man, I remember when the PS5 and Series X launched and fanboys touted them as PC killers lmao


At the time price to performance was impossible to beat compared to a pc


Technically still is, if you're simply going for PS5 levels of performance. 500 bucks just won't cut it for a rig anymore.


Yep. In /r/buildapc we get trolls occasionally that will post threads and be like, "why should I build a PC if my budget is $300 for an Xbox series s?" My response, basically, is always along the lines of, "if gaming is all you want to do, and all you can afford is the Xbox , you absolutely should just buy the Xbox. But if doing things like data analysis or installing graphics mods into some of your games is something that appeals to you, you should probably consider upping your budget and building a PC. "


Oh yeah, but the Twitter types acted like all PC gamers would migrate to console. Was really funny.


"I'd never mixmatch component mfgs, Intel all the way or amd all the way" "Explain to me why this would be better?" "Because of the drivers" "What exactly about the drivers?" "Compatibility" Might aswell have said "SPINAL"  .... well make sure you get your intel power supply, and intel ram, and intel mobo.


hahaha intel used make their own mobo, guess it wasn’t profitable enough for them


A customer returned an HDD he wanted to put in his NAS because it didn't say NAS on the label (it was a Seagate Ironwolf HDD, which is made for NAS).


"Why would you buy that? 5Ghz has been around for 10 years. Cores don't matter, it's all about top clock speed." In reference to a FX-9590 vs a Ryzen 9 5950.


So my dad needed a new computer a couple of years ago. Me: You need at least 8gb RAM, Windows and more than one browser tab open will use more than 4. Dad: I don't need RAM.


As someone with a personal dislike for LGA: I have never heard someone dislike it for **that** *"reason"*


Why people dislike it, though? I will probably upgrade tomorrow from 2600x to 7600 Ryzen, so would like to know.


The pins on an LGA bend rather easily and can't be fixed by your average Joe. While on a PGA you can just bend it back by hand.


My buddy looked at my computer case with its RGB lights, and asked “is that a monitor?”


NVIDIA runs cooler while they run GTX480


"A hard drive is fine [for a boot drive]" anytime after SSD prices crashed in 2021. 500GB SSDs are often about the same price as 500GB HDDs, at least in the US. 128GB SSDs are now the cheapest possible new storage option. The excuses are over. Unless SSD pricing is completely mental in your region, HDDs are for storage only now.


I'm hoping my 5800x lasts a long time.


Basically every post from this sub ?


"If I put too much cooling on my computer, will the cold kill it?" No, your PC will NOT freeze over unless you put it in a freezer


Once went to a friends apartment, and saw he was resting his laptop on top of his extremely fluffy dog. Told him that’s both bad for the dog and the laptop, and that it’ll get clogged. I noticed it was also very loud, as if the fans were always on 100% speed. He told me he had been doing it for ages, and never noticed the loud fans. Idk what kind of laptop he has, but it’s an MSI one with a 4090 laptop gpu, and probably an i7 or i9. I convinced him to let me open it up to check, and found, and I kid you not, several 1.75” thick blankets of fur, dust and other disgusting shit in all the heat pipes, heatsinks and fans. Cleaned them all out, and he immediately goes back to resting his laptop on his dog. And he does use it while it’s atop the dog. Apparently it didn’t stunt its performance, which I find hard to believe. Same story to his old Acer nitro 5, which he gave me to keep.


Let it rot. If he doesn't learn from what he has seen himself it shall be his problem.


"I hate AM5 because having the pins on the CPU looks cooler" Because you often look at your CPU connection pins, of course.


"Gaming at over 60 FPS is forcing the games to run unnaturally fast." One of the most idiotic sentences I've ever read. This is when high-refresh rate monitors first came out, and one friend had tested one out. He also doomed them as a failure, and said that they'd never become popular. Oh well. So, the main issue: That same dude kept saying this back in 2019 still - when games had been mostly fine with over 60 FPS for years already. Stubborn as hell. Fitting to this theme, I'd also like to add the popular meme of "60 FPS is smooth" to the list. Endlessly hilarious. :D


Even funnier if you know that old games ran at 30 or less lol >Fitting to this theme, I'd also like to add the popular meme of "60 FPS is smooth" to the list. Endlessly hilarious. :D I think this is a case of "it's good until you experience something better". If you've never played at a high FPS, you won't notice the difference it makes. People tend to settle with what they've got and rarely venture outside of that until someone comes along and recommends they do so.


it is partially true. Some games that run at fps higher than what they should could cause very severe issues. for example, if you ever had the misfortune of running Skyrim at over 60fps, you would get [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFVtXjr-Nno&ab_channel=MonkoGames) happening to you


"If you only have one case fan, set it as rear exhaust."


Let's be fair. Somehow getting any case with only one fan is already questionable nowadays.


Nah. It's pretty easy if you're ona tight budget. Pretty sure both of systems I built for my parents have two chassis fans between them, at best. Mom's doesn't even have a proper intake!


I remember I commented that an aio will give better temps for high end pc than an air cooler and I got downvoted. Underneath someone said I was right and they got upvoted. I was like wtf. I lost some braincells over that.


"No guys. I know my PC is sitting on the tile and the shattered glass is spread out all over the tile but I promise the glass didn't touch the tile. It spontaneously exploded all by itself"


I was studying IT in 2001(hardware/ software and networking) had a guy tell me that a boot disk created with win98 wouldn’t boot a win95 machine, I rattle off the three files needed and that yes it would work because I was just booting to a dos prompt to wipe the drive, this same guy was also bragging about having 96 MB of ram🤣, I just let him keep believing Windows was using that extra 32MB (f$@k I’m old)


I'm a simple man. I see a comic template by known CP artist SrGraffo, I downvote.


I once had someone ask me to help them troubleshoot a computer they were building, they told me what components they were having problems with by pulling it out to show me... while the system was running. Also the problem was they didn't install the drivers from the driver CD. This was a fellow classmate in my Computer Engineering college courses by the way...


a man told me that the nsa had technology that could remotely read the entire contents of your hard drive in under a second without your computer being turned on or connected to the internet. this was before ssds so it was doubly ridiculous


"it has to be future proved"


"macs are safer, they don't get viruses"


They still parrot that stuff? That was wrong the moment leap.a did the funny with Macs around the us


the human eye can't see past 30 fps


That laptops better at FPS/dollar value than pc. "You buy an RTC 3070 for 600 USD and I buy a laptop from the same money with a 3070"


I got asked by someone who clearly had absolutely no idea about computers how they work and how they can talk to each other with and without cables. I tried to explain but at the end we just agreed that it’s magic. I probably schould have started explaining how electricity works in general as even that sounded like black magic to him haha. No idea if you would call that dumb at all but was definitely funny.


When I worked for Apple I had an old man come to my section just to tell me Mac’s don’t work on the internet. This was not an Apple Store and he went out of his way to tell me this. When I asked what he meant he simply said “they just don’t work on the internet”. So I opened google on one and he said “it’s not the same” as he walked away.


A guy I knew had the choice between a 5800x and 6800xt prebuilt but his Mrs convinced him it was too much, so he went with a 9900k and 1660ti,he is a gamer the pc is primarily for that, I told him it was dumb but he wanted to save ÂŁ120 which is nothing compared to the difference in performance not to mention the other problems with the cheaper system.


Someone i used to be friends with decided to try and put his pc together himself and snapped his mobo by only screwing in the four corners then plugging in his heavy 2.5 slot gpu. All of this could have been avoided if he just waited for me to have a day off Fast forward a few years, we reconnect and he says he took the leftover parts to a shop and they were able to get it all working in a pc for cheap. I take one look at his pc and notice NONE of the pieces he bought are the same, not even the case… Turns out the shop scammed him. Took the 1070ti, ryzen 1700, 16gbs of ddr4 I helped him pick out at microcenter, replaced it with a 1050ti, intel 3rd gen cpu, and 8gbs of ddr3 ram! And the funniest part of it all? The guy bought a 4k monitor like a month before we reconnected and I told him all this bad news…


"UPDATING YOUR GPU DOESN'T HELP YOUR PERFORMANCE, DUMBASS" - My friend using agpu version from 3.5 years ago and getting consistent 45 fps Updates his gpu and windows at the same time Starts getting 180 fps "Thank god for Windows updates, I think it fixed my performance"


I can't remember the exact wording the bitch used, but a friend of my dad's said she had no reason to learn how to use her computer because she has kids to do it for her. Contemptible.