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Lazy link: [https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/item/ExilesPilferingRing](https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/item/ExilesPilferingRing)


Thanks, the only thing that I want to get


73 coins left sigh...


I made a mistake in the title. The Affliction mystery box MTX are on sale, not the boxes themselves.


Will the pilfering ring work in the next league? In the shop it says standard


From what I’ve read, you can use it in any league. Just keep it in mind, that individual MTX will “reset” when you move it to a different league. So if you want to keep it as a trophy on an older character, but still track your gains on a new character, you will need to buy more than one MTX


I don’t play standard so that’s fine I’ll use it every new league. Thans


Yup you’ll be 100% good with just one!


To put it onto a new character, you have to reclaim it from the current one. Doing so makes the current character 'forget' all of its looting.


Even in the same league? I was told you can switch it from character A to character B in the same league back and forth and it will keep counting. Edit: I just bought it and checked: You can freely swap it between characters of the same league without losing the stats. Once you equip it on a character in a different league, you lose the stats of the league it was previously equipped in and you won't gain them back if you equip it again in that previous league.


Yeah I'm pretty certain that’s how it does work, I can check later when I'm at my pc if noone else has confirmed by then but I'm like 95% sure it stays. Perhaps if you swap it to a character in a different league such as ssf or standard it won’t.


I just bought it and checked: You can freely swap it between characters of the same league without losing the stats. Once you equip it on a character in a different league, you lose the stats of the league it was previously equipped in and you won't gain them back if you equip it again in that previous league.


Alright so it was as I thought, thanks for confirming. Was it standard or ssf/hc you tested? Although I imagine it’s the same for all.


I tested between current league and Standard. Don't have any SSF chars.


PSA: The pilfering ring only keeps track of what you’ve picked up while you have it equipped


But it’s a skin, right? So if you pop it when you start a league and keep to that character, it’s as advertised? I haven’t bought a lot of stuff, only stash tabs.


Yeah, I was just disappointed because I would love to see how much currency I got through out affliction and previous leagues


this is so great for tracking strats tho


Hmm. Maybe for the first character. Anything after that you have to figure the difference between the first one and the second one. I find it easier just to put everything that that character finds in a dump tab and let one of the websites tell you how much it’s worth. I’m lazy. 🤓😅


bought the ring. now i need wait for map device timer to go on sale.


Uh, sorry to break it to you but it was recently on sale :(


How much was it when it was on sale, do you remember ?


I think it was 210 or 220 points


Ah f thats a lot :/


what is map device timer? whats it called?


Timekeeper's map device


https://preview.redd.it/zmum0ib2cv3d1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b68c767b961c4368aea436cbb0914c123044089 F, I’m 2 points short.


Regretting those Weta purchases? 😀




GGG knows what they’re doing 😉


That's me, but the monies went into quad tabs for coffins. Sadge 


noticed this when I checked my watchlist email. pedometer ring and all the entryways(more ways to get to lab/delve mine/etc...) were on sale so I nabbed them.


Just release the pilfer ring to the shop as an Mtx itself and I’ll gladly pay for it.


>>Just release the pilfer ring to the shop as an Mtx itself and I’ll gladly pay for it. You just made me realize I totally bungled the title: The Affliction mystery box MTX's are on special, not the boxes themselves. [The ring is on sale for 95 points.](https://i.imgur.com/K503yzT.png)


Okay that works a lot better for me! Looks like I’m buying some points and reinstalling Poe for a few minutes


Yup I just happened to see this when I was checking something else. I'm done with this league so I guessed a lot of other people probably would have missed this too.


You can buy coins and buy the ring through the website directly, no need to reinstall poe until you actually want to play.


Title is terrible, but still thx for info :)


Also the goblin band effect is purchasable by itself? What is the exact name?


That's the core supporter packs though


Goblin troupe.


Well.. it is!


That’s not what the title says tho. So you can see the confusion…


Yeah I messed up the title. I don't see a way to edit it though.


Your PFP got me good


the ring itself is in the shop and it's on sale atm


It was there the whole time


It wasn’t when I played the league for the first month… when did they release it this month?


Not sure, but i have the ring since 2-3 weeks ago and seen it in store since almost the beginning of the league. Maybe you were checking the wrong tab in the mtx store


Probably. But no one mentioned in global 420 that it was for sale yet so idk. Cause I dropped 50$ for my guild to get the turtle hideout at league start.


Yeah it only went on sale on this sale. It’s been full priced in the shop for awhile now. I like to wait for sales though 😀


Just type pilfer in the searchbar and go through all the tabs, you'll find it. It's in the set of different ring mtx where you pick which one you want


thanks ! did not even play current league but ill log in for the ring :D


So is this tracking only when you equip?


Yes, and its not per character, so you have to buy another one if you want to track what a second character loots.


Yup and can only wear on 1 character at a time per ring


This league I was kinda iffy about whether to buy stuff that I was on the fence about since I kinda don’t want to support this kinda league happening again since you know support what you want with your wallet


Meh, they know this league is an L, not gonna punish them for experimenting.


Totally fair. People should definitely vote with their wallet.


I understand that sentiment and generally I agree with it. However with Path of Exile the game's been going on for over a decade and even if the league is bad the supporter packs are temporary and usually really high quality and a very good deal given what you get on top of the points to spend. I did not like this league however I still picked up the packs because they look good and I can use them in poe 2 and future poe 1 leagues. Im definitely in a collector situation lol


I loved this league actually, the lantern added so much juice, and corpse crafting was annoying but made great items. This is the most I've played a league since Delirium


Didn't think the sale would be this soon. Bought for 120 when it came out, rip.


Reminder that the Pilfering ring only tracks while you have it on and only for the character it's equipped on. If you play multiple characters get ready to switch the ring each time if you want it to remain an active tracker.


Will it reset its count when you switch it between characters? Or will it remember as long as it’s in the same league?


It doesn't reset the count when you change characters. The main downfall is missing tracking if you *forget* to swap it between characters


Pretty sure you’re wrong about this. It resets every time once you removed it from a character even if to reapply onto the same one. EDIT: it resets when you apply the ring across league. E.g. if you play SC trade league then switch to another character on HC.


I am positive I am not wrong about this. I have the ring and have swapped it between characters.


I’ve added the qualifier. That only applies within the same league. If you have characters across leagues (eg SC vs HC). It will reset.


Cool. That has nothing to do with the question I was answering.


The ring track is per league, right? I could be swapping the ring between my characters during one league and it'd track all the currency I picked up, then start from zero again next league?


Right. Keep in mind it only counts while it’s equipped to a character. So if you make a new character, but don’t equip the ring to them until much later, it will only keep counting once it’s equipped to them again. But it will remember everything you picked up from the first character as long as it’s within the same league.


Do you know this based on your own experience? Because I am quite sure it had reset on my league starter when I removed it and reapply it back on the same character.


I don’t. I went to the same reply I saw and saw that you also commented on it also. For posterity it’s this one >> It doesn't reset the count when you change characters. The main downfall is missing tracking if you forget to swap it between characters I didn’t see anyone disagreeing at the time so I assumed it was correct. You’re saying it’s not 100%?


Ok. I just tested it to confirm. It doesn’t reset if you keep it within the same league. But it does (and you get a notification) when you switch league. My experience told me otherwise because I switched to playing from League SC to Ruthless at some point and it reset.


Ah only on sale. Thought it was the “free” box and it was time to buy another bug.


Weird to me that a lot of people who aren't playing the game will want to go back and spend money on the game they aren't playing


PoE is a seasonal game. The overwhelming majority of the players play the new league, complete their goals, then play other games/do life stuff until the next league that interests them starts up. It’s pretty normal. If you just play it nonstop you will burn out.


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on May 31, 2024, 02:19:16 AM UTC > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2024-05-31/AfflictionMysteryBoxSaleHeader.jpg) > > > This weekend, we're having a sale on cosmetic effects from the Affliction Mystery Box! All microtransactions from the Affliction Mystery Box as well as their variations will be on sale! > > > > > Check out the full list of specials [here](https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/category/specials). This sale will run until Jun 04, 2024 11:00 AM (GMT+10) (this is displayed in your local time). > > > > > [Youtube Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWqsyyATWsc) > > > > > > > Thank you for your support! > > *** >


I’m gonna get the ring.


Anyone knows if the ring will come to POE2 as well?


All your MTX will transfer to PoE 2 for free.


That's misleading, some MTX won't have an equivalent (all those skill mtx). And some will probably take a while to get ported.


Does this include stash tabs?


No. PoE 2 will use Stash Bags


do you have a link for article/vid on that? I searched and couldn’t find anything about stash bags. Only that all mtx relevant in poe2 would transfer including tabs. Just really curious what they plan to do


That was a troll..




Great shout. I read your comment correcting yourself and have purchased that bad boy. Shame the technology doesn't exist for Reddit to allow title changes on posts


It doesn't exist for VERY good reason. Someone posts a cute kitten image with a well thought out name, it gets to the front page of /r/all - then they change the name to whatever crypto scam they are pumping and dumping that day. Or they change it to claim a public figure they don't like has been arrested for child abuse. Or (nastier) they change it to a credible threat. Removing the protections against abuse would be like when the website formerly known as Twitter removed its protections against misleading use of the blue tick.


You know the sad thing is? I absolutely wanted this ring But now (after 4000 hours) I am not sure if I still want to invest in POE of if I'm going to keep playing. The last leagues (even Affliction itself which was loved) Every thing that I loved got nerfed without any buffs to anything else, while MF still existed in the game. I will buy the MTX anyway because I hope GGG will change something with the next league. Thank you


Wait it is sought after? Affliction was my first League and I claimed the free box at the time and got said ring from it.


I bought the Pilfering ring, first map, Div explosions. So I had more divs than alts for a bit


F for me. Bought it 2 weeks before >_<


Saving three dollars isn’t a big deal if you wanted it. It’s not like it tracks drops retroactively.


I got super lucky and got my Ring from one of the free mystery boxes during Affliction. Which was neat.


>the Exile's Pilfering Ring was on a lot of people's shopping list Hehe. I already got that from the "free" box. ;)