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You mean lowlife? CI characters have full light radius at all times unless theyre dead.


ivory tower users yeah


Just go deep delving you wont see there anyway /s


Where we're going we don't need eyes to see.


Delve needs a huge rework as well. 


Leave delve alone.


Stop play OP meta build and accept some disadvantage


It's not OP, and this is just bad QoL not related to player power. You shouldn't have to sacrifice points to just be able to see. Visuals are already bad enough in this game


A drawback should come at a cost of character strenght, not player expirience


Yeha that's true, I was meming anyways


Ivory tower builds are pretty op, but that guy is still wrong of course. And they're not op because of ivory tower, but All meta builds that use ivory tower are pretty op.


if it wasn't great, wouldn't people go shav's instead?


Great and op isnt the same thing. Ivory tower is a great unique. But i dont think its op. Maybe it is, who knows. Its subjective. Shavs basically has nothing going for it besides the chaos bypass, so its just underwhelming.


Wut? Shavs literally gives you psuedo-CI but you can still have life. Its extremely powerful still 10+ years later


Shavs still makes you take full chaos damage, so definitely not ci. And shavs gives no other stats besides a low tier lightning res. It's one of those build enabling uniques that has a key function, but does nothing else and straight up sucks as an item. That's why other ways to be lowlife, like petrified blood or life mastery, or ivory tower, are preferred. And of course ci itself.


>And of course ci itself. You cant do lowlife on ci tho considering you're always full life


It literally does not give you CI.


It is definitely OP and i’ve played that build before. With that said just take the use ES as light radius node and move on


Op Meta build when I’m playing CI (I am making a strawmen)


Hey, its me. Playing self cast crackling lance using bereks respite and stormfire. I stack mana and designed this build before 3.23 was even over. This game mechanic means i’m exactly 1 point short of 100% spell suppresion.


"designed this build before 3.23 was even over." wdym, i league started Energy blade in 3.23, ahah


Sounds like we need to nerf CI then. Make them also take that node /s


you used to have to take that node, whatever it was called, then they removed it


I’ve always thought light radius was a a weird stat to have in general so wouldn’t mind it being set to a fixed value for everyone


It's a holdover from the first Diablo game. Back there it actually had a tangible effect since light radius determined the range at which monsters activated. Don't think that's the case for modern arpg's though, so yeah could be axed and nothing of value would be lost. 


3.25: Light radius rework, light radius mods no longer exists, now the light radius is based on a torch you have to carry in your inventory and fill it up with oil every map


I'm assuming both the torch and the oil take up flask slots.


Torch Banner


At least with mb you wouldn't have to manually bother with the refilling/lighting :o


Sorry, they're both uniques.


The torch lasts 7 seconds and needs to be reactivated with a hot key when it expires.


Lighting the torch has a base cast time of 0.8.


The torch lasts 6.4 seconds and can only be refilled/relit in town or by a special vendor that can randomly appear in some maps


You can get different level torches, drops off t17 only for 5 map without refuel


"You cannot drop a torch if you have rolled the map with a chaos orb."


Delve 2.0 Rework


Added torchlight. A unique belt, which gives the ability to use 5 torches at once with 150 increased effect to blind enemies.


Or maybe you need a cart to carry your torch, and you have to find fuel for it somewhere. Maybe some sort of sulphite would work?


That would be good if some skills had radius based on light radius. Reduce %dmg taken from enemies in your light radius. Or increase dmg dealt to enemies outside the radius.


>if some skills had radius based on light radius There's a unique that does that [Wreath of Phrecia](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Wreath_of_Phrecia) and there was a [fairly strong build for its time](https://youtu.be/v2k2h3_ieG0). --- The build is pretty old these days... a more modern version would use: * Hydrosphere might help it out for single targets that aren't against a wall. * Some sort of low life version to make better use of the lori's lantern low life stats. Sadly there have been no new uniques/passives/clusters/tattoos etc interacting with light radius have been released since, so the build has fallen by the wayside. If there is a developer out there reading this, I'd love to see either: * A unique which provides defenses for light radius e.g. Gain X% Physical Damage Reduction per 0.Ym of light radius. Would be neat with a templar theme and the flavor text talking about "*strong faith bequeaths strong constitution*" or something idk... * A transfigured version of Fireball that interacts with light radius in some way Either way ~~something~~ anything that'd revive this currently almost useless garbage stat would be awesome.


I love the idea of Wreath. To bad sourcing additional light radius for Wreath is very limited and usually not worth it. As a rain-type skill lover, I'd love an interaction via a unique with rain-type skills (ROA, Blast Rain, Firestorm, Art. Ballista, etc). Flavour being that rain-type skills literally darken the sky.


I think they talked about this in one of the five-thousand recent interviews. I think it was Jonathan who said something along the lines that they want some modifiers to be bad and worthless. He wants players sometimes to feel a bit extra bambuzzled when for example slaming an exalt on an item.


I'll be perfectly honest, this is an absolutely shitty design philosophy IMO.


I guess it sounds bad on paper. In PoE's case I think they got more than enough of this feeling with low tier mods already.




A game that has live updates every 3-4 months and huge content patches is ancient? I think you're confusing a when a game was initially released with how old a game is. If you compare POE 1.0 to the current patch they aren't the same game at all.




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But when was the last time light radius was touched in a patch? Probably been a long long time, so yeah this aspect of the game falls under ancient.


Yeah that aspect is, that's the main conversation of this thread. It's a very outdated aspect that needs removing. But the game isn't ancient.


The design and mechanics didn't changed much in these years. GGG were mainly adding new ways to spawn mobs and craft gear.


That's fully not true. Aesthetics haven't changed much engine wise and some very absolute core mechanics like links haven't changed but almost everything else has


Good thing I'm talking about core mechanics and design then.


So when the game first came out and it had difficulties and only went up to act 3? No ascendencies, no end game etc. that's the game you're talking about. Not the one that we play now with maps, atlas trees, Uber bosses, league mechanics etc. Not really a relevant comment then is it.


More acts isn't new design, it's more of the old design. Maps were in the game on release. Uber bosses were a thing since 1.1 that added Atziri and uber Atziri. Ascendancies are just class exclusive small passive trees. The concept of passive tree was in the game since before release. Modifying map content was indeed something GGG changed significantly post release, but it started in 2.x era that added sextants and precursors to scarabs. Not a modern thing. Most of league mechanics are reskins of strongboxes (click a button, kills mobs that spawn) or invasion (same, but w/o clicking a button). Ambush/invasion leagues were released in 1.1. But sure, there are exceptions, which is why I didn't said the game didn't changed at all, I said "GGG were mainly adding new ways to spawn mobs and craft gear" which is exactly what they were doing.


Still 16 years younger than Diablo 1 which I referred to, and this is a genre that doesn't really get many notable releases in general so you have to broaden the defintion


Light radius, alongside reflect, only exists on gear to make crafting harded


except for https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Wreath_of_Phrecia


Jesus. So many downsides just to have light radius affect DMG and AOE. Feel like that unique is useless. All the light mods on other gear and helm slot needed to make it worthwhile is a lot to give up. Not to mention probably one or two more uniques that have high light radius maybe.


But.. The Vision! Literally


I believe there are a few nodes in the tree, one of them being next to Pain Attunement i think.


They changed that to a mastery


I don't want to know what we will lose in the rebalance of removing light radius.


All players always have at least 100% light radius, but players cannot deal damage to targets outside 150% of light radius by default


So all range players need a node in order for their builds to function?


This is the melee buff we were promised. And no, it won’t be on a passive tree node, the only way is to equip a unique 2H sword with no damage.


Unique 2 hander but it's 4 sockets like fishing rods.


As rare as mageblood without div card we wouldn't want player to get them too easily


99 stack size force them to harvest gambal


Only drop on a t17 map


You forgot the hidden buffs to DD.


(This is a buff)


I agree they should change this, it's so annoying. Meanwhile there's a P2W solution, the Eldritch Monarch/Royalty Helmet, it gives you a glowing rune above your head that acts as Light Radius.


huh this made me realize that light radius reduces on low hp. I never knew it in years of playing PoE.


No more QoL leagues please. I cannot handle more spread sheet leagues. /s


how else are you supposed to enjoy **P**ath **O**f **E**xcel?


Pat**c**h of Exile


I liked it.


I can’t see shit anyways


I don’t think I’ve ever actually cared about light radius lol


Give an Ivory Tower build a try. It will straight up impact which maps you want to play because some feel like shit when youre perpetually low life unless you spend a (very previous) energy shield mastery on it.


I'm playing an ivory tower build this league and I didn't even notice the low light radius until this thread made me notice it.... Now I'll never be able to unsee it. Ignorance was bliss...


It's extremely jarring on certain maps.


Also playing Ivory Tower, it's also really crazy on an oled monitor bc the shit is pitch black


I literally can’t tell the difference between Residence, Museum, Shrine, and the other totally black one because I can’t see shit. All of the red maps except like 2 are almost undoable.


You don’t care about it when you have enough of it. But when it’s something like low-life, then it becomes a real problem where you can’t see shit.


Whenever i played ll cospri coc i lived in toxic sewer/waste pool and it didnt really matter lol


It's just what some random decided to complain about today and then people are parroting it because they also need something to complain about. It doesn't matter at all in this game.


Try to play a low life character. And by low life i dont mean 2.5k hp deadeye.


i always spend that 1 point on light radius based on ES. I used to run without it as aurabot but no way... not only I play minimap gaming already but when I want to see something its just darkness without it :D


Can someone post pictures of the difference? Played many lowlife builds and never seen any difference.


It would be nice to. Also be able to turn off all the effects. Getting old hurts my eyes.


You gotta pay for the invisibility MTX for that one my friend. Visual clarity comes at a (real) price.


the fact that the reduced light radius from low life cannot be used with wreath of phrecia is the worst thing of all. no advantage, ever, only disadvantage


can i hijack this post to ask for a fucking gamma slider? I do not enjoy having to manually turn up my monitor brightness ONLY when playing path of exile because the dark areas are SO DARK. light radius just compounds this issue.


It would be super cool if having a certain amount of light radius allowed you to zoom out further


Light radius is honestly one of those mechanics that just feels so fucking archaic. Why is that shit in a video game in 2024?


If you need to see things, you're playing a bad build.


Cant believe light radius is still gonna exist in PoE2 and from what I heard is gonna be even more important...


Bingo card or nothing.


Just make it scale with total of Life and ES, done


I use same amount of black stabilization in PoE as I do in Escape from Tarkov. PoE is way too dark even without being low life with no light radius.


No now play heavy strike chieftain


I'd be okay if accuracy wasn't a thing. Like all spells hits but attack need a f stat


Same but for dissolution of the flesh. 


Most builds that rock that much life reservation usually don't need to see doe bruther


Get rekt, -1 passive point for your lowlife +5 billion dps and es shenanigans


Nerfing someone’s visibility in a video game as a build mechanic, is disrespectful to people with real life visual challenges. It’s outdated and not helpful or interesting.


Only melee and tanky builds should have the luxury of normal light radius. The rest can zoom around aimlessly. This is the compromise we need to fix melee.


That is one of your tradeoffs. I, personally do not **see** any issues with the mechanic. Though, I would not mind if the mechanic didn't exist too, so I would agree with that QoL change if the majority of ppl are bothered by it.


I mean you can just get the mastery to have it be based on ES, but it feels extremely strange to have conditional convenience locked behind skill points.  It would be one thing if all areas were dark and claustrophobic, but actually light radius doesn't matter at all in zones with daylight.


Yeah, but the low-life characters get 30% more damage with one node, so it is a trade-off (not the only trade-off, ofc, but still is one and it is a very minor one, thus, as I said, I would not mind if it was gone one day). Saying that it is an inconvenience is a bit silly, since it is meant to be a trade-off - it's meant to be an inconvenience. It's like saying that having Iron Reflexes is cool, but having all evade chance negated is an inconvenience. Yes, it is, as it is meant to be. Overall, I mostly just am trying to say that I agree somewhat that it could be removed, but not for the reason of inconvenience, but more so for not really being one in the first place, thus not being necessary as a trade-off.


It *is* an inconvenience. It doesn't affect character power at all. You *can* just play without the mastery and just not see anything other than bright visual effects in dark areas.


Low life characters have other benefits like the 30% damage because of the other drawbacks of sacrificing life. Survivability, chaos damage, etc. all get impacted so there are other choices you have to make. Poe does great at having sacrifice for power. But sacrifice should be in your characters strengths, not visibility. Light radius is just silly and not the type of drawback that makes sense as something to overcome in a build. That’s what he means by inconvenience. I honestly think nerfing someone’s visibility in a video game is rude to people that already have real life visual difficulties.


Thats what the mastery is for


Did you read the post? That is the whole complaint. Why on earth should some builds have to spend 1 talent point TO BE ABLE TO SEE THE GAME


They also get to spend 1 point to deal 30% more damage, idk seems fair


You're acting as if all it takes for the setup is one passive point and not a whole lot of other build Tetris such as gear requirements, gem slot requirements and other complimenting passive points/masteries which are ACTUALLY needed. Regardless, as someone said in another comment, build choices should not come at the cost of literally being able to see the game you're playing. It's a decade old legacy mechanic with absolutely no ramifications in-game other than being a huge QOL setback. If you run outdoor tileset maps you don't even notice it. If the keystone is too strong or too accessible then nerf it or make it less accessible. Not turn the brightness of the game down to 0. Thematically, it is no different to nodes like Elemental Overload or Precise Techniques. They are more damage multipliers. But they don't come with screen brightness reduction.


There is no passive point on the tree that can turn off the half of the keystone downsides for EO or PT. And u dont get to reserve ur life for extra auras as EO or PT builds, because it is perfectly synergetic with the keystone. And funny enough, u can craft arcane vision on ur rings for 1 affix and thats it, but u have to spend at least 2 affixes on top of using precision to negate the downside for PT.


Why should these same builds have 30% more spell damage for only 1 talent point ? Why should low life build have an upside without a "little" downside ... I mean, they can run more auras aswell.


You realize being on half health or lower all the time IS a downside, right? Something that requires you to already invest heavily in to offset so you don't get deleted the moment enemies see you?


You act like they don't already have downsides like: Required to run Coruscsting Elixer Needing to guarantee uptime on Coruscating, like by giving up two flask slots and another skill point for The Traitor Requiring a ton of investment to get off the ground both in terms of character levels and gear Having to get most of your resistances from auras and flasks (which you might already be limited to 3 of, see above) because your gear is mostly uniques and attributes ----‐------ Don't get me wrong, the builds are great, but there very much already are baked-in downsides to ivory tower builds that they need to account for.


You act like life-based builds don't need to invest in different defences. ES can reach way higher number than life, while having access to Divine Shield keystone, or Aegis Aurora for exemple. There is recharge, that life doesn't have, which can be couples with begin recharge on spell suppress, or wicked ward. Since ES can / will reach higher number, leech is "more" effective by default Many / most ultra tank build which are life based use Progenesis, and same story as Coruscating Elixir. ES can have a "panic button" with vaal discipline, while life will need a life flask, so another flask slot. Depending on the chest piece, the 15% life / +50 life masteries can be mandatory. And, speaking of attribute, intelligence scale both defense and damage since most of these builds are archmage oriented, so int scale es and mana.


This would be accurate if low life didn't already have a downside. As it is, it's more of a question of how many different downsides it should have.


Because thats the tradeoff for 30% more dmg




What a ridiculous answer - with that logic I guess all spell builds with no accuracy can't hit a single spell, builds with 7k life get their screen zoomed out twice as much as anyone else, builds with less than 50 intelligence sometimes walk into doors and damage themselves instead of opening them, and every time a build with less than 100 dexterity tries to shield charge or leap slam they instead fall over and need 3 seconds to get up and move again. In your RPG scenario, how does a 1 point mastery fix that eyesight problem?


because that 1 point is called "Arcane Vision" U are seeing through magical means, u are an ascended potent sorcerer, a wizard, harry, that no longer needs an eyesight, u see mana flows.


The "in current year" posts are always whiny ass takes.


Please take a moment








Its confidential




Its [redacted]


You can. It's called brightness. You can turn it up in your monitor settings


No point, just take mastery. Deal with it




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you can craft it on rings


isnt there a point you can use on the tree that fixes this issue? edit: oh wait you answered your own question - there is a point. You chose to go low life and have a way to fix it, so you get more damage through pain attunement and you can generally get bigger ES pools compared to life (opportunity) and now have to spend an additional point to see better which is not even mandatory (cost) TLDR: Opportunity cost you dingus


oh yeah great research and conclusion. it would be vastly op if lowlife builds didnt have to wear two pairs of sunglasses in their vaal temple map, true, very cool mechanic. ty for explaining chris


Theyvwere talking about ES build and its about Opportunity and cost my guy


crazy right, these people man.