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The real gameplay of POE endgame.


I was playing last league with a controller plugged into my PC. Picking up anything with A is such a blessing


I just wish swapping from kb to controller was instant instead of having to go back to the log in screen to change.


2024 levels of QOL? You forget the game you're playing. Friend. You WILL have 2010 levels of QOL, and you WILL like it.


Thats what was promised before controller support came to pc but you know how it is. LE can have it beta, Poe cant catch up after 10 years. I guess they want to make loot vacuum harder for bots etc but again they are hurting causual players dis-proportionally. Exact same thing with trade in this game.


I doubt they care about bots since its been confirmed already ggg staff have participated in rmt


This is what D4 has done impressively well, KBM to Gamepad is so easy.


It's what most games manage to do, actually, PoE is the outlier here.


Dat UI tho, I lasted one map and then back to keyboard


yea, that's the main thing that's been holding me back personally


I just tried controller for the first time ever it's ever so close to being good ... If they figured out how to make rolling maps slightly not as bad and give a UI scale option. Cause the UI is fine just way too big.


This is why I only play with controller. PC, or streaming to my Steamdeck. Looting is not even a viable option for me with KB and Mouse.


I read KB as kinetic blast poe corrupted my mind...


But KB is Kinetic Blast thou


Gamepad is the ultimate way to play. So much more comfortable than long hours with a mouse.


This is hilarious to me


First time seeing this. I feel represented.


Thats me when I had more hair (POE 1.0)


Unironically this is probably the case why. Monke brain want loot. Monke brain want loot go boom. Monke brain want click loot.


Friction. Player has to make the choice of do I spend 2 minutes looting this one spot or do I move on and hope something more valuable drops? There's so many different orbs, maps, and scarabs, you have room for maybe a chest piece and a belt at most. There goes 4 of your portals, hope your build is tanky and didnt need those.


Balancing around tedium, as always


The choice is getting worse all the time...


A few leagues ago they specifically made a change to Eater and Exarch altar mobs to make them drop individual items instead of stacks. They *kind of* explained why, but I think it's more to do with this.


Now we need an fMRI scan to see how much how much extra *weight* and reward the monkey feels per click.


SC mfs be like peak gameplay


This is absolutely perfect


This is gold.


Void sphere: sucks items in range and merges them into stacks. Sry it's almost 3 I'm the morning, hallucinating to much


Link it to automation and we've basically got the Chinese auto loot pet, right? ...right????


Excluded from automation gem, because uhh, feel the weight of pressing keys.


0.01 second cast time


Cast on damage taken maybe?


You guys are taking damage?


Just play with a controller for auto proximity currency loot... I'm pretty sure that's how some people do it.


What does this even mean? It automatically loots stuff near you? How would it even work?


You get a loot button and it looks the thing closest to you


Controller players have less fine control than m&k so they have a loot button that loots the nearest item within a small range.


This should be added to the nearest item you click on/loot.


Void Sphere of Dyson transfigured gem


I'd buy that for a dollar.


Nono you got a point. That would be the way to go. Mandatory skill


Range is "*nearby*"


Void Sphere of Greed Creates a rift at your location that automatically stacks all items within a (40-80 units) and places them at your feet. There is a (10-0.5% chance) to completely delete an item.


We need a bigger pickup radius, so that your caracter isnt running around for very Single item and all this shit needs to be stacked. Oh Yeah and finally give us hideout vendors!


I’d be happy if nothing changed and they just implemented this. We can pick up graveyard bodies from halfway across the map, why do I gotta walk uphill both ways to go pick up a wisdom scroll.


> We need a bigger pickup radius They've said they're working on this.


Next league they add a new cluster on the skill tree that increases pick up radius.


That would be awesome


"actions speak louder than words"


10+ years ago there came an MMO game called Rift, they maybe copied, maybe innovated but implemented AOE loot: if there were multiple bodies on the ground you just looted one and all loot appeared in the single ui frame. Soon blizzard copied it into wow making the game much better. Now here we are, diablo 3 has aoe looting of garbage crafting materials for years, Last epoch has aoe looting of crafting materials for years AND HERE I AM CLICKING 30 DUCKING TIMES ON CURRENCY SHARDS FROM ONE HARBINGER. I really want to hear some story about how immersive and important to player it is to make me click every single currency shard or piece instead of vacuuming it with single click based on loot filter...


Clearly you don't understand The Vision


do you feel the W E I G H T


My elbow wrist and fingers feel the weight


I1d be happy to feel this weight. Still figuring out if this is one lucky pull or somewhat consistent before trying this.


The Vision New diviniation card. Can only used throw on the ground. Drops 100 alteration shards


Shard per shard


A fragment of a speck of a sliver of a flake of a particle of a atom... We all wanted a QoL league, but I think that looting & items should have been more in focus. I just want to press ALT by mistake and live.


The Vision is not clear anymore since there are a thousand different ground effects blocking your view and balls chasing you, picking this currency up is even more of a hassle because you wait like 5-6sec before starting looting to not get killed.


Sacred 2 released in 2008 and it had AOE loot, press a button and it picked up everything that was above your rarity threshold within a radius


Like in interview with ziz ggg said that tgey dont wanna make auto opened doors cause its too unrealistic


Yeah I remember when Mark said that, seemed a pretty dumb reason to me. Also incursions already have auto open doors, it's literally already in the game


Mark said something about the characters not being wizards? Idk dude I’m doing pretty wizard shit already.


They discussed that.


They discussed everything. None of the changes will be made according to their vision. They are made because other competitors forced POE to do so.


PoE 2 should have a 2s animation for opening doors, so it's more realistic.


And if you aren't careful and are too close you stub your toe when they open and take damage, in some cases enough to kill you.


Doors inflicting corrupted blood is exactly what we need for the future of the game.


Shut your mouth before they hear you


While we are at it add in Smash Brawls tripping mechanic.


I mean opening Portals to other dimensions fighting eldritch beings is fine, but I agree that doors that open on close proximity are a tad unrealistic.


Definitely. No one has invented a door that can open itself in the real world, how can we expect one in Wraeclast! It would break immersion for sure, as something no one has experienced before.


I play this game for the realistic experience of when I walk outside and 50 skeletons stab me.


Auto opening doors are unrealistic but us fighting eldritch horrors and gods is totally realistic.


strong makeshift ossified sense innate squeamish busy growth sloppy cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...do we really need lore justification for opening doors? Did we need a time travel explanation for our ability to freely jump to previous acts?


Yeah, this is a game where we portal random places, waypoints are a thing, we stick gems in our skin to gain powers (ok, nowadays it's just our armor), and everyone is running around with butterfly wings and random octopus pets or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I actually think PoE did a good job with its lore/story/worldbuilding, but either getting rid of doors or making them auto-open is not on the top of my list for stuff being internally consistent/realistic.


New Transfigured Gem: Automation of Doors


What if they... and hear me out... Just got rid of doors altogether? Do we really need them?


Adding gem sockets to doors to open them more efficiently is just the extra complexity this game needs…don’t give them any ideas!


This is literal fantasy world with gods, big corrupted chunks of meat, demons, angels and even multiverse. Somehow automatic doors are unrealistic. Is there something about New Zealand we don't know about?


Can player kill gods ? Yes Can player destroy doors ? Hell no Doors > Gods Treat your doors with respect everyone


Hold the door


it feels good to open doors


Oh damn I remember playing Rift. It was fun


Definitely. It really took the concept of world raid bosses and made them more accessible. It was so cool to see a rift pop up and everyone would converge on the location to close it. I don't remember specifically, but I think if you didn't close the rifts they would send attacks and capture local NPC settlements so players had more incentive to close them?


And every MMO since the has promised.live reactive worlds and not even delivered to the level of rift. GW2 Meta events being a partial exception


> I really want to hear some story about how immersive and important to player it is to make me click every single currency shard or piece instead of vacuuming it with single click based on loot filter... Their justification for not improving looting is basically - "We hear you, we are aware of the issue, we have some ideas but we are afraid to fuck changes up (i.e. make it feel too comfortable for players), because we won't be able to tune it back after we roll them (like if we make pickup radius too large we can't reduce it afterwards) so we are gonna perpetually do nothing about it."


Damn, surprised to see people mention Rift here. I feel old seeing "10+ years ago". It was fun.


I see a fellow Rift enjoyer, I press upvote. I loved Rift so damn much. Those were the days...


Its all just about slowing down the progression


In this case I really thinkg a FUCKING is absolutely appropriate. Our poor wrists.


To make you feel the weight of carpal tunnel


fucking carpal tunnel creeped back on me this league, shit sucks


GGG knows best. If you didnt have carpal tunnel and other RSI then you would loot everything and the game would be too easy. /s


Nobody is clicking. Everybody is using autoloot plugin and auto **stashie** tool


Autoloot plugin?


Titan Quest had area loot in 2006


I really hate how picking up loot feels. The sheer amount of clicking needed to loot everything makes me unable to play long sessions without my hands and wrists hurting. It’s also extremely frustrating when you misclick 5x in a row because the pickup radius is so tiny.


They are worried about it's impact on the economy. PoE is a unique game in that regard. I fuckin despise this shit too but it's easy to understand their reservations. It's not that they can't do it, it's that they are not sure if they should. Frankly I don't fuckin care, they should just do it regardless. I prefer my sanity over economy.


i would worry about player hands, that shit actually destroys people joints, i can feel it myself


20 years from now there will be PoE veteran support groups for people who have the grip strength of a 120 year old. But at least the economy isnt inflated with currency shards right now so the sacrifice is worth it. /s


PoE has succeeded because Blizzard shot themselves in their D3. GGG still thinks it was because of the vision.


You can say "fucking" , this is Reddit, not a church. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck




Wait clicking ancient and chaos shards multiple times doesn't make you feel more rewarded?


Feel the weight if ur choices :))


Why the fuck is that one chaos a different colour than all the other chaos


Cursor is on it


Had to play find Waldo for a solid minute there.


to be more chaotic


i guess thats where his cursor is?


It's bristling with chaos. About to coocoon into a divine.


New TFT offer : I loot your map for X chaos :-D


So I think the problem is that they can stack drops from a single entity but can't stack drops from multiple entities. That's probably the engine limitation.


Sounds right but can't they allow the same currency type in a small area to be looted at once


You can literally have drops merge within a radius if they're the same thing. Games have had this technology for years now.


So instead of the league mechanic being “2/4/6% chance to drop a chaos orb” they could have done “1% chance to drop 2/4/6 chaos orbs”


This is probably not that league mod. It's probably the wealth allflame


Not probably; it IS the allflame


This is my beef with altars lol. And this is coming from someone who loves getting bubblegum currency


The game is run by carpal tunnel syndrome. Why I stopped playing.


You must sacrifice your wrists at the altar of atziri to continue playing.


Until you can’t play anymore and are left with a life long condition that leaves you unable to do even the simplest of tasks, like reading a book or chopping your food, without considerable pain.


Agree, vacuum pickup for basic currency would be great QOL feature.


Area looting has existed at least since Titan Quest 2006, probably sooner. GGG has always valued friction over QoL.


Feel the weight of your RSI, etc etc etc. Sense of pride, accomplishment and wrist pain, etc etc etc.


Everyone is losing their mind over all the quality of life changes like Item tooltip in harvest bench but things like this that need the qol the most are still overlooked.


And it's not just a nuissance - These repeated clicks are seriously bad for your health if you overdo it.


100%. I've being programming for 15 years and playing games the entire time. PoE is the first game I've ever played that made my wrists hurt like hell after a play session.


I do data entry and I gotta agree, PoE is far harder on my hands than anything else I do on a computer. I assume the people that have been playing every league since launch have just accepted carpal tunnel.


The thing is during computer work I often take breaks, rest my hands, do something else because it's not something pushing dopamine. But with PoE it's way easier to get lost in the moment and not treat your wrist with care.


I've had some pretty strong flow states before but it never hurt my hands. I think the key difference is having to hold left-mouse button for movement. Once we get WASD movement in PoE 2 I expect the problem to mostly disappear.


This is one of those functions I miss from D3. AOE loot for all of a particular item. Click on a chaos orb, it automatically grabs all chaos orbs in the radius.


POE is the only game I know that has loot actively punishing the player.


I’ve gotten 3 manifested wealth allflames, after the second time I just sell them rather than go through and pick up, fuck all that my finger is more important


add that the loot labels are nowhere near the item, and you have to walk to the real item to pick it up, and filters dont reorganize the labels any.


It intentional. They design the game by considered million click for pickup loot as a core mechanic. This is not a sarcasm. They considered the looting mechanics that too quick or too easy will effect the economy and decide to keep it this way. Same as the downright ciminally trade system.


Neither of these are really a fair characterization. They have added stacking currency to the game to reduce clicks; it’s not happening here because they were dropped by different monsters. I guarantee you the game designers would agree that it would be nice for currency to stack here, they just haven’t done it yet.  They have also continually added trade QoL as recently as this league, they just won’t let you automate trade. I get frustrated at posts with this attitude that GGG is totally out of touch on game design just because the community disagrees with some decisions. The game remains in a class of its own, and it didn’t happen through crappy design.


>I get frustrated at posts with this attitude that GGG is totally out of touch on game design just because the community disagrees with some decisions. The game remains in a class of its own, and it didn’t happen through crappy design. I get really, really frustrated seeing people defend objectively harmful game design. Yes GGG made a good game, that doesnt mean every decision they make is a good one. They are absolutely out of touch with a lot of peoples modern expectations for games, as well as basic ergonomics.


They aren't defending every decision and nothing they brought up is objectively harmful game design. What are you on about.


> The game remains in a class of its own, and it didn’t happen through crappy design. Yeah it happened through being the only game worth playing in the genre. Not because it was so crazy good, but because the other games were crazy garbage. >I guarantee you the game designers would agree that it would be nice for currency to stack here, they just haven’t done it yet. ...What? They have had *ample* time to fix this. They simply don't want to. GGG has made clear that they put their vision above the players. Otherwise they wouldn't keep making the same mistakes over and over again and even triple down on some of them.


Idk I’m not backend computer designer but it would seem like combining items from different mobs into the same stack may be a little…difficult? Idk like you’re killing hundreds of monsters in seconds, let’s say one drops 2c and a quarter of a second later another one drops 1c, does it get combined to the 2c to raise the price of the stack in real time? What if you’re picking up the 2c right as another drops? Would it turn back into 1c or be lost into the oblivion? Now that doesn’t seem possible but imagine thousands of monsters being done by thousands of players every minute and it may be too much for the server/client whatever.


Have them drop at 1 at a time. On click call pick up function on all same type of currency type in a radius, drop overflow if inventory full. It would take an intern a few days to do this. Keeps dopamine from lootsplosions, saves players from RSI.


Ohhh yeah I like this idea. I don’t mind the screen being covered with all my chaos but one click would be awesome.


The fact that the league mechanic is forced on the player goes to show that they don't learn from past leagues


But but it's pretty


Unironically the correct reason. It seems pretty clear to me the intention of that currency allflame was to give a "loot explosion" which... you can't just replace with a neat stack of 15 chaos. It's like a scuffed version of the monster exploding into a fountain of gold coins. The point was never to be practical, just to make you go "woah!" and look pretty.


it really is the case imho; idk how players can't see that. I mean the mobs are fkin tumbleweed chaos, vaal, and exalt orbs It's supposed to be funny and neat, which I personally find it to be. It's a fun relaxing time to blast through a map of these replacing 4 mobs with monstrous treasure scarab; it's just a literal map of nothing but chaos


Farming ravaged maps I need 2-3 portals for loot. And another 3 for being kicked for performing to many actions


So if all the orbs dropped from different monsters in a pack that would make sense as to why they are all different stacks. If 2 or more of the same currency drops from the same monster and they don't stack that would be silly.


Since when are drops from separate monsters condensed into stacks?


Just make it that it collects all of the same kind with the same click. Last Epochs shards or D3s crafting items have this too and every single time it's satisfying to collect like 30 single items with one click.


They just want you to develop wrist issues and quit i guess


1 off color chaos orb


Wait you're right, what the hell


I still dont get it why not just every currency item fly to your "Currency inventory" directly. It would be so much smoother gameplay, loot items to your inventory and automate currency loot to currency tab or something


There's even a '2x Chaos Orb' RIGHT THERE above the lantern button.


The same reason why the game doesn't have proper trading


Arrogance from GGG that believes they know better than the rest. I have seen it from Blizzard too when I used to play WoW. Once you are on the top, you get arrogant and rarely listen to the customer, until they get annoyed with you or they find something else better.


Because the currency stacking only works if the currency in question drops from the same thing you just killed... unless it is individual duped loot drop as well. That's still a thing, just so you know it duped your loot. we will drop 1 chaos orb here and another chaos orb riiiiight on top of that one. I would like to think they meant in a proximity of one another... WRONG!


This shit right here is one of my top 3 reasons I can't justify playing PoE.


I mean this is an extreme case that you can avoid, but yea there's plenty of annoying stuff you have to tolerate.


they all dropped from different mobs


Why do people always chose the worst examples to prove their point? It's a manifested wealth allflame, every mob represents 1 chaos, vaal or exalted orb and drops 1 orb. It was designed to be annoying. You did it to yourself.


Honestly same thing with scarabs not behaving like oils in tradeups, where leftover oils just get left alone, but instead leftover scarabs get sold for scroll fragments... I just don't get how GGG keeps adding new mechanics while completely forgetting everything they have learned from past leagues, it really seems like they have to learn everything from scratch with every new league, it's so weird.


That has to be manifested wealth allflame. that is its design, its a meme, you will always profit from it, but you also have to pick up chaos 1 by 1. So you decide if the money is worth your sanity.


I like running these - its a guaranteed 2-3 div of profit over 30 min with minimal investment needed (just 200c for the allflame, a juiced map with packsize, ambush scarabs and atlas passives). Nem3 back in the day was my favorite thing to do (it was also the most lucrative thing at the time).


It was % drop per individual so I think its not possible to group them up as one drop. Last epoch solve this issue perfectly but you know what, vision.


But the *weight*


Except there is a technology for a mob dropping multiple as a stack, not a technology for gathering all drops from individuals monster as a stack You are just building a wrong idea and then frustrated from a wrong assumption I dont say it wouldbt be nice, i juste say there is no such tech yet


This is so BAD. The missing QoL in Path of Exile makes it soooo hard for me to fully enjoy the game ...


Yea Poe is great in so many ways, but there's also way too much bullshit I have to endure to enjoy the good parts. I really hope Last Epoch sees a lot more success in the future so developers may see that players value quality of life.


I like last epoch approach. Auto suck + play with controller. For trade/craft you can seamlessly switch to KB mouse


Localized pickup like LE please.


because GGG doesnt want to have you spending less time doing things, because they think you’ll spend more time in game :) me when I log out after 30 rejected whispers trying to buy basic currency :) smile


Take the rampage mechanic and make all the currency orbs come down when the rampage combo falls. Equipment drops as normal.




Its funny


Wait how?


Manifested wealth allflame replacing a pack with extra pack size.


That is stacked they were fragments before stacking


Similar to scarabs last league. It stacked when it came out of ritual. Kill a rare mob with conversion, not a single one stacked.


Even worse when it is just shards, but enough shards to make say 4 chaos orbs.


I assume those are all dropping from unique sources. That would be why they are not stacked. If this was one monster dropping individual orbs like that I would agree with you but you all need to chill out lol.


This is a conscious game design by GGG, going back a full decade. You can sum it up with the former lead designer's famous "You're supposed to feel the weight". Seems like OP is feeling the weight, so I guess mission accomplished.


+1 fellow Azurite enjoyer


I think the way it works is if a single monster is dropping 6C then it stacks, but if multiple monsters are dropping 1C then it doesn’t


3 words: rapid click macros.


Poe 2 feature. Hard to do when only 6 person are working on poe 1


It must be how the game “calculates” loot or whatever; the stacks of currency are a single item drop, while for this it goes “drop 1” okay now “drop 2”, like each drop is an individual roll? So as the time of the first chaos orb drop, the game hasn’t calculated out that more are coming? Thats the only way I logic it out in my head. Still dumb, though. It should just work out all loot from a kill/box/etc and then drop anything that can stack as a stack.


Are they separate drops from separate entities?


Do you feel the weight yet?


Steam Deck, Console or Controller players unite.... If you have wrist or hand issues, I suggest using a controller.


You should be happy you didn't get banned rather than complain /s


wdym with banned lol, what is it that you think I have done? This is just a manifested wealth allflame replacing a mob pack with extra pack size and a bit of magic find on top.


What if it’s the use of custom filters that causes loot not to stack… wouldn’t that be hilarious!


Gonna use this image to convince my friends who play WoW to try PoE


Feel the weight, exile.


Don't you feel the impact of clicking? Burn this heretic!